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Shifter Overdrive Page 113

by Scarlett Grove

He didn’t begrudge his daughter the levity; he simply wished it could have come at some other time. He stood in front of the mirror in his bedroom wearing a black shirt, black slacks, and a black jacket. He’d helped Morgan shop for costumes and had given into buying himself vampire fangs.

He placed the fangs in his mouth and smiled showing the pointed teeth. He spat them out into his hands with disgust. Sharp teeth could grow from his mouth by moonrise tomorrow. Playing a monster wasn’t a game when you were one.

He sat on his bed with his head in his hand and glanced over at the hole in his wall. He’d covered it with a sheet of particleboard left over from the construction on the Miller house, but a cold draft still came through. He looked at it with complete despair.

They hadn’t found anything, no clues, no leads. It was useless. He didn’t know how he could push himself through this party tonight. He should have been more proactive in the last few weeks, but he had been stupid enough to assume the answers would come. He assumed Jane would have a dream or there would be some new revelation. Neither had occurred.

Thoughts of suicide shifted through is mind. The memory of his wife’s cold, wet corpse played in his brain. He groaned and rose from the bed. There had to be something he could do. There must be some stone left unturned. He shoved the ridiculous teeth in his pocket, grabbed a box of candy for the potluck, and left the room.

In the second-floor hallway, he could hear Morgan laughing from her bedroom. He went to look through the doorway and found Jane helping Morgan into her fairy princess costume. She wore a silky purple and pink gown with diaphanous wings and a sparkly crown. She waved an equally sparkly wand around Jane’s head. Jane was dressed as a zombie or a ghost. He couldn’t tell which. Her face was white, and she had black zigzagging lines drawn across her cheeks from the corners of her mouth.

They walked down to the car and saw Daisy wave from her boyfriend’s pickup. Daisy was dressed as a scarecrow, with straw poking out from under her floppy brimmed hat.

Everyone piled in the car, and Nathanial followed the pickup down the dirt road and into the village. They pulled into the community center parking lot in the midst of one of the largest gatherings of vehicles the area would see all year. There were at least twenty cars parked already.

The community center was a large, single-room, log building. Inside, bright country music played as children danced on the old, sloping floor that lead to a slightly raised stage. A buffet of potluck offerings were collected on a long folding table against the entrance wall.

Nathanial spotted Sandra, the girl from the general store. Her eyes lit up when they noticed each other. He tried not to cringe. She’d practically been stalking him since his wife died. He put his arm around Jane’s waist and walked with her over to the buffet. Sandra gave him a disappointed pout and went back to talking to her girlfriend. He set the box of expensive chocolates on the table and poured Jane a cup of punch.

Morgan buried her head in his hip for a moment and then gained enough confidence to join the other children on the dance floor. He got himself a cup of punch and he and Jane went to sit on the folding chairs along the wall. A broad smile lit Jane’s face, even through the ridiculous makeup.

“What are you dressed as?” he asked her, over the noise of music and laughter.

“I’m the corpse bride.”

Nathanial couldn’t help but be repulsed by the idea. It struck him hard in the heart and sank into his stomach, making him feel ill. He took a deep breath and forced a smile. She hadn’t noticed his reaction and was happily watching Morgan play.

Nathanial turned his attention back to the kids. It was good to see his daughter happy. He still held hope that he could move her somewhere warmer and more populous for the winter. If he just didn’t shift tomorrow… He made a silent prayer.

On the stage, Amelia Brown, the schoolteacher, conducted the children’s costume contest. There were six judges, all prominent members of the community. Nathanial had been asked to judge, but he usually turned down that kind of thing. All the children lined up in front of the stage, and the five finalists were announced. Morgan was one of them. Jane and Nathanial cheered when her name was announced. She smiled shyly from the stage, as she stood with the other boys and girls. The judges gave each of the finalists a special prize and gave all the other children who dressed-up prizes as well.

