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Ruthless Knight: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Royal Hearts Academy) Page 25

by Ashley Jade

“I didn’t know—”

“Yeah, I know. You thought I was Hayley. Or Morgan. Or whatever bitch you thought you brought home while you were high off your ass that night. Sorry it was just the psycho kid sister of your friends who needed a shoulder to cry on so she wouldn’t drown herself in the fucking pool.”

My heart squeezes. It’s all I can do not to run right out there and hug her.


I hear the sharp smack of skin against skin. “Leave me alone.”

Oakley tries to speak again, but Bianca isn’t having it.

“No.” A small grunt escapes her, like she’s trying to physically push him away, but can’t. “Don’t fucking touch me. Leave.”

A moment later, the classroom door slams shut…at the same time my phone vibrates with another text from Cole.

Cole: Are you mad at me again? Or do I need to start a search party because someone kidnapped you?

Sawyer: No. Sorry, I was studying. I’ll be at the game. Promise.

It’s not a lie.

Cole: Sweet. Later, Bible Thumper.

“You can come out of the closet now, Sawyer,” Bianca snaps. “Or should I say…Izzy.”


“How did you know?” I say, taking a few tentative steps.

“Because Scott has mono and I overheard that idiot Morgan tell Casey that Oakley was filling in for him. Only, Oakley is six foot one and Scott is five foot six. The costume won’t fit him.”

“Oh. But how did you know it was me?”

“Scott doesn’t jump up like a Jack in the Box whenever my brother’s on the field. He also doesn’t ogle his ass the entire time.”

Fair enough.

Now that we got that out of the way.

“Look, I overheard what happened. I’m sorry—”

“Don’t be.” She laughs callously. “God, you thought that was real?” She rolls her eyes. “I was just fucking with him because I was pissed he dissed me.”

She puts on a good act, but I can’t help but feel her bravado is all a show right now.

She must have learned it from Cole.

Those big brown eyes sharpen like razor blades. “But just so we’re clear, if you ever tell anyone what you overheard, you can kiss your relationship—fake or otherwise—with my brother goodbye.” She gets uncomfortably close to my face. “Because I’ll tear your heart right out of your goddamn chest and eat it for a snack. Got it?”

Devil in a dress? Sounds about right.

“I won’t tell a soul.”

“Good.” She gives me a sugary sweet smile. “Now tell Izzy to get his ass in gear. Casey wants us out on the field in five.”

With that, she heads for the door.


She makes no move to turn around. “What?”

“If you ever need someone to talk to…I’m here.”

“Jesus Christ. Stop being such a suck up, Church. Despite only being a five, my brother somehow managed to fall for you. Congratu-fucking-lations.”

Chapter 42


“You coming, Covington?” Lennox asks. “Everybody’s waiting on you.”

“Yeah, I just need a second.”

He nods in understanding. “Last-minute dookie, huh?”

I’m about to say no, but it’s just easier to let him think that. “Yeah.”

“Say no more, man. I got you.”

He cups his hands over his mouth right before he walks out. “Y’all give him another minute. He’s taking a dump.”

Opening my locker door, I fish around for the piece of green fabric.

I don’t do it before every game…just the important ones.

Closing my eyes, I rub the material over my throwing arm and new tattoo.

I could really use your help out there today, big brother.

“Goddammit,” Coach Stalter spits on the sidelines. “They’re going through our defensive line like shit goes through a goose!”

Despite the colorful analogy, it’s the truth.

Usually our defense is awesome…but today. Today—the Warriors are better.

They must have been preparing for this.

I look at the scoreboard.

Twenty-one to seventeen…in favor of the Warriors.

“Lennox, you better pull your head out of your ass and stop picking dandelions on the goddamn field before I bench you next season.”

Lennox hangs his head. In all honesty, I feel terrible for him, but I can’t focus on that right now.

When the defense is shit…the offense has to pick up the slack.

Especially when there’s only three minutes left in the game.

Coach looks at me. “I hope you believe in God, Covington. Because you’re gonna need him out there.”

I don’t…but I do believe in me.

I clap my hands. “Let’s do this.”

I look out into the stands, trying to spot Sawyer. I can’t find her, but I’m sure she’s here.

She promised she’d be.

Although, I hate that she’s witnessing this game.

Momentum is so low, a quarter of our fans are gone, the cheerleaders look depressed, and…oh, hell.

Izzy the Knight—our mascot—is so miserable, he’s literally praying for a victory from the sidelines.

My heart hammers in my chest as I get into position.

I know exactly what Coach would want me to do—take any opportunity to score.

However, with a team like the Warriors…there’s only one way to win.

You have to play smarter.

When the center snaps the ball. I launch it to Dwight. He runs down the field then pivots toward the sideline.

Five yards. Perfect.

I still need more time though.

In the distance, Coach Stalter starts yelling his head off.

The second the snap is in my hands, again I do the same thing.

