Page 40

S is for SEX Page 40

by Scott Hildreth

“Blake!” she screamed. “Pah…Pah…Please staaahhhhp.”

Her cries went unanswered and I continued as if they didn’t pertain to me. Making her reach climax as many times as I could and as quickly as I was able had become my newfound pleasure. Pleasing her pleased me.

I rubbed the swollen nub, pulling her hair tight enough to cause her to arch her back in hope of a little relief. As I felt her begin to contract around my throbbing rod, I slid my finger inside of her and held it deeply, pressing my knuckle against the top of my cock. She wailed in pleasure as I began once again to pound myself in and out of her tight twat.

“I came,” she wailed. “Please….stop.”

“So you’re going to let some novice out-fuck you?” I asked as I repeatedly thrust myself in and out of her.

Her arms folded up and she collapsed onto the bed.

“Fine. But I’m going to get one more out of you,” I said flatly.

I slowly pulled myself from inside of her, gripped her waist in my hands, and raised her ass slightly. With her chest still pressed into the bed and her head buried in the comforter, I situated my face between her ass cheeks and buried my tongue inside of her dripping pussy.

“Blaaaaake!” she cried.

I worked my finger in and out of her wetness as I licked and slurped her juices. After what seemed like only a matter of minutes, she raised her head slightly and her breathing changed to short choppy breaths.


I flicked the tip of my tongue across her clit and into her pussy. Over and over, I repeated to process of licking her clit and then forcing my tongue as deep as possible.

Her body began to shake in my hands. I buried my face deeper between her thighs.

As I felt her quivering in my hands I continued, until she cried out into the room expressing pleasure I was sure only I could provide.

After she collapsed onto the bed, she rolled to her side and stared.

“What?” I asked.

“I created a monster,” she said.

I grinned.

“Life was so peaceful before you fucked me the first time,” she said.

“You sad we started?” I asked.

“Don’t be stupid,” she said.

I gazed into her eyes and for a moment became lost, loving her looks, her beauty, her personality, and her wit. As my eyes came back into focus, I realized she was almost doing the same, staring at me blankly. In a short time she grinned.

She puckered her lips and raised her head slightly. “Kiss me.”.

“You’ll get pussy all over your face,” I said.

“Good pussy,” she said with a laugh.

‘The best,” I said as I pressed my lips to hers.

And, in my mind, not only was it the best, but it was the only pussy on this earth.


(Bodies, Ink, and Steel Book II)

Buy Pretty in Ink Here


I had been taught it was rude to stare, but not staring at Stevie was close to impossible. Having never been in the presence of a woman who was as interesting as she was gave me many reasons to pay close attention to her every move, but her beauty made tearing my eyes away from her nothing short of impossible.

So I sat and stared, well aware that my actions were rude, but incapable of changing them completely.

“What can I get for you?” the girl behind the counter asked.

I nodded my head toward Stevie, who stood staring into the display case of donuts. The girl shifted her eyes away from me and grinned as she seemed to admire Stevie’s tattoos. As the girl ran her eyes along the length of her arms, I, too, admired Stevie; her sleeveless black dress, and the depth of her very colorful hair.

“I like your sleeves,” the girl said as she eyed Stevie’s arms.

“Thanks.” Stevie exhaled in apparent frustration. “I’ll have a chocolate Long John, and one of the coconut donuts. No, make it two Long Johns, and the little coconut guy. And a cup of coffee with cream and sugar.”

“And for you?” the girl asked as she turned toward me.

“Give me two of the strawberry jelly donuts and a caramel Long John. And I’ll have a cup of coffee as well,” I said.

“What size coffee would you like?”

“Large,” we both responded.

We both ordered a large.

And something as simple as ordering a cup of coffee seemed, at least in my mind, to draw us that much closer. It was all the proof I needed to convince me our meeting at the grocery store wasn’t a mistake. We had both ordered a large coffee at the exact same time. We were two proverbial peas in the same pod.

As I paid the cashier, another girl filled a small box with our donuts and poured the coffee. After being handed our drinks and a box of dinner donuts, we walked to a empty table and sat down. I stared down at the box of sweets and realized just how out of character it was for me to be eating donuts for dinner. Typically conscious of everything I ate, and rarely eating processed foods or sugar, eating donuts as a meal was contrary to everything I believed in as far as my diet was concerned.

I had a feeling Stevie could convince me to do many things I had previously believed to be in my worst interest.

Much to my surprise, after a brief moment of sitting across from me, Stevie stood, moved to my side of the table, and sat down. I pushed the top of the box open and smiled at the thought of eating a donut.

“Didn’t like that side of the table?” I asked.

She shook her head as she gazed down into the box of donuts. After pulling a chocolate Long John from the box and stuffing half of it into her mouth, she responded.

“I don’t want to have to yell across the table to have a fucking conversation with you,” she said over the mouthful of donut.

“I see,” I said as I watched her stare intently at the uneaten half.

She quickly poked the other portion of the donut into her mouth and after a moment of chewing, took a drink of her coffee. After swallowing everything, she peered into the box. A few seconds later, she turned to face me.

“We’re going to need more donuts,” she said.