Morgan ran over with her brightly colored, laminated bookmark that had a picture of a Disney Princess on it. Nathanial wasn’t sure which one it was, Cinderella or Pocahontas. He couldn’t keep them straight. Morgan’s bright emerald eyes told him he should start paying more attention as she exclaimed how much she loved Snow White.

After the costume contest was finished, a comical and vaguely suggestive adult contest was conducted by the owners of the local bar. Jane received a can of cheap beer, as did everyone else in costume. She came back to sit with him, laughing as she cracked open the can.

“They didn’t see your teeth,” she said, taking a swig. “Want some?”

He accepted her offer and took a sip of her cold beer. The liquid tingled down his throat, and he wondered if there was anything stronger available.

A male voice announced apple-bobbing from a large, circular trough filled to the brim with cold water. Nathanial looked over to see Sandra’s father dumping a paper shopping bag full of apples into the water. The children scurried around, eager to participate.

They pushed their painted faces into the cold water, wetting their costumes and hair. Morgan carefully leaned over the trough, trying not to get wet, but soon gave into the excitement and went wild like the other children. It took her several tries, but she finally managed to pull out a bright-red apple with her teeth. She bit into her prize, giggling with another little girl.

Jane downed her beer and stood up.

“I’ll be right back.”

He watched her walk across the room to Clive. Clive looked like he’d dressed as a lumberjack, but that was his normal attire. Nathanial wondered what business Jane had with Clive, but it soon became clear. She led him to where Sandra stood in her ‘naughty kitten’ outfit. He looked Sandra up and down, and she smiled at him coyly. Jane talked to them both for a moment and then came back to sit with Nathanial.

“What was that about?”

“Just a little match making.”

He rubbed her back as she leaned forward watching the festivities. She seemed happy to sit with him and observe. He liked that about her. Not needing to socialize constantly. He liked his privacy, even before the curse took over his life. His late wife had been a social butterfly, and would drag him into dull conversations with people he had no interest in talking to. There were many things he missed about her, but that wasn’t one of them.

As the party died down and the parents took their children home, Nathanial could tell Morgan was growing tired. He picked her up, carried her to the car, and buckled her in. They drove back home, and Jane helped him get the tired little girl out of her costume and into bed.

They stood outside Morgan’s closed door, so close he could feel the heat from her body. He turned to her, wanting to take her in his arms, wanting to feel the mysteries of her voluptuous flesh.

They moved down the hall toward Jane’s room. He took her hand and kissed her palm. Her eyes glossed over with unspilled tears.

“I just want you to know. No matter what was between us in the past. In this lifetime, you’ve done so much for me. You’ve given me a great deal of hope. You are deep inside my heart, Jane. I just wish I had more time.”


“Something is going to happen tomorrow night.”

“The wolves?”

“Yes. But it’s more than that.”

She looked up into his eyes searching for answers. He couldn’t bring himself to say it. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her he was a monster. A beast.

“I have something for you. It's in my office.”

They walked to his offi
ce, and he pulled wrapped packages from a drawer. She took them, with confusion and delight in her eyes.

“What is this for?”

“Just for being you.”

She moved toward him, coming into his inner sphere. He couldn’t bare her being so close. Not with the beast coming. He wouldn’t be able to control himself if their lips met, or she touched him with her soft, white hands.

“Please, open it,” he said moving toward his decanter behind the desk. He poured himself a drink and looked back at her. She seemed crestfallen, but sat silently in the chair on the other side of his desk. She carefully unwrapped the paper. When she saw the jars of rich amber liquid and the luxurious body cream, her expression changed.

“Wow,” she said sniffing the jar. “This is amazing.” She spritzed her neck with the perfume. The scent of roses and lilacs filled the air. The aroma tantalized his senses. The beast roared to consume her femininity. He took another swig of bourbon and set the glass on his desk, bracing himself for the next package.

She tore into this one, her excitement increased by the exquisiteness of the last gift. She pulled out the lingerie and held it to herself looking at him with slightly parted lips. She still wore the ghastly face paint, and it was the only thing preventing him from jumping over the table and attacking her.

