Page 27

Samurai Game Page 27

by Christine Feehan

"I'm starving for the taste of you," he admitted aloud, craving her. He'd waited so long. A lifetime. She'd been under his body, in his arms, his face buried between her legs, and he still hadn't managed to have her. Nothing could go wrong this time. He had to have her.

He pushed the edges of the shirt over her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. A little slip of a woman, yet she'd captured his heart so completely. He hadn't known he craved a wife and family, a place to call home. Hell. He'd refused to acknowledge that he was lonely. He'd set himself on a path of duty and told himself he would never have those things, so why long for them? And then she'd calmly gone into battle with him, no hysterics, no drama, just getting the job done with as much skill as--or more than--any soldier he'd gone into battle with.

Her hands trembled as she ran them up his belly to his chest. He captured both and pressed a kiss into each palm as desire punched low and hard, taking his breath. He'd never known need to be so urgent, or lust to be laced with such tenderness.

"I won't survive this night if I can't have you," he admitted, drawing her closer to him, so that her body melted against his. "I want you that much."

Her eyes met his. "I want you that much too," she confessed. "I wanted you from the moment I felt your mind in mine. I knew it was you. I just didn't trust the future."

"But you trust me," he coached.

She bit her bottom lip and nodded slowly, her eyes enormous.

His hands went to her hair, that thick mass of silky black as he bent his head, his mouth taking possession of hers to catch that soft, breathy sigh. He kissed her over and over, savoring the taste of her, the velvet sweetness, the fiery spice that caught his blood on fire. His cock pressed hard against her belly as her hands caught at his shoulders for support. He moved his hips, thrusting gently, rhythmically, while small rockets roared in his brain at the sensation. Her tongue tangled with his, her nails sinking into the muscle of his shoulders while her body trembled.

He didn't want to wait this time. Nothing could go wrong. Kissing her senseless was the only answer, but the soft musical moans and the way her body rubbed against his threatened a loss of control he couldn't afford. He lowered her to the mattress, unbuttoning his jeans with one hand and tugging at them to get them the hell off.

He followed her down, not wanting to lose contact, not wanting to give her too much time to think--or panic. He could see the need burning, but also a little apprehension. He covered her body with his, careful to keep most of his weight off of her as he kissed her. The feel of her small, soft body, all feminine curves and soft, melting skin, only added to the fever raging in him.

He stared down at her body, those sweet curves emphasized by the delicate spiderweb stretched across her narrow rib cage, riding up and over her breasts and down the slope of her belly to stop just above the temptation of dark curls at the junction of her legs. He found that spiderweb sexy, permanent lacy lingerie drawing attention to her silky skin and soft curves. Her flushed breasts rose and fell with her ragged breathing, her nipples, twin hard peaks. That little red-backed spider moved with every breath she drew in and let out.

He bent his head slowly and swiped his tongue over her nipple, just to watch the spider jump in anticipation. She sucked in her breath and beneath his hand, her stomach muscles bunched and her hips jumped beneath his, sending heat spiraling through his body.

"Sammy." She whispered his name, desire drenching her voice. Her body shuddered with pleasure, her eyes glazing.

He lowered his head and suckled, drawing her nipple into the heat of his mouth, ravenous for her. Her husky little whimper destroyed his control and he simply indulged himself, his tongue flicking her nipple while he sucked, his hand tugging and rolling at the nipple of her other breast. Her hands fisted in his hair, her body arching, pushing her breasts closer, deeper into his hungry mouth.

He wanted to devour her. The writhing of her body, her head tossing on the pillow and her bucking hips, drove him deeper under her spell. She was so responsive, so soft, her skin hot silk, rubbing across his near-bursting cock until he could barely think or breathe with his need of her. A growl escaped, a primitive sound rumbling from somewhere deep inside of him.

His hand slipped across her stomach, feeling her muscles, edging lower until he found her slender thigh. His hand could nearly wrap around her leg and he took in as much territory as possible, gripping hard for a moment, pinning her restless leg to the sheets while his tongue and teeth ravaged her breast.