“At least we don’t have to go far to get them,” I responded as I pulled one of the jelly-filled donuts from the box.

“I fucking love donuts,” she said.

I bit into the jelly donut, somewhat self-conscious of making a mess, only to have the filling ooze out onto the corner of my mouth. Eating jelly-filled donuts in a graceful manner was impossible, and for me to think I could do so was ridiculous. As I scanned the table for a napkin, Stevie reached up, wiped the strawberry from the side of my mouth, and licked her finger. To her it may have been simple maintenance; but to me it was yet more proof of our compatibility.

“Oh shit,” she said as she shifted her eyes toward the box.

“What?’ I said as reached for my coffee.

“Those are real strawberries,” she said.

I nodded my head as I swallowed. “I think so.”

“Trade?” she asked as she pulled the chocolate Long John from the box and wagged it in the air.

“Not for that one, no. I’ll trade for the coconut one,” I said as I swallowed my coffee.

“Fuck that. I want the coconut one. Trade me for this chocolate fucker. It’s yummy,” she said as she continued to wave it in the air.

I pushed my chair away from the table and turned to face her. “The jelly is a much better donut. To trade for the Long John would be foolish. Unless…”

“Unless what?” she asked.

“Supplement the trade with something else,” I said as I lifted my cup of coffee. “To make it more even.”

I gazed over the top of my cup of coffee and studied the floral tattoo on her upper arm as she seemed to be thinking of what to do. It was my intention to try and coerce her to go on another date. As I continued to sip my coffee and held the remaining portion of my jelly donut in my left hand, she extended her arm and waved her Long
John directly in front of me.

“I’ll suck your cock on the way home,” she said as she tilted her head toward the half-empty donut box. “Road head has got to even the deal up.”

A little more than surprised by her offer, I coughed until coffee came out of my nose. The thought of her offering to suck my cock for a donut could have been perceived as adorable or downright disgusting. I chose to view it as adorable, but I was shocked at her offer nonetheless. With coffee dribbling from my nose, I fumbled for a napkin and placed my remaining portion of donut on it, pulled another from the dispenser, and wiped the coffee from my lip. As I attempted to clean myself up, she explained her offer further.

“And no, I’m not a slut,” she said as she wagged her finger in the air. “It’s just…being around you is…I don’t know…it’s making me do and say dumb shit. I mean look at me. I got dressed up for this, and I never get dressed up. I just met you this morning, and you’ve already sent me a car and took me on a donut date, who wouldn’t want to suck your cock? And just so you know, I wouldn’t offer to suck just anyone’s cock for a jelly donut, if that’s what you’re wondering. But you’re just really fucking cute, so I’ll suck the shit out of yours for that one.”

I sat and stared as I wiped my nose with the napkin. I believed everything she said. Right or wrong, I was convinced she was not a slut, and her offer to suck my cock for the donut was a one-time trade from a very nice girl with a foul mouth who simply wanted a jelly donut. Really wanted a jelly donut.

Or she may have had a burning desire to suck my cock.

She cocked an eyebrow. “We got a deal?” she asked.

I nodded my head eagerly and reached for the Long John.

She released the chocolate donut from her grasp, grinned, and reached for the jelly-filled trade. “Fuck yes. What do you businessmen call this? A win-win?” she asked.

“Excuse me?” I asked with a laugh as I watched her devour the donut in two bites.

She finished chewing and took a sip of coffee. After swallowing, she licked her lips and took a shallow breath.

“A win-win. I mean I got the strawberry donut and I get to suck your cock on the way home. It’s called a win-win, right?”

I had no idea how to respond, but if she believed sucking me off on the way home was a “win”, who was I to argue with her logic?

“I guess it is a win-win, yes,” I said as I began to eat the Long John.

She grinned as she reached into the box for the other donut.

“You still want more donuts?” I asked as I nibbled away.

“No,” she said. “After I eat this little coconut fucker I’m going to be full.”

I glanced into the box and realized I was one and a half donuts away from a blowjob. As I shifted my eyes toward her I couldn’t help but grin.

If you think you’re full now, just wait until you start to pay off that debt.


As far as I was concerned, sex was a commitment, and not something that was done out of a desire to fulfill some form of fantasy or a need to feel pleasure. Although I realized it was quite possible that Stevie didn’t agree with me, I felt I needed proof that what we were doing wasn’t being done for selfish reasons. I enjoyed sex as much or more than any man, but once it was over there would be no way to undo it, reverse the clock, or remove the feelings associated with it.

Before I had a chance to devise a way to explain matters, potentially making a fool of myself at a time that would have so far qualified as being quite romantic, Stevie beat me to the punch.

“Promise me you won’t hurt me,” she said as she pulled off her socks.

“I’ll uhhm. I’ll take it slow and easy,” I murmured.

She coughed a laugh and shook her head. “Let me rephrase it. Don’t fuck me and get my hopes up, then leave me or start slapping me around. I don’t want to be hurt emotionally. Not again.”

“I have nothing but the best intentions,” I assured her.

“And as far as taking it slow and easy,” she said as she pulled her shirt over her head. “You can forget about that. I like it kind of rough.”

