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Ruthless Knight: A Standalone Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Royal Hearts Academy) Page 23

by Ashley Jade

Come again? “Hold on. You knew about this and you didn’t tell me?”

“I didn’t think it was a big deal.”

Of course he didn’t. When people talk about us being fake, it’s not because he’s the one who’s lacking.

It’s me.

I pat his shoulder. “Oh, well in that case. I hope you enjoy watching Cortland drive around in your Ferrari.”

I start to leave, but he tugs me back. “Why is this bothering you so much?” He shrugs. “Who cares what Casey thinks.”

It’s not just Casey…it’s everyone.

“Yup. You’re right. Good talk.”

I try to leave again, but he halts me.

“Don’t do that girl thing where you say one thing when you really mean another. You’re always demanding honesty from me, so give me some back.”

He’s right. I hate it.

“When people talk about us…it’s never in the context that you’re not attractive enough for me. It’s always the other way around.” I close my eyes. “I’m tired of feeling like I don’t measure up.”

He tips my chin, forcing me to look at him. “Fuck them. Ninety percent of the idiots here will never amount to anything anyway. They don’t matter.”

“Casey does,” I whisper, my voice cracking. “She shouldn’t, but she does. Everyone does.” I close my eyes. “Your team members already know the truth, and if she finds out we’re only dating because of a stupid bet—”

“Then we make it real.” He clears his throat. “We make it look as real as we can.”

“We’re already doing that.”

He snorts. “Trust me, there’s room for improvement in certain areas.”

I glare at him. “What’s that suppo—”

“Look, if she keeps running her mouth…we deny it. Simple as that. No one can prove it’s not real between us.”

“Right, like you won’t spill the beans when all is said and done in order to save your reputat—”

“I will never tell anyone the truth.” His hands frame my face. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”

My first instinct is to believe him. “Promise?”

“You have my word.”

The sinking feeling in my chest eases up a bit. “Okay.” The clock on the wall catches my eye and I mutter a curse. “I’m late for English class. Talk to you later.”

Apprehension flashes across his face. “Look, I wasn’t gonna say anything…but I…uh. Um…”

Watching him stumble over his words would be comical if he didn’t look so serious.

“Spit it out, Covington. I don’t have all day.”

Blowing out a breath, he squeezes the back of his neck. “You losing weight wasn’t a requirement for our arrangement, okay? I don’t—”

“Shut up,” I croak, a combination of anger and humiliation burning my cheeks. “Don’t ever, and I mean ever comment on my weight again if you want this arrangement to work between us. Got it?”

His expression falls. “I didn’t…I’m not—”

“You’re right. You’re not. Because my weight is none of your goddamn concern. You lost that right when you embarrassed and disrespected me in front of the entire school.”

With that, I walk out.

Chapter 38


Sawyer hasn’t spoken to me since yesterday.

Given she has a lot on her plate with school, work, church shit, and tutoring Oakley, I wouldn’t take it so personally…if she wasn’t going out of her way to actively avoid me.

People are starting to notice.

Sliding my phone out of my pocket, I shoot her a text.

Cole: You’re ignoring me.

I’m stunned when she responds.

Sawyer: Wow, you don’t miss a thing. Gold star for you.

Swallowing my pride, I do something I never do.

I apologize.

Cole: For what it’s worth, I’m sorry about yesterday. You’re right. Your weight is none of my business.

Sawyer: Thank you.

I watch as the dots appear and disappear before they appear again.

Sawyer: I accept your apology.

Good, now maybe she’ll accept something else I want to give her.

Cole: However, as your boyfriend I feel you should know it would be a shame if anything were to happen to your ass and tits.

Cole: Well, any of your body parts.

Sawyer: Jesus, Covington. Are you moonlighting for the mob?

Yeah, that came out wrong.

Before I can tell her what I meant, she shoots me another text.

Sawyer: Look, I already accepted your apology. You don’t need to go overboard and spew a bunch of lies to make the fat girl feel better about herself. I appreciate the effort, but really. I’m good.

That’s not what I was doing.

Cole: Are you always so defensive when someone tries to give you a compliment?

Sawyer: Only when it’s you.

Cole: How come?

It feels like an eternity before she responds.

Sawyer: Because we both know you don’t have an honest bone in your body.

The growing boner in my pants disagrees.

Cole: Trust me, I have a very honest bone, and he wants inside you.

Cole: But he’ll settle for other stuff if he has to.

Sawyer: Do you always talk about your cock in third person? It’s a little weird.

Cole: Do you always deflect whenever the topic of sex comes up between us?

Sawyer: I’m not deflecting. I’m just not interested in hooking up with you. Thanks for the offer though.

Cole: We both know that’s a lie.

Sawyer: Whatever eases the sting and helps you sleep at night, champ.

I clench my teeth.

Cole: We have chemistry. Lots of it.

