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Man in Charge, Book 1 Page 9

by Laurelin Paige

My legs were noodles. He knew just what to say. He knew just how to say it, and I was not strong enough to resist.

But I had to be.

Maybe just one more taste first...

I nudged his face with my chin, bringing his lips back to mine. He brought his body flush with mine. I could feel his erection against my belly, and damn he had a finely shaped cock. I wanted to feel it without clothes between us. I wanted to feel all of him.

Another wave of sense broke over me. “I am not adding charities in place of the ones I’m removing.” I could let him take advantage of my body, but not all of me.

He chuckled as he moved his lips along my jaw. “I really, really wish you would.”

His facial hair tickled against my skin. His lips found my ear, and now my panties were soaked. If we could just wrap up this stupid deal, then maybe we could explore this. “You know you don’t need to see more charities. You don’t need to see so much of the ones that are still on the list.” My concern likely diminished with the gasp I made as his teeth nibbled on my lobe.

He bucked his hard length against me in response. “Do that again. Make that noise again. It undoes me.”

He lowered his hand from my face, and his next nip at my ear was accompanied by a tweak of my nipple. This time I moaned.

“That’s good too. I want all your sounds.” He palmed my breast as his mouth once again found mine, and I lost my breath in an attempt to consume him.

“More,” I heard myself say, despite the screaming in my brain telling me to stop and think. A thought of reason slipped through my lust-filled daze. I broke off abruptly. “You’re purposefully trying to drag this out.”

“It’s called extended foreplay. The anticipation does wonders for the fucking.”

Oh, God. Yes. Foreplay. Fucking. All of that.

Wait, wait, wait. “I meant the presentations. I could tell you which charity to choose, but you’re trying to drag it out.”

He bent down to press kisses along my décolletage. “Ah. Yeah. Sounds like something I’d do.”

“Why?” I wasn’t sure anymore if I was talking to him or if I was pleading to God.

Apparently it came across as conversation. Scott pulled back and looked at me pointedly. “Why do you think?”

Because he liked me. Like I liked him. And since he was a spoiled white man with lots of money and privilege, he didn’t have to behave like a normal person who would wait until the business was done and then ask me out on a date or a booty call, if that’s all he was really interested in.

No, he was the kind of guy who could take what he wanted when he wanted without having to worry about any consequences.

Most of us weren’t that lucky.

“Scott…” My eyes fluttered to his lips, but I forced them back to meet his gaze. “You can’t do this. You can’t hold your power over me like this. It’s not fair when you’re you, and I’m me.”

He stared at me, the war evident inside him. I wonder if he knew how close he was to winning the battle. Once his mouth found mine again, I was certain there’d be no going back.

With a sigh that sounded more like a growl, he pressed his forehead to mine. “I don’t understand how I’m the one in power in this situation, Tessa. Because it feels like I’m out of control. It feels like you have all the power over me.”

I was putty with a statement like that.

But even dazzled as I was, I recognized he was wrong. “Your feelings are not an accurate measure of reality.”

“I’m not sure you have the perspective to determine that.” He stood there, his forehead against mine, his hand cupping my neck as we both breathed the same air in and out. In and out. A tilt of my chin, and our lips would meet. I was about to do it. I was weak.

He, on the other hand, was strong. With what seemed like mammoth effort, he separated his body from mine. He took a step back.

Instantly, I missed him. One hand wrapped automatically around myself, the other flew up to cover my mouth, as if to protect it from assault. In actuality, I wanted to touch where he’d been, wanted to hold onto the swollen, used way they felt.

With the space he’d created between us, it was easier to pit rational thought against my feelings of desire. “You can’t drag this out,” I said, surprising myself with the force of the words. “And you can’t kiss me again like this. You can’t kiss me again at all.”

It broke me to say it. Secretly, I hoped he’d think I didn’t mean it. Or that he wouldn’t care.

But he was a gentlemanly player. He took another step back. “You’re right. I couldn’t get through another of those lunches without you knowing where I stand. Next move has to be yours.”

And then the charming, seductive man that had been all over me just a moment before disappeared, and the man in charge returned. He straightened his tie and wiped my lipstick from his mouth as he crossed to his desk, where he sat down and picked up the receiver of the desk phone. It wasn’t until after he’d asked his assistant to get his father on the line that he seemed to notice I was still there.

He shot me a bothered look, and I braced myself for another of his callous remarks. “Tessa, if you stay there one second longer, I don’t care if my father’s on the other end of this phone, I will have no choice but to go over there and make that pretty pussy mine.”

I picked up my briefcase and scurried out.

Back in the hall, I had to stifle a giggle. I took a deep breath, but my knees still felt weak. And my lips couldn’t seem to stop wanting to smile.

One glare from his assistant, and I pulled myself together. I could not find pleasure in what just happened. This was my chance to prove myself; I would not lose the opportunity because Scott Sebastian knew how to use his tongue.

I felt more sure as I walked down the hall, my head held high. This was fine. All of it was fine. It might have seemed like a setback, but the ball was in my court. I could resist him just fine.

I almost believed it.

