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My Warrior (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 12) Page 1

by Alanea Alder


Title Page




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen


About the Author

Other Books on Amazon

My Warrior


Bewitched and Bewildered



Copyright © 2020 Alanea Alder

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Digital ISBN- 978-1-941315-14-9

Print ISBN- 978-1-941315-15-6

Sacred Forest Publishing


~Omnia Vincit Amor- Love Conquers All~

~Thank you for waiting~


Three weeks ago

The image of his mate's soulful brown eyes looking up at him in resignation before leaving, ate at him. It was three o'clock in the morning, and he was awake, again. He didn't even need to look at the clock; he'd been waking up at the same time for weeks.

In his dream she always turned from him to pick up a gun and walk away.

Was she in danger and choosing to leave to keep him safe? Did she feel like she had no other options? Growling, he rolled over onto his side and prayed for dreamless sleep.

Chapter One

Ari made his way downstairs, rubbing his face. For the past week he had been training with his commander and the unit leaders of the Gamma and Beta units. Never in his life did he think that their enemies would ever find a way to not only make themselves invisible, but also gain entry to Éire Danu. The protective measures created by the fae queen to reach their city were supposed to be impregnable.

When he reached the dining room, he was surprised to see that both his parents and older brother had made it downstairs before him. Then again, he was probably the only one being plagued by nightmares, which caused his sleep to be brief and restless.

Not to say that being an Elder was without problems of their own, but he was feeling especially prickly this morning due to broken sleep. No doubt Jedrek and Rex Lionhart would handle this sort of thing in stride, yet he found himself getting irritated over the smallest of things. He wished he were more like his mother. Catherine Lionhart only lost her composure when something happened to one of her sons. He was nowhere near her levels of aplomb.

"Good morning, darling," his mother said, tilting her head for him to kiss her cheek. Smiling, he could no more refuse her than he could refuse to breathe.

He dutifully bussed her cheek and inhaled her perfume. She smelled like pride, and the perfume she wore was one she had been using since before he had been born. He would always associate it with his mother, and it never failed to calm him.

"Good morning, Mother. May I say that you are looking exceptionally beautiful this morning."

His mother's eyes twinkled as she lifted a hand up to cup his face. "It's because I have two of my boys home."

Rex chuckled. "You'd be just as beautiful even if I weren't visiting."

"Well said, son," his father replied gruffly, lifting his coffee cup to his lips.

Ari sat down in the empty seat by his mother. "Any updates?"

Rex shook his head. "Meryn said she'd text me with any news regarding the queen. But between the two of us, I think she's at a snapping point."

"Meryn or the queen?"

"Meryn. She, Darian, and Oron have tried broaching the topic of ferals many times and have been completely shut down each time. The people are getting restless, something has to be done."

His mother nodded. "If anyone can ferret out what is wrong with Queen Aleksandra, it's that tiny typhoon."

Ari sat back in his chair. "Can you believe she is second in line for the throne?" he asked no one in particular.

Rex shrugged. "Yes and no."

Their father eyed his eldest son. "What do you mean by that?"

"I know you believe her to be flakey and prone to outbursts, and it's true she does to tend to cause chaos around her naturally, but she also has to be one of the most brilliant minds I have ever witnessed in action, except for Declan of course."

"Of course." His mother confirmed.

Jedrek shook his head. "She has no respect for tradition or decorum."

Ari watched as his brother's eyes narrowed. "Do not judge her so quickly. She just about single-handedly saved Noctem Falls from a magic-borne virus and courageously jumped into a transport tunnel to save Kari from certain death. Her mind simply works better without social constraints, and her bravery helps her to speak up and make changes that benefit everyone."

Ari felt as shocked as his father looked. Rex, in all the years he had known him had never gainsaid their father.

Jedrek recovered quickly. "You have spent more time with her than I have." He rubbed his jaw. "I have to admit, even Magnus had nothing but glowing things to say about her. I will be guided by you in this, Rex."

His mother's smile was partially hidden by her teacup. "Probably a good idea, dear," she murmured.

His father gave his mate a wry look. "That human has wormed her way into your heart as well?"

“Half- human,” Rex corrected.

Jedrek simply nodded his acknowledgment and looked to his mate for an answer.

She set her cup down. "Doing something simply for the sake of tradition without reason or purpose is asinine, doing those things repeatedly and expecting different results is insanity. I find it refreshing that Meryn can see into the heart of matters and ask questions that allow those around her to see beyond our traditions."

Jedrek's mouth dropped. Catherine's words rang with truth and conviction. It was quite stunning to behold. Jedrek's eyes shifted to a tawny color. "Darling, what do you have planned after breakfast?"

