Sadie says…
It all starts and ends with Ainsley, because she was kind enough to let me tag along on this epic journey. I had doubts about my ability to write, let alone co-write, but when she said, ‘it’ll be fine,’ I had to trust she was right. Because sometimes, you have to take that big leap of faith if you want good things to happen.
Then we started writing, and we couldn’t stop. The story just poured out and we were so in tune, there were times where it was like we were two halves of a single brain. Occasionally, that meant one of us taking over where the other was stuck, but usually it meant we could see most of the story and characters unfolding the same way. It was magical.
Of course, the Chatzy crew get our thanks for their unwavering support and urging us on.
Finally, my love and gratitude to my husband for so many reasons, but mainly for not giving me the side-eye over my decision to push back a release to focus on this project.
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Ainsley says…
Sadie has been my “first reader” for all things Horus Group, so when the idea for Prime Minister came up, and she said, “you should write that,” I knew the only response was, “only if you write it with me.”
Writing this book was a complete joy. From the setting to the plot to the characters—especially the characters—Sadie and I were on the same page at every step. It’s kind of freaky to send someone a message and have them immediately bounce back a reply with the photo you imagined in your head…because they were already looking at it. At times it felt like we were finishing each other’s sentences.
And sometimes, when we struggled with how to wrap up a scene, we actually did.
As always, the crew in Chatzy get a lot of credit for cheering us on. Melissa Blue and Brenna Aubrey for needing this book. Elle Rush (pick-up hockey team) and Tessa Layne (shavasana line) for agreeably letting us steal their responses and work them into the book.
Madelynne Ellis and Vivian Arend gave us valuable beta feedback. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
One of our readers, Maria Rose, is responsible for Max in a round about way. Her April Fool’s tweets inspired a tweet-response that turned into book 2 in this series. Max’s book. As you can tell from the last chapter, we’re already well into that one, so we hope you’re hooked on these Canadian Doms. She also helped at the proofreading stage, and we’re grateful (and kind of embarrassed) for the errors that she caught.
Another reader, Jessica Alcazar, was an early beta reader, and is responsible for the fuckerette definition. Thank you for loving Gavin and Ellie even in their roughest stage!
Marlene Brown and Teri Lyn caught some errors in the earliest ARC, and we’re grateful for that.
Rhonda Helms, our foxy editor extraordinaire, gave PM the very thorough review it deserved, and helped us polish those rough edges until the entire book looked just like we imagined it might if we were super lucky. And then Dana Waganer got out her magnifying glass and did the final proofread.
We are blessed with friends and family that support us. I get a little teary when I think about how awesome my community is. “I’m writing a dirty romance about a hot prime minister!” I say, and they just smile and bring me tea, like that’s not super weird.
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Until the next book!
~ Ainsley & Sadie
Ainsley Booth & Sadie Haller, 2016
Digital ISBN: 978-1-926527-27-7