But then I found Brett waiting for me near Eden’s desk in the front lobby, and he asked, “How much trouble are you in?” and I knew I wasn’t fooling anyone.

“A lot,” I answered truthfully.

A whole, whole lot.


Teyana peered out over the audience below, a little too close to the railing as far as I was concerned. “Kendra has had these box seats all this time and has never bothered to share?”

She hadn’t bothered to share this time either. I’d come across the season tickets in a stack of old mail that I’d been sorting through and decided it was insane to let tickets to the Met Opera go to waste.

“She hasn’t had them forever. They were a Christmas present from her parents, I think.” I knew, rather, according to the message in the envelope I’d found them in. I just didn’t know if they’d been a brand-new subscription or a renewal.

Tey gave me one of her and-your-point-is glares. “It’s September. How many times do you think she’s used them in the past nine months?”

Best-guess estimate? None. “Good point.”

I didn’t know why I was trying to defend Kendra, anyway. Habit, maybe. Loyalty. But that loyalty was beginning to wane. I was more loyal to Tey, and I could understand her frustration at such an extravagant gift being left unused. Especially one related to the performing arts, something that Tey lived for, despite, as she claimed, not having a creative bone in her body. Her previous full-time job had been managing a program that brought various art forms to inner-city kids. The organization had existed before she came on board, but she’d truly shaped it with her innovation and passion.

Then she got sick.

She still worked for them now, mostly as a consultant and on a very part-time, self-directed basis so she could shift her schedule around when she was having a bad day.

I studied her now as she continued to stare in awe around the theater. Her excitement was evident in her smile, but her eyes looked tired. Just getting from the subway t
o Lincoln Center when the temperature was above ninety was enough to wear her out on a good day, and I hadn’t yet been able to ascertain whether today was one of those good days. She’d likely hide the truth considering how badly she wanted to be here.

“Are you sure you feel up to this?” I asked, hoping the gentle reminder about her health wouldn’t piss her off too much.

“Do I feel up to sitting in an air-conditioned theater for three hours? Yes, Tess. I think I can manage. You know I wouldn’t miss this performance for the world.” She turned away from the railing, leaned her cane against the wall, and sat in the red-upholstered chair at my side. “Besides. I need to hear more about this kiss.”

I shook my head with a laugh. Just thinking about the moment with Scott in his office earlier had my pulse picking up. “I’ve already told you everything. What more could I possibly tell you?”

“He was pressed up against you, right?”

“Yes…” There was some innuendo I was missing.

“Then you need to be telling me details about what the guy is packing. Specifically, length and girth.”

“Teyana, oh my God!” I gestured to the box next to us where I’d spotted a handful of old ladies as we’d come in. There were walls between our seats and theirs, but since I could clearly hear their discussion about “Esther’s grandson’s first term at West Point,” it was likely they could also clearly hear us.

“They probably want to know too. They’re just not brave enough to ask.”

I rolled my eyes. But I went ahead and answered her question—with a lowered voice, of course—because I was as eager to talk about Scott as she was to hear about him. “It felt...significant,” I said.

She laughed. “Significant.”

“But I really can’t make a proper assessment considering I only got to feel it against my belly and not with my hands.” The improper assessment I’d made, however, was that Scott Sebastian had much to be proud of.

Tey looked disappointed that I didn’t have more intel. “From how heated it sounds like things got, I’m honestly surprised you didn’t take the opportunity to explore.”

“Hey. You said I absolutely couldn’t fool around with him, remember? Now you seem to be encouraging it.”

“I said that because it’s the smart course of action. It doesn’t mean I don’t want all the details when you do stupid.” She uncapped the water bottle that she’d smuggled in via her oversize bag and took a swig. Staying hydrated was key to managing her symptoms, and I was glad she was taking care of herself.

“You’ll always be the first one I tell,” I promised. “But there won’t be any more stupid. Kissing him was a mistake, and I’m resolved not to let it happen again.”

“Mmhmm.” She seemed to have as much faith in my commitment as I did, which didn’t bode well for my future working relationship with SIC.

As it was, I already couldn’t stop thinking about him. Memories of his mouth against mine, of the way his touch had lit up my skin ran in the background the entire afternoon. When I’d chosen the blush slip dress from Kendra’s closet, I’d pretended I was choosing it for him. When I’d done my hair up in a messy bun, I’d daydreamed it was so his lips could easily get to my neck. I couldn’t get his face out of my mind. Even sitting there waiting for the opera to start, I could swear I saw him in the box across from us.

Wait a minute...

“Teyana, that’s him,” I whispered, even though he was too far away to hear me. “That’s Scott Sebastian.”

He was standing and alone, perhaps waiting for someone to join him, and oh my God, was that really him? I squinted to bring him more into focus. It was definitely him, looking hotter than ever in a tux tailored so well he looked sewn in.

Tey sat up, alert. “Where? Over there?” She followed the nod of my head. I was grateful she didn’t point, but then she did something even more embarrassing. She took out her opera glasses and directed them toward him. “Oh, he’s as fine as you said he was.”

“Tey, stop!” I hurriedly pushed her hand and the glasses down, but it was too late. He’d seen me. His mouth curved into a smirk, and he lifted his palm up to wave.