Smiling, she looked down at her plate before lifting her heart-shaped face to grin at her mate. "Nothing t
hat cannot be rescheduled."

Rex chuckled. "And people wonder how you two have been blessed with so many children."

Their mother blushed, but laughed at his words. "We're tame compared to Byron and Adelaide McKenzie."

Ari snapped his fingers together. "Speaking of the McKenzies, is it true that Aiden challenged every level of Noctem Falls?"

Rex's grin turned evil. "It most certainly is true. An impudent tunnel escort's words had a devastating effect on Meryn. If Aiden had not challenged the city, I'm pretty sure Magnus would have." He winked at Ari. "Etain told me that Aiden started on Level Five and worked his way down. I swear his recounting of the tale has grown with each telling. If it hasn't been immortalized in our history books yet, it's only a matter of time."

Jedrek chuckled. "That boy most definitely takes after his father. Slow to rile, but once their bear is enraged, watch out."

"Good morning, Ari," a familiar voice called out in greeting.

Ari looked up to see Leo, his parents' squire, breeze into the room carrying a steaming carafe of coffee. He immediately came to his side and poured him a cup.

"Good morning, Leo. Do we have any eggs today?"

The squire shook his head. "No, a cold breakfast was prepared. We have a selection of fae fruits, bread, and cheeses available in addition to yogurt and granola." He looked him over. "You've been training more than usual, haven't you?"

He grimaced. "Yes. Our commander has Lorcan running us through blind man bluff drills."

Leo set down the carafe next to his cup. "Give me a few minutes, and I'll whip up some eggs. You need the extra protein."

Ari sighed in relief. "Thank you, Leo."

He simply inclined his head and returned to the kitchen.

"Yeah, you're not spoiled at all," Rex taunted good-naturedly.

Catherine turned to her eldest son. "And who was it that complained that they hadn't had in fresh fae fruit in years?"

Rex blushed. "I wasn't angling for special treatment."

Ari was about to tease his brother mercilessly when a familiar chime echoed through the house.

Catherine frowned. "Who on earth could that be? We don't have any appointments scheduled until this afternoon."

Ari shook his head as a male voice reached them. "Baby, I told you that we shouldn't just drop in."

Ari rose as his commander and Meryn, with Ryuu and Pierce were escorted into their small dining room. His father and Rex rose as Meryn entered the room.

"Rex!" Meryn hurried over to his older brother. "Do the arm thing," she entreated, ignoring everyone.

Grinning from ear to ear, Rex brought his arm up and flexed his bicep. Ari watched in amazement as Meryn hopped up and swung from his arm. "So hot," she said, laughing.

Grumbling under his breath, Aiden walked over and plucked his mate off of Rex's arm. "What did I tell you about using the Elder as a jungle gym?"

Leo had to turn his head to hide his laughter. He coughed once into his fist and faced them, his mouth twitching. "Commander, would either you or your lovely mate like to join us for breakfast?"

Meryn turned to him, her interest piqued. "Breakfast?"

Leo nodded. "We have a selection of fruits, breads, and cheeses available."

Meryn sighed. "Oh. Fruit. Again."

Aiden covered his face with his other hand, his ears turning pink. He dropped his hand and looked out over the room. "Meryn is still getting used to fae cuisine that is rich with fruits and vegetables."

Meryn shrugged. "It's okay for a day or two, but not all the time. I swear I'm going back to the goblin village for more boar."

Jedrek leaned forward. "Boar?"

Meryn nodded slowly. "Oh, yeah. Roasted on a spit and everything. They cut huge chunks off with, like, a machete and hand you whole body parts. It was awesome."

Jedrek leaned back. "Well, well."

Rex was licking his lips. "Maybe we should arrange a visit."

Leo placed his hand over his heart and gave a short bow. "I'll see what else I can whip up."

Meryn looked surprised, then she frowned. "You don't have to make anything special for me."

Ryuu ruffled her curls. "I will assist him, so don't feel bad."

Leo smiled at her. "Don't worry yourself a bit about it. Now, please sit down and rest."

Jedrek indicated to the empty chairs next to Ari. "Please make yourself comfortable, dear."

Meryn looked up at her squire, scowling. Ryuu sighed. "I promise that he won't be put out cooking for you."

Meryn gave a short nod and sat down next to Ari, much to her mate's chagrin. Aiden took the seat next to her, and Pierce stood behind them, leaning against the wall.

She looked over at him, and her eyes became slightly unfocused. "Stars, no, not just stars, berries and flowers. Stars? Or bells?" She tilted her head. "So, you're like a fruit basket?"

