Page 18

Ryker Page 18

by Sawyer Bennett

"I don't have my iPad," she says by way of explanation.

"I'm also thinking that you look perfect right now. I think the most perfect I've ever seen you look."

She snorts and pulls the paper back up to cover the lower part of her face. I can't see the smile I know is there, but I can tell it's there by the way her eyes are squinting just a bit while she reads. "I think that's just the afterglow of an orgasm talking," she says blandly.

"You are so dismissive of romance sometimes," I chide her before taking a sip of my coffee. "And you always do that...rebuff any type of compliment I try to give you."

It's true. If I tell her she looks beautiful, she waves a dismissive hand at me. If I compliment her mind, she blushes. Even an appreciative look from me has her turning shy like a schoolgirl.

When she doesn't respond to me, I continue to poke at her. "Why is that? Why does it embarrass you when I tell you how hot you are?"

Gray pulls the paper down and wrinkles her nose at me. "Because it's weird."

The paper goes back up. I reach across the table and bat at it, causing one side to pull out of her hands and reveal her entire face to me. Now she's glaring. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever known."

I can't help but grin when I see red stain her cheeks.

"You have the most gorgeous body. I take one look at you naked and I can't help but get rock hard."

"Stop it," she blusters, now blushing all the way down her neck.

I change tactics, but I know this will embarrass her just as much. "You are the most amazing woman. You are a role model for all young girls who desire to push past the gender boundaries."

"Okay," she snaps at me as she folds the paper in half and slams it down onto the table. "You've made your point."

Chuckling, I stretch back in my chair and nudge her foot with mine under the table. "You're adorable when you're embarrassed."

She rolls her eyes. "Blushes never look good on redheads."

"Totally disagree. But seriously...why does that stuff embarrass you?"

She shrugs and lowers her gaze, her fingers fiddling with her coffee cup.

"Come on, Gray...spill the beans. What's with the shy act? It doesn't fit with you."

Her foot kicks against mine in a frustrated, playful kind of way as she crosses her arms over her chest defensively. "It's just...I'm not used to that kind of attention, so it's kind of hard to take."

"What kind of attention? Flattery?" I ask, genuinely curious. Because it's hard for me to imagine a woman such as her being ignored by the male species.

Gray blows out a large sigh and looks irritated with me. But she still gives me the scoop, because one thing I've come to learn about her...she doesn't hold back with me. For some reason, it's easy for her to let go with me, no matter how much she pretends it's a burden otherwise. She's never refused me anything I've asked so far.

"Okay, so like you're the first man that isn't intimidated by me," she huffs out, and then looks at me as if that explains everything.

"I don't understand."

She rolls her eyes, which I find to be beyond adorable, and says, "You're the first man that I don't intimidate. All the others...they didn't know how to handle me. Giving me sincere compliments wasn't within their bag of tricks, I guess. They were more worried about how to hold a conversation with me without sounding stupid, or once they realized they were getting in my pants, words weren't exactly necessary."

I wince internally over that because, one, I don't like to think of anyone getting in Gray's pants but me, and two, she clearly never made a connection with anyone she's ever been vertical with. While on some level that pleases me, it also makes me feel sad for her. She's been lonely for a long time, maybe without even realizing it.

Standing up from my chair, I walk around the table and hold my hand out to her. She willingly takes it and stands when I give her a tug. It's a natural move for her, to walk straight into my embrace and press herself against me. I tilt my head and kiss her on her jaw. "It's something you need to get used to...compliments from me. It's never going to stop."

Mmm, she moans in my ear.

"Want to know what else you're going to have to get used to?" I whisper as I kiss my way down her neck.

"What's that?" Her fingers come up, tangle in my hair, and fist tightly.

"My face between your legs...making you come with my tongue. Going to do that right now before I have to leave to go pick up the girls."

"You do dirty talk so good," she says on a breathy sigh. "It makes me blush too."

I pull my lips away from her neck and stare down at her with a grin. "You like my dirty talk, huh?"

She nods exuberantly. "I really do."

Taking her by the hand, I start dragging her through the house toward the bedroom. "Then let's go, baby. I can't wait to fuck you with my tongue."

Gray laughs and then stops abruptly, pulling out of my grasp. "I need to take a shower first really quick."

Tilting my head to the side, I ask, "Why?"

She goes absolutely beet red in the face and stutters. " you spent a lot of time down there already last night and this morning, and...I just..."

"I don't care," I tell her as I reach for her hand.

Gray sidesteps me and puts her hands out to hold me at bay. "Just give me five minutes, freshen up."

"Fine," I tell her, raising my hands in surrender and turning toward the kitchen. "Five minutes, but if you're not naked in my bed, I'm coming into the shower to get you."

"Where are you going?"

Curious woman. Let's see if I can make her blush again.

I turn toward her but continue walking backward toward the kitchen. "I think I have some whipped cream in the kitchen."

With a pink-cheeked grin, she turns and trots off into my bedroom, and a moment later I hear the shower running. I whistle to myself as I hunt for the whipped cream in the fridge. When I find it, I pull it out, kick the door shut, and then toss the can in the air, where it flips end over end three times before I catch it again.

