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Sinfully Spellbound Page 30

by Cassandra Lawson

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Spending the evening at SpellBinders was pretty damn boring when you weren’t planning to get laid or watch others have sex. Still, I had no intention of leaving Allie alone until the killer was caught. Allie agreeing to let me come with her had been a surprise, but maybe she was just tired of arguing with me tonight. I’d been doing nothing more than keeping a barstool warm while I nursed a drink for the last three hours, which gave me plenty of time to think about what had happened at the council meeting and wonder about my own sanity.

One could argue that Allie’s reaction to the affinity test had hurt my pride, but my reaction had little to do with my pride. Okay, some of it was about my pride, but I also wanted Allie to see that things really could work for us. Crazy as it sounded, even to me, I was sure we’d pass the test. I was also convinced my mother wouldn’t push for more than that. Yeah, my mom was eager for me to give her grandbabies to hold, but if I passed and was actively dating Allie, my mom would be convinced I was working toward those grandchildren she so desperately wanted. It wouldn’t be a lie, either. I was sitting here thinking about the big picture with Allie, which was crazy since we’d just met.

Of course, I’d heard about witch pairs who were truly a good match and knew right away, but I’d never really believed that. When my mom had told me stories about knowing my dad was the warlock for her within minutes of meeting him, I’d assumed she’d just read too many romance novels over the years and forgotten that love took time to grow. Did I love Allie? No, but I could see myself loving her. Mostly, I just felt drawn to her, like she was my other half—not something I was going to say to another person for fear of sounding stupid.

“Why don’t you let me find you some company?” Marcos asked, slithering up beside me like the snake he was. Marcos was dressed much like the last time I’d been here, in slacks and a black silk shirt, so I suspected this was his typical work attire.

“No need. I’m just waiting for Allie to get off work,” I said curtly, not wanting to encourage conversation. I wasn’t that bored.

“If you’re worried about Al getting upset, don’t be. We’re all very discreet here. I could get you in a room without her ever finding out about it. You like curvy brunettes, right?” he asked with a smirk.

Every time I was around Marcos, I found even more reasons to dislike him, and convincing Allie to quit this job moved up on my list of priorities.

“Get the fuck away from me,” I finally said, because I wasn’t in the mood to play nice with Marcos tonight, or any night for that matter.

Marcos’ composure slipped, and he looked pissed. “You know she’s never going to settle down with a warlock, don’t you?” he asked in an almost taunting voice. “Her father cheated on his witch. Her uncle cheated on his witch. Now, she gets to see warlocks who come here to fuck around behind their witches’ backs. People think sex demons like us are sluts, but it’s the warlocks who’ll fuck anything. You’re into her now because she’s new and has a hot little pussy, but that won’t last. You’ll get bored with that pussy and look for a new one. Why don’t you just let her go before you hurt her?”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I ground out, wondering what his game was. No fucking way did I believe he gave a damn about Allie getting hurt.

“I know how tight Al’s pussy is,” Marcos said with a smug grin. “It’s easy to get addicted to a cunt like that, especially with a succubus, but I can tell you from experience, it gets old. Part of the appeal with Al is how innocent she seems, but after a while, you realize it’s just an act.”

Grabbing Marcos by the collar, I leaned forward. “Don’t you ever fucking talk about her like some whore again or I will kill you. I already know you’re trying to make me believe you fucked her, but we both know that’s a lie. Allie has too much class to get involved with a piece of shit like you.”

Marcos jerked away and laughed, but it sounded forced. “Whatever makes you feel better about all of this,” he said with his slimy grin back in place. “A bit of advice, friend. Don’t forget who Al is. No matter how much you want to parade her around like a good little witch, she’s not. She’s a succubus, which means she has needs you can’t possibly understand.”

On those words, Marcos disappeared into the throng of people, which was probably a good thing since I was pretty sure I’d get my ass thrown in jail for setting him on fire if he said one more word about Allie. The logical part of my brain knew he was only saying those things to get a rise out of me, and I already knew Allie wouldn’t sleep with Marcos. That made it even worse, because I had to play nice with an asshole who was making up lies about my witch. Even if she had slept with him, it was her past. I didn’t care how many men Allie had been with in her past. What right did I have to judge her?

Watching Allie approach in her tight red dress, my emotions were running high. After only a day with her, I knew this wasn’t her normal attire. She was expected to dress this way for work, making me even more pissed about her job. A voice in the back of my head told me to calm down and keep my mouth shut, but as Allie took a seat beside me, I felt my inner-asshole coming to the surface.