While attempting to make sense of what she had said, but long before I could formulate a response, she reached behind her back and unfastened her bra. As she rolled the straps over her shoulders and lowered the garment to the floor, I stood and stared at what seemed to be perfect breasts attached to the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

“I uhhm…” I stammered.

“Listen, I know you’re probably nervous, but I’m not. Take your clothes off, Wilson. I want to suck that big fat cock of yours,” she said as she began to push her yoga pants down along her thighs.

Everything proved to be too much. Her mention of liking rough sex, her perky breasts, her hard nipples, her beautiful purple hair, gorgeous face, and…

She wasn’t wearing any underwear.

And her entire lower region was shaved clean.

Although reaching full erection in the past took some mental stimulation on my part and often required at least some physical interaction from a woman, it sure didn’t seem to be the case with Stevie. I felt myself instantly become hard, and along with it, extreme discomfort followed.

Now standing at the foot of the bed completely naked, she widened her eyes and thrust her hands in the air.

“Having second thoughts?” she asked.

I swallowed heavily, continued to stare, and shook my head.

Her eyes narrowed considerably, and her mouth curled into a smirk. “When was the last time you had sex?”

“It’s uhhm. It was,” I shrugged my shoulders. “Ten years ago.”

“You’re fucking shittin’ me. Ten years? Holy shit,” she gasped. “You sure you want to do this?”

I nodded my head eagerly.

“Positive?” she asked as she slowly approached me.

I nodded my head again and swallowed the slowly rising lump in my throat. I really wanted to continue, and not only proceed with the sex, but to please her in any and all ways she expected me to. There was no doubt in my mind that she was out of my league, but I refused to allow myself to continue to feel as if I was out of my element.

I unbuckled my belt, somewhat gracefully unfastened my jeans, and pulled against the zipper while I maintained eye contact with her. As I pushed the waist of my jeans past my underwear, she shrieked.

“You wear boxer briefs?” she bellowed, her face washed with surprise. “Fuck yes.”

After dropping my jeans to the floor, I reached for the waistband of my underwear.

“No, no…leave them on,” she whispered. “Take off the shirt. And you can leave the socks on too.”

I pulled my shirt over my head, feeling somewhat embarrassed, almost as if I was being inspected for faults. Stevie stood six feet or so from me with her hand covering her mouth and her eyes fixed on my underwear.

“You uhhm, you work out those legs, don’t you?” she murmured through the gaps between her fingers.

I glanced downward and nodded my head. “Uh huh.”

“Yeah, most guys don’t. But damn, dude, you’ve got some sexy trunks. And your chest…” she said as her eyes shifted upward slightly.

As she studied my torso, she reached between her legs and rubbed herself with her fingers. After a moment, and without saying a word, she raised her hand in the air and turned her palm toward me. The inside of her fingers glistened in the light.

“See that?” she asked as she shifted her eyes to meet mine.

With each nod of my head I felt my cock twitch upward a little more. I bit my bottom lip slightly and attempted to swallow.


She shifted her eyes toward her hand and grinned. “Looking at you makes me wet. I need that cock, Wilson. And I need it now.”

She turned toward the bed, bent over, and rested her forearms on the comforter. After arching her back slightly and tossing her head from side to side, her hair settled in the center of her back.
r />   “Get ahold of my hair,” she said. “And I like being bitten. Neck, shoulders, ears, lips…”

I pushed my underwear past my stiff cock and along my thighs. After kicking them to the side I gazed down at my socks. It seemed rather silly to leave them on, but considering that she had asked me to, I felt I should comply. Now standing behind her with a raging hard-on and a mountain of desire to please her, I felt lost as to what my next step should be.

“Just do it,” she said over her shoulder.

The entire process from carrying her into the room until I stood naked behind her hadn’t taken two minutes, but it seemed like an eternity. As much as I wanted to hold her, kiss her, and caress her entire body, I desperately desired to comply with her wishes and fulfill her desires. I reached down, gathered her hair in my hand, and pulled against it slightly.

“No, I’m going to need you to pull that shit,” she said.

I tugged a little harder.

“More,” she said.

I pulled it tight in my hand.

“More,” she moaned.

Only to prove a point, I pulled it harder than I was sure she wanted me to.

“Perfect,” she grunted.

Standing behind her staring down at her narrow back and her tattoo covered body with her hair held tight in my hand, I felt powerful; not only as if I was in charge, but also capable of providing her exactly what she wanted, desired, and ultimately, needed.

With my free hand I reached down and guided my cock between her legs. As I felt the tip penetrate her wet folds, I closed my eyes and sighed. Cautiously, I pushed my hips forward, opened my eyes, and gazed down beyond her little round ass. Slowly, my stiffness disappeared inside of her.

“Oh God,” she moaned as I buried myself deep inside of her.

I shifted my eyes to my hair-filled hand, almost forgetting what I was doing. After watching my soaking wet shaft slide completely out of her equally wet pussy, I pushed myself deep inside of her and pulled against her hair as I did so.

“Fuck yes. Fuck me, Wilson,” she howled as my cock bottomed out inside of her.