Page 7


by Jaimie Roberts

“Is that how you justify what you just did in there? You treated my life and my future like a transaction … like I’m property.”

“You are property. My property.”

“I hate you.”

I go to move again, but he holds me in place. “Things are going to be different around here from now on. I’m going to be around whether you like it or not. You’re simply going to have to shut up and start doing as you’re damn well told. Do you understand me?!”

Yeah, I understand. I understand perfectly.

Age Sixteen

“Roman, stop it,” Mandy says, giggling her drunk arse off as he tickles her and snuggles his head into her neck.

“I can’t help it, baby. You smell and feel so good.”

She giggles again, slapping his hand away. Eddie passes me a drink. “Thanks,” I say, taking a swig of the brandy and letting the burn pierce my throat.

An hour ago, I snuck out of my room when I got a call from Mandy. She, Roman, and Eddie wanted to go hang out at the park, and because I think Eddie is cute, I said yes. I also said yes to stick the knife into Drake. I don’t want him to find out what I’m doing by any means, but I certainly love knowing that I am doing what I want without his knowledge.

“Are you coming to the party on Saturday?” Eddie asks as I hand him back the drink.

I screw up my face in distaste and shake my head. “Can’t. My parents are having a party that night, and I’ve been told I have to attend.”

“Ooh! Is Drake going?” Mandy asks with a huge smile.

I huff. “What do you think? He’s always the guest of honour.” Lately, my parents have been having lots of these gatherings where I’m made to dress up and am paraded around like some sort of object on display. Every time, Drake is there, staring at me like he’s waiting for something, and every time, I want his stares to give me the creeps. Unfortunately, they elicit another emotion—an all too unwelcome one. For a while now, I’ve been looking at Drake in a completely different light. It’s almost as if he’s coaxing it out of me day by day. When I see him, I want him, but then I remember the deal he struck with my parents two years ago, and it makes me mad all over again. And then there are the times when I don’t hear from him for days and I miss him. I hate the fact that I miss him. I also hate the fact that I keep dreaming of kissing Drake while he runs his hands all over my body. I always wake up at the point where we get undressed and are about to have sex. It’s frustrating as hell.

“And why wouldn’t he be? He’s hot as fuck!”

“Hey!” Roman wines, pulling her into him.

She laughs. “You know he doesn’t hold a candle to you.” She turns her head towards me and mouths, “He does.”

“That’s good then,” Roman says as I start laughing.

Eddie wraps an arm around me and pulls me closer to him. There’s a chill in the air, so his warm arms are welcome. Mandy notices, and although she’s smiling, I can see the warning behind her eyes. I know what she’s telling me. My relationship with Drake might be secret for now because of my age, but that doesn’t mean I don’t belong to him. This is partly the reason why I’m here, letting Eddie place his arms around me. I would also let Eddie kiss me if he tried. I know it’s naughty, but I can’t help the little imp in me that sticks it to Drake whenever I get the chance. Mandy knows this, and that’s the reason why I’m getting “the look.”

“Don’t hog all the drink,” Roman complains, holding his hand out. Eddie laughs, but hands the drink over to him.

“Fuck, I feel drunk.” Mandy starts laughing and everyone follows suit. I’m feeling rather drunk myself. Not so much that I don’t know what I’m doing, but certainly enough to feel slightly unsteady and woozy.

“Six more months and school will be over.”

I groan. “I can’t wait.”

“Ugh, me neither,” Mandy complains. “That new geography teacher’s driving me crazy. She’s worse than Mr Trimble, and that’s saying something.” She gasps. “Did you hear about Mrs Martin?”

“No,” we all say in unison.

She smiles mischievously and leans forward. “Well, I heard from Bethany, who heard it from Lucy, that she caught her in Mr Tomkins’ office kissing Mr Flaherty. And it wasn’t just a peck either. It was full-blown tongues, and their hands were all over each other.”

“Really?” I screech.

“Yeah. She had her skirt up and everything. I reckon they were going to fuck if they hadn’t been caught. It’s a pity Lucy didn’t get a video of it. Can you imagine?”

