Anyway, sorry for whingeing on and on all the time, I’m sure you have enough problems of your own to worry about. Tell me how my sophisticated big sis is doing over in France. I can’t believe you’re over there, you always hated French class. At least it’s only for a few months right? And then you’re coming back? Dad’s still not happy about you dropping out of college. Why you had to go away to find yourself is beyond me. Just look in the mirror. What’s the restaurant like? Have you dropped any plates yet? Are you going to work there for long? Any nice men? There must be, French men are yummy. If there are any spare men that you don’t want, send them my way.
PS: Dad wants to know if you have enough money and if you’ve found yourself yet. Mum wants to know if you are eating properly. Little Kevin (he is so tall now you wouldn’t believe!) wants to know if you’ll send him some video game over. I don’t know what he’s talking about so just ignore him.
SUBJECT:Re: Urgent sisterly advice needed
Hello my darling little sister,
Don’t worry about Alex, I thought long and hard about it and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a good idea he’s not there for your final year of school because you know how bad you two are when you get together! At least for the first year EVER you may not get suspended from school. Think of how proud you would make Mum and Dad. (Oh by the way tell them I’m broke and starving and currently looking for myself in an Internet café in Paris.)
I definitely know how you feel right now. I’m alone here too, but just stick the year out and when you’re finished maybe Alex will move back to Ireland, or maybe you can go to college in Boston!
Aim for something Rosie, I know you don’t want to hear it, but it will help. Aim for what you want and the year will all make sense. Go to Boston if that will make you happy. Study hotel management like you’ve always wanted.
You’re only young Rosie, and I know that you absolutely hate to hear that but it’s true. What seems tragic now won’t even be an issue in a few years time. You’re only 17. You and Alex have the rest of your lives to catch up together . . . After all, soul mates always end up together. Silly Bethany won’t even be remembered in a few years time. Ex-girlfriends are easily forgotten. Best friends stay with you forever.
Take care. Tell Mum and Dad I said hi and that I’m still looking for myself but may have found someone else in the process. Tall, dark and handsome . . .
Dear Ms. Rosie Dunne,
Boston College thanks you for your application to study Hotel Management with us and we are delighted to inform you that you were successful in your application . . .
SUBJECT:Boston here I come!
I GOT IN!! Boston College, here I come!!! WAHOOO! The letter just arrived for me this morning and I am soooo excited! You better not move a muscle, Mr. Stewart, because I am finally coming to see you. It’ll be great, even though you and I won’t be studying in the same college (Harvard is far too distinguished for the likes of me!) But I think it’s just as well because I don’t think we can really afford to get suspended again.
I’m so excited. Are you???! E-mail or call me as soon as possible, I’d call you but Dad put a block on long-distance calls as you know. Mum and Dad are so proud, they’re calling all the family to tell them. I think they’re hoping I’ll be the first Dunne child to go to college and actually finish the course. Dad keeps warning me not to go trying to “find myself” anywhere like Stephanie did. By the way it doesn’t look like Steph is coming home anytime soon, she met some chef that works at the restaurant she’s waiting at and she’s “in love.”
The phone hasn’t stopped ringing all day with congratulations! Paul and Eileen from across the road sent over a bunch of flowers for me which was really nice. Mum’s getting the house ready for a get-together tonight, just a few sandwiches and cocktail sausages, that kind of thing. Honestly Alex, the house is buzzing! Kevin is happy I’m leaving so he can be even more spoiled than usual. I’ll miss the brat even though he never talks to me. I’ll miss Mum and Dad even more but right now everyone is just so excited I’ve been accepted to think about the fact that I won’t be living here anymore. I’ll deal with it the day I wave good-bye but in the meantime we’ll continue to celebrate!
Love, Rosie
PS: One of these days I can run a hotel and you can be the doctor-in-the-house who saves the lives of the guests I poison in the restaurant . . . Oh this will all work out wonderfully . . .
SUBJECT:Re: Boston here I come!
This is brilliant news! I can’t wait to see you too! Harvard isn’t too far away from BC (well in comparison to being a whole ocean apart—can you believe Harvard accepted me? It must be the intellects’ idea of a hilarious joke). I’m too excited to type, just get over here! When are you coming?
