Page 12

Loving Deviant Page 12

by Laurann Dohner

“They have personal androids?”

“They belong to Jill, and she’s fond of them in an affectionate way. They aren’t just machines to her. That section of land belongs to them, and her androids grow food there. It gives them a purpose. Some of the agriculture teams are appreciative.”

“Why? Do those androids help them work?”

“Yes. One of the androids, named Rune, was an advanced prototype of a sex bot.”


He surprised her by laughing. “It’s not what you might think. She refused to allow her body to be used for that purpose. She was designed to learn and evolve her own programming. One of the things she decided was that she hates to get dirty…and sex is messy.”

Venice stared up at him. “What?”

He grinned. “A few cyborgs approached her for sex. She threw them on their asses and told them to stay away from her. She’s a source of amusement to us. The teams enjoy watching her work her section of land because she strips naked, since she doesn’t wish to get her clothing soiled. We’ve had a large number of single, young cyborg males volunteer to work agriculture since she arrived on Garden. She won’t allow anyone to touch her but they enjoy seeing her tending to her plants, minus clothes.”

Venice grinned. “That’s funny.”

“It is.”

“Was she there when you worked agriculture?”

“No. I might have enjoyed it more if she had been. It can become boring and tedious.”

A thought struck. “Is it safe for her?”

“You mean will a cyborg attack Rune?”

She nodded.

“No. She’s not technically a sentient being but she’s more than just a droid. She has developed a personality and who knows what she will become in time. She’s continually learning and adapting. There are a few cyborgs who interact with her and study her daily. She’s intriguing.”

“Is she dangerous? What if someone hits on her and she kills them?”

“It won’t happen. She was designed with safety protocols. She grows fruit trees, as an example, but refuses to pick them when they are mature. She sees that as killing the fruit. The other androids do the harvesting. She will defend herself but doesn’t cause harm. After the first few attempts cyborgs made to seduce her, it was banned for them to try.”

“And they will just follow that order?”

“Yes. We respect our laws, and Rune is unique. She’s valued. No one would dare do anything to harm her progression as she develops into her full potential, whatever that may be.”

Venice turned in his arms and hugged him around his waist. “I can see why you didn’t move. You’ve got the best views from your apartment, and the space is nice.”

“Do you really like it?”

“I do.” She glanced around. “It’s like four times the size of where I lived on Earth. My place could have fit into just your living room.”

He surprised her by suddenly lowering his head and kissing her. “It feels more like a home with you here.”

She released his waist and reached up, cupping his face and kissing him back. It was really sweet of him to say and it only reminded her that, once again, she wished he’d been the man she’d agreed to marry. It would have been wonderful if he’d been the real groom waiting for her on that station.

Deviant opened his mouth to her when she ran the tip of her tongue along his bottom lip. He lifted her right off her feet and carried her across the room to the bed, only putting her down when they reached it. He pulled his mouth away. “I want you.”

She began to strip, hoping they wouldn’t be interrupted. She already missed the time they’d had together when no one had been aware of her existence. He tore at his uniform and boots. It made her laugh as they seemed to have a contest going on who could get naked first. Venice won, and stretched out on the bed, lying on her back. She crooked her finger at him to join her and he grinned, climbing on the bed.

“We have plenty of room on this bed.”

“I actually miss your bunk. It made sure we cuddled when we slept.”

He pinned her under him. “I’m still going to hold you while we sleep. I enjoy having you curled up against me.”

She spread her legs, making room for his hips to cradle between her thighs. “No clothes though.”

He chuckled. “No clothing. You love skin-to-skin contact. I’m fond of it myself.”

She slid her fingers into his hair, stroking the silky strands, and stared into the utter blueness of his eyes. “I just love touching you.”

“And I love you touching me.” He lowered his mouth, taking possession of hers.

They took their time, slowly exploring each other’s bodies. She ran her fingernails lightly down his back, along his spine, to the curve of his butt. She opened her hands and gave his cheeks a squeeze. He groaned against her mouth and broke the kiss, trailing his mouth lower down her chin, then to her throat.

She didn’t complain as he slid his body down the bed and his hot mouth and tongue trailed to her breast. He was a fast learner, something she had already discovered, since he quickly had her arching her back and clutching at his shoulders.

“I need you.” She hooked her legs around his, trying to pull him up her body.

He released her breast and ran his mouth even lower. “Not yet. I love how you respond to me.”

“I need you inside me.”


“I have none,” she admitted.

He placed kisses down her belly and scooted lower, using his hands to shove her legs wider apart. Venice moaned his name as he licked the inside of her thigh, inching closer to her pussy.

“I still have a lot to learn,” he teased.

“I think not.”

She forgot how to talk when he focused on her clit, licking and gently sucking on the bundle of nerves. His mouth was hot, his tongue lapping in long, slow strokes. His unhurried pace drove her insane and she panted, moaning as he notched up her level of need to come. She rolled her hips but he used his hold to immobilize them. Deviant was going to kill her with pleasure.

