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Shifter Overdrive Page 61

by Scarlett Grove

He walks slowly toward me and sits beside me on the bed. His weight moves me upward, and his close proximity gives me a buzz. I can smell his scent and feel the heat of his body close to mine.

He leans toward me and brushes my hair aside and breathes against my neck.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment since the first time I saw you,” he says.

“I didn’t look anything like this the first time you saw me,” I say in a strained voice. I let out a grunting laugh, and I feel like an idiot.

“You look the same. I see more than what is on the outside. You are truly a princess.”

“Tell that to my dragon. She hates my guts.”

He lets out a hearty laugh. “Nonsense,” he says. “Your dragon cannot possibly hate you. You are your dragon.”

“Tell her that. She thinks I’m weak.”

“You have not fully integrated both parts of yourself. It must be a result of not being aware of your true nature for so many years. You should ask Gizmel about it tomorrow. Perhaps he will have some ideas.”

“Thanks. I don’t think I can handle her snarling at me all the time.”

“I am happy to be of service,” he says, giving me one of his bright smiles. He leans towards me and brushes his lips against my ear. His hot breath tingles over my sensitive skin, arousing me as he always does when he is close. I moan and close my eyes. He touches my knee and slowly works his way up my leg.

I take a sharp breath as my nipples prick. I’m ready for this. I’ve resisted the inevitability all this time. Now that it is here, I wonder why I haven’t given in sooner. Conyac is sweet and kind, and every time I’m near him, he makes my pussy weep.

His hand trails further up my thigh and dips between my legs. I gasp as the electricity of his tough shocks my core. He kisses my neck and behind my ear, making me hot and tingly all over. As his hand moves over my stomach and up to grip my breast, he tilts his head to claim my mouth with his.

The fire between us as we kiss consumes me. I grip his shoulders, bringing him closer. Conyac presses his tongue into my mouth. His kiss is like sweet, liquid heaven. I can't get enough of him. I want to drink him in and have him fill me with everything he has. He pulls me tighter to his hard body. My breasts crush against his chest.

I'm breathless and lightheaded with arousal. Conyac pulls the straps of my dress down, and it falls around my breasts. He releases me from our passionate kiss and runs his mouth over my neck and chest as he grips my breasts in both hands. I'm panting and moaning as he flicks his tongue around my nipples and pulls them into his mouth.

My panties are soaked with my arousal, and I spread my legs, ready for him to touch me there. He senses my readiness and slides his hand under my gown, cupping my ready sex in his big hand. His mouth still plays with my breasts as he dips a finger under the seam of my panties, feeling my slickness.

He purrs as he slides his finger between my wet folds. I throw back my head. Conyac consumes my breasts as he pushes his finger against my swollen clit. I'm so hungry I could scream. I'm starving for him to take me. I wish he would go faster, but he touches me with slow, methodical pressure, pushing against my clit with his thumb in a tight circle.

I can't stand it and collapse against the mattress. Conyac growls and begins yanking off my clothes. I'm naked quickly, and my hot skin is exposed to the cool night air. My chest rises and falls with my panting breaths, and I spread my legs for Conyac.

His eyes graze over my open pussy as I rub my hands over my hungry flesh. He grips my knees, opening my legs even further, and he climbs on the bed over me. He kisses down my body until he is between my legs.

I can feel his breath against my soaking wet pussy. It sends a tingle up and down my spine. I'm whimpering and shaking with need. Conyac runs his long, wet tongue up my slit and presses it against my tight bud. I groan and grip the bed sheets behind my head, my legs shaking.

With his long fingers, he presses against my core, and slowly slides them inside my hot channel. His tongue works my clit with such skill, I think I will explode. He begins to pump in and out of me with his fingers. I scream as my body contracts around him, sucking his fingers further inside.

My breasts are swollen and on fire. The orgasm is so intense it leaves me blinded as it throbs through my entire body.