Azami stilled, her eyes widening in a kind of dazed shock. He continued to suckle, his eyes wide-open, staring into hers. She was so beautiful, her silky hair everywhere, her skin flushed, and her breasts heaving.

Mine. He pushed the word into her mind, needing her to acknowledge his possession.

Completely. She didn't hesitate.

His gaze holding hers, his hand slipped between her thighs, sliding through damp silk. She cried out, a soft, broken sound, her body jerking with shock as his fingers dipped shallowly. Her eyes went liquid dark, her head tossing on the pillow again as the tension in her body grew with his every movement.

That little spider moved enticingly again and he licked at it, stroking the spot with his tongue as his fingers slid deeper into hot, slick cream. She was so beautiful, writhing beneath him, her skin flushed and her breath ragged. He couldn't wait another minute. She'd given herself to him, said she was his, and he intended to indulge himself. He wanted all that hot cream for himself. He was losing his mind a little, the fever of need so great, his hunger wild now. Truthfully, he wasn't certain he could have stopped had she asked him a second time.

He kissed his way along that spiderweb, all those delicate threads mapping her body for him. He would know every strand intimately. Lapping at her skin, teeth nipping, he circled her clit with a long, thick finger.

Sammy! Her voice slipped into his mind. Hungry. Shocked. Breathless. She repeated it again and again, a musical chant as he made his way down her body, taking in every inch of her.

I've got you, baby. He wanted to bind her with more than sex, with love, with tenderness. He just had to hold on to his wild cravings and go slow, make certain her body was ready for him. He was absolutely determined to make her first time with him the same paradise as it would be for him.

He sank a finger into her damp depth, shocked at how small and tight she was. The clenching of her muscles only added to the raging need radiating through his body. Her eyes were wide-open again, glittering with a fever of desire to match his own.

Azami stared up at Sam's face, at the sensuality carved so deep in every line. His eyes were pure hunger, predatory almost, and it should have scared her, the intensity of his desire. She was nervous, yes, but only because she didn't want to disappoint him. She was thrilled that he looked at her that way. His desire had to be real, no one could fake that expression. She was amazed and gratified that the sight of her scarred body and misshapen breast didn't repulse him. The need in him was apparent, stamped into his face, alive in his eyes. He was hanging on to his control by a mere thread. It was impossible not to respond to that need.

He shifted his body and a rush of heat flared like a sunburst. She tightened her hold on his shoulders, feeling his muscles bunch beneath her fingers. Against her thigh she could feel the white-hot brand of his heavy erection. Curls sprang around his head, his hair disheveled and sexy from her fists. His eyes were so dark, held so much love, and his face so much torment she had no defenses at all.

I've fallen in love with you, she admitted shyly.

A slow, satisfied smile curved his hard mouth. His fingers moved over her lips, down her breasts to trace a thread across her stomach and back up to her breasts. She drew in her breath sharply as he sucked on her nipple, licked, and then kissed his way up to her lips. She opened her mouth to his at his silent insistence, her tongue twining with his. He moved, his chest rubbing along her nipples, sensitive from his attention. His hard shaft pulsed and jerked agains
t her thigh in urgent need, adding to her growing excitement.

Love is a terrible word to describe the way I feel about you. But I'm going to try to show you. He sounded so tormented she moved her body against his, giving herself to him in the only way she knew how.

He kissed his way to her breasts, her belly button, spreading small kisses and bites and then licking away the sting all along the threads of the web and down to her thighs. Each nip of those strong teeth and rasping of his tongue over the sting sent spirals of heat curling through her body and rushes of hot liquid spilling between her legs. Everywhere he touched, kissed, and nipped, thousands of tiny sparks burst under her skin, creating a terrible fire that refused to be quenched. She couldn't keep her body still, writhing beneath him, her hips lifting to reach him, her breasts pushing hard against his chest. She wanted. Plain and simple, she wanted.