I'm practically dancing my way back to the bedroom, thinking of about a million dirty things I want do to Gray with what's in my hand, when the doorbell rings. I freeze in place and consider ignoring it, but then it rings again...more insistently, and I know that I can't do that.

At least I'm dressed, for the most part, and hope to God whoever is on the other side of that door doesn't blush over a bare chest. I lay the can on one of the end tables as I walk around the couch, because that would be just a level of awkward I wouldn't want to explain, and make it to the door by the time the bell is ringing for a third time.

When I swing it open, I'm stunned to see Hensley there. She always calls before asking to come see the girls. In fact, I insisted she do that just to avoid this exact scenario...Gray in my house.

I move to block the open doorway and fold my arms across my chest, making it clear there's no admittance. "The girls aren't here. They stayed at Zack and Kate's last night."

"Oh," she says, but she doesn't look disappointed. "Well, I need to talk to you anyway."

"Now isn't a good time," I tell her, and her eyes go round with surprise because I've never denied her entrance before. "Call me later and we can set up something."

"But--" she says, and I have no clue what else would come out of her mouth, because at that same exact moment, Gray calls out from behind me.

"I'm already done with the shower, so I'm ready to see if that mouth can make me blush again."

Her voice gets incrementally closer so I know she's walking out of the bedroom. My body tenses as I wince, because Hensley's eyes narrow until I can just barely see her irises peeping out at me.

"Who is that?" she asks through gritted teeth.

"None of your business," I say as I start to close the door, but Hensley darts right past me into my house. Anger rises quickly that she would dare to come in against my wishes, and absolute dread as to what is getting ready
to go down here.

I don't give a flying fuck if Hensley is pissed I'm with another woman. I'm free to do what I want. But this could just prove to be the disastrous event that we've been trying to avoid.

I turn around and find Gray walking out of my room with a towel wrapped around her damp body, a smile on her face that freezes when she sees Hensley. Hensley's face turns red with fury when she recognizes Gray and then turns to me. "I knew it. I knew there was something going on between you two when she came over to see Ruby."

"It's none of your fucking business, Hensley," I grit out.

"It most certainly is," she seethes, but yet she can't see how ridiculous it is when she says, "because we're still married."

Gray immediately wheels around and slips back into my bedroom, shutting the door behind her. I imagine right now she's scrambling into clothes and my dream of having one more crack at her before I have to leave to pick up the girls dies quickly.

Hensley actually takes a step toward the bedroom like she's going to--what? Confront Gray?

Like fucking hell.

"Oh, no you don't," I growl as I grab her by the arm and pull her back toward the front door. "You just officially wore out your welcome here."

"Let me go," she screeches and squirms to get loose. "I want a word with that home wrecker--"

"For fuck's sake, Hensley," I say as I release her to throw my hands up in frustration. "There is no home to wreck. You and I are done. Have been done a long, long time. Who I see is none of your business, and the only thing you need to ever discuss with me is the welfare of our daughters. Now get the fuck out."

Tears well up in her eyes. Big, fat crocodile tears. Her lip quivers as one slides down her cheek. "But...but...we've got years invested together. Two daughters who deserve to have their parents together."

I take a deep breath and step toward Hensley. It takes all of my strength to speak calmly to her. "We have nothing, Hensley. And our daughters do not deserve two people who have nothing together. They don't deserve to grow up in a house based on lies. Get a clue. We are done."

The tears immediately dry up and I see my mistake right away. Hensley's eyes narrow and her voice drips with venom. "I bet the press would love to get wind of this. Goalie star and general manager fucking each other. Talk about impropriety. They'll have a field day with this."

And that's where she made her mistake.

Threatening Gray.

I'm back on her so fast she doesn't even get what's happening. I take her by the elbow, drag her to the door, and push her out. I step right out and shut it behind me so that Gray never hears this. I don't ever want her to know what a prick I can be.

Leaning down toward Hensley, I murmur to her, "If you so much as whisper one word of this to anyone, you will never see your daughters again. I will use every penny and every resource I have to keep you away from them forever. And if you doubt one word that I'm saying, you'd be a fool. I'll make it happen, Hensley, if you do anything to ruin this for me or Gray."

Hensley shrinks backward, her face going pale. "You wouldn't. You couldn't keep me away from them."

"You have no idea what measures I'll take to protect those I care about," I tell her simply.

She engages in a staring war with me, but within seconds she's dropping her gaze. Without a word, she spins on her heels and heads down the porch steps. I watch her until she gets into her car and drives away.

With a sigh, I walk back into my house and find Gray fully dressed, her ass perched on the edge of the couch. She looks worried...for me, for her, for us? All of the above?

She stands as I walk toward her and I give her an encouraging smile. "It's fine. She won't say anything."

"Are you sure?" she asks, her eyes darting back to the door as if she expects Hensley to walk back in.

"I'm positive," I say as I reach out and pull her to me. Wrapping my arms around her, I just hold on tight while I can feel the frantic beating of her heart.

After several moments, Gray pulls away from me. Her look is no less serious...worried. "Am I a home wrecker?"

I jerk in surprise over the question...the torture in her voice. "What? No, of course not."