Conyac growls as he pulls his clothing off and climbs on top of me. He claims my mouth, and I can feel his hot rod press against my thigh. I'm shaking and whimpering for him to enter me. Sliding his hand down my thigh, he lifts my leg up around his waist as he presses his cock against my opening. I groan loudly, whimpering and panting as he pushes inside.

"Oh God!" I cry out as he enters me. He is so large, long and wide, it startles me as it stretches my inner walls. I'm so wet and ready, I can take it, even though the thought of it terrifies me. He sucks and bites my neck as he thrusts hard into my core, sinking inside. "Fuck," I moan as he fills me. "Oh God. Oh God!"

I can't think. I'm a bundle of nerves and desire. Conyac has become my god, and I am at one with him. I live for his touch and the movement of his shaft inside me.

He begins to move back and slowly pumps in and out of me. "Fuuuuck," I groan, feeling so close to coming again. All at once, it overtakes me. Conyac thrusts into me with abandon as I come hard and fast on his cock.

"Yes, princess, yes. Come for your king," he growls into my neck. I don't stop. I keep orgasming, over and over, as he takes me.

He grunts and turns me over on all fours. I whimper at the loss of him as cold air touches my hot pussy. He slaps my ass and presses his finger against my slick, tight hole. I bite my lip at his touch. There's never been anything in there before. "I want to take you in here," he says, sliding his cock over my asshole, wetting it further.

"Uhmm..." I hesitate.

"Not tonight, princess. Later. I will take you there. When we make hilock together. I will mark you in all your openings." He pushes his shaft inside me as he slaps my ass. I groan loudly as I come the instant he enters me. It's as if he's given me back a part of myself that I'd lost.

Conyac grips my hips and pulls me against him, mercilessly thumping into me as he pulls me up and down on his manhood. I can feel him grow inside me as his fingers dig into my flesh. For such a sweet dragon, he fucks like a maniac. "Conyac," I scream as he comes inside me. I feel his hot seed fill my core and suddenly think about birth control. Oopsy. But I'm too turned on to care. My body sucks every last drop of his cum inside me as it pulses around him.

Slowly, he pulls out and we collapse on the bed together. He enfolds me in his arms and kisses my forehead after pulling the blanket over us both. My body still contracts and throbs from the multiple orgasms he gave me. I'm breathless and sated, kissing his chest and cheeks as I squeeze my legs together. I feel like an animal in heat, and my inner dragon hisses contentedly inside my head.

"Conyac," I breathe into his neck. "I've never felt this way before."

"My darling princess. We can make hilock tonight. Let us not delay."

I pull back slightly. I made a promise to Trav that I would have them both. I don't want to break my word, but my entire being is screaming to be mated to Conyac. I want him to take me again, right here and now.

"I can't," I finally say. "I have to stay true to my word. What kind of queen will I be if I break an oath?"

"I respect that, my princess. But I cannot say I am not disappointed. I too have never felt this way. Making love to you is like coming home."

I let out a soft whimper as I nestle under his arm, against his chest. I don't know how I'm going to get myself to make love to another man, ever, after this. But I cannot break a vow.

Chapter 19

I sit across the breakfast table from Trav as Conyac whispers sweet words into my ear. Trav growls. "Did you make love last night?" Trav demands.

"We did," I say, giggling as Conyac kisses a ticklish spot on my neck.

"But you did not make hilock," he says. It is a statement. "I can s
mell you are still unbound."

"We did not make hilock," Conyac says in a disappointed tone.

"I agreed to sample you both," I say. "I'm not going back on my word. My dragon would tear my eyes out if I broke an oath. Which reminds me, I need to speak with Gizmel about integrating with my inner dragon. She's kind of a biatch. If you know what I mean. We don't get along very well."

Trav mouths the word biatch with a confused look on his face. "Of course, my lady. You must be at one with your dragon if we are to defeat the Org," he says. "We must also begin your training with swords. Your dragon power will be mighty, but there may be times when you will need fighting skills in your mortal form."

"Sword fighting. No, no, no... I'm a photographer."

"Whatever that is, I'm sure it was useful in your world, but it has no purpose in battle."