“Are you bored yet?” she asked, sounding exhausted.

“You can’t keep working here,” I told her, turning my attention to my drink.

“Excuse you,” she said. “Did I miss the part where you get to tell me what to do?”

That’s when I turned my angry glare on her. “Someone obviously needs to tell you what to do because no intelligent person would work in this hell hole.”

There was absolutely no hesitation or shocked gasps from Allie. Her palm made contact with my cheek hard enough that I was sure it would leave a mark.

“You’ve got five seconds to apologize before I put the heel of my shoe in your balls,” she warned.

Fuck me! Allie’s attitude made me want to do her on the bar. I was so hot for her in that moment that I was having trouble forming a coherent thought. Luckily, I was smart enough to know she’d probably follow through with her threat to injure my balls. “You’re right. I’m sorry for being an asshole.”

“You’d better be,” she muttered.

“I’d just talked to Marcos, and I was pissed,” I explained. “At him, not at you, so I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

“Marcos has that effect on everyone,” she said. “That still doesn’t mean I won’t slap you again if you call me stupid.”

“You’re so fucking sexy when you put me in my place,” I murmured as I stood and lifted her off the barstool. “I need to get you naked, now. Direct me to a room we can use, or I’ll do it out here.”

Allie’s eyes widened and her breathing became shallow as she pointed in the direction of a room. At least, I hoped it was a room. As much as I wanted Allie, I wasn’t at all sure I liked the idea of anyone else seeing her naked.

With Allie in my arms, I stalked across the crowded club. Had we been anywhere else, people might have been staring, but at SpellBinders, they ignored us. The only person I thought might say something was Marcos, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Once in the room, I set Allie on the floor and kissed her. My tongue invaded her mouth as she tugged at my shirt to pull it from my jeans. The feel of her hands on my back was enough to make me moan.

“Fuck, Allie,” I said against her lips. “I’m not sure anything could get me hotter than you telling me off like you did.”

She let out a husky laugh. “You really like me threatening your balls with my shoe?” she asked.

“I like that you’re strong and not afraid to tell me when I screw up,” I said as I trailed kisses along her neck, making my way to her barely covered breasts.

“Dylan,” she said, grabbing my hair.

I looked up at her, hoping she wasn’t going to tell me stop because that might kill me.

My expression must have been pretty funny because she laughed. “Can you throw your shirt over the securi
ty camera?” she asked, pointing to the camera mounted in the corner. That’s when I gave an inward sigh of relief, stripped out of my shirt, walked across the room, and tossed it over the security camera. Okay, it may have taken me three tries to get it to stay up there while Allie stifled giggles at my attempts, the first of which wasn’t even close.

“I guess this explains why you weren’t involved with sports when we were in school,” she teased.

“Smart ass,” I said as I looked around the room, hoping to find a bed. “What the fuck?” I asked, looking at Allie with one raised eyebrow. “Is that a rack in the corner?”

Allie nodded. “Some demons and werewolves are into pain on a level you wouldn’t want to imagine. This room doesn’t get used often, which is good because it takes hours to clean up.”

“Not an image I want in my head,” I said as I sauntered toward her. “I guess this means I’ll be fucking you standing up against the wall.”

Allie looked around skeptically. “If you can find a free space.”

She had a point. The room had more torture equipment than a medieval dungeon. “Door it is,” I said as I slipped a foot down to take off my shoes before thinking better of it. “You may have ruined the mood,” I admitted, enjoying the sound of Allie’s laughter.

“It’s just as well,” she said with a sigh. “We really can’t do this.”

“In general, or just here?” I asked.

She smiled. “Here. While the first time was in a tame room, there are plenty like this, and I don’t want that memory stuck in my head.”

I didn’t argue with her because it was something I’d prefer to avoid myself. “You’ve just got to stop getting me all hot and bothered when I’m here.” I brushed the hair back from her face.

“And how am I supposed to do that?” she asked with one hand on her hip.

I grinned at her. “Simple, just do everything I say like a good girl, and I won’t be tempted to fuck you so often.”

Her laughter flowed over me like sunshine on a winter day. That’s when I realized I might need to hand in my man card later for my poetic thoughts. I gently stroked her cheek with the back of my hand and stared at her for a moment before speaking. “What the hell are you doing to me, sweetheart?”