Only this time, Dwight stops after ten yards and launches it back to me.

The fucker better be ready to score.

Grinning, I propel the ball.

It’s a thing of beauty when he catches it…

But not nearly as beautiful as the moment he crosses into the end zone.

We fucking did it.

My heart is ready to pound right out of my body as my team rushes me.

Once again, I look up at the stands...hoping the one person I want to impress saw what just happened.

Disappointment flickers in my chest when I spot Jace and Dylan...but there’s still no sign of Sawyer.

I might have won…but it sure doesn’t feel like it right now.

Chapter 43


Holy shit. They won!

I’m so excited I jump up and down, pumping my fist in the air.

It’s only when I notice Cole looking toward the stands with a sad expression on his face that I realize…

He’s looking for me.

It’s a good thing I’m wearing a giant stupid knight head because I’m most definitely frowning as I join the cheerleaders.

My sprinkler is barely a sprinkle…and the moment I’m done, I run off the field.

I’m halfway to the chemistry lab to change into my regular clothes when my phone rings.

Cole’s name flashes across the screen.


“Hey,” I say when I pick up. “Great game.”

“How would you know?” he questions.

“Duh. I was there, silly. I saw everything. You were amaz—”

“Jace said he never saw you.”

Dammit. That rat bastard. This is what I get for rooting for him and Dylan…even when he was an asshole to her.

“That’s because he didn’t…I didn’t sit with him. It was so packed.”

“There was an empty seat right next to him and Dylan.”

I open my mouth to tell him the truth, but I can’t.

I told Oakley I’d keep his secret, and I’m not the type o
f person who goes back on her word.

I’ll just have to track Oakley down and have him tell Scott that I’m spilling the beans to Cole.

In the meantime, I have to tell a little white lie.

“I’m sorry, Cole. My boss called me into work the second I got to the game. There was an emergency and—”

“Why didn’t you just tell me that?”

“I should have,” I admit. “I just didn’t want you to be mad.”

“I’m not mad at you, Sawyer. Disappointed you didn’t come…sure. But I get it. Your boss is a dick.”

“Trust me, you have no idea.”

“What time do you get off?”

“Huh? Oh, you mean work…right. Eleven. Why?”

“Want to go to Christian’s with me later? I can pick you up. Or…we can do something else if you want.” I start to answer him, but then he says, “I don’t mean sex. Although I wouldn’t mind sex. I just want to see you…I don’t give a fuck what we do.”

Hold the phone. “Was that your way of asking me out on a date?”

“Maybe.” He clears his throat. “Actually, you know what? It fucking was. Got a problem with it, Church?”

“I can’t seem to think of one, Covington.”

“Good. I’ll see you at eleven.”

With that, he hangs up the phone.

Chapter 44


“Where are we going?” Bianca questions from the passenger seat. “Our house is the opposite way, idiot.”

Clenching my hand around the steering wheel, I glare at her. “I’m not going to our house, moron.”

She lets out an irritated sigh. “Whatever. I didn’t agree to be taken hostage tonight, so drop me off at home.”

She’s been in an even bitchier mood than usual lately.

“My car…my rules. Besides, it will only take five minutes. I’m just making a pit stop at Sawyer’s work.”



Why am I going to her job?

Oh, that’s right. Because I want to steal her away for five minutes and kiss her face off…amongst other things.

“I’m in the mood for some chicken.”

And by chicken…I mean burying my face in her tits and pussy again.

At that, Bianca laughs. “Right.” Another sigh. “God, you’re so sprung.”

“Am not. Shut the fuck up.”

She snorts. “Wow, you’ve got it bad.” Her expression changes from humorous to serious. “It’s okay, you know. Truth be told, I actually think it’s kind of awesome. I’ve known you my whole life and I’ve never seen you so…” Her voice trails off.

I side-eye her. “What?”


I grit my teeth. “Whatever.”

“Whatever me all you want, but you like her.”

“She’s not my type,” I argue, knowing there’s not an ounce of truth to it. She’s exactly my type. “We’re complete opposites.”

“You know what they say about that.”

I make a sharp left turn. “She’s annoying.”

She cackles. “So are you.”

“It’s not real.”

“You and I both know that’s bullshit.”

I hate it when she’s right.

We spend the next few minutes in silence.

I should have taken it as a sign this was a bad idea the moment I walked in and saw him at the counter.

Stone DaSilva.

Tommy’s little brother.

Beside me, Bianca tenses up. “I didn’t know she worked with him.”

Me either.

You’d think she would have said something.

Granted, it’s Stone, not Tommy.

Not that it matters…much.

They still have the same venomous killer blood pumping through their system.

The look on his face when he spots us tells me he doesn’t like us being here any more than we like seeing him.

He throws his towel on the counter. “What do you want?”

“Wow,” Bianca says mockingly. “You’d think we weren’t welcome here.”