His lips teased the bunching muscles along her belly, his tongue dipping into her belly button. I need a spider right here, baby. His teeth bit gently at the top of the vee of curls. I really want another spider here as well. He licked at the spot over and over, before catching her thighs in his large hands and drawing them apart. I've been starving for you, Azami. I was planning to get your body ready for me, but this is all for me. I just need this, so you'll have to be patient will I indulge myself.

She couldn't catch her breath. His sexy words, his sensual tone, and the demand in his dark tone sent fingers of arousal teasing her thighs. He lifted her bottom up with his two hands, his palms hot and possessive. He sent her one last look from his dark eyes and lowered his head. His tongue swiped through her curls and she gasped, a soft, broken cry escaping.

Azami couldn't think, could hardly breathe as he ate her, licking and sucking and sending sensation after sensation crashing through her. She was mindless with arousal, gripping his hair with her fists as he pushed his tongue deep, stabbing into her over and over. She couldn't stay still, even though he ordered her to twice in a gravelly, warning tone. It was impossible to obey, not with his teeth teasing her clit, his tongue laving and then suckling again.

Tension built fast and sharp, a firestorm raged, and she writhed insanely, bucking, near sobbing with pleas for more. Her body began to spin out of control, winding tighter and tighter, climbing higher and higher until, when his finger sank deep and his tongue flicked, she flew apart, her body fragmenting, rockets going off in her head.

Sam reached for the drawer beside his bed and dragged the small pack out, ripping it open with his teeth. Nothing was going to interfere with her pleasure, not this time. He would make certain she was protected until after they'd talked to the others and her mind was at ease, or they decided permanently against having children. He rolled the condom on and moved up and over her, lifting her hips with one hand and positioning the head of his shaft at her slick entrance. She felt the burning tip enter her, and he pushed no more than an inch or two inside her, but she felt the stretch, the fiery heat. Her body moved of its own accord, muscles grasping him, trying to draw him in further. She felt as if she might not survive unless he was all the way inside of her.

Slow, baby.

The sound of his voice, his harsh panting as he tried to control his actions only aroused her more.

I don't want to hurt you, Azami, and you're so damned tight.

She sobbed his name, pleaded with him to fill her. He bent his head toward hers and licked at her neck, holding himself still as her body stretched to accommodate his size.

She felt him share her breath and then he pushed into her gently, feeling his way. She was slick and her hips wouldn't stay still, even when he gripped her hard to control her runaway body. She gasped and held him to her, fingers digging into his hard, tense muscles.

He gave another small push and she felt the first hint of unease rippling through her body. Sam instantly kissed her, over and over, long, drugging kisses while her body pulsed around his.

Relax for me, sweetheart.

He retracted his hips and plunged deep, taking her breath and her innocence as he buried himself deep. Again he stopped moving, holding her close to him, murmuring reassurances.

I think you're too big for me.

She burned, and not in a good way, as if he was far too large and he'd torn her. She drew up her hands to press against his chest.

You were made for me. Let yourself relax. Already the pain is easing up and you're going to feel so good. You're just in new territory. Trust me.

His mouth found hers again, and she forgot all about pushing him away. Fear slipped to the back of her mind as her body began to respond to his. He moved slowly, experimentally, as if she was a fragile flower he was afraid of crushing. The sensation went from uncomfortable to pleasure very quickly. She lay still, absorbing the way arousal swept through her like a wildfire.

He shifted again, retracting his hips, and she cried out in dismay. He plunged into her hard and fast, sending streaks of fire racing through her. She heard her own sobbing moan as she tightened around him, an involuntary response, her hips lifting to meet his of their accord.

Are you good now?

He was back to rough panting, forcing control when he was on the very edge. Again that little thrill went through her at the idea that she was the one he wanted so much--her not-so-perfect body.

Yes. Please, Sammy.

He bent his head to nip her chin. Please what?

His hips moved again, surging forward, burying himself even deeper. Sensations burst around her, fire seemed to arch over her skin.

Make me yours. All the way. I want to belong to you.

Hell, baby, there's no question.