Roman hands me the drink, so I take another swig. “The gossip is the only bit of fun we ever have at school.”

“Don’t you know it?!” Mandy agrees.

I feel Eddie tugging me. “Hey, do you fancy going to the cinema tomorrow? That new Tom Cruise film is out.”

“Ooh! I love Tom Cruise,” Mandy says.

I look up to Eddie’s eyes and smile. I would love to say yes, but a part of me knows that Drake would know about it and straight away put a stop to it. But, in my drunk-filled haze all I can think about is rebelling against him as much as possible. Maybe if I snuck around—wore a hat or something—then I could do it.

“Okay,” I find myself saying without thinking too much. “What time do you want to meet, and where?”

Eddie rewards me with a big, beaming smile. “How about I come pick you up at two?”

Biting my lip, I look across at Mandy. She glares at me, and I know the reason why. I look back to Eddie. “You can’t come to the house.”

He frowns. “Why not?”

“Because my parents don’t like boys calling for me.”

Eddie laughs a little. “But you’re sixteen. You can leave home if you really wanted.”

I sigh. “I know, but until I finish school, that’s the way that it is.” It’s partly true, but only because Drake makes it that way. The only lie is about the school thing. I’m not allowed to date. Period. I should imagine even when I turn eighteen I won’t be dating. Not unless Drake decides to. It makes me wonder if he would ever take me on one if I asked.

I shake my head clear of that errant thought. Why on earth am I thinking about Drake dating me? I’m trying to run away from him—not toward him.

“So, would you prefer that I meet you at the cinema then?”

I nod my head. “That would be better.”

I notice Mandy’s looking at me as if to ask, “How on earth are you going to pull that off?” All I do is smile at her and give her a cheeky wink. She smirks back, shaking her head. “Rather you than me,” she mutters under her breath.

“What’s that?” Roman asks, tugging at Mandy.

“I said … give me some of that brandy.” I start laughing, but hand her the drink.

Afterwards, Eddie pulls me in and snuggles his nose in my hair. “You smell so fucking incredible.” I feel him nibbling on my ear and it starts me off giggling.

“Get a room,” Roman complains.

“You can talk,” Eddie jibes back.

We’re immediately silenced by a set of car lights moving towards us from the park’s entrance. Panicked, Mandy looks at me, and I immediately pull myself away from Eddie. I don’t know who it is that’s coming, but I have a fair idea.

“Do you think it’s the fuzz?”

I see when the tell-tale Rolls Royce grills come into view, and I know for a fact it’s him. “No, that’s not the fuzz. In fact, it’s worse than the fuzz.”

“Who is it then?” Eddie squints his eyes and leans forward to try and get a better view.

“It’s Drake,” Mandy answers.

Eddie looks confused. “Drake? You mean Drake Salvatore? What would he be doing here?”

I already know, but I don’t have time to answer him because the car is right beside us in no time, and the big Drake Salvatore gets out. I can tell already—even in the dark—that he’s unimpressed.

With a stern look, he takes in the scene. We’re sitting on a park bench t
ogether. Eddie and I are on one side, and Mandy and Roman are on the other. From anyone on the outside looking in, it would look like two couples hanging out. I doubt very much Drake will think any differently either. A part of me relishes the idea that he’s caught me, but another part is scared of what the consequences might be.

Two of his men get out of the car and just stand by the door, looking menacing. I’m guessing it’s deliberate as Drake has to have a presence no matter what. Looking at him alone is scary enough, but I’m familiar with Drake. Roman and Eddie, on the other hand, aren’t. The same as everyone else, they only hear of the whispered rumours about the great Drake Salvatore. The feared one … the one you don’t cross. Unless of course you don’t value your life.

As he stares across at me, sitting comfortably beside Eddie, his eyes narrow, and I can’t help but feel that heat he always manages to entice out of me. He looks positively sexy in his crisp grey suit and long dark coat. He oozes sex appeal, and I hate him for it.

