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Read, Write, Love (Love in Bloom: The Remingtons, Book 5) Contemporary Romance Page 21

by Melissa Foster

Bella brushed against her shoulder. “Forget to close the windows last night?”

Leanna’s eyes widened. Her hand flew to her mouth. “No. Oh my God! Shit.” She spun around and saw Tony’s curtains blowing in the breeze inside his cottage. “Oh my God, you guys!”

Jenna stifled a laugh. “Remind me to put a lock on the outside of your windows, and when we see Kurt’s car in the driveway, the girls and I will be on mission control.” She winked. “We’ll have your back.”

Leanna covered her face. “That’s great, but. Oh. My. God. You know Tony heard us.” She dropped her hands and searched her friends’ amused faces. “Did you guys hear us?”

They shared a knowing glance.

“Everything?” Leanna asked with a thin voice.

Bella laughed. “Well, not everything. He must whisper or something, because we couldn’t make out anything he said.”

Leanna shook her head. “You were actually eavesdropping?”

“No!” The smile on Bella’s lips betrayed her. “I was bringing ice cream to Jenna because she had a freak-out over a rock being out of place or something—”

“It was sand all over my floor.” Jenna tucked her hair behind her ear. “I couldn’t get it clean no matter how hard I tried. It was sticking to my feet.”

Bella rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Anyway, we really just heard something like, Holy shit. Kur…Oh…My…Go—”

Kurt joined them with a wide smile. “Did I hear my name?”

“No!” they all said in unison.

Leanna’s throat tightened again, and she pushed past the embarrassment. “So you’re sure that guy will take your car back to your cottage and everything? I can do it for you.”

“No. Don’t be silly. I wouldn’t waste your time on that. Besides, Savannah’s brother Treat hooked me up with Smitty, his caretaker, a few months ago. He and his wife are wonderful, and they’ll take care of it. Enjoy your time with the girls, and…” He glanced down at Pepper, panting happily at his feet. He crouched and picked up Pepper, who made quick work of licking his cheeks. “And Pep.”

He pulled Leanna close and kissed her again. “I love you, and I’m so proud of you for what you’ve already accomplished. Enjoy the next few days.”

Leanna nodded, concentrating on keeping the tears burning her eyes at bay.

Kurt set Pepper down and embraced Leanna again. “I wish I wasn’t leaving.” He embraced Bella. “I’m so glad Leanna has you guys here with her.”

“So are we,” Amy said.

He hugged Amy. “Don’t worry. You’ll find your own Tony.”

Then he moved to Jenna, who opened her arms wide and grinned. “I have been waiting to have this man against my body since Leanna first brought him home.” She laughed.

Kurt shook his head and squeezed her tight. “Not so thrilling, is it?”

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Jenna teased.

Amy swatted her.

He hugged Leanna again. “Don’t cry, babe. It’s only a few days, and we can do a few days. We can do anything knowing we’ll be together at the end of it.”

Ten minutes later, Leanna watched him drive away, and a single tear escaped down her cheek. She felt Bella’s arm across her shoulder, then Jenna’s around her back. Amy opened her arms and walked toward her. The group hug was exactly what she needed. If only it could last until Monday.

“Come on. You can tell us all about the oh my God moment.” Bella took her hand and led her inside the cottage.

“I’ll do no such thing, but…oh my God. That’s all I’m saying.” Pepper ran into the bedroom before Leanna could take his leash off, and she went after him. She stopped cold at the sight of a Shop Therapy bag in the center of her bed. She found a card inside with a picture of a big red heart on the front and pressed it to her chest.

“Hey, do you have any—” Amy came to her side. “Aw. He left you a card? What does it say?”

Bella and Jenna joined them in the bedroom.

Leanna eyed them, wondering if she needed privacy, in case he’d written something intimate inside the card.

“Open it,” Jenna urged. She reached for the bag, and Leanna snagged it.

She’d never have privacy with her friends around, and that was okay. She needed them more than she needed privacy.

“One sec.” She opened the card close to her chest and read the handwritten note.

My sweet, smart, not at all awkward Leanna,

I didn’t realize that leaving you for a few days would mean leaving my heart behind, but apparently it is now tied so closely to yours (and Pepper’s) that it refused to come with me. Keep it safe and warm until we’re together again.

