Page 91

S is for SEX Page 91

by Scott Hildreth

As we got close to the table where Easter and Shake were sitting, I noticed The Bone outside talking to Jake.

“Bunny, Shakey, c’mon,” I motioned to the door.

“Fella’s,” Bone said as we walked up beside him.

“Bone, we have a situation inside,” I sighed.

“Slick?” he asked as he took a drag off of his cigarette.

“Yeah,” I laughed, not really surprised that he already knew.

“Leave it alone, fella’s. We voted. It’s final, he’ll get his. Make no mistake about it, he’ll get his. I’ve already talked to the prosecutor. I’ve talked to the detective on the case. I talked to the fucking cops that raided his house. He’ll get his,” he said as he tossed his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it with the toe of his boot.

“Well, it’s settled,” I said as I glanced at Easter, Shakey and A-Train.

“It was settled a week ago,” The Bone reminded us.

“I’m sunburnt as fourteen motherfuckers,” Teddy said as he walked up to the group.

“Holy shit, Crash,” I laughed.

The portions of his face that weren’t covered in beard were bright red. His cheeks looked almost swollen, and his lips were chafed terribly.

“Well, fuck. I was in that damned dunk tank for an hour. It was hot as absolute fuck, so I kept splashing water on my face. Sun beat down on me the whole time. I’m ready to get the fuck out of here, who’s got clean-up?” Teddy asked, his cheeks glowing red.

“Prospects and the girls from the bar,” Bone responded.

“Then I ain’t gonna be nothin’ but a memory. I ain’t huggin’ none of ya either. I’m burnt the fuck up. Great turn out, boss,” Teddy said as he turned toward the dunk tank and started walking.

Heather and Kelli were both throwing baseballs at the target, attempting unsuccessfully to dunk a fireman.

“Excuse me, fella’s. You alright Train?” I said as I turned my head toward the dunk tank.

I looked at A-Train and waited for a response.

“You straight?” I raised my eyebrows and tilted my chin down.

“Train?” The Bone asked in an elevated tone.

“As a fucking string,” he responded as he spit on the ground.

“Fellas,” I nodded my head and turned toward the dunk tank.

“Baby girl, you have got to be exhausted,” I said as I walked up to Kelli and Heather.

“I’m fine, I’m having fun. Is it time to go?” she asked as she picked up baseballs from the net that was set up behind the target.

“Well, Crash and Heather are heading out. We need to go in just a bit,” I replied.

“Yes sir,” she sighed.

“Take your time, Kelli. Dunk that prick. Make me proud of you,” I laughed.

I turned to Heather and opened my arms for a hug. “Take care of that face of his, Heather,” I said as she squeezed me.

“You know I will, Erik. Is it okay to call you Erik now?” she laughed.

I smiled and nodded as she broke my hug and walked away.

“Bye, Kelli,” she waved as Kelli continued to throw baseballs at the target. The fireman heckled Kelli before each toss.

Across the lot, I saw the group separating. Bone and A-Train remained talking as the others walked away. Train was tough to argue with. In his world, there wasn’t any shade of Grey. There was black and there was white. I didn’t disagree with what he said; Slick was a piece of shit - and he was wrong for having showed up to our poker run. But our club had procedures. And, being a member meant that you followed the procedures, rules, and decisions of the club.

As Heather and Teddy pulled away, I heard a crack and a loud splash. I turned and looked at the dunk tank. The group gathered around the tank was cheering. The fireman was throwing a fit, jokingly. I squinted and looked into the tank as he stood. Six foot six and covered in tattoos. One of Fifty-Four’s finest.

Fucking Otis.

Kelli tossed the baseballs into the net and walked my direction. I looked at the tank and laughed. It couldn’t have happened to a better man. Otis was big and could be mean, but was naturally as nice of a human being as one could ever ask to encounter. As he climbed onto the seat and chuckled, he waved.

Kelli walked up to me and she smiled.

“As instructed,” she placed her hands on her hips and continued, “you proud of me?”

“As a peacock,” I said as I picked her up into my arms.

As a peacock.

