Page 4


by Jaimie Roberts

“I do,” I manage. “Please hurry.”

“I’ll be there before you know it.”

He hangs up, and I shakily check my watch. It’s ten-thirty-seven now. He said ten minutes.

I pace the bathroom floor, waiting for every second and then every minute to pass by. Every sound makes me feel like someone’s in my room, and it takes everything in me not to scream out. My home should feel safe, but I feel anything but right now. My heart is racing, my body’s shaking, and my mind is filling itself with ideas of the bogeyman, knives, evil faces, and picked locks.

I check my watch again and see that only four minutes have gone by. The bathroom starts to close in on me, and the urge to run is great. I do as I’m told, though, and stay put in my bathroom.

It’s another four minutes that go by before I hear the sound of voices outside my bathroom door. “What have I told you about bringing in that scum?” He’s here! Thank God.

“He’s my client. I just like to entertain my clients.”

“Not when your thirteen-year-old daughter is in the fucking house.”

I breathe out a sigh of relief and hear when a quiet knock sounds. “Evelyn, it’s me. Open up.”

With a monstrous feeling of relief, I open my door and crash-land into the waiting arms of Drake. “Thank you,” I say, finally letting some tears fall.

I feel his arms squeeze me tightly before kissing my head. “You don’t have to thank me, sweetheart.”

I look up to him and see his smiling face. “I don’t want to be here,” I whisper.

“You can’t take her away. You have no right,” my father snaps.

Too quickly, the hold Drake had on me is gone, and my father is pushed up against the wall by the scruff of his neck. “Don’t ever question me. And don’t you ever answer back to me like that again. Do you hear me? I’m taking Evelyn with me. She’s staying at my house, and there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop me.”

My father’s eyes widen in fear. “But Isaac will see her. I know that’s not what you want.”

With a frustrated growl, Drake digs into his pocket and pulls out a wad of notes. “This is for keeping Evelyn away from him. I’m taking her now, and I want you and your wife to make sure they don’t come out of that dining room. Capisce?”

Once my father’s nod registers, Drake turns to me. “Do you have a jacket?” I nod my head. “Go and get it now. Be quick, Evelyn.” I don’t hesitate. Within an instant, I’m in my wardrobe, and Drake is right behind me. I feel him reach over me and pull my hooded jacket on. I don’t normally wear it as it’s miles too big for me, but, for the moment at least, Drake seems to want me to wear it.

One arm after the other, Drake helps me into my jacket, zips me up, and gently raises the hood up, over my head. “I want you to promise me something.” I nod. “Whatever happens, don’t look up. Do you hear me?” I nod again, and Drake rewards me with a big smile. “Good. Now, come with me.” He takes me under his arm and turns to my father. “I would suggest you go downstairs and make sure your guests don’t leave your dining room. Do you hear me?”

“Yes,” he answers shakily.

My father hastily retreats, but as he starts to disappear, Drake says one more thing: “You haven’t heard the last of this, William.”

A cold shiver runs down my spine at his words. I guess my father felt it as well, since he, too, looks ashen. Once he disappears from sight, Drake squeezes me a little to make me look up at him. “Remember what I said. No looking up, okay?” I nod my head again. “Let’s get going.”

Letting Drake lead the way, I keep my head down, and we silently creep down the stairs. I can hear voices. I can also hear a man asking where my father has been, but he quickly responds by saying he had an urgent call. I then hear my father ask if anyone wants something else to drink, but I don’t hear the answer. Drake has me outside and in a waiting car before I can even blink. Once inside, he buckles up my seatbelt and then kisses my head. “Are you okay?”

Once I nod, he breaks away and turns to the driver. “Lock this door behind me, and whatever you do, don’t let anyone but me back in. You got me? Any hint that someone else is trying to get into this car, and you drive off. Do you hear me?”

“Yes, sir.”

The front passenger gets out, and Drake is about to go too, but I grab him. “Don’t leave me.”