Aiden rubbed her back. "Good job, baby. You didn't even need Kendrick or Law to help you that time."

Ari blinked. How was he a fruit basket? "What?"

Meryn pointed to her chest. "My empathy thing does images, so that they can be processed quicker and not give me headaches. You're stars and berries and flowers."

Rex guffawed across the table, and Ari shot him a sour expression. "And I suppose you're something manly."

Rex shrugged. "She hasn't done me yet."

Meryn shrugged. "I can't really control it yet, at least not all the time."

Catherine turned to Meryn. "As much as I am pleasantly surprised at your visit, dear, was there a reason for your stopping by?"

Meryn's eyes widened. "Oh yeah. We're here to give an update regarding the queen." She turned in her chair to face Pierce. "Can you do the thing?"

Pierce nodded and reached into his pocket, retrieving a brass ring and key. Carefully, he moved the key until it was hanging within the ring. Around them the air pulsed, then settled.

Jedrek stared. "Did a jaguar-shifter just cast a soundproofing spell?"

Pierce winked. "A present from a certain archivist. He got tired of us asking for them all the time."

Aiden opened his mouth like he was trying to pop his ears. "He copied a prototype that Keelan invented to install a permanent spell in my father's study. I think it only cost Marius three of Keelan's favorite pies."

"That's ingenious," Jedrek said, looking very impressed.

Meryn spun back around. "So, the queen is stuck on being stubborn stupid."

"Meryn," Aiden chided.

"What? It's true. She's smart enough to realize that what we're reporting is accurate. She's just wallowing in guilt and pity, and it's making her obstinate."

Aiden gave her a flat look then pointed around the table. "She is still their queen."

Meryn crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, she's my aunt, so I can say what I want cuz I'm family."

Catherine sat back, cradling her tea. "If it were for any other reason, I would say she's more than earned the time to process, but we're already fielding concerns from cat and bird shifters alike." She looked at them, sadness in her eyes. "They want to leave Éire Danu."

Meryn's nostrils flared. "She has one tiny hiccup, and they're ready to abandon ship?"

Jedrek shook his head. "Meryn, if she told us to fight and die defending Éire Danu, we would, to the last man. It's the blatant denial that has everyone spooked. They're afraid that when the time comes, the city won't be prepared to face what may happen."

Leo and Ryuu came in carrying heavy platters. "I thought it got quiet in here. Soundproofing spell?" Leo asked.

Rex nodded absently before turning to Meryn. "Is there any way you can convince the queen to send out a public message. Even something as simple as she's looking into the matter could make all the difference in the world."

Ari sighed happily as eggs and bacon were piled on his plate. He had just taken a huge bite when Meryn gasped loudly, causing him to almost choke.

He pounded his own chest as Meryn grinned wickedly around the t
able. "I know what I can do! In times like this, you're supposed to help family. You know, give them encouragement and stickers." She frowned. "Or something. Ryuu's been helping me understand familial dynamics." She looked around the table. "But more than stickers, I know what I can do to help Aunt Aleks."

Ari was terrified to discover what this ticking time bomb was planning.

Aiden looked absolutely sick as he stared at his mate. "What's that, baby?"

"I'm gonna take over Éire Danu."


"Oh gods above, please give me strength," Aiden prayed fervently.

Meryn sat back, looking positively pleased with herself.

Ari looked over at Rex, who was convulsing with laughter. "Can she do that?" he whispered.

Rex wiped his eyes and reached for the spoon to the bowl of fresh berries. "Brother, you will quickly learn there isn't much this amazing child can't do." He turned to his father. "I'll be at the palace if you need me. I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world."

Aiden looked over to Ari. "After breakfast, get Tau assembled at the palace ASAP. I'm going to need back up."

Ari just stared. "We're going against the queen?"

Aiden shook his head. "No, we may need to bodily remove my pint-size terror of a mate from the palace quickly."

Meryn popped a piece of bacon in her mouth. "Yeah, good luck with that," she said, chortling.

Ari shoveled his eggs into his mouth a quick as he could. Gods only knew when he'd get a lunch.


It had taken them nearly an hour to finish breakfast and assemble the rest of the Tau unit. The men followed them, smiling. He couldn't bring himself to tell them what was about to happen. He'd let them remain blissfully ignorant for a bit longer.

He watched as Aiden, Rex, and Meryn, along with her squire and Pierce walk into the queen's chambers. He hung back, and his men paused alongside him. "No matter what happens in there, follow Aiden's orders," he said, in the barest of whispers. He felt like he had kicked a puppy when the happy-go-lucky-smile slid from Kincaid's face to be replaced by a look of sheer terror.