Instinctually, I waved in return.

Then the lights went down, and the opera’s overture began.

Knowing Scott was there changed my entire night. I couldn’t concentrate on the performance in the slightest. I felt jittery and restless, and for the life of me I couldn’t get comfortable in my chair. I refused to look at him, though I could feel his presence like I was a magnet, and he was true north. I would not give him my attention. I. Would. Not.

Somehow I made it to intermission.

“I need to pee,” Tey said, grabbing for her cane.

“And I need a drink. Let’s hurry and see if we can beat the lines.” Mostly I just wanted to be away from the temptation to glance over at the man who I was beginning to think would be the death of me.

Rush as we did, there was still a long line outside the ladies’ restroom when we got there. “Figures,” Tey said with a curse. “You don’t have to wait with me.”

“No, we’re staying together.” It was the only way I could assure myself that I wouldn’t go out seeking the very man I needed to avoid.

Turned out, standing in line for the bathroom was not a very good place to hide.

“Your man has found us.” She nodded with her chin toward the lobby behind us. “Seriously, Tess. He is divine. I can barely look at him, he’s so spectacular.”

The pull was stronger now, that tug, tug, tug for my attention. Still, I didn’t turn around. “Then don’t look at him. And he is not my man.”

The line moved forward. I took a step sideways so I wouldn’t happen to see him in my periphery. I knew if I caught sight of him at all, I’d be a goner. As long as I kept my eyes away, I pretended I had a chance of keeping myself together.

Tey laughed. “Oh my, you have it bad.”

“Shut up.”

“He can’t be here alone, you know. No one goes to the opera alone. Definitely not men like him.”

I hated that I’d already been thinking that. “Which is why I’m not giving him the time of day. And you shouldn’t either.”

“Okay, but he’s staring you down like you’re a fish he’s not gonna throw back. You should go talk to him before he prowls over here.” She added the magic words she knew I could never deny. “For me?”

I groaned. Cautiously, I turned so I could take a peek. As soon as my eyes landed on Scott, they were caught. He stood out like an island in a sea of well-dressed men, a champagne flute in his hand. Sexy, refined, and captivating. I could barely move the air through my lungs.

He raised his glass, his grin triumphant, as though he’d won some game I hadn’t been aware we’d been playing, except of course I knew what game we were playing, and of course he won because I always lost the stay-away-from-the-hot-guy game.

“Will you be okay?” I asked my friend, my attention still latched on the blue eyes a handful of yards away.

“Yes. Now stop worrying about me, and get over there.”

I’d known the second I spotted him tonight that going to him would eventually be inevitable. Still, I pretended it had been my choice when I left Teyana and crossed toward him. He watched me take every step, as though I were the only woman in the room. As though he wasn’t here for anyone but me.

“I never met you before that party on the roof,” he said when I was next to him, “and now you’re everywhere.”

Since I’d infiltrated his world purposefully, I automatically felt the need to defend myself. “We got the tickets from a friend.”

“From Kendra, right? That’s the Montgomerys’ box.”

“Oh. Yes. I forgot you know her.” Actively trying to forget, anyway. “I didn’t realize you’d be here. Coincidence. Swear to God.”

“I wasn’t complaining.”

The rawness in his tone made my thighs buzz. “Oh.”

“Some people say co
incidences are meaningful. That it’s the universe trying to tell you something.”

Serendipity, right. It was pure poetry, the language of the best players, and every single time it made my stomach flutter.

It’s all smooth talk, I reminded myself. “You’re not one of those people who believes that.”

“I don’t know. I might be.” God, he was good. He didn’t even have to talk to be that good. It was in his countenance, in the way his entire body angled toward me. In the way he devoured me with his eyes. “You look... You’re breathtaking, Tessa Turani.”

My own breath shuddered. “Unfortunately, I feel the same about you.”

He laughed, and I was both impressed and irritated that he could see the humor in it. “It is a bit unfortunate, isn’t it?”

“A bit.” I snagged the champagne from his hand and threw back an unrefined gulp.

My lack of elegance did nothing to dim the intensity of his gaze. “You know what I can’t believe?” he asked, taking a step closer, as if we weren’t already standing intimately close.


“That I let you leave my office today without knowing the color of your panties.”

“Scott!” Heat rushed up my face.

“You could end the mystery. Slip them off, and give them to me now.”

Now heat rushed between my legs as well. The thought of taking my panties off for him, of him realizing how wet he’d made me, of him keeping them as yet another souvenir…

I took another swallow of the champagne and forced myself to remember that our relationship had to be professional only. “You said the next move was mine,” I reminded him.

“Is this you making a move?”

“No. And you insinuated that you wouldn’t make any more moves unless I did.”

“I did insinuate that.” His expression grew serious. “I’m going to try real hard to mean it too. Can I start tomorrow?”

I turned my head back toward the bathroom so he wouldn’t see my smile. Tey had made headway in the line and was no longer outside where I could see her anymore. Though her support for me had been both angel and devil, I felt a sudden surge of panic without her watching over me. As if the tiny amount of time that she disappeared to pee would be enough for Scott to sweep me into a dark corner and have his filthy way with me.