Deviant loved hearing Venice’s broken cries when she climaxed. He felt pride too. He’d heard it could be very difficult to manually stimulate a female’s sex drive, but no one had ever told him how stimulating it could be for the male. His dick ached from how stiff it had become, the desire to be inside her so intense it had become near painful.

He climbed up her body, hooked one of her knees over his arm, and pinned her open as he glanced down, watching as he entered her. She was wet and hot, felt amazing as he drove inside her tight confines. She grabbed at his biceps, digging her fingernails in but not enough to hurt. It felt fantastic. Everything about Venice did.

He lowered his upper body on top of her chest, smashing her breasts in the processes but remembering to brace one arm to keep most of his weight from crushing her. He loved being pressed so tight against her skin, having her under him as he rode her. Venice moaned and opened her eyes, staring into his gaze.

She belonged to him. He almost came from the knowledge that he would be the only one to ever see her beauty in the throes of passion. He loved it when she wrapped her other leg high on his waist and it gave him easier access to drive himself into her pussy. Her eyes closed and she threw her head back, his name on her lips.

He moved faster, riding her harder. Her vaginal muscles clenched around his cock tighter and tighter, until he lost the ability to hold back. Ecstasy struck and he gasped her name as his seed released into her body. He kept moving though, until she came too. Then he finally stilled, their bodies locked together.

He released her leg and placed kisses on her throat when she turned her head to the side, panting. He licked at the fine sheen of sweat glistening on her skin. The slightly salty taste was pleasant. Everything about Venice intrigued him. He just couldn’t get enough.

She eased her hold on his arms and caressed him. Her touch made him shiver in the best way. She bumped
him with her chin as she turned her head again and he lifted up, finding her peering at him with a smile curving her lips. She licked them and he wanted to kiss her again.


“What does that mean?”

Her smile spread wider. “You. Us.”

He understood. “We’re exceptional together.”

“We are.”

He carefully rolled them over, making certain he didn’t hurt her, until she lay sprawled over his body. It was his turn to run his hands down her back. Her skin was soft, smooth, and he cupped her ass, pulling her tighter against him. She felt perfect in every way. Even her weight resting on top of him seemed right.

Venice drifted to sleep as he continued to stroke her skin, lightly massaging her from shoulders to ass. He knew she hadn’t slept well the evening before, after Stag had discovered her aboard the Varnish. He had tried to assure her that things would be fine but everything about cyborg life held uncertainty to her. Not that he could blame her for the worry.

Her life wouldn’t be easy at first, living with him. The planet, the rules of their society, everything would be foreign to her. He would need to take time off from his duties to help her adjust. That wouldn’t be a problem. Every cyborg who spent a lot of time off the surface on space missions was required to stay grounded for at least a month or two a year.

“You’re my priority,” he whispered, tucking his cheek against the top of her head. “I’ll make this an easy transition for you. I don’t want you to regret asking me to take you off that station and giving yourself to me.”

He’d need to speak to all the vessel commanders he usually worked with. It wasn’t conceivable to accept a mission unless Venice could travel with him. He refused to leave her on Garden, unprotected. Other cyborgs might approach her to test compatibility. Jealousy rose but he pushed it back. Venice had been clear she didn’t want other males. He guessed Flint, Iron, and Steel wouldn’t have issue with him bringing her when he reported for duty. They were with Earthers as well, and took their females with them on missions often.

He glanced around the room, silently promising to make his home appear more Earthlike. It stood to reason that she’d feel more comfortable calling it her own with items more familiar to the living quarters she’d once occupied. There was a warehouse of stored items they’d retrieved off Earth vessels. He’d get permission to take her there and chose whatever she desired.

He made mental lists of items she’d need. He enjoyed her wearing his clothing but she would need to be measured and fitted for her own wardrobe. He’d also have to discover what kinds of foods she enjoyed, so he could stock his home with them. Shoes would be needed. The one pair she’d worn when they met wouldn’t last long.

He carefully shifted her off him, laying her on her side. She didn’t wake. He climbed out of bed and put on pants, striding to his living room. He had a lot of calls to place. The first was to the cyborg he contacted when he needed new outfits. The tailor promised to come to his home in the evening. Venice would have clothing made and delivered to her within twenty-four hours.

He reached out to his father next, using the coms to do a visual connection. His father appeared on screen in seconds, concern on his features.

“Is something wrong? Has your mother contacted you already?”

“No. Everything is fine. I need your advice.”

“What is it?”

“What does Cyan enjoy eating? Are you aware of her preferences? She lived on Earth.”

Mavo smiled. “You could contact your sister and ask her.”

“Krell still doesn’t welcome my contacting her. He hasn’t forgiven me for helping you attempt to take her from him. He forgives you because of your fatherly feelings, but he suspected I had other interests in her.”

“He does show a high rate of possessiveness with Cyan.”

“I understand why he feels that way.”