"Well, not when you can just scry the battle scene, no... Anyway, I don't want to learn to sword fight." I look up at Conyac for some moral support.

"I believe Prince Trav is correct. You should learn to fight with fist and sword. It will serve you well in battle."

"Fine, fine. Do I get one of those glowing swords like you guys have?"

"The weapons and armor of the Skylands are stored in the armory," Conyac tells me. "I am sure they are expertly crafted."

Now my curiosity is piqued. My own weapons and armor? That doesn't sound half bad. If I'd been a sci-fi nerd back on Earth, I'd probably be having a little nerdgasm about now. "Let's take a look after breakfast," I say. "Who is going to teach me to fight?"

"I'm afraid I must travel back to Castle Blackwell, my lady. I despise leaving you, but there are important matters for me to attend to at my keep."

I frown. I don't want Conyac to leave. I think I'm falling in love with him. The mind-blowing sex last night attached me to him in a way I hadn't expected. Plus, he always defends me against Trav's bullying ways.

"It will be my honor to teach you to fight, my lady. And tonight, you will share my bed."

I shudder at the idea. After last night with Conyac, I don't know if I can go through with it with Trav. But I made a promise. Trav's not so bad, I guess. When he had his face between my legs a week ago, he made me come like a madwoman. I bite my lip and look from one prince to the other. This is the most difficult thing I've ever had to do in my life.

In all honesty, I'm leaning toward Conyac. Trav's always been kind of a dick. However, I've only known these guys a short time. There might be something I'm missing, and I can't make my judgment off of first impressions.

After breakfast, I bid Conyac goodbye in the front hall. He holds me in his arms and kisses me gently. I hug him tight to me, not wanting to let him go. Maybe I should have bonded with him last night. My inner dragon hisses at the thought, and I bat her away inside my head. I want this moment with Conyac. It is tender and true, and I don't want her to ruin it for me.

He promises he will return soon and that we will make hilock after I've had the chance to fulfill my oath. I hold his hand to the last second as he steps away. He presses his hand to his heart before turning to go. I frown as he walks into the sunshine and shifts into his giant blue dragon.

Conyac's dragon lets out a loud roar that I can only assume is his final goodbye. I wave to him as he jumps into the air. As he flies out of sight, I sigh and turn to walk up the many flights of stairs to Gizmel's laboratory.

I find Gizmel bent over his scrying bowl. His brows are knit together in a worried expression. He looks up at me as I enter, and a slow frown curves on his lips. “Princess,” he says, straightening his back as he stands and steps away from the scrying bowl. He seems to want to hide whatever it is that is showing in his vision.

“What is it?” I ask stepping towards the bowl.

“Princess, you don’t want to see that,” he says.

“Yes, I do,” I say, peering into the bowl. What I see in the dark waters is a horde of Orgs surging towards a black keep. Blue flags wave from the parapets, emblazoned with a dragon symbol. It’s the symbol of Conyac’s house. “That is Castle Blackwell isn’t it?” I demand.

“Yes, princess. I told you, you didn’t want to see it.”

“We should have all gone,” I say angrily.

“Prince Trav insisted you stay here with him until he’s had his chance with you this evening.”

“This is ridiculous. When Castle Warren was under attack, we all went to defend it. Now when Conyac’s keep is in danger, we don’t return the favor.”

“Lady, it is a very small legion of Orgs. Much smaller than what attacked Castle Warren. You needn’t worry. Prince Conyac can easily defeat these few Orgs.”

“Very well, if you say so. That is why I came up to see you today. I need your help with something. I’m having issues with my inner dragon. We don’t seem to get along. Conyac suggested I come to you. He thought you might be able to help me integrate with her.”

Gizmel strokes his long white beard as he ponders my request. “Interesting. You don’t feel at one with your own dragon?”

“No, I don’t. In fact, I think she hates me. If she could, I think she would eat me alive and then shit me out all over Skyland Castle.”

“My lady, I’m sure it isn’t that bad,” he says smirking.

