Page 21

Live Wire Page 21

by Lora Leigh

“The doctor will be here within the next twenty minutes,” he warned her, his tone low and dark with a hint of sex. “Be careful Tehya, or he’ll see more than either of us want him to see.”

Tehya escaped to the shower though she would have preferred his touch. The suite they were in was gorgeous, elegant. Marble floors in the bathroom with a walk-in shower and large Jacuzzi tub. Heat lamps lit up above her as she flipped the lights on, spreading an edge of warmth through the room as she undressed, adjusted the temperature of the water, and stepped beneath the heated spray.

She was careful to keep her arm out of the spray. Stepping back from the stream of moisture, she washed her hair awkwardly. To rinse it, she turned her side to the water and worked the lather from the long curls.

It took twice as long as usual but when she was finished, she felt as though she might actually be able to think clearly soon. The warmth of the shower helped clear some of the drowsy lethargy from her head and though she still felt weak, at least she didn’t feel as though she would fall asleep on her feet.

Wrapping a towel around her, she held back the wince at the sharp pains to her arm as she finished. Painkillers would be nice if they didn’t knock her on her ass. Unfortunately, that was exactly what they did. They left her feeling worse than the pain did, without the benefit of being aware of what the hell was going on around her.

As she stepped from the cubicle, she came to a hard stop her breath suspending in her chest as excitement began to rage through her body once again and anticipation dampened her pussy.

Jordan stepped into the bathroom.

He’d obviously showered as well. His thick, black hair was still damp, and he had changed into a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt.

God, his feet were bare.

A man shouldn’t have sexy feet, but he did. To be so damned big, they were strong, male, and powerful. Even his damned toenails were perfect.

“What do you want?” she asked, her voice husky, breathless from the hard fierce throbbing of her heart in her chest.

He should be illegal. He should have to wear an ugly disguise when he was in public to weaken his effect on the female of the species. Because she wasn’t the only woman to grow immediately wet at the sight of him.

“Doc is here,” he told her, the lazy drawl in his voice filled with knowing arousal as his gaze slid over her body. “Keep the towel on. He’ll need access to the arm though.”

Tehya rolled her eyes, but she wasn’t stupid. She knew the wound had to be checked. The towel was large enough that she was well covered, but it still left the heavy slice on the outside of her bicep accessible.

Thankfully, the doctor was old enough that she felt reasonably comfortable, and he was well supplied with all the tools of his trade. One of those tools was a numbing cream that he used on the wound before bandaging it.

Within minutes the worst of the pain eased, giving her some relief without the grogginess of the pills.

“You need to pack that stuff in your bag.” She informed Jordan. “Steal it or something.”

“The wound isn’t too bad,” the doctor assured them as he and Jordan both ignored her. Though, bless his heart, he left the tube on the table as he repacked his bag and stared down at her with kind eyes. “You should feel right as rain once you’ve slept for a while and the wound has a chance to start healing. Keep the cream on it, keep both cloth and adhesive bandages. Don’t use the arm any more than you have to and you shouldn’t have any problems.”

He laid out a small bottle of medication. “It’s not too strong, even for your system.” His lips quirked in a grin. “Mr. Malone explained your sensitivity to painkillers. It has some pain medication and antibiotics. Once every four hours unless you want a nasty infection.”

She stared at the packet and clenched her teeth in frustration. She detested pills and medications of any sort. No matter what they said, the stuff always made her groggy at the very least.

“Take one now, my dear.” The doctor laid one of the oval pills in her hand. “Have you ever seen gangrene? I’m certain one so pretty wouldn’t want such a nasty infection.”

She swore he was in league with Jordan.

She took the pill. If it knocked her out and she managed to wake up safe and sound, then she would make certain Jordan paid for it. And the look she shot him promised retribution, because she knew, somehow, he had found a way to manuever this pill thing.

As the doctor left the room and the door closed behind him, Tehya gathered up the change of clothes Jordan had laid out for her.

Soft lounge pants, a loose T-shirt, and warm socks. She kept them in her go-bag. A girl never knew when she was going to need to be comfortable. That and makeup, and she was usually good to go in almost any situation.

Pulling her make up bag from the pack, she took out the moisturizer before placing the bag on the chest.

“What are you doing?” He stepped in front of her as she headed for the bathroom.

“I’m going to get dressed, Jordan,” she said sarcastically.

“It’s time for bed, Tehya,” he shot back in return. “And you don’t need to get dressed for that.”

Hell, when he dropped his voice like that he made her stomach clench in hunger. There were times when loving him, needing him as she did, could be a terrible distraction. And this was one of those times.