KELLI. “I’ll just go file a report tomorrow. I doubt there will be any people there today, it’s Sunday. It’ll let me get away from work for a while,” I shrugged my shoulders and tried to smile.

“I’m sorry, baby girl. I know it’s tough losing stuff like that. Someone steals from you and you’ll feel…well, you probably do feel violated,” Erik opened his arms to hug me.

“It’s just stuff,” I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.

Smelling him made me wet. He smelled so unique. I hope I never encounter anyone else that wears his cologne. The way Erik smelled, to me, was unique to Erik. I didn’t want anyone else to have it. I pressed myself closer to him and buried my face in his shirt.

“You alright?” he chuckled as he looked down.

“Just getting closer to you. I can’t get close enough to you, ever,” I said as I looked up.

I buried my face in his shirt and inhaled.

“What’s today?” Erik breathed into the top of my head.

“Sunday?” I responded.

I didn’t want to move. I wanted him to either fuck me or shut up. I didn’t want to talk. I wanted to hold him or fuck him. One or the other. Sometimes listening to him made my head hurt. Not because he was mean, or stupid, or didn’t make sense…it was because the more he talked, the more I wanted to fuck him. Fucking him was so much better that listening to him.

I wanted to give him what it was that he wanted, but not too much. I wanted to provide it, but only when he wanted it. How he wanted it. Over time with him I had learned not to talk too much, and spend more time listening. In time, and by making the right choices, I wanted to reassure him that I was the one.

The only one.

“What day of the month?” he moved his mouth to my ear. The hot breath made me shiver.

“I don’t know, the fifteenth, I think?” I responded, looking at my watch, “yeah, the fifteenth.”

“Oh shit,” he said as he pushed me away from him.

No, please no. Hold me.

I didn’t want this to end.

I remembered the dunk tank, and how he asked me what I wanted. Maybe every now and again he did want me to make decisions. Even the boss at work wants a relaxing day from time-to-time. I wish sometimes that I was the one that made the decisions. Maybe for a day. Maybe one day a year. Or two. Kelli gets to make the decisions, and she doesn’t get in trouble or anything - no matter what she decides. Nobody gets mad. Nobody yells. And no one argues or fights about what happens, no matter what. Fuck me, Erik.


Fuck me, and not outside or in a restaurant.

Hold me.


Lay with me, in bed. Don’t get up and ride anywhere. Leave your phone in the car. No, throw it in the fucking trash.

Take off your boots, socks, and that holster off your ankle when you fuck me. I don’t want to see your pants around your ankles when we fuck.

Kiss me. No. I said kiss me. Yeah, like that. Now, don’t you dare stop….ever.

And. Please. Above all.

Love me.


“Kelli?” he blew in my face as he spoke.

“Huh?’ I blinked my eyes.

“Did you hear me?” he asked

“Uhhmm, yeah, you asked me what day of the month it was?” I was daydreaming and not paying attention.

He asked me something else and I wasn’t listening He’s going to be mad and use this against me…

“You didn’t hear me, did you
?” he shook his head.

“I’m sorry, I was daydreaming,” I held my hands up and smiled.

“Take off your pants,” he pointed to my waist and turned toward the couch.

Thank God.

As he sat on the couch, I kicked my flats across the room and unbuttoned my jeans. Trying to act like I wasn’t excited, I pushed them to my ankles and pulled one leg through them. Using my foot, I picked the jeans up and kicked them to the doorway of the bedroom.

As I stood there naked from the waist down, he sat and smiled. He raised his eyebrows and rotated his wrist like he was winding a toy.

“More?” I asked.

He nodded.


I unbuttoned my top and slid my arms through. I wadded it up in my hand and tried unsuccessfully to toss it toward the bedroom where my jeans laid. About a third of the distance, it opened like a parachute and fluttered to the floor. He laughed as he watched the shirt fall, and rotated his wrist again.

I pulled my sports bra over my shoulders and around my head. I held it in my finger and twirled it in a circle, smiling.

He held his hand in the air, and curled his index finger back and forth toward his palm. I walked to his feet and stopped, facing him.