“You’re not.”

Bianca looks at me. “You know, I’m a little insulted by his lack of hospitality.”

Me too.

“Who says we’re not welcome, dipshit?” Snorting, I look around. “Your family eats cockroaches for dinner. I highly doubt you own this place.”

His jaw works. “If you’re looking for Tommy, he left town.”

“Then it’s a good thing we’re not looking for that murdering piece of fucking shit.” Bianca knocks over a pitcher of water. “Isn’t it?”

He folds his arms across his chest. “Look, I highly doubt a bunch of rich prissies like you are here for the food, so why don’t you just cut to the chase.”

“We’re here to see his girlfriend.” Bianca flutters her fingers. “So why don’t you be a good little bitch and run along and get Sawyer for us.”

He barks out a laugh. “No, seriously. Why the fuck are you here?”

I lean in. “Did she stutter, asshole?”

“Nah, man.” He winks. “That was your brother, remember?”

Anger brews in the pit of my stomach and I fist the collar of his shirt. “You have about two seconds to tell me where the fuck my girlfriend is before I break your teeth on this countertop.”

Coughing, he chokes out, “Sawyer isn’t here.”

“Bullshit,” I seethe, tightening my grip.

Sawyer doesn’t lie.

“It’s true,” he insists. “I usually work in the back, but she asked me to cover her shift tonight so she could go to the football game at her school.”

Bianca makes a face. “On second thought…he’s right. Sawyer was definitely at the game.”

“No, she wasn’t. She told me she got called into work.”

She holds up a finger. “I’ll be right back…I just need to make a quick phone call.”

She runs outside before I can stop her.

What the hell is going on?

Why the fuck would Sawyer lie to me?

“No!” some older man with a broom in his hand shouts. “You out. Now!”

Releasing my hold on Stone, I turn to look at him. “I’m sorry, pal. Who the fuck are you?”

He stomps his foot. “This is my place.”

It all hits me in one big wave.

Bianca telling me about Sawyer and her boss.

Sawyer lying about being at the game.

Her boss calling her before her shifts, demanding she come in early so he could see her.

Stone covering for her by telling me she went to the game and she wasn’t here…even though she confessed she was here.

Bianca running outside to make a phone call…most likely warning her.

For fuck’s sake, he’s old enough to be her father. Hell, maybe even her grandfather.

“You’re Sawyer’s boss.”

It’s not a question. I don’t have time for those. I’m already stepping toward the disgusting old man like a vulture descending on its prey.

He opens his mouth to speak, but doesn’t get the chance.

I wind my fist back and launch it into his face. “You sick perverted, motherfucker.”

Chapter 45


“Why couldn’t you meet me at the guesthouse?” Oakley questions as I walk over to his car.

“Because Cole thinks I’m at work.”


“Because I didn’t go to his game as me. And since you made me promise not to tell anyone, I couldn’t tell him I was Izzy, either.” I poke his chest with my finger. “Which, by the way, is a promise I’m breaking tonight when I see him.”

He pouts. “Scott’s gonna be so upset.”

“Oh, well. I feel bad, but not so bad I want to keep lying to Cole. He wanted me at the game tonight…not Izzy. I’m not hurting him again.” I shrug. “Besides, I’m sure he’ll keep his mouth shut.”

mn, girl.”


“You’re really into him.”

I avert my gaze. “A little bit.” I can’t help but smile. “Okay, fine. I am. Is that such a crime?”

He pulls out a blunt and lights it. “Nah. It’s a good thing, short stack.”

Looking around the parking lot to make sure it’s empty, I whisper, “Did you bring it?”

“Yeah.” Reaching into his pocket, he tosses a bottle at me. “There’s thirty this time.”


I pop one in my mouth and take a swig from my water bottle.

He eyes me warily. “You planning on studying tonight?”

“No. Cole’s taking me on a date and I’m tired. Figured I could use a little boost.”

Plus, I don’t want to be hungry and end up eating like a pig in front of him.

Especially since I’m down twelve pounds as of today.

Oak rubs his chin, assessing me. “You told me you take those to help you study.”

“I do.”

“But you aren’t studying tonight.”

“Seriously, Oakley? It’s the first and only time I’ve ever taken one without studying right after.”

He inhales a cloud of smoke. “I’m not trying to give you shit. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because these pills have a certain side-effect that girls like you would probably enjoy a little too much. I don’t want you using this shit for the wrong reason.”

Wow, I never thought Oakley of all people would hurt me.

“Girls like me?”

His face falls. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean?”

His mouth opens and closes before he says, “People at school are assholes. Their idea of hot is a model on Instagram who photoshops her pics until she’s perfect. No one appreciates natural beauty anymore.” He holds up a hand defensively. “Not to say you’re not hot. You’ve got that cute nerdy girl thing going on that a lot of men dig. Cole being one of them.”

“You mean fat nerdy girl thing.”