“Ah, but it is. And frankly, I hate her too. She’s kind of a bitch. She tells me I’m weak and many other insulting things. If I could get her out of my head, that would be ideal.”

“This does present a conundrum, my lady. But I think I have a solution for you. It may not be instantaneous, but it will begin the process of you integrating completely with your inner dragon. There should be no separation between you. Your mind should be at one in all things. That is the only way for you to gain all the matriarchal powers once you become queen. If you are not integrated fully with your dragon before you make hilock it could be disastrous.”

“Now you tell me. It’s a good thing I didn’t make hilock with Conyac last night. I wouldn’t want a raving, uncontrollable, queen dragon tearing about my castle. Now what do I need to do?”

“Come with me.”

Gizmel and I hurried down the stairs and out the front doors into the sunlight of the gardens around Skyland Castle. I can smell the fragrant flowers on the soft breeze that flutters through my hair. I’m wearing long culottes, a loose tunic, and knee-high leather boots that I prefer over the evening gowns in my closet.

“Now, my lady, allow your inner dragon to come out.”

“But I have no idea how to do that,” I say. It comes out as a whine even though I don’t intend it to. My inner dragon growls at me, hissing and scratching inside my brain. She wants to come out more than anything. She wanted to come out last night when I was making love to Conyac. She wants to come out every moment of every day. It is a good thing that I have more control over our shared body than she does, otherwise she would dominate our form all the time.

“Of course you can, my lady. You did it yesterday.”

“That only happened because I was falling to my death,” I say, shrugging.

“Perhaps the princess should jump off the wall again?”

“I don’t think that will be necessary. Let me try this without committing suicide.”

I close my eyes and focus on my inner dragon. She is right there, impatiently waiting to come out. I ask her how I let her out, and she hisses at me. “Let me out, human.”

“But how?” I ask her. She seems to understand how. But I don’t, and I’m the one who needs to do it. I bite my lip and imagine myself turning into a dragon. The thought scares the hell out of me, and my body tenses up, my intestines gurgle, I think I need to throw up.

I take a few cleansing breaths, my eyes still tightly shut. The vision of my inner dragon behind my eyes grows larger and larger, until her face is right in front of me. Her glowing amber eyes stare into my soul, into our soul. It is then that I realized that we share soul. We are one being, not two.

A fire erupts in my belly, and I feel
myself breaking. I scream as my body writhes. I am transforming, and before I can completely fathom what is happening to me, I have become the dragon. It is her mind that is in control now, and I am she.

I roar. The vibration shakes the ground of my land. I am the Skyland Princess. I will be queen. The human must realize that she is me. Until she knows who I am, we cannot rule. The dragon born spend most of their time in their mortal form communicating with other mortals.

The human must learn to listen to me. She must heed my counsel as if it is her own conscience. As of now she fears me, and I don’t blame her. What she told the gnome was true. I despise her weakness, but I cannot deny that she and I are one being. I cannot eat her alive and shit her out all over Skyland Castle, no matter how amusing the idea actually is.

“You are beautiful,” the gnome says below me. I turn my brilliant face toward him and grin, showing him my sharp teeth. He steps back, as he should. “My lady, Princess Dani, are you in there?”

At his question I can feel the human within me trying to respond. She wants to tell the gnome that she is still here. And of course she is. I will never be free of the human mind, nor would I want to be. I am a changeling, not an animal. I simply want the human to toughen up and do her duty.

I crane my neck into the air and let out and explosive scream. The shockwaves of my dragon power crash through all of Skyland. The dragon born princess of Endor has arrived, and this is my power.

I look back at the gnome. He has his hands pressed to his ears and a grimace on his face. But he is well. If I had intended to do him harm, he would be dead, his eyes bleeding from the bite of my sound waves.

“Brilliant!” Gizmel shouts, clapping. “Absolutely brilliant, princess. Your power is strong. When you become queen you will easily defeat the Orgs.” I grin at him again, satisfied that he has noticed how powerful I truly am.

“Princess Skyland. Now that you are in dragon form, try to allow your human mind to come forward. You can hear her and feel her inside of you, correct?”