“Take Venice to the food center and allow her to choose what appeals to her.”

“I don’t want to subject her to open scrutiny just yet.”

Mavo nodded. “Ah. Yes. Many will stare because she’ll be a curiosity.”

“Exactly. I want her to feel welcome on Garden. I don’t believe she realizes just how few Earthers live here. It might make her uncomfortable. I also wanted to ask you if you believe it would be a good idea to introduce her to other Earthers who are joined in family units with cyborgs.”

“This is her first day here. Don’t rush things. She will appreciate meeting those females in time, but give it a few days. I’ll com Cyan, make a list, and go to the food center for you on her recommendations. I’ll be there in about an hour.”

“Thank you.”

“You shouldn’t leave her alone. And upgrade your security.”

“You think other males will hear of Venice and try to make contact?”

Mavo leaned closer to the screen. “It’s possible. She’s an attractive female and not all will care that she’s from Earth. They won’t consider your claim of ownership since it’s technically against our laws. Some might even view it as a rescue attempt to take her from you.”

That angered Deviant. “It’s not that way.”

“We know that, and so does she, but look what we did with Cyan. We attempted to take her from Krell. We didn’t understand that they had bonded. Others might make the same mistake. Upgrade your security.”

“I’m on it.”

“And Deviant?”

He peered at his father. “Yes?”

“I know I’m approved to enter your home…but is your mother?”

He nodded.

“Change that.” Mavo cut the coms.

Deviant stared at the blank screen and sighed. His father had a point. His mother could be unpleasant, and he didn’t want Venice exposed to her. He walked over to his door, pressed his palm to the sensor, and worked in more safety protocols, stripping the permission to bypass the locks from everyone except his father.

He finished and turned away, wanting to return to his bed and Venice. His father wouldn’t disturb them when he dropped off the food he picked up.

He’d made it only halfway across the room when the com beeped. He spun, walked to it, and activated the screen.

Maze stared back at him. “I am sorry to disturb you.”

“What do you want?”

“I wished to discuss Venice with you.”

“What about her?”

“I’d like to do those scans on her limbs and take a skin sample.”

“Not today. She’s exhausted.”

“Stag has ordered me back to duty tomorrow at noon. The Varnish is leaving the surface again.”

“Let me know when you return. We’ll set up a time.”

“It’s not necessary that I personally run the advanced scans. Will you take her to our medical facility soon? I shared what I had with our scientists and they are eager to reproduce the technology.”

“I’ll contact them tomorrow, after I talk to Venice to make certain she doesn’t wish for more time.”

“Thank you.”

“Good luck on your mission.”

Maze grimly nodded. “It may be my last. The Markus Models have been sighted. We have to get close enough to deploy the trackers in hopes of attaching to their shuttles. But they could attack us if we get too close.”

“Why not send the Bridden? It has the ability to shield.”

“They are on another mission and too far out to be of use. We are going to visit a station in their projected path and set out the trackers, in hopes they will attach to their hulls. We should be out of range before they arrive.”

It was a dangerous mission’ one Deviant normally would have volunteered for. It was paramount that they found a way to monitor the Markus Models’ movements and figure out an effective place to strike, removing the threat forever.

“Be careful.”

“Always.” Maze ended the com.

Deviant turned but another message
came in. He faced the coms and read the text. He’d been formally ordered before the council first thing in the morning.

It wasn’t a surprise since they’d already agreed to a meeting. But the tone of it, the fact that they’d changed the hour to an earlier one, and the demand that he not bring Venice with him implied trouble.


He responded, agreeing to the new time and terms. He reentered the bedroom and watched Venice sleep. He hadn’t planned to take her out anywhere today but things had changed. He climbed on the bed, lay on his side, and faced her.


She opened her eyes and glanced down his body. “You have on pants. Why?”

“The council might be upset after all.”

“Are you in trouble?”

“It’s uncertain. Stag may have had words with them.” He brushed her hair off her face. “I would like your help.”

“Anything. Just name it.”

“We need to visit our medical facility.”

All traces of sleep vanished from her alert gaze and she surprised him by smiling. “Those scans of my prosthetics are worth a lot, aren’t they?”

His Venice was intelligent. It was one of the things he admired about her and found endearing. “Not in monetary value, but the medical knowledge you could provide might make your staying here be seen as a necessary risk. I broke the rules by smuggling you onboard Stag’s shuttle, but you could help our people. I’m hoping it will offset any anger they may feel toward my actions.”

She sat up and scooted down the bed. “Let’s go.”

He smiled. His Venice was amazing.

Chapter Ten

Venice liked the two cyborgs who had taken charge of her once they’d entered a building a few down from where Deviant lived. She’d been intimidated by the large table they had her lay flat on, especially when another section of flat screen lowered from the ceiling, hovering just inches over her. They’d promised her it wouldn’t hurt, nor take long. They’d seemed happy to see her and voiced their gratitude that she’d agreed to come.