“Should we try this now?”


She pouted. “I’ll wash my face,” she said, giggling.

“It isn’t that, I just can’t. Not tonight.”

“When?” Her tone had an angry edge.


“Let’s not relive the past Nathanial,” she said, standing and gathering her things.

“Jane, please. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I seem to remember you saying that before. And look where that got us.”

“Just know that I’m trying to fix this. I may have failed, but I refuse to let you get hurt.”

“Are you talking about Owen?”

“Among other things.”

“Why don’t we just leave?”

“I can’t. Not yet.”

“Fine. Have it your way. But I don’t know how long I can wait. I know that in my heart, you are,” she stopped and sighed heavily, “You are like maybe my soul mate. I’ve loved you forever. I still do. Although, sometimes I’m not sure why.”

She walked to the door. He wanted to stop her but couldn’t. She had a right to be angry. He couldn’t protect her, couldn’t give her what she wanted. He was a coward. He poured himself another drink.

Chapter 15

I went to my room with Nathanial’s gifts. I knew something was wrong. The wolves were coming again, and it had something to do with him. Morgan had said it was him. Maybe it was. I dumped the gifts on my bed and sat down with a humph.

If he would just tell me, we could get past it. Maybe whatever was causing this wolf problem had something to do with Owen. If I just knew, I could help him piece it together.

I held the lingerie up to myself and looked at the vanity mirror. It was damn sexy and looked great against my skin and hair. I got up, went to the bathroom to wash my face, and came back to my bedroom and change out of my clothes.

I slipped into the bustier. It fit perfectly. How did he know my size? He must have spent a lot of time looking or going through my underwear drawer, the little perv. The idea made me giggled with delight. I pulled on the lacy g-string. Garters hung around my thighs, and I rolled the white stockings up to attach to the delicate hooks. Then I slipped into a pair of heels and examined myself in the mirror.

It took every ounce of my self-control and self-respect not to go down the hall and throw myself at Nathanial. He’d never be able to resist me in this. My breasts were formed and pushed up succulently. The boned waist cinched my curves to accentuate my round hips. I wanted to fuck me.

I turned off the light, kicked off my shoes and got under the covers. I licked my finger and pushed it inside the g-string, finding my moist mount. It tingled and shuddered with contact. I rubbed myself in tight little circles, gripping my breast with the other hand.

I thought of Nathanial’s hard, chiseled body, his dark eyes, his commanding presence. I envisioned him coming into my room, tearing back my blankets and pushing his cock deep inside me, thrusting into my tender flesh with his hips.

I sighed and withdrew my hand. Rain pattered against my window. What of the salt? A wave of fatigue and sadness washed over me, and I slept.

My dreams came in pale silver and mist, like the rippling of a lake at dawn. I stood by the water’s edge wearing a white slip with a long tear up my thigh. I felt cold.

I saw his face. Owen. His eyes were gray like the dim sky. He walked toward me, soaking wet. Weeds wrapped around his shoulders and dangled from his hair.

My heart sank. I wanted to run but felt rooted to the ground, the way I’d felt in his bed. He came to me, moving in so close I could smell the dank dampness of his breath. He ran his wet hand over my hair and smiled, showing his blackened teeth. I closed my eyes, wanting to puke or flee. My body stayed impotent, unable to connect to the force within me.

“My darling, Melody,” he whispered in my ear.

I shivered as cold water dripped from his body onto mine. He brought me into his chest, soaking the thin white slip I wore, revealing my breasts. He stroked my face and ran his hand down my body to grope my breast.

“I’ve waited so long for you. When you died, I went to meet you. I flung myself into the icy water to be by your side. Now I will take you with me and our love will live forever.”

“What love?” I croaked through my dry, paralyzed throat.

“Don’t pretend you don’t remember the feel of my cock between your thighs, dear Melody. We’ve had such fun in these last few weeks.”