He moved again, the action making her cry out as fiery heat stroked and caressed. He lifted her hips with his hands, holding her still, watching her eyes. Her heart began pounding in nervous anticipation. He plunged deep into her, the stroke filling her, stretching and burning, pleasure bursting through her. He began thrusting hard and rhythmic, over and over, deeper and deeper, never stopping, driving her up higher than she believed possible.

She felt feverish with urgent need, the tension winding tighter and tighter. She couldn't catch her breath, not with the pounding heat between her thighs, so hard, so thick, invading her senses until there was only Sam and his body welding with hers through pure fire. She could hear the sounds of their flesh coming together, her loud, ragged panting and his harsh breathing. She began to feel the edge of her consciousness fading as fire raged through her, growing into a storm she couldn't stop.

That's it, baby, stay with me, let go. Just give yourself to me.

She gasped, arching closer to him, gripping him hard, her body not her own, wild and out of control, lifting to meet the frenzied thrusting. She heard her own cry as his shaft dragged over her most sensitive spot, pressing hard as he plunged again deep into her. He seemed to grow even larger, stretching her until she thought she couldn't stand the pleasure. A tidal wave ripped through her, her body clamping down hard around his thick shaft, taking him with her. Wave after wave tore through her, the strength of the release shocking, jerking her small body, burning through her body with a force she hadn't conceived of.

She could feel his body reacting to her muscles gripping him so tightly, milking him dry. She fell back, gasping for air, shocked at the almost violent way she'd reacted to his possession.

Sam, struggling for breath, rolled off of Azami, afraid his weight would crush her, since he was as limp as a dishrag. He lay beside her, one arm slung across his eyes as he fought his burning lungs. He wasn't certain he would ever move again. The best he could manage was his fingers, sliding across the sheet to find Azami's hand.

Are you okay, baby?

I don't know. She sounded dazed. Am I alive?

I'm not certain either of us are. Give me a minute and we'll go for round two.

He felt movement and managed to turn his head toward her and pry open one eye. She lifted her head and looked pointedly at his soft cock with a small smile. r />
"You're feeling optimistic, aren't you?" she said aloud, laughter in her voice.

His fingers found her hair, wrapping a length around his fist. He gave a gentle tug and made an effort to find his voice. "That's a challenge, woman, and all good soldiers find a way to meet a challenge."

He felt her laughter in his mind, that soft, melting molasses that just poured in and filled him with happiness. How had he ever managed without her?

"I wasn't challenging you, Sammy. I'm not certain I'll ever be able to walk again," she pointed out. "I think I have skid marks inside."

Alarm spread instantly. "Did I hurt you?"

"You know you didn't, but we were a little on the wild side. I'm definitely going to be a little sore, but I'm perfectly willing to give up walking."

Again her laughter poured into his mind. That soft, sensual sound could bring a man to his knees.

"I don't think we have to go that far," Sam said, careful not to let his voice shake with emotion. She was a dream he feared he might wake up from all too soon.

"Thank you for remembering to protect me, Sam," Azami said. "I do want a child, but I want to go into it with both of us knowing what we're getting into. I can go on birth control. It's just that I never thought I would need it."

He turned toward her, elbow on the bed, his head propped in his hand. "Didn't you think you'd eventually sleep with someone?" Even as he said it, his mind rejected the idea. He put his free hand on her bare stomach, fingers splayed wide. He nearly covered her entire abdomen with his large hand.

Her long lashes swept down, veiling her expression. "I am never around men long enough to get to know them. You and I had an unusual and unexpected connection."

Her suspicious tone irritated him. "Don't say one word about Whitney. He doesn't belong in our bedroom," he warned sharply.

"I wasn't going to."

"But you were thinking it. My connection with you is not purely on a physical level. Whitney can manipulate pheromones, but he can't make a man fall in love with a woman. He can't make him want to protect her." He caught her chin and lifted it, forcing her gaze up to his. "I want to wake up every morning with you beside me. I want to laugh with you. Fight with you. Grow old with you. This--you and me--isn't about lust, Azami."