I love you,


PS: Don’t be nervous about Daisy Chain. You’re perfect in every way, and if they don’t see that as clearly as I do, then they don’t deserve your Sweet Treats. I hope you feel as beautiful and confident in the dress as I know you’ll look. Xox

Dress? She reached into the bag.

“What did the card say?” Bella took it from Leanna’s fingertips and read it aloud.

“Aw, that is so sweet.” Amy’s hand covered her heart.

Leanna held up the aqua tie-dyed dress she’d admired while they were in Provincetown. “I can’t believe he bought it. When did he even have time?”

“That is wicked cute!” Jenna rubbed the cotton between her fingers and thumb.

“When he told you he was writing, I bet,” Bella said. “That man. Mm-mm-mm. He is something, Leanna.”

Clutching the dress to her chest, she glanced at the bed, then the card, then Pepper. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

IT WAS ALMOST nine when Kurt finally arrived at Treat Braden’s house in Weston, Colorado. Savannah’s older brothers Treat and Rex lived on properties adjacent to her father’s ranch, and Kurt’s family would be staying with them. Kurt, Sage and Kate, and Siena and Cash were staying with Treat, and Dex and Ellie and Rush and Jayla were staying at Rex’s house. Jack, Savannah, and Joanie and James Remington were staying with Hal, Savannah’s father. Earlier in the day he’d confirmed with Blue that the renovations were progressing well, and he’d received several texts from Siena confirming his arrival time throughout the day, as if the plane might suddenly divert and take him to Timbuktu.

He sat in the rented Lexus in Treat’s driveway and pulled out his cell phone. He and Leanna had texted throughout the afternoon, and she’d sent him a picture of her wearing the dress he’d bought her. He pulled it up before calling her. The aqua color and her wide smile lit up the screen. The scooped neckline exposed a sexy path of tanned skin, and the dress fit perfectly over her curves—not too tight, not too loose—and ended midthigh. Luscious Leanna. She sure as hell was, and he missed her so much his heart ached.

He pressed her speed-dial number, and she answered on the first ring.

“FaceTime. FaceTime,” she said excitedly.

He laughed and pushed the FaceTime icon. Her beautiful smiling lips and hazel eyes filled the screen.

“There you are,” he said.

“We all are. Look.” She turned the phone, and on the screen he saw Bella, Jenna, and Amy waving. He could hear their laughter as if he were there with them.

He wished he were.

“This is Tony,” Leanna said as she moved the phone toward a handsome man’s face that filled the screen.

Kurt took stock of him in three seconds flat. Wide smile, dark tan, longish, sun-streaked, brownish blond hair that fell almost to his eyes, broad shoulders, and eyes that didn’t hold a threat. Kurt had never been a jealous man. He assumed that not having a steady girlfriend helped in that regard. Despite the lack of threat in Tony’s eyes, his gut clenched.

Tony waved. “Hey, man. Sorry we didn’t get to meet while you were here. I slept for, like, two days. Jet lag, man, it’s a killer. I was whipped.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m sure we’ll connect the next time Leanna and I are up.” He c
ouldn’t help it; he had to claim her.

“Great. I’m looking forward to it. According to these goofballs, you’re, like, Mr. Perfect. I’d be glad to break you of that nasty habit.”

Tony laughed, and Kurt couldn’t help but like his easy nature.

“I fear they have a limited stock of men to compare me to. I’m far from perfect, and trust me, they think the world of you, too.”

Tony lifted his beer with a nod, and Leanna’s face appeared on the screen again.

“Hey, babe. I just got to Treat’s, and I just wanted to say hi before I went in. I don’t know what they have planned for tonight, but I’ll text you when I settle in for the night, and if you’re still up, you can call me.”

Three hard knocks on the car window drew his attention away from Leanna as she spoke.

“Sounds great. Thank you for the dress, and I love the card.”

“Hold on, babe,” he said as he stepped from the car, and Siena flew into his arms.

“Oh my God! I’ve missed you so much! I can’t believe you’re finally here. I’ve waited all day to see you. Look how tan you are. Everyone’s inside and—”

“Siena.” He held up his phone and wiggled it.

“Hi, Siena!” Leanna said loudly.