“I’ve already slept, remember?” She argued as she shot him a glare.

“That was no more than a nap,” he scoffed as he blocked her way once more.

What the hell was his problem?

“I’m too restless to sleep.” She narrowed her eyes back at him suspiciously. “Go away, Jordan. Surely you can find something better to do than aggravating me to death.” If he couldn’t think of anything, then she was certain she could.

Jordan grinned. “That’s okay, baby, I have a cure for that.”

The towel fell to the floor as Tehya felt her breath catch. Her body flooded with heat and sensitivity. The cool air of the air-conditioned room washed over her. It was an additional caress as she felt Jordan step behind her. The warmth of his chest warmed her, creating a feeling of security even as she felt the arousal beginning to surge out of her control, as his hand slid slowly down her arms, gripping the hand of her good arm and guiding it up until she curved her fingers along the nape of his neck.

Jerking against his grip she almost escaped, only to be pulled back into his arms as he chuckled wickedly and replaced her hand. Why was she fighting him? Oh yeah, that’s right, he had drugged her, deliberately, when he knew she hated it.

“Stop fighting me, Tehya. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

He obviously hadn’t expected her to try to escape again. This time, she made it free of his arms and turned to face him. She had every intention of telling him exactly what she thought of his high-handedness. Despite the fact that there wasn’t a time that she didn’t crave his touch, that didn’t mean he had to be so confident that she was his for the taking.

The she saw something in his eyes that had the juices spilling from her pussy, lubricating the bare folds and sensitizing her clit. A blazing dominant lust that all but glowed in his eyes and tightened his expression in intense, carnal, burning arousal. A powerful need she could already feel herself weakening to.

She had always suspected it lurked there. That overwhelming, pure dominance gleaming in those sapphire blue eyes as his gaze raked over her body.

“What am I doing, Jordan?” she asked, her lips parting to breathe in roughly as she dared to challenge him. “Refusing to put my head down and obey your every whim? Is that what you require in your women? Submission? Damn, and here I don’t do submission so well? Perhaps you should spank me.” She licked her lips slowly “Or something?”

She was naked and defying him, and there was a thrill racing through her that made her feel intoxicated. For now, a sense of power began whipping through her. A knowledge, an instinct where her lover was concerned. Where her o
wn hidden, unrealized needs had once lain dormant, she could now feel them rising fast and out of control.

Jordan watched the challenge building in her eyes, the steamy seductive heat as it made her expression drowsy with sensual hunger and a need for that challenge to be met and conquered.

He was going to fuck her until they were both gasping for air and too weak to move. Until there wasn’t a chance in hell she could forget exactly who her very beautiful, very aroused body belonged to.

Tehya stared at him, her breathing heavy and rough as she sensed that sexual edge sharpening inside him. The look in his eyes sent a chill of anticipation racing up her spine. She had never seen that expression on his face before, never done more than catch a fleeting glimpse of the powerful needs he had hidden so carefully.

“You’re mine,” he bit out suddenly, forcefully, shocking her with the depth of the declaration. “As long as we’re in this together, by God, you’re mine and you will survive this, Tehya. No matter what I have to do to ensure it. And you will not fight me further where your protection is concerned.”

Oh, she wouldn’t?

“Kiss my ass,” she retorted, knowing damned well the affect it would have on him.

His lashes lowered, blue fire erupting in his gaze as the words slipped past her lips, and reacted on his senses.

“Oh baby, with pleasure. It will be my absolute pleasure.”

As pure unadulterated lust exploded in his eyes, he gripped her wrist and pulled her quickly to him, straight into his arms, his grip unbreakable as he held her snug against him.

Her nipples were so hard, so sensitive, they throbbed with the swollen response that tightened them as they rasped against the material of his T-shirt. Her sex flooded with warmth, with the slick essence that prepared her body for his possession. The reaction was so quick, so strong it swept through her control and laid it to waste with immediate response. Her breath caught, a gasp parting her lips and giving him the opening he needed.

Jordan took complete advantage. His lips lowered and the kiss shattered her defenses, if there had been left against him. His lips possessed and marauded stroking over her lips and throwing her headlong in desperate need. She met the kiss, suddenly so aroused, so out of control that she met his kiss with the same forceful need that he spilled into her.

They ate at each other’s lips. Tongues dueled, fought for control of the kiss, and for control of each other

The wound on her arm was forgotten. Whether it was the cream or the drugs or the lust, or a combination of the three, she wasn’t certain. She also wasn’t hurting for anything but Jordan’s touch.

Straining to get closer, to feel the touch of him against every cell of her naked body, Tehya moaned in distress. She couldn’t get close enough. She couldn’t kiss him enough, couldn’t taste him enough.