Turning, he offers me a bright smile and kisses my hand. “I will only be a few minutes. I promise. I just need to do something first. You’re safe, Evelyn. With me, you’re always safe. Remember that.”

I nod my head again before he leaves and the door is quickly locked behind him. I notice another car, and four other men get out of that one and join him. One by one, they cock their guns and place them behind their backs as they enter the house. For a moment, I fear for my parents’ safety, but something tells me that the guns have nothing to do with my parents and everything to do with the nasty men, who are eating and drinking inside my house right now.

I stare at the house for what seems like hours, but must have only been mere minutes. “Is he okay? What’s taking them so long?” I ask the big, beefy driver sitting silently at the front.

“Don’t you worry, Miss Montgomery. Mr Salvatore will be fine. He shouldn’t be too long now. Just sit tight, and it’ll be over soon.”

I see him staring at me through the visor, so I nod my head and turn my attention back to the house. I feel safer than I did earlier, but I won’t feel totally safe until I see Drake come out of the house and get back into this car.

A few more minutes pass before I finally see Drake leaving the house with his men in tow, walking back to the cars. The moment Drake is by the car, I hear the lock pop open, and Drake makes his way in. He sits next to me in brooding silence as the car pulls away. I’m desperate to ask him what happened in there, but the look on his face halts me. He looks wired like he wants to kill someone.

Knowing I shouldn’t stare, I glance away and instead concentrate on staring at all the houses and trees that eventually pass us by. I feel a great deal safer than I did, but I still can’t help but feel something niggling me in the pit of my stomach. I don’t know what it is, so instead of harnessing it, I try to think of something else.

In my musing, I think of Drake’s house. I have known him for almost a year now, and never once have I been round to see his house before. In a way, I’m quite looking forward to it. I know it will be big, and I know it will be lavish. I guess I will see for myself soon enough.

After a couple more minutes of staring, I feel something graze my hand. Snapping my head to Drake, I jump. “Don’t pull away from me. There’s no need to.” He takes my hand gently, but forcefully. “Better?” he asks with a smile. He still looks angry, but a softer edge is now seeping through.

“I am now. Thank you.” I take a deep breath. “Did I make a mistake tonight … calling you and making you come to get me?”

He tugs at my hand. “No. You did the correct thing. And I want you to promise me that if this shit ever happens again, you’ll immediately give me a call, okay?” He grits his teeth, so I nod my head again.

“I promise.”

Drake lets out a deep breath before looking out of the window. I can tell he’s angry again, so I leave him to it.

About ten minutes later, we enter a driveway, and in front of us are some big, black wrought iron gates. They immediately open and we drive in and eventually come to a stop at this massively impressive square house. It looks more palatial than I’d imagined.

In front of the house is a water feature that we drive around to get to the bottom of the stairs. “Wow,” I say without meaning to voice my thoughts.

“Do you like it?”

I turn my head to Drake. “I love it.”

“Good because—one day—you’ll be seeing a lot more of this.”

I frown, but have no time to dwell on what he’s just said as he opens his door and then mine quickly after. I notice a man standing by my doo
r, and I smile as I get out. Drake is soon there, helping me, and for the first time in my life, I don’t feel like a child. I feel like a lady.

“Welcome to my home.” Drake takes my hand, his eyes light up, and he seems to lose all the anger he had from earlier. “Let me show you inside.”

I can’t help the huge grin on my face. I don’t feel scared any longer. For once, I feel safe. I have seen the rage inside of this man, but, for now—in this moment—all I can see is his kindness.

We take the stairs which lead to a big, wooden brown door. Inside is a huge round hallway, and an equally huge grand staircase. The lighting is bright, making me look up to its source. Hanging from the ceiling is the most impressive chandelier I have ever seen. That alone must be worth more money than what my house costs.

“What do you think?”

Biting my lip, I try hard to suppress a smile. “I love it, Drake. You have a beautiful home.”