“You are fucking gorgeous baby girl. Just fucking gorgeous,” he slowly shook his head and tried to hide a smile.

You can never say that enough.

“Now, undress me,” he pointed to his chest with both hands.

I dropped the bra where I stood and knelt down.

I unlaced his boots, and tried to pull one off.

“Pull hard,” he laughed.

I pulled as hard as I could, and as the boot came off, I almost toppled over. I tossed it beside the jeans, and grabbed the other boot. I opened the laces a little more and pulled it off without as much effort. I tossed it toward the growing pile.

I scrunched my nose and pulled his socks off his feet. I threw them to the pile.

He pointed to his waist and smirked.

I stood, leaned forward, and unbuckled his belt.

“Raise your arms please,” I pointed to his hands.

As he raised his arms I pulled his shirt over his head. I remained bent over, close to his chest, and stared at his tattoos. I squeezed his shirt tight in my hand and pulled it to my face. I inhaled slowly, smelling him. I lowered my arm to my side and smiled.

He raised an eyebrow and didn’t speak.

I straightened my knees, stood, and admired him. He flexed his muscles, making his chest jump up and down.

Who, in their right fucking mind wants a man on a horse with a bouquet of flowers when they can have a tattooed Erik fucking Ead?

“Uhhmm, stand please,” I said as I stood in front of him with his shirt in my hand.

He stood, placed his hands behind his head, and flexed his biceps. The muscles on his abdomen rippled.

Six-pack my ass, he has an eight-pack.

I dropped the shirt at his feet. As I knelt down and unbuttoned his jeans, I looked up into his eyes. I pulled the zipper down, hoping he wasn’t wearing any underwear. As the waist of his jeans cleared his bare cock, I smiled.


As the jeans bunched up at his ankles, I looked up. His cock twitched.

“Lift your feet, please,” I said softly.

“One at a time?” he asked, his hands on his hips.

“Yes, one at a time,” I giggled.

As he lifted his feet, I slid his jeans down and pulled them toward me.

“What about that,” I asked, pointing to the holster above his ankle.

“It’s just Velcro. Pull the straps and slip it off. Be careful it’s loaded,” he lifted his right foot and stood.

I pulled on the straps and loosened the holster. As it fell to his foot, I pulled it off and set it aside. I grabbed his jeans and stood up in front of him. As my eyes met his nose, I tossed his jeans toward the pile.

My entire loft was open, and had two bedrooms. Bedrooms aside, the entire house was one large room. From the kitchen the entire house could be viewed. The large windows along each wall were always open to the outside to allow light in. The high ceilings allowed these windows to be extremely tall – almost ten feet. Being on the upper floor, however, prevented someone outside from easily seeing inside.

He reached out and grasped my hand in his and started walking toward the kitchen. As we stepped into the kitchen, he looked at both countertops with interest. One was along the wall, and had a toaster, coffee maker, stove, and refrigerator incorporated into it.

The other was an island that was bare, less a few decorations.

As we stepped further into the kitchen, he placed his hands under my armpits, picked me up, and lifted me onto the island.

“Stand there, baby girl,” he instructed me, “I want you to stand up.”

I looked down and smiled.

He reached over and turned the iPod Dock volume to a higher-level.

He wrapped his arms around my legs and placed his fingers inside my thighs, right above my knees.

“Spread your legs a little bit,” he looked up into my eyes.

I stepped to the side with my right foot. The countertop felt cold on my feet.

“That should do,” he looked at my feet, then looked up and smiled.

He kissed my inner thigh, and worked his way up to my pussy. As his tongue licked, he forced his head further between my legs. He tilted his head back and looked up at me. As his tongue darted across my clit, I bent my knees. Using his tongue and lower lip, he began to massage my clit in his mouth. And he stopped.

He pulled his face away from my thighs and looked up.

“You know what I want, baby girl. I want you to fuck my mouth. Now get busy.”

He buried his face between my thighs and began circling my clit with his tongue.

I straightened and bent my knees again. Oh shit. I can’t. I can’t take this.

