Page 36

Loving Lauren Page 36

by Jill Sanders

It was just after noon the next day when the group came upon the camp. They'd left the horses a few yards back, knowing that they needed to be as quiet as they could.

When the sheriff motioned for Chase and Grant to stay behind, Chase followed anyway. He thought he heard Grant a few feet behind him, but he was too focused on getting to Larry and the others to care.

He finally reached the clearing and he could see Larry, Hewitt, and a short Mexican man in his early forties. The three of them were arguing about a large box that sat on the ground. All three of them held rifles.

“Damn it, you should have stuck to just smuggling the cargo. No one would have been the wiser. But you had to start shooting at anything that moved.” Larry turned to Hewitt. “I brought you into this operation for a reason.” He looked between the men. “I've been controlling the flow for almost ten years now and you had to step in and ruin everything. Now we might have just lost our cover at Saddleback Ranch.”

Larry spun and started pacing. Chase looked over at Sheriff Miller who was glaring at him fiercely. “Don't move,” the older man mouthed to him.

Chase nodded in agreement. After all, the sheriff and his men were armed. They’d made sure he was not when they'd agreed to let him and Grant tag along. He wasn't stupid. He wasn't going to go running into a group of trigger-happy smugglers who were armed to the teeth. But he wasn't going to go hide under a rock, either. He wanted to make sure the men who'd almost killed Lauren were caught.

“Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have trusted someone like you.” Larry's anger was focused on Hewitt. “Miguel and I have been doing just fine up until now.” He pointed to the other man. “Maybe we should cut our losses.” Larry pointed his pistol at Hewitt's chest. “After all, when they find all this on you, they're likely to think you were behind her death and the smuggling.” Miguel smiled and pulled his weapon too.

Just then the sheriff and deputies jumped out from the bushes, screaming, “Sheriff's office. Don't move!”

Miguel dropped his weapon quickly. Hewitt backed up and tripped over the box, looking very stunned. Larry on the other hand started taking aim and firing in any direction.

The tree next to Chase exploded and he felt a sharp sting in his left arm. “Damn.” He fell down behind a large stump, trying to get better cover.

Three more shots rang out, then the sheriff called over. “Is everyone alright?”

“Yeah.” Chase stood up slowly and saw Larry face down in the dirt, his arms behind his back as one of the deputy cuffed him. The other two were cuffed next.

Walking over, Chase watched as the sheriff leaned over and pried open the box. Small packets of pills and white powder filled the small crate.

“Smuggling. We're seeing more and more of it around here. They bring a drug haul up from Mexico and get it as far north as they can. These hills are perfect to hide out in.” The sheriff looked around and took off his hat and wiped the sweat from his brow. “Well, these boys will have the law to answer to now. Good job, Chase.” The man walked away after patting him on the back.

Just then Grant came up behind him. “Damn, Chase. You've been shot.” His friend looked at the blood oozing from his shoulder. He looked down and, seeing the blood, felt like laughing.

It took them a full day to drag the men back into town. By the time he made it back to the small ranch house, Chase was hot and tired and smelled ripe. It took all his energy to remove his clothes and pull himself into the tub as the water removed his soreness and pain.

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes as he felt every muscle in his body start to relax.

He must have fallen asleep, because a small sound woke him with a start. Looking up, he smiled at Lauren as she hovered over him, a breath away from his lips.

“Hello.” It came out as a whisper.

“Hi, how are you feeling?” He started to sit up, but she put her hands on his shoulders, keeping him where he was.

“I'm fine. How are you?” She reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Good. Better now that you're here.” He reached for her face and pulled it down to his for a light kiss. Then she leaned her head against his.

“I heard you were shot.” She pulled back and looked at his shoulder. He looked and saw the nasty scratch that went from his breastbone down to his upper arm.

“I wasn’t really shot. I just happened to be standing too close to a tree that was shot.” He smiled. “What'll it take to get you naked and in here with me?”

“Hmm…” She tilted her chin like she was thinking. “I'd say you’ve already earned whatever you've got coming.” She stood up slowly and started to pull her shirt over her head. His mouth went dry as he watched her peel off every inch of her clothing.

Then she stood there for a moment, as if trying to decide how it was going to work. “I'm not sure this is a wise decision.” She braced herself on the ledge and put one foot in. “I do have a twisted ankle. Oh, but it does feel good.” She smiled and stepped in with the other foot, straddling his hips as she slid down and sat on his chest. Leaning forward she kissed him as his hands roamed over her backside.

Sitting up a little, he gripped her hips and forced her all the way down on his desire as she moaned with pleasure. “No barriers this time, wife,” he moaned.

“No, never again.” She smiled as her hips started moving. The water splashed over the edge of the tub, sending water running over the floor and his clothing. Neither of them noticed as it lapped rhythmically as they slowly gained speed until both of them were panting and out of breath.

“More,” he said as his fingers dug into her hips. Her hands pulled his head to hers as she took the kiss deeper. He couldn't get enough. She was going too slow. He pulled her up and off, then stood and stepped out of the tub, then turned and picked her up and carried her to the bed. Laying her down gently, he covered her with his body and entered her quickly as her legs wrapped around him.

“More.” This time it was her who had demanded it. His thrusts grew deeper as he stroked her inner muscles. His mouth played with her erect nipples, causing pleasure to flow through every pore. When she leaned her head back and screamed his name, he was two seconds behind her in his release.

They lay there, breathing heavily until the air cooled their skin. He reached over and pulled the comforter over them both, enjoying the feel of her snuggling up to his chest.

“Chase.” She ran her hand lightly over his chest. “Back when I was locked in the cabin, I thought I wouldn't get a chance to tell you how I feel.” She leaned up and looked down into his eyes.

“I think you just did, darling.” He smiled at her and gently put a strand of her hair behind her ear, so he could see her face clearly.

She smiled down at him. “Yes, but I think you and I both need to hear the words.” She sighed as his other hand skimmed over her hip. “I love the way you make me feel. What you do to me when you look at me.” Her smile fell away. “The thought of not being with you scares me now. I want to be really married to you. To grow old with you and have children with you.”

He sat up, pulling her with him. “Lauren, I know this is a little late, but will you marry me?” She laughed and nodded her head. He smiled and took her face in his hands. “I love you. I've loved you for over seven years.” She smiled when he said this. “I want to keep loving you.”

“Yes, I love you, too.” She leaned in and kissed him. “Move into the house and help me make it a home.”

He smiled and took her lips again, pulling her back down to the bed just as the sun set behind the hills.