"But she said--"

"Gray," I say with a little bark to my words. I take her by the shoulders. "There is no home with Hensley to wreck. I left that marriage mentally and physically a year ago. I've been waiting for you that entire time. Any of this shit that happened here today, that's Hensley trying to wreck what you and I are building, and fuck if I'm going to let her do that."


I kiss her.

Hard to shut her doubts up.

Tearing my lips away, I tell her, "I've fallen in love with you, Gray, and I know things are tough right now, but I can feel it...deep in my gut. Can't you? How good this is between us?"

I'm relieved when she whispers, "Yes. I feel it."

"Then fuck Hensley and the rest of the world. We keep pushing forward, okay?"

"Okay." Her words are whisper soft as she stares at me. And then she gives me the sweetest words ever. "And I love you too."

Chapter 24


It's been three days since I've last seen Ryker and I am absolutely miserable. And it's my own fault. I'm purposely withholding myself from him, because I'm terrified that at any moment the proverbial other shoe may drop. I'm waiting for Frank to come busting in my office, waving a newspaper in my face with a lurid headline that says something like, COLD FURY GM BANGING HER PLAYER.

I shudder at the thought.

Hensley busted Ryker and me on Friday morning. From then until Sunday, he had the girls and there was no way we could see each other. I was partially relieved not to have to push him away because I don't want to hurt him.

Besides, I'm not really sure I want to push him away.

I'm just...terribly worried.



On Sunday, the Cold Fury hit the road with a game in Nashville. I chose to stay behind, telling my dad, Frank, and Ryker that I needed to do some last-minute work on the trade deals that would be finalized this week. My dad and Frank bought my lie--hook, line, and sinker.

Ryker I think was skeptical when I told him over the phone on Saturday night. When he asked me point blank if I was avoiding him, I had to give him a truth.

"I just need a few days," I had said carefully. "I'd like us to lie low and make sure Hensley doesn't do anything."

He sighed into the phone, but I know this man that I just told I loved three days ago. He wouldn't refuse me anything that gave me peace of mind. He might push at me, but if it's something I need, he won't refuse.

Before we hung up, I told him another truth. "I love you."

I could hear the smile in his voice when he said, "I love you too."

A small knock on my door and my secretary pokes her head in. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but Ryker Evans's wife, Hensley, is here to see you. She says it's urgent."

Immediately, my heart starts jackhammering as I think something has happened to the girls. The team plane should have landed almost an hour ago, so I know Ryker has to be back in Raleigh.

Maybe she can't get in touch with him and decided to come here instead?

I jump up from my desk and brush past her, seeing Hensley standing there looking nervous. I wave my hand at her, beckoning her to come into my office.

"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly as soon as my office door is shut, and I head for my chair behind my desk. I motion for Hensley to take one of my guest chairs and she sits primly on the edge, balancing her purse on her lap.

"I was hoping you and I could talk," she says bluntly.

"Wait a minute," I say with confusion. "Are the girls okay?"

"Of course they're okay," she says, also with confusion. "Why wouldn't they be?"

I shake my head and try to clear out the discombobulation. I'm truly thrown for a loop Ryker's wife is sitting in my office right now.

"I'm sorry," I sa
y with a polite smile. "I just thought something had happened to one of the girls. I guess I don't understand why you would come to see me otherwise."

Hensley's lips flatten a little, and while she's trying to remain calm, her voice is bitter. "You don't think I have reason to come and talk to the woman who is standing in the way of me fixing my marriage."


"Four years ago, Ryker lost his father. Heart attack. Do you know who was there for him? Me. He turned to me in his grief, and I was there for him. I helped him mourn and get past it."

"I don't know--"

"Ryker and I built a massive playhouse for the girls in our backyard back near Boston," she continues, rolling right over me. "That project took us almost a month of weekends and early evening work, but together we built this really beautiful wooden, life-size dollhouse for the girls to play in. And both Ryker and I would sit up there with them and have tea parties. He'd let Violet paint his nails and Ruby would insist he wear a tiara, and well...I wish you could have seen how much love was on his face when he looked across that tiny table at me and grinned."

Nausea slams into me like a tidal wave as I listen to her. She doesn't pause for breath but just lets it all come out.

"And he was so great when I was pregnant. Treated me like a queen. And during the births...just the excitement and love on his face when each of those girls was born. He would crawl into the hospital bed and lie beside me while we held one of our baby daughters."

Tears prick at my eyes as I listen to all the ways in which Ryker was in love with his wife. All the ways in which he provided for her. Built a home with her. Relied on her. Had babies with her.

Hensley's not making any of this up. I can tell each story is true, and with every word she utters, I can feel him slipping away from me.

Finally, she reaches into her purse and pulls out a stack of photos. She stands and starts placing photo after photo on my desk for me to look at.

Ryker and Hensley's wedding...him delicately feeding her cake.

Ryker giving Hensley a piggyback ride in the snow.

Hensley holding a baby while Ryker takes a selfie as he sits beside her, grinning big.

Every single photo with Ryker grinning big.

So very fucking happy with his family.

"Stop," I croak, and then reach for the bottle of water sitting on my desk.