His tongue darted back and forth across my clit, pressing it into his upper lip. He licked the length of my pussy lips and pressed his tongue deep inside of me. I felt myself dripping down my legs. I looked down at him to watch.

His tongue deep inside of me, he looked up at me and winked.

Oh fuck. Holy fuck.

I straightened my knees and tensed my muscles. It wasn’t enough. My body started to tingle. I curled my toes and rose on the balls of me feet.

“Erik, I want to cum,” I breathed.

He pulled his mouth from my clit and slid his finger inside of me. Pushing it deep and smiling, he answered.

“Cum, baby girl. Cum,” he curled his finger and pressed against my lower stomach with his fist.

I released the tension in my legs and closed my eyes.

My eyes rolled. And I came. Hard. As I did, he buried his face between my legs and growled, slurping wildly with his tongue and lips.

As his tongue pushed deeper, he moaned and slid his hands to my butt. Squeezing my butt in my hands, he growled as his tongue frantically fucked me.


He pulled his mouth from me and looked up, his chin glistening.

“Don’t ask, Kelli. Don’t ask again, just cum. Do you hear me? Fuck my mouth, baby girl. Fuck my mouth and cum,” he said as his right hand slipped from my butt cheek to in between my legs.

I felt two fingers slide inside my wet pussy. My knees bent again. And straightened. And bent. His fingers slid in and out forcefully. He leaned forward and began to suck on my clit as he fingered me. I closed my eyes and began to feel faint. Oh my God. Oh…

“Erik…Erik, I…I’m going…” I didn’t finish my sentence.

My knees bent and I pressed my pussy against his face. My legs shook as I felt an orgasm from within my soul. I reached down and grabbed his head. Holding his head in my hand, I pushed harder against his face. My clit tingled and my inner self set on fire. My entire body shook as I began to have the most massive outer orgasm in my life.

I can’t tak
e this. I’m going to explode. It’s. Just. Too. Much.

I pulled my pussy from his face and pushed his head forward.

His left hand pulled on my butt, moving me in front of his face again.

“I can’t…I’m going to collapse,” I begged.

“You don’t have a choice,” he looked up and smiled.

“Erik, my legs. They’re shaking, I can’t take it anymore. That last one just…”

“Your time to negotiate was earlier, when you were daydreaming,” he laughed, “you’re in a full blown fuck-fest now.”

“A what?” I exhaled and tried to focus on his face.

“A fuck-fest,” he said as he pushed his fingers inside me.

“A fuck-fest? What’s that?” I gasped.

“You can tell me later what you think it is,” he leaned forward between my legs and pressed my clit with his tongue and upper lip.

I closed my eyes. I can’t take this. Focus Kelli, focus.

I can do what I’ve been doing for the last few weeks. I can control these damned things. I can focus. Haha. I don’t have to cum. He’s not in control, I am.

He pushed his fingers deep and sucked on my clit. As his tongue began to circle, I felt myself begin to let loose. I closed my eyes and focused. Focus on the music, Kelli.

Gramatik, Tearin’ It Up

Oh, great, how appropriate.

He forced his fingers deeper. He moved them back and forth like scissors inside of me. I felt my wetness on my thighs. He pulled his face from me and looked up. God, he’s gorgeous.

Can a man be gorgeous?

His face moved to my hip bone. He opened his mouth and encompassed it with his lips and sucked, circling his tongue on the high point of the bone.

Oh fuck, no, please. Not that. No, I can’t…

His fingers pushed in and out. In and out. In and out. Focus Kelli.

MOFRO, Gal Youngin’

I love that song.

I think…

Oh God, I can’t…

“Erik, I can’t…I can’t…I’m going…I…” I tensed up, but it was too late.

I came. As the orgasm ran through my soul, his fingers forced in and out of me deeper and rhythmically. And. I came again. His fingers continued. I could hear his finger sliding in and out of my now soaking pussy. I lifted my foot and shook it. I closed my eyes. My eyes rolled back in my head. And. Again, I came. I curled my toes. I lifted my other foot.