Sawyer: Yoko and John had chemistry too. Look how well that worked out for them.

I have no clue who those people are.

Cole: Who?

Sawyer: Are you kidding? The Beatles.

Cole: I’m sorry. I only listen to music from the last decade.

Sawyer: And that’s another reason we’d never work. You wouldn’t know great music if it crawled out of your laptop and slapped your big head.

We’ll have to agree to disagree on that…but I’m not above compromise.

Cole: If I start listening to The Beatles will you hook up with me?

Sawyer: No. But I’ll have a lot more respect for your taste in music. Also, since we’re on the subject of music, you should add some Nick Jonas to your collection.

I’d rather chew my arm off.

Cole: That won’t be happening. Ever.

Sawyer: Your loss. He’s my soulmate…he just doesn’t know it yet.

In that case, he won’t mind me stealing you away.

Cole: You’re deflecting again.

Sawyer: Deflecting what?

Frustrated, my hand tightens around my phone.

Cole: Sex.

Sawyer: That’s because we won’t be having any. Ever.

I try a different approach.

Cole: I’d be willing to wait until you’re ready. For the sex.

Sawyer: Awesome. How does forever sound?

Cole: Come on, Bible Thumper. You’re human, right? Don’t you have needs? Not necessarily for sex, since you don’t know what you’re missing. But you know…other stuff.

Sawyer: Awe. I appreciate your concern, but once again. I’m good.

Cole: Who?

Sawyer: Who what?

Cole: If your needs are being met, I deserve to know who the person meeting them is, goddammit.

Bianca’s words from Christian’s party a few weeks ago hits me like a brick to the head, but before I can ask, my phone lights up.

Sawyer: You’re talking to her.

If I wasn’t hard before…I definitely am now.

My cock twitches as visions of Sawyer playing with herself zip through my mind.

Fuck, I’m so horny I
could rip the classroom door off its hinges.

Cole: Do you use anything?

Sawyer: Did you fall asleep during sex ed? I don’t need to use protection when I flick the bean.

I’m about to tell her that’s not what I meant, but her next text takes me by surprise.

Sawyer: But since you’re so concerned, I’ve been on the pill since I was sixteen, so don’t worry your little heart about it.

Cole: I thought you were a virgin.

Sawyer: I am.

Cole: Then why are you on birth control?

Sawyer: Not that it’s any of your business, but I have terrible periods. Is there anything else you’d like to ask me? Blood type? DNA results? Perhaps my social security number?

Cole: Do you use your fingers or a vibrator?

My heart pounds in my chest. It feels like every ounce of blood in my body is rushing down south.

Hell, at this point she’d barely have to touch me.

Sawyer: That was rhetorical. Not an invitation, you perv.

Cole: I bet you’re so fucking tight.

Sawyer: Sorry. G2G. Unlike you, I actually like to pay attention to what’s going on in class.

I’m not letting her off so easy.

Cole: Fingers, I bet. But only one…because you’re still a good little girl saving herself for Jesus.

Sawyer: And I’ve officially checked out of this conversation.

I haven’t.

Cole: You probably wake up in the middle of the night with your hand inside your panties, feeling so wet and horny you could scream. Wishing someone was around to ease the ache. Someone who would lick and suck your little clit until you came all over his face.

She doesn’t respond, but it doesn’t stop me from sending my next text.

Cole: Last night you got me off.

Sawyer: I beg your fucking pardon, jackass. I did no such thing.

Cole: Ah, but you did. You were all I could think about as I jerked it. Those nice full lips stretched around my dick, sucking me deep and fast while I played with your big titties…right before I shot my load all over them.

Sawyer: I don’t even know how to respond to that.

Cole: It was so fucking good, Sawyer. So fucking hot. You were perfect.

Sawyer: You can stop now. I get the point.

Cole: No, you don’t.

Making sure no one’s looking, I angle my phone toward my lap and snap a picture of my dick swelling in my pants.

Then I press send.

Cole: That’s what you do to me.

Sawyer: Jesus. Aren’t you in class?

Cole: No.

Grabbing my textbook to conceal my erection, I spring out of my seat.

“Where do you think you’re going, Mr. Covington?” Mrs. Edwards scolds.

“Bathroom,” I call out over my shoulder.

The second I’m in the hallway, I take out my phone.

Cole: I’m in the girls’ locker room. Waiting for you.

She’ll be way less nervous if we do it there.

Plus, class just started so it will be empty for the next thirty-seven minutes.

Sawyer: You must be having another fantasy.

Cole: How about you put your money—or rather, my dick—where your mouth is and make it a reality, Church?

Sawyer: Wow, smooth. I’m not blowing you, Covington. Not that it’s any of your business…again. But I’ve never done that before and my first time doing that sure as hell won’t be in a locker room. Or with you.

We’ll see about the latter…a different time. For now, I have to ease in slowly.