This seems to please him as he walks me in farther. “I will show you it all tomorrow morning. For now, we must find you some bedclothes and get you to bed. You’ve had a long night.”

I frown. I don’t want to go to bed yet. I’m too wired to. “I can stay up a little—”

“No more discussions, Evelyn. You need your beauty sleep. I can show you to your room, and I’ll have Henry bring you some hot chocolate.”

“Who’s Henry?”

“My cook,” he answers. “Don’t worry. You can trust him. No one here will hurt you. I promise you that.”

Smiling, I nod my head and he leads me up the big staircase. Once on the landing, we travel a short distance down the hallway where he points to a door. “This is my room. If you need anything during the night, this is where I will be. But, please, only come inside if it’s urgent, okay?”

The way he asked me was as if he was pleading. I have never heard Drake plead before. Why is it that I can’t go and visit him during the night? Does he think I’m hideous or something?

I quickly scrap that thought when I think of all the trouble he’s gone to tonight to make me safe. I don’t know why the thought of me needing him during the night displeases him, but it’s one I note down just in case.

“You’re room is right next door.” He pulls me farther down the hall and opens up a big, white door. Inside is the biggest bed I have ever seen. Without hesitation, I walk in, noting the plush cream carpet, massive red velvet drapes, white chaise longue, and soft tan walls. “Wow,” I say again, walking up to the huge windows that seem to dominate the room. “You have a pool!” I squeal.

Drake laughs behind me, but soon joins me by my side as we stare out into his garden. The pool is big and currently glistening in the moonlight. It looks so inviting. I would give anything to jump in there right now.

As if sensing my thoughts, Drake turns me to face him. “All in good time, Evelyn.”

“Sir,” a voice sounds behind him. I snap my head towards the voice and see a young-looking maid with dark hair placing some items on the bed. “This is for Miss Montgomery.”

“Thank you, Louisa,” Drake answers before she quickly retreats. She didn’t even look at us.

“You must get some rest, and I must get some work done.”

He goes to move, but I grab him. “Aren’t you going to stay with me for a little while?” I see something pass over him, but I’m not quite sure what it is. Could it be frustration?

“No, Evelyn. You must go to bed.”

Hearing the harshness in his words, I feel it wise to nod my head. Drake sighs and is about to leave the room when he suddenly turns and stalks towards me.

Placing my face in his hands, he commands my attention. I look up into his deep brown eyes and for the first time, I sense a hint of something different inside Drake.

“Just remember one thing for me, Evelyn. No matter what I do, I am not a monster. Okay?” He holds my stare, awaiting my answer. When I nod my head, Drake exhales, kisses my head, and walks out the door, leaving me as confused as ever.

Age Seventeen – Present Day

I don’t see Drake again for another two weeks after that day out at the cinema and subsequent dinner. Later that night, he dropped Mandy home, and the whole journey back, I was itching to feel his lips on mine again. It never happened. He knew I wanted it, but felt compelled to hold back. He said, “If I kiss you again, I will take you home now and never let you go.” A part of me was disappointed, and another part of me was relieved.

Now, the biggest part of me feels resentment towards him. I don’t know what it is about that man, but he brings out the worst mixed emotions in me. A portion of me thinks it may be teenage hormones, but another portion thinks it’s because of his uncanny knack of being sweet one minute and damn right domineering the next. I may not be his—as he calls it—yet, but I know that’s not really the case. I’m already this man’s prisoner … in every conceivable way. Things were always a mix of good and bad between us, but lately, I feel something shifting. It’s as if a sudden change of tide is coming. I see the way he looks at me now. I notice the expectation and flurry of excitement shining through. He wants me. I know he wants me.

It’s funny really because I have been of a legal age for almost two years now, and yet he still insists on keeping me at arm’s length until I turn eighteen. A part of me wants him. Oh God, does it want him—especially since that kiss at the cinema. I find myself thinking of nothing else ever since.

And that’s why I hate him even more.