I won’t be over till September, just a few days before the semester starts because I have got so many things to sort out you wouldn’t believe! The debs are at the end of August, will you come over for them? Everyone would love to see you and I need someone to go with! We will have so much fun and we can annoy all our teachers. Just like old times . . . let me know.
Of course I’ll come home for our debs, I wouldn’t miss it for the world!
Where r u??? I’m waiting at airport. Me and dad have been here for hours. I tried ur house phone & mobile. Don’t know where else 2 call. Hope everything’s ok.
Hi Rosie. Just got ur text. Sent u an e-mail explaining. Can u check e-mail at airport? Alex
Rosie I am so sorry. This whole day has been an absolute nightmare. There was a foul-up with the flight. I don’t know what happened, but my name wasn’t in the system when I went to collect my ticket. I’ve been here all day trying to get another flight. They’re all booked because of people flying home from holidays and students returning home etc. . . . I’m on standby, but so far there’s been nothing. I’m just hanging around the airport waiting for a flight. This is a nightmare.
SUBJECT:Flight tomorrow
Dad’s talking to the lady at Aer Lingus ticket desk. She says there’s a flight that leaves Boston tomorrow at 10:10am. It takes five hours to get here so that you will make it 3pm, then we’re five hours ahead which will make it 8pm. We could collect you from airport and go straight to ball? Or maybe you’d prefer to go to my house first? You can’t wear your tux on the plane because you’ll get all crumpled. What do you think?
Sounds good to me. Doesn’t matter if we’re late just as long as I get there. I’ll go see if they can get me on that flight.
Rosie, bad news. That flight is fully booked.
Shit. Think, think, think. What can I do? It seems that we can get you here every other bloody day except tomorrow. Somebody up there really doesn’t want you to get on that plane. Maybe it’s a sign?
SUBJECT:My fault
It’s my fault, I should have double checked with the airline yesterday. Please go to the debs anyway. I no I’ve messed up your night. You still have the whole day to find someone else to go with you. Take loads of photos, tell everyone I was asking for them and enjoy yourself. Sorry, Rosie.
SUBJECT:Re: My fault
It’s not your fault. I’m disappointed but let’s be realistic, it’s not the end of the world. Make sure you get your money back for that flight, the eejits. And anyway I’m gonna see you in a little over a month and we’ll be seeing each other EVERY DAY! We’ll have a brilliant time. I better go searching for a man now . . .
Any luck finding a man?
SUBJECT:Man found
What a stupid question!! Of course I found a man. I’m insulted you even needed to ask . . .
SUBJECT:Mystery man
Then who is it?
SUBJECT:Secret man
That would be absolutely none of your business . . .
SUBJECT:Invisible man
HA! You didn’t find a date!! I knew it!
SUBJECT:Big strong man
Yes I did.
No you didn’t.
SUBJECT:Yes, man!
Yes I did.
SUBJECT:What man?
SUBJECT:Almost a man
SUBJECT:Re: Brian?
Maybe . . .
Ha ha ha ha ha ha you’re going to the debs with Brian the Whine?!!! I can’t believe it! Talk about scraping the barrel! Brian, who spilled pizza down James’s sleeping bag at my 10th birthday party? Brian who caused mass hysteria in my house and ruined my birthday? Brian who lifted your skirt when you were six, in front of everyone in the school yard to reveal your knickers? The Brian you were stuck sitting beside for all of second class, who ate fish sandwiches every day for lunch and picked his nose while you ate yours? The Brian who followed us home from school every day singing, “Rosie and Alex up a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G?” and made you cry and ignore me for a week? The Brian who spilled his beer all down your new top at my going-away party? The Brian you absolutely can’t stand and was the one person you hated all throughout school? And now you’re going to the last school dance ever, with Brian?
SUBJECT:No the other Brian
Yes Alex, that Brian. Now may I ask that you please stop e-mailing me as my darling mother is currently tying knots in my head trying to make me look half decent? She has also been reading your e-mails and wants you to know that Brian the Whine won’t be lifting up my skirt tonight.