“Oh my God! Leanna?” Siena’s baby blues widened as she took the phone from Kurt’s hand. “Hi. It’s so nice to see you. Wow! You’re really pretty.” Siena wore a pair of white shorts and a pink T-shirt. She looked happy and full of life, reminding him of Leanna.

“Thank you. So are you. I’m sorry I didn’t make it to the wedding, but I was honored to have been asked.”

Kurt shook his head and smiled at the instant kinship between his sister and the woman he loved. He heard the smile in Leanna’s voice, and despite wanting to give them time to talk, he was anxious to see her face. He grabbed his bags from the backseat and leaned against the car until Siena and Leanna paused to take a breath; then he reached for the phone.

“I’ll give you back to Kurt, but I can’t wait to meet you.” Siena held a thumbs-up at Kurt.

“Me too.” He heard the smile in Leanna’s voice.

“I love her,” Siena whispered when she handed him the phone. “I got your house all set up. She’ll love it.”

“Thanks, Siena. I’ll be in as soon as I’m off.” He turned his attention back to Leanna. “So, now you’ve met my sister.”

Siena waved over her head as she hurried inside.

“And I love her. Oh my God, Kurt, she’s so nice.”

“Yeah, she’s a pistol.” Siena was nice, and funny, and pushy—and he loved all of those qualities in her. She was also loving, sweet, and so in love with Cash that it practically dripped from her pores when she was around him. He wondered if his siblings would see something similar in him when he was around Leanna. He couldn’t imagine how they could see anything else.

“I know you have to get inside with your family. I wish so much I was there with you. I feel like I’m missing out on such an important event, and I miss you like crazy. I can’t imagine going to sleep alone tonight. I’m going to have to cuddle up to Pepper.”

God, I love you. “At least you have Pepper. I’ll have to be content thinking about you.” He saw the front door open, and his younger brother Sage stepped onto the porch of the two-story, stone and cedar-sided home and waved. Kurt waved back, watching Sage approach in his cargo shorts and tank top. He was as religious about his exercise as Kurt was, and it showed in his powerful frame. “Sage just came out on the porch, which means he either wants a peek at you or he’s anxious to see me, and since he’s walking across the driveway, I have a feeling—”

Sage snagged the phone from his hand.

“Dude,” Kurt snapped, although he knew his smile betrayed him. He was enjoying this new and different attention from his siblings, and he was proud to show off Leanna. He knew his family would love her as much as he did. She was easy to love.

“Leanna? Hi, I’m Sage. I wanted to meet you for myself, even if over FaceTime.” Sage’s dark hair had grown in thick and wavy over the summer.

“Hi, Sage. It’s nice to meet you,” Leanna said.

“You, too. Sorry to interrupt, but, well, what else are brothers for?”

Leanna laughed as Sage opened his arms and embraced Kurt. “Sorry, bro. Just wanted to say hi to you both. I won’t let anyone else come out, but I couldn’t resist.” He picked up Kurt’s bags and carried them inside.

“Sorry, babe.”

“It’s okay. Have fun with your family. They seem really nice.”

He heard Bella shouting in the background. “Send one of those brothers over here for me.”

He laughed. “Tell Bella they’re all taken. I was the last of the available Remingtons, but I think Cash has a few single brothers.” He thought of Blue working on the studio and debated telling Leanna about the work he was having done, then quickly decided to surprise her with a trip to the Cape once the renovations were complete. A nice long weekend with no writing. Just us. And Pepper. He couldn’t even believe he was looking forward to not writing, but the thought stuck with him like glue.

“Ignore her.” Leanna rolled her eyes. “I love you. Have fun with your family.”

“I love you too. I’ll text you later.”

Kurt ended the call, and as he crossed the driveway, he braced himself for the razz of a lifetime.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

LEANNA WOULD GIVE her right arm to be an organized and efficient person for one day. Just today. Hell, she’d take a few hours if she could get it. Just long enough to gather her thoughts, the basket of jams and bread, the brochures and lists she’d picked up from the printer—which looked so professional that she didn’t feel worthy of presenting them—and make it to her meeting on time. She was already late when a delivery truck blocked her driveway.