She’s even more inexperienced than I thought.

Cole: Fine. Now that I know your limits, I won’t cross them…today. I just need something nice to look at while I jerk it.

Sawyer: There’s this neat thing called porn. You should try it sometime.

Cole: I don’t want to look at porn. Porn isn’t you.

Cole: I’ll make this real simple. Meet me here in five. If you don’t, I’ll never proposition you again. But if you do…

Sawyer: If I do…what?

I grin. She wouldn’t have asked if she wasn’t considering it.

Cole: Stop being a chicken shit and find out.

Chapter 39


I’m only going there so I can inform him to his face we will never hookup.

At least that’s what I tell myself as I excuse myself from class and amble toward the girls’ locker room.

I can’t believe I told him I’ve never blown anyone before.

It was almost as shocking as what his dirty words were doing to me.

And my panties.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I’m a smart girl, I know better than to fall for this. Again.

Yet, here I am…pondering what it would be like to take another bite of the apple.

Determination surges through me as I push open the door to the locker room.

I have every intention of putting a stop to this and outlining in step-by-step detail why this is a horrible idea…

But all the reasons disappear the second I see him.

Just like that day in the tattoo shop, he looks tortured…only this time, there’s not a drop of sadness in his eyes.

There’s just hunger.

Pure, raw, animalistic need pulsing through the body of a God…who’s headed straight for me.

A vulgar smile curves his mouth. “I knew you’d come.”

“I only came so I could—”

His mouth crashes against mine.

Oh, sweet Jesus. I have no idea what’s happening.

All I know is I’ve never experienced anything like this before.

It’s the kind of kiss that makes your knees go weak and puts your brain in a blender.

The kind of kiss you touch yourself to in the middle of the night while you think the dirtiest of thoughts.

The type of thoughts that make you pray extra hard in church the next morning.

It’s the kind of kiss that makes it clear there’s no point in putting up a fight…because I’ve already lost the battle between sinner and saint.

My mind spins as he grips my hips and pushes me against a set of lockers.


My eyes flutter closed as his lips travel to my neck.

Fuck him for knowing my weak spot.

Fuck him for the way he grabs my breast and groans…like it’s solely for his pleasure.

Fuck him for all the dirty things he wants to do to my body.

And fuck me…for everything I’m going to let him get away with in this locker room.

“More,” a voice that sounds a whole lot like mine moans.

Dropping to his knees, he buries his head in my chest.

I hiss as his mouth finds my nipple through my shirt. “Oh, God.”

My thighs clench when he moves on to the next one and I notice the wet mark he left on the white fabric.

I dig my nails into his shoulders as he reaches for my buttons. “Take it out.”

“Trust me, I am.” He tugs the cup of my bra down, exposing me. “Jesus fucking Christ.”

Groaning, he sucks my nipple into his hot, wet mouth.

A surge of pleasure zips up my spine as he plumps my other breast in his hand before licking and teasing that one too. “I meant your dick.” I swallow hard. “I want to watch you.”

Voracious green eyes cut through me as he unbuttons the rest of my blouse. “As long as I get to keep playing with these.” Hooking a finger in the band of my bra, he snaps it against my skin. “Take it off, Bible Thumper.”

Reaching around, I unhook my bra and remove it.

I’ve never felt so vulnerable or defenseless. I expect his face to twist in disgust when he sees my stomach, but it doesn’t.

His eyes darken as he stands up. “Do you have any idea how hot you look right now?”

I want to ask if he’s joking, but he runs his palm over the huge erection tenting his
pants. “See what you do to me?”

There’s a confident gleam in his gaze as he unzips his pants.

I understand why when his dick springs out of his boxers.

Like the rest of him, it’s impressive…and uncharacteristically attractive.

It’s not a strange shape, there are no weird bends or colors…his generous girth and width are proportionate to one another.

He’s perfect.

But for some strange reason…right now in this moment? He’s looking at me like I’m the one who is.

My heart hammers in my chest as I watch him wrap his big hand around his cock and give it a slow, teasing jerk.

Witnessing him doing something so wicked, so personal, is such a turn on.

Like a naughty show I know I shouldn’t be watching but can’t seem to turn away from.

Biting his lip, he comes closer. “Lick it.”

Nerves lodge in my throat. He promised he wouldn’t…

He holds up his hand. “Unless you’re too chicken.”

There’s a taunting bite to his tone…a challenge.

His little dare shouldn’t excite me, but it does.

Especially because I know exactly what he thinks about me.

He thinks I’m an innocent nerd…and he’s right.

But not right now.

Holding his gaze, I flick my tongue against the rough, calloused skin of his palm.

His breathing hitches. “Fuck.”

With a grunt, he places his hand back on his cock, jacking himself hard and fast.

Then he stops.

I watch in earnest as he circles the wide crown with his thumb, gathering the small drop of fluid on it.