Page 21

On the Rocks Page 21

by Sawyer Bennett

Page 21

“She said that in anger—trust me,” I tell her, squeezing her waist where I’m holding on to her.

“But… she sounded so disgusted by it. I don’t think she thinks I should be with you. She didn’t seem too mad at you. ”

“Gabs,” I murmur to her with patience. “I’m telling you… she’ll be fine. She’s probably over it already. You guys fight… it happens. ”

She doesn’t say anything for a moment, but when she does, it tears my heart up. “I’m not good enough for you. ”

I release my hold on her and roll over, pushing her on her back. Hovering over her, I ask, “What? Why would you think that?”

Gabby stares at me a moment, her eyes haunted with insecurity, and it makes me want to strip her naked, slide into her, and f**k the doubt right out of her. But that’s not appropriate, nor does it address the issue.

“You are amazing and way too good for the likes of me,” I tell her sincerely. “Look what I did to you five years ago… and you gave me another chance. ”

She shakes her head in denial. “No—don’t you see? Casey doesn’t think I should be with you. It’s why I didn’t tell her, because I knew deep down she wouldn’t approve. And I can’t measure up to someone like Sasha. I mean, geez, Hunter… she was a pro surfer, and she’s beautiful. She belongs in your world. I don’t. ”

“Gabby, you’re wrong about this. Casey will come around, and as far as Sasha… well, you’re just really wrong about that. She doesn’t hold a candle to you… I promise. ”

She doesn’t believe me… I can tell.

Which is frustrating, because Gabby is a very smart girl and you can usually appeal to her common sense. Apparently, she’s lost every bit that she used to possess, because my words aren’t penetrating.

So if words won’t make her understand, the only way is to show her with action.

Acting decisively, I move my body over hers, settling against the heat between her legs. My dick starts to grow hard from the contact.

Gabby’s eyes go wide. “What are you doing?”

“There’s apparently no reasoning with you, so I’m going to show you why we are good together. ”

I lean down to kiss her, but she stops me dead. “This is just sex, Hunter. It doesn’t mean we belong together. ”

Her words piss me off, and she’s in a mindset that I’m not sure I can change right now, but I still feel compelled to push back. “Wrong, Gabs. It’s more than ‘just sex,’ and you know it. People that just have sex don’t sleep together at night, their arms tightly holding on to each other, even in slumber. People that just have sex don’t watch morning sunrises together, nor do they go grocery shopping together. More importantly, I’ve known you most of my life. I’ve watched you grow up and, once upon a time, I crushed your young heart. Then you forgave my foolishness and invited me inside your body. So you better believe your sweet ass that this is more than ‘just sex’. It’s a whole lot more and, if you’d just accept that, things would go a lot smoother between the two of us. ”

With my tirade over, Gabby just stares at me, blinking rapidly. I search for some type of reaction in her eyes… anything to give me a clue if I should kiss her or get dressed and leave.

The reaction I get is not expected. Gabby’s lips curl north, and then split into a blinding smile. “That was quite a mouthful, Mr. Markham. ”

I’m relieved by her reaction, so it is no hardship to smile back at her. “I’m glad you think so. Does that mean you understand and accept what I’m saying?”

“I’m not an idiot,” she pouts prettily. I have to dig my nails into my palms not to lean down and bite her lower lip.

“But do you really mean that… that Casey will get over this?” She’s still truly worried about that, and I get it.

“Yes,” I promise her. “She’ll get over it. You should have seen the nasty look she threw Sasha’s way before she left. She may be pissed at us right now, but she’s not happy that Sasha kissed me. She considered that a direct slap toward you, not me. ”

Gabby rewards me with another smile. “You’re not just saying that, are you? You know… so you can get laid tonight?”

I flex my h*ps forward and push my erection up against her. “Oh, I’m getting laid tonight. I’m not worried about that. ”

She giggles. As I lean down to kiss her, she does something that starts my blood flowing hotly. She brings her hands up against my chest and pushes me off her, flipping me on my back and rolling over on top of me.

Straddling me with her knees firmly gripping my h*ps and my dick pressed hotly against her backside, she looks down at me and licks her lower lip. Reaching a hand out, she rubs the pad of her thumb across one of my ni**les, and I feel it all the way into my groin.

“We’re going to be okay?” she asks me while she watches her thumb move against me.

“Yes,” I tell her sincerely.

“And we care for each other, right?” She tilts her head slightly, still keeping her eyes pinned to what she’s doing to me.

“For almost our entire lives. ”

“And it’s more than just sex?” She asks this last question as she reaches her other hand back behind her, snaking her fingers into the fly of my boxers. Her hand surrounds my dick and she gently squeezes me, causing me to twitch from the contact.

She waits for me to answer, but the words are stuck in my throat because she now takes up a stroking pattern on my cock. When nothing is forthcoming, her eyes slide up to mine and whatever she sees reflected causes her to smile just a tiny bit.

“It’s okay,” she assures me. “I’m going to expound on the sex thing right now… We can talk more later. ”

Gabby leans down and flicks her tongue over the nipple she had just been torturing with her thumb, and I can’t stop the grunt that comes out. She peeks up at me, giving me a mischievous look.