Well it won’t be for lack of trying. Have fun! May I suggest that you wear your beer goggles tonight. Brian, you see, is a bit of a whine. And I don’t think you’ll find his conversation very interesting . . . hee hee
SUBJECT:Beer goggles
The beer goggles will be well and truly on! You know as well as I do that I can’t go to the debs alone. Brian was the only person I could get last minute thanks to you. All I have to do is stand in with him for the photos so that Mum and Dad can have lovely memories of their daughter going to the debs all dressed up with a man in a tuxedo. The tables seat ten so I won’t even have to talk to him at dinner so there’s really no problem. Anyway he may have traumatized me as a child but he’s not that bad!
You’re enjoying this aren’t you Alex?
SUBJECT:Re: Beer goggles
Not really. I’d love to be there instead. Don’t do anything with Brian that I wouldn’t do . . .
SUBJECT:Re: Beer goggles
Well that doesn’t rule out much. Hair’s done now, have to get the rest of me ready. I’ll let you know how it went tomorrow.
How were the debs last night? No doubt you’re nursing a hangover. I’ll wait to hear from you tomorrow but I’ll wait no longer! I want to know everything!
Did you get my last e-mail? I keep calling and there’s no answer, what’s up? I hope you’re busy preparing for the big move over to me!
E-mail me soon please.
Steph: Rosie, stop avoiding Alex and tell him how the debs went. Alex is even e-mailing me wondering what happened and I’m certainly not going to tell him! The poor guy missed out and all he wants to know is who did what, where and when.
Rosie: Well I certainly won’t be telling him who did who.
Steph: Ha ha.
Rosie: It’s not funny.
Steph: I think it’s hilarious. Come on it’s been three weeks now!
Rosie: Are you sure it’s been three weeks?
Steph: Oh don’t try to play that one Rosie!
Rosie: No I’m serious Steph. Has it been three weeks?
Steph: Yeah, why?
Rosie: Holy shit.
Rosie has logged off
Rosie are you there? Are you having problems with your e-mail? Please reply. You should be getting on a plane soon to come over here.
SUBJECT:Please Rosie?
Are you mad at me? I’m sorry I couldn’t go to the debs ball, things with whiney Briany can’t have gone that badly, can they?! What have you been doing all month? This is ridiculous. Why doesn’t anyone answer the phone when I call?
Answer me,
Mrs. Dunne,
Hi Alice, it’s Alex here. I’m just writing to see if Rosie’s OK. I haven’t heard from her and I was getting a bit worried to tell you the truth. It’s unusual for me to not hear from her in so long. Every time I call the house it just goes onto answering machine, are you all getting my messages? Maybe you’ve all gone away? Please let me know if everything is OK and tell Rosie to call.
Best wishes,
Dear Sandra,
Alex has been leaving messages with us all week and he’s terribly worried about Rosie. I know you’re worried about him worrying about Rosie so I’m just writing to let you know the situation . . .
SUBJECT:You’re not coming to Boston??
My mum told me today that you’re not coming to Boston. Please tell me what’s happening. I’m so worried. Did I do something wrong? Was it because I missed the debs? Because you know I am so so sorry about that but they just couldn’t get me on another flight. You know that. I am always here for you when you need me.
Whatever it is Rosie please no that I will understand and will always be here to help you. Please let me no what is happening, I’m going out of my mind here. If you don’t get in touch with me, I’m booking a flight back to Ireland and I’m going to see you myself.
SUBJECT:I’m coming over
My little sis,
Rosie my sweetie, don’t worry. Everything happens for a reason. Just take deep breaths and try to relax. Maybe this is the correct path for you, perhaps Boston wasn’t
. I’m booking a flight and I’ll be home as soon as I can. Hang in there little sis,
To Miss Rosie Dunne,
Boston College acknowledges that you will not be accepting your position this year.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Whitworth
Rosie, can’t believe this is the decision u have made. You know I am not in support of it. I’m moving away as I had already planned. Hope everything works out well 4 u.
Oh god Alex, what have I done?