“What do we have here?” he finally asks.

“We were just hanging out.” I smile at him, but it’s not a nice smile. It’s deliberate. From the way he glares back at me, I can tell he’s not impressed.

“Evelyn, Mandy, get in the car. I want to have a word with these two young lads.”

My heart starts thundering as I look across at Mandy. She makes the first move, and I follow after. I just hope Eddie doesn’t say too much. As I walk to the car, I look back briefly and smile at Eddie. “Bye,” I simply say before getting in the car. Eddie doesn’t say anything back. I think he’s too confused and worried to say anything.

Once in the car, Mandy tugs my arm. “What do you think he’s going to say?” She looks worried.

I scoot over to the passenger side and press the button to try and hear what Drake’s saying. “I’m going to try and listen,” I whisper as I practically lean my head out of the window.

It’s a little muffled at first, but I hear Eddie talking. “We were just hanging out and sharing a drink.”

“But you’re underage, and so are the girls. They should be at home in bed, not here with you.” He then slowly walks up to Eddie, deliberately pointing at him. “What interest do you have in Evelyn?”

I notice Eddie’s eyes widen slightly, and it makes me swallow. I just hope he doesn’t say anything stupid.

“We’re just friends,” he says, making me breathe a sigh of relief.

“So your only interest in her is purely a platonic one? Be honest, little boy. I can tell when someone’s lying.”

Oh my God, Eddie looks like he’s going to pee himself. I notice his Adam’s apple bobble up and down before looking across at Roman briefly. “Your friend’s not going to answer for you,” Drake probes.

“Erm—” Eddie starts.

“Spit it out, boy.”

“I find her attractive…” he stutters.


Eddie’s eyes start darting to me and then back to Drake. “I–I was hoping to date her?” The way he said it was almost like a question.

“That’s not going to happen.” I sigh, feeling pissed off, but still a little scared for Eddie. He’s done nothing wrong except for liking a girl.

Eddie’s expression is a cross between confusion and a frown. “It’s not?”

“No. Evelyn is off limits. Do you hear me?” he slightly raises his voice, causing both to automatically nod their heads.

“Yes, sir,” Eddie answers, looking scared to death.

“Good. Now, get yourselves home to bed. I’m sure your parents would prefer you wrapped up in bed instead of out here in the dark.”

“Yes, sir.”

As I watch them get off the table, a part of me sags my shoulders in relief, but the other part of me is really pissed off. Now that Drake has done this, I’ve no doubt it will get spread around school, and people will start treating me like a pariah. Slinking back into my seat, I sigh and close my eyes.

“I’ll be taking that from you,” Drake says. I open my eyes and find Roman handing over the brandy to him.

“Just to be sure,” Roman says.

“Yes?” Drake answers looking exasperated.

“I’m allowed to date Mandy, right?”

“Did I address you?”

“No,” Roman answers.

“Well then, fuck off.”

“Yes, sir.” They’re soon walking hastily toward the exit of the car park. Drake then gets into the front passenger seat, and with a pissed off tone, he tells the driver to get going.

Winding up my window, I look across at Mandy. She looks both shocked and bewildered by what’s taken place. I am too, but I’m also quietly brooding. I always knew my life was controlled, but at least—as far as school was concerned—I was just another teenage girl. After that incident, I will now be known as Drake’s girl. Someone who you can look at, but by no means touch.

The drive to Mandy’s house is quiet, but I’m glad. It allows me time to sit and silently brood. The only time I speak is to say goodbye to Mandy as she gets out of the car and walks to her house.

Once she’s inside, Drake gets in, replacing where Mandy was once sitting. He motions to the driver to get going, and soon we’re pulling away. He doesn’t say anything at first. He just sits there, jaw ticking and his fists clenched. I can tell the anger is pouring off of him.

“What makes you think you can sneak out late at night like that and I wouldn’t hear about it?”

“How did you know—”

“How I know is no concern of yours. You sneak out and run to the park with boys and start drinking. Anything could have happened.”