Then she scoots back down my body, dragging my boxers down with her as she goes. After she pulls them free from my legs and tosses them over her shoulder, she kneels back with her palms on her thighs and just gazes at me.

“You’re such a beautiful man,” she says in reverence.

Before I can even compliment her back, I watch, stunned, as she lifts one hand and puts it against her own chest. Then she slides her fingers down her breastbone, down her stomach, and right down into the front of her lace panties. My jaw hangs open as her hand sinks down… way down, and while the lace of her underwear obscures most of my vision, I can tell she just sunk a finger into herself.

Holy. Fucking. Hot.

My dick swells violently and I start to sit up to attack her, when her hand reappears. She bends forward and runs her wet finger across the tip of my cock, and I am absolutely mesmerized by the sight.

“I think I’m ready for you,” she whispers as she looks up to me.

“Oh God… that is so f**king hot. I think if you touch me right now, I might come. ”

She laughs in delight over my proclamation, although I’m not kidding… I can feel a prickle already at the base of my spine, and she has hardly touched me.

Gabby crawls up my body and straddles me, setting down low and rubbing herself against me. The friction of her lace panties, which I can feel are indeed soaking wet, causes me to groan while my hands come up to grip her hips.

I don’t know that I’ve ever been hornier in my entire life, and I ache deeply for her.

“Gabby… get your underwear off… please,” I practically beg her.

She looks at me, her eyes gentle with understanding. “It’s not needed. ”

What? Huh? Is she saying we aren’t going to have sex?

Oh, hell no.

I start to sit up to roll her over and pound my way inside of her, but she rises up over my lap and takes my c**k in her hand. With her other hand, she merely reaches down and pulls her underwear aside before settling down on the very tip of me.

Holding her gaze, not for a moment daring to look away, I�
�m enraptured by the desire in her eyes as she lowers herself over me, the lace of her panties stretched to the side to accommodate my length.

Both of us can’t suppress our moans as she seats herself fully on me, and I have to bite down on the inside of my cheek not to blow inside of her. Thankfully, she holds still for just a moment, her eyes closing while she relishes the feel of me inside her.

When her eyes open up, they are nuclear… flames of lust leaping out. She rises up over me and comes back down slowly, causing my own eyes to roll into the back of my head.

My voice sounds garbled when I try to talk. “Gabby… feels good… don’t stop. ”

“I won’t,” she assures me as she picks up the pace.

How I hold off my orgasm is beyond me, but I have to make sure she gets there before me… preferably with me. My fears are unfounded though, because the faster Gabby f**ks me, the faster I can see her building up. Her telltale signs are a high blush that sits on her cheeks and spreads down her throat to her chest. I know she’s close. When I reach out a hand and press it up against the juncture of her thighs, she slams down on me hard and starts to cl**ax. That tips me straight over the edge and I grab her h*ps again, thrusting up inside her a few more times before I start to come, my orgasm ricocheting through my body almost painfully.

Utterly spent, Gabby falls forward on my chest and I hug her tight to me. After our breathing returns to normal, I shift so we are on our side and tuck her in tighter to me. I know I should head home, so I can be there if John and Sasha need something, but for the life of me, I can’t find it within me to care enough to move from this embrace.


I’m fixing this shit with Casey, and I’m fixing it now. I awoke this morning with my heart feeling lighter, particularly on the heels of Hunter assuring me that Casey was just hurt because we kept this secret, and not because she doesn’t want me with her brother. I still have a little fear over that, but there’s no way to know for sure unless I go talk to her.

As soon as my alarm went off at six AM, I pushed Hunter out of my bed—yes, he stayed all night—and I grabbed a quick shower because I was eager to start the day. I didn’t even bother to dry my hair, letting it hang wet down my back, and I was out the door, munching on an apple for breakfast.

It’s almost seven AM by the time I make it to the Markham residence in the tiny town of Avon, which sits on Hatteras Island where we all grew up. The classic stilt house that sits two streets off the ocean is weathered and worn, but you can tell just by looking at it that there’s a lot of love inside. You can see glimpses of the Atlantic from the back porch, and the blue waters of the Pamlico Sound from the front porch, making it an idyllic location. Even though Hunter and I live in Nags Head now—which is slightly more exciting than Avon—we still spent a lot of time on Hatteras Island because our parents are still there. In fact, my mom lives just three streets over but she’s out of town on a trip to Atlantic City with her poker buddies. Otherwise, I’d be stopping in to pay her a visit, too.

I park my car in the sandy driveway and walk up the long flight of steps to the front porch. When I ring the bell, I’m greeted by Casey’s mom, Lillian. She’s a nurse at The Outer Banks Hospital, and I wasn’t sure if she’d be on shift or not. I didn’t expect her dad, Butch, to be home. He’s a fisherman and would be out on the water at dawn. Hunter, Brody, and Casey definitely got their coloring from their mother… golden hair streaked by the sun and glorious blue eyes. They got their love of the water from their dad, just in the form of surfing rather than fishing.

“There’s my girl,” Lillian says as she opens the door wider, and I step into the warm hug she offers me. “I heard you and Casey got into a spat last night. ”