It’s not enough that he’s invading me in every other way possible? He also has to invade my thoughts?

That is definitely one area I consider to be my own, but in true Drake fashion, he has managed to seep in there too. Also, if I’m honest, a part of me hates the fact I haven’t heard a word from him in two weeks. There have been days when we’ve lost contact, but never this long. It burdens me that I’m thinking this way. I want nothing to do with him, and yet I find myself unable to help feel that pull I have towards him.

And that’s why tonight—for the first time ever—I chose to really defy the man who seems to have this hold on me. I deliberately drove more than thirty miles out of our little town of Cobham, Surrey to a little, tiny village south of High Wycombe. I wanted to escape, but I also wanted anonymity. Unfortunately, too many people knew who I was where I lived, and it was starting to get on top of me.

Sighing, I order my second drink of the evening, not caring if I get drunk. I’ll sleep in the car if I have to. My phone rings for the thirtieth time since I set out, and I do what I did with the other twenty-nine times—ignore it.

“Someone’s eager to reach you,” a voice sounds at the end of the bar.

I look up and find a young guy, who must be in his twenties, smiling at me. He looks nice enough with his well-pressed shirt and trousers, cropped blond hair, and nice smile. But, I know nice smiles mean nothing. I get them often enough with Drake, but I still know something sinister lives within him—no matter how much he tells me otherwise.

Looking down at my phone, I silence it. “I’m sorry if it’s disturbing you.”

“It’s not. I was just trying to think of an excuse to talk to you.” He chuckles a little, making me smile, and he sees this as his cue to get a little closer. Once sitting next to me, he holds out his hand. “Chris.”

I take his hand and shake it. “Evelyn.”

He smiles brightly with a drunk gaze in his eyes. “Can I offer you a drink, Evelyn?”

Shaking my head, I point to my drink. “No, thank you. I just got one.”

He nods his head, and I can tell he’s just itching to ask me something. I don’t have to wait long to find out what that is. “So, did you have an argument with your boyfriend or something?”

I frown, my heart rate picking up a little. “Excuse me?”

He points to my phone on the bar. “The person trying to reach you. Whoever it is seems persistent. I’m just assuming it’s your boyfriend.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. I d
on’t know why I’m so immediately afraid of strangers. Maybe being with Drake for so long has had a lasting impact. I shake my head. “No… Well, it is a man, but … it’s complicated,” I sigh.

Chris chuckles. “Isn’t it always?”

I smile, warming to him a little. “I guess.”

“Do you mind telling me what he’s done to make you run out on your own to a strange bar in the middle of nowhere?”

“Who says this is a strange bar? I might come here all the time.”

He laughs a little. “I say that because this is my regular, and believe me, I would have noticed you drinking in here before.” He lets out a silent laugh and I smile. “You seem wary of me, and I don’t want you to feel that way. Not all men are bad … and we’re not all like the man you’re obviously running away from.”

“You make a lot of assumptions.”

“Well, am I right or wrong?” I stare at him a moment, but can’t help the smile that rises on my face again. “I knew it!” he blurts, making me laugh. “See, that’s much better. Whoever he is doesn’t deserve you.”

I take a sip of my drink before replying. “What makes you say that? I may have run away, but what if it’s because I did something terrible to him?”

“Did you?”

“No,” I chuckle.

“Well then. You really don’t make this easy, do you?”

“I didn’t ask you to sit next to me.” I don’t mean it in a rude way, and luckily he doesn’t take offence to it. Instead, he just nods.

“So, are you going to tell me why you ran? I may be able to offer you some great advice. I’ve been known to help out many a friend before.”

“But I’ve only just met you.”

“Try me.”

Sighing, I wonder whether to tell this random stranger all the things I have never dared to tell anyone. Only Drake, my parents, and I know about this stupid deal that was made behind my back at the tender age of fourteen.

“There’s a man I’ve known for a number of years—”

“Boyfriend?” he interrupts.