“I’ve known Eddie and Roman for years. They wouldn’t do—”

“I don’t care to know their fucking names or how safe you think you are with them. They’re young boys, and their hormones make them do crazy things. Especially when drunk.”

I sigh. “And you would know from experience?”

The jaw ticking starts again. “I just know how they feel at that age and how they act on those feelings.”

“I’ll be treated like a leper in school now because of this.”

Drake picks at a bit of fluff on his shirt and then smoothes it out. “I don’t care as long as anything in trousers stays the hell away from you.”

“I hate you.”

He sighs. “So you keep telling me.” He looks out of the window before finally looking at me. “You’re fine until you pull a stunt like this and then you get angry at me.”

“That’s because of the deal you made with my parents. Because, since then, you’ve been an overbearing, possessive fucking arsehole.”

Leaning over, he grabs my chin and pulls me closer to his mouth. His aftershave invades my nostrils, making them flare. I hate that—although obviously angry—he can make me feel this desire that immediately crawls up my spine when he locks me with those deep brown eyes of his.

“Don’t you fucking dare speak to me like that.”

“Or what?” I ask breathlessly. “What are you going to do to me Drake?”

I find myself eagerly awaiting his answer. I want him to whisper dirty, vile things into my innocent ears. I may be pure. I may be a virgin. But it still doesn’t stop me from thinking dirty thoughts. It still doesn’t stop me from wondering what it would be like to have Drake press his body against me in this car and fuck my brains out.

“Stop trying to push me, Evelyn. I’m not someone you’d like to push. I’m reining it in because of your age, but there’s only so far you can push me.”

“I’m sixteen now. I’m legal for a lot of things.” There’s a lot of innuendo in what I’m saying, but I don’t care. I can feel the heat of Drake’s breath against my own. Smell the mint and aftershave aroma which hits my nostrils and travels all the way down until it reaches a certain area between my legs. I don’t know if it’s the alcohol, but right now I don’t care.

Drake looks down towards my lips making the heat between my legs rage worse
than ever. He then looks up into my eyes like he’s searching for something. “You’re drunk.”

“Yes,” I admit. Gone are any thoughts of Eddie and what Drake did. All I can think about now—being so close to the sexiest man on earth—is how much I want him to kiss me.

“Your reaction to me is always strong, but this time it’s amplified.”

I smirk. “I guess brandy makes me randy.” I start giggling, and Drake pulls away, turning his head towards the window. He’s hiding his face, but I saw the little smirk he had before he turned. He wasn’t quick enough to hide that from me.

“Don’t you ever think about touching me?” Unfortunately, I think about touching him all the time.

Drake snaps his head towards me. “I try extremely hard not to.”

His confession makes me think of something. “Do you touch other women?” I hate that it sends a pang to my stomach just thinking about it. A part of me doesn’t want to know. Despite the fact that I don’t want Drake forcing his rules on me, I can’t stand the thought of him with another woman. What that means, I have no idea. But the ugly green-eyed monster rears its head in a quiet, jealous rage whenever I think about it.

“Would the thought of me doing so displease you?”

He watches me with interest. I know he’s eagerly awaiting my answer. Instead, I turn my head away and let the lie leave my lips. “No. It shouldn’t matter to me what you get up to. It just makes me pissed to think that I can’t touch other boys, and yet you get free rein.”

Drake grabs a hold of my chin again, but instead gently pulls it to meet him. “Number one, don’t ever mention other boys touching you again. And number two, I know for a fact that you’re lying. I can see it in your eyes and the way your body reacts at the thought of it. I’ve known you long enough to know a lie when I see it. You can’t stand the thought of me touching another woman.”

“Why did you buy me from my parents?” I ask, shocking him.

He immediately lets go and sits back. “I already told you. I want you, and what I want, I get. Two more years, and you will be mine.”

How quickly my yearning for him can turn to hatred. “That’s also a lie and you know it. If I were free, I would be sitting in the park now with my friends instead of being dragged back home by… What are you to me, anyway?”