Great. The one time I actually park in my driveway. She closed the cottage door and shushed Pepper through the window. He’d been moping around all morning, running from room to room, as if he were trying to figure out where Kurt had gone, and now she felt guilty for leaving him alone. Kurt wouldn’t have left him alone.

She put her supplies in the van and went around to the driver’s side door of the delivery van. “I’m in a hurry. Can you please just pull your van up or back a little?”

Carey smiled down at her. “Hey there.”

“What are you doing in this? Where’s your van?” She stepped back and realized it was a fruit bouquet delivery service van.

He shrugged. “I’m doing deliveries to make a little extra money. That’s why I wasn’t at the flea market last Sunday. I’ve got a delivery for you.” Carey climbed out of the van and walked leisurely to the back of the van in his khaki shorts and company polo shirt, complete with a logo over the breast pocket. She had a hard time reconciling his attire to the beach boy she knew.

“Me?” What are you up to?

He returned with an enormous fruit bouquet, complete with chocolate-dipped strawberries and a balloon that read, good luck.

“My bet is that it’s from Kurt, but what do I know?” He shrugged. “You look totally hot, by the way.”

Leanna looked down at her dress. “Oh crap. I’m so late. Thanks, Carey. Hey, I’ve had a great time with you this summer. Will you be at the flea market next summer?”

Amy came out of her cabin. “Wow. What did you get?”

Leanna held up the fruit bouquet.

“I really need to go,” Leanna reminded him.

“Oh, sorry.” He climbed back into the van. “I’m not sure if I’ll be here next summer or not.” He shrugged. “Guess we’ll find out next May. We can keep in touch over text.”

“Sounds good. Thanks for all your help this summer, Carey.” I’m late. I’m late. I’m late. She hated rushing their last conversation of the summer after he’d been so patient with her and watched her booth while she walked Pepper, but she would hate herself if she messed up her chance with Daisy Chain.

“No prob. And tell Kurt I’m sorry for kissing you.” He waved to Amy.

“Oh gosh, wait!” Leanna ran to her van and retrieved the books Kurt had brought for Carey. “I almost forgot. He brought these to the flea market for you. They’re signed.”

“Awesome. That’s so cool of him. Here’s to a great summer.”

As Carey drove off, Leanna handed the bouquet to Amy and opened the card.

“Kurt?” Amy asked.

“Who else would ever send me anything?” Leanna read the card, “Go get ’em. I love you, K.” She smiled at Amy. “He’s the best, and I gotta run. Would you mind taking these in and maybe playing with Pepper a little? He’s going a little nutty without Kurt.”

“I don’t blame him. Good luck, Lea. You’ll do great.”

She drove away with the card from Kurt on the passenger seat and she already felt better, late or not. Pepper had Amy, and in a few days, she’d be with Kurt.

HAL BRADEN’S RANCH encompassed a few hundred acres of rolling pastures set against the backdrop of the majestic Colorado Mountains. The air was crisper than at the Cape, fresher, cleaner. The grassy yard fell away to the east, ending at a large barn, and just beyond, there were more horse pastures, bordered on the far side by a thick forest.

The yard beside the house had been set up for Jack and Savannah’s wedding, reminding Kurt of the last time he’d been at the Bradens’ ranch, for Savannah and Jack’s engagement party, and Hugh, one of Savannah’s younger brothers, married Brianna. Brianna had a seven-year-old daughter, Layla. Kurt watched her running through the yard wearing a pretty white dress, her brown hair pinned up away from her face with barrettes. She’d grown at least two inches since he’d last seen her. His eyes slid to Hugh and Brianna, standing arm in arm by Hal. They were a handsome couple, Hugh in his dark suit and Brianna in a white lacy dress. Kurt wished Leanna were there with him.

White lilies and red roses adorned the hand-carved wooden gazebo that had been brought in for the wedding. Wooden chairs were lined up in neat rows with an aisle in between. The interior and exterior chairs were decorated with white satin bows and flowers. Kurt watched as everyone took their places in preparation for the wedding, and noticed, not for the first time, how similar the Braden family and the Remington family were. The men were tall and fit, with dark hair and, as he watched Treat with his arm slung over his younger brother Dane’s shoulder, then caught a glimpse of Sage standing with Dex, both leaning in close, he realized that both families were also closely knit.