“It was a dream. That’s all. A dream isn’t real. Let me go.”

I gained the strength to push against his shoulders with my weak arms. He pulled me closer, pressing his hardness into my tender flesh. I gasped as he bit and sucked at my neck. I couldn’t gather the strength to fight him.

“No,” I whispered.

“I will have you, Melody. You will come to me. We will be together, forever. Tomorrow night, when the moon rises, you will be my bride.”

“Never. I never loved you. It was always Nathanial.”

I found the force to push myself away and ran on shaking limbs toward the house. Then I was in the lake. The silver-black waters swirled around me. Something caught my foot, pulling me down. I gulped for air as the weight around my ankle forced me underwater.

Dim light streamed into the murky waters. I looked down and saw Owen gripping my ankle. His weight pulled me downward. I struggled, trying to free myself. My white slip fluttered around me in the weightlessness of the water. The last air from my lungs bubbled toward the surface above, and I let go. I was sinking.

A wicked grin struck through Owen’s face. I looked at him in shocked release. I was going to die.

Below in the black depths, I spied a twinkling light. It sparkled in my eyes, nearly blinding me. What was it?

I sat up in my bed as the clear morning light streamed through my curtains. I was covered in sweat, my heart beating a frantic flame. There was a loud banging at my door. I threw a bathrobe over the bustier I still wore and ran to open it.

On the other side, stood Nathanial. His face was stark white with panic.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

“Hurry and get dressed,” he said panting, “Morgan is missing.”

Nathanial called Search and Rescue which said they would dispatch a team as soon as possible. Their tone made him feel like they believed she would show up on her own. Under normal circumstances, Morgan could take care of herself and would wander back home after a while. But this wasn’t a normal circumstance.

He was about to shift. If she remained in the woods while he was in werewolf form, he could eat her alive. The idea of destroying his own daughter ma
de him want to weep in disgust or throw himself from the turret.

He, Jane, and the staff spread out through the woods in both directions calling her name. He tramped through the woods smelling the fresh scent of pine in the cool morning air. His breath blew out before him in a misty cloud as he panted to the rhythm of his quick footsteps.

Why had she gone? Morgan was a haunted child, always talking about her mother. Until he’d seen Owen with his own two eyes, he’d believed the child to be overly imaginative. Now he believed her. Now it was too late.

He heard Jane’s voice over the ridge calling Morgan’s name. Guilt crushed his chest and he walked more frantically, shouting, “Morgan! Morgan!” He checked all her favorite places as soon as he’d woken. She wasn’t in the barn or the settler’s cabin. She wasn’t playing with Daisy at the hunter’s lodge. Daisy hadn’t even come home last night, and neither had Clive.

The only people out looking were Nathanial, Jane, Joshua, and Patty. Penny said she was too busy. It made Nathanial want to fire her on the spot, but he didn’t have time for that now. Joshua and Patty had gone searching toward the road while Nathanial and Jane went toward the mountain.

He heard her voice growing more and more distant as she crested the ridge. He should have gotten on horseback, but in his panic, he hadn’t thought. He prayed that soon Search and Rescue would arrive with dogs and helicopters.

He came to a clearing that opened into a grassy meadow. A doe lifted her head and sniffed the air. His beast’s senses kicked in. He crouched, wanting to pounce and sink his teeth into the doe’s neck. He wanted to feel her blood seeping down his throat, feel her life bleeding into his body, filling him with strength.

The beast in him was taking over, bit by bit. It wouldn’t be much longer until it demanded its turn, until it demanded its fulfillment. An image of Jane superimposed over the deer who bent her graceful neck down to graze. He licked his lips and smiled. He would have her too.

Nathanial caught himself, feeling foolish and disgusted at his thoughts. Panic rose in his throat, and he let out a long, sickening howl. The doe bolted and ran into the dark forest, beyond the clearing. Nathanial fell to his knees, gripping his hands like claws, weeping for the man he should have been, for the beast he was about to become again.