Mary glanced over at Laura’s grandmother, Etta, and smiled. Mary was indeed thanking her lucky stars, but for an entirely different reason than Tucker thought. Seeing the happiness in Laura’s and Isaiah’s eyes when they looked at each other was enough to warm any mother’s heart, especially when she knew it had been partly her matchmaking scheme that had gotten them together. Isaiah was relaxed. Laura fairly glowed. They were perfect for each other.
But, then, hadn’t Mary known that all along?
Smiling with smug satisfaction, Mary returned her gaze to Tucker. It occurred to her in that moment that he was her only son who still wasn’t married. She sighed. He always had been her most difficult child, doing just the opposite of what she wanted or expected him to.
Mary frowned slightly. Tucker’s cavalier attitude toward women would make it tricky to find him a wife, but she felt equal to the challenge. He needed a young lady with plenty of spunk—that would be an absolute must—someone as beautiful as he was handsome, with enough steel in her backbone to go toe-to-toe with him and give back as good as she got.
Luckily Mary just happened to know a young lady with four older brothers who might be a perfect match for her willful, stubborn son.
Ah, yes, she thought as she sipped champagne. There might be some very interesting possibilities there.