She couldn’t claim him hard enough or fast enough for the hunger raging through her. Her hands pushed beneath his shirt, finding hard male flesh and curling her nails against it.

His arms were around her, clasping her tight to him as she fought to touch more of him, to holding him closer to her. She felt herself lifted, moving, until she felt the bed against the back of her legs. She felt sensations brewing, whipping inside her. A storm she couldn’t resist and pleasure began whipping through her.

Jordan tore his head back, his blue eyes flaming as she met his gaze.

“Kiss your ass?” he growled. “Oh baby, I’m going to do so much more than that to your gorgeous tight little ass.”


Tehya felt the bed at her back as Jordan lowered her to the mattress, before standing in front of her and stripping until he was as naked as she was. Hard, heavy muscle flexed beneath his chest as he came to her, his knees pressing into the bed as he came to its center, his head lowering until his lips could brush over her collarbone, his tongue licking a trail of pure heat across her sensitive flesh. The touch had a low moan escaping her lips as she arched closer to him.

Flames began to spread through her system as the exhilerating kisses moved over the curve of a breast, and his hand smoothed up her side to the swollen undercurve. He cupped it dominantly, his lips descending on the tight, hard tip of her nipple.

The ultrasensitive swollen bud throbbed in pleasure as he sucked it into his mouth, drawing on it and pulling every wracking sensation of need from her nipple to the tight, aching nubbin of her clitoris.

With his free hand Jordan stroked down her abdomen, his callused fingertips rasping over her flesh as exquisite bliss began to rock through her body. She was to the point of shaking, shuddering with the powerful carnal rapture building inside her.

His fingers trailed to her thighs, stroking, caressing as her hips lifted, desperately seeking his touch against the swollen, needy folds of her sex.

She would have screamed for more if she had the breath, if she could find enough oxygen to do more than whimper as she tried to beg for more, for a firmer, rougher touch.

Her clit ached with an intense demand, pinpoints of electric sensation sizzling to the aching bud before whipping through her vagina with agonizing need.

She couldn’t bear it. She needed his touch there now, his fingers stroking, caressing, driving inside her, fucking into her with a force that would send her flying into orgasm.

Strange, mewling little cries vibrated in her throat. She’d never heard such a sound coming from her own lips. It pulsed with hunger, with need, a reflection of the sensations racing through her, out of control.

As his fingertips finally eased between her thighs and stroked through the burning folds to rasp against her clit, she lost her breath. There was no strength, no will to do anything but strain against him and fight for the touch that would throw her headlong to the edge of ecstasy.

There was no oxygen to scream, let alone cry. There was only the feel of his fingers caressing her cunt, sliding through the slick slit, between swollen folds to circle the agonizing throb of her clit. The firm circular motions sent vivid ribbons of clashing sensations whipping through her body.

His teeth nipped gently at the tender bud of her nipple, arching her tight against him as her nails bit into his shoulders. Her hips writhed beneath the caress of his fingers, pressing closer, fighting for a deeper, harder penetration, for the stretching heat, the pleasure pain that Jordan knew how to give her.

Waves of sensation washed through her as she fought to hold on to Jordan. The vortex of pure bliss rushing through her was like a tidal wave swamping her control.

Just when she thought she could hold on to that last remaining ounce of reason, a scream tore from her lips.

Two fingers, thrust into the tight, slick depths of her pussy, nearly throwing her over the edge of release. It clenched in her womb, spasming warningly and shocking her senses.

Pulsing flames shuddered through her as his lips lifted from her nipple, kissed the curve of her breast, then nipped at the fragile flesh.

His fingers eased from her clenched sex before he moved, drawing away as she fought to hold him to her, fought for more of that incredible pleasure as his touch deserted her pussy.

“Come here, baby,” he groaned, lifting her as he lay back, bringing her to her knees. Her rear faced him, her head poised over the straining length of his cock as he gripped the base of the heavy flesh.

Heavily veined, the head flushed dark, the thick shaft rose to his abdomen as the fingers of his free hand slid to the long curls that fell over her shoulder, clenched, and pulled.

Tehya’s breath caught at the eroticism in the possessive action, as he silently demanded the incredibly intimate act.

“You know what I want, Tey,” he groaned, his tone rasping with a dark sensual caress against her senses.

As she moved to turn to face him, a hard hand at her hip held her in place. Oh God, she knew what he wanted, just as she sensed what he was planning to do. A sexual act she’d never participated in before. One she had fantasized about sharing with him

ike this,” he demanded as he drew her hips toward his shoulders with one hand while the other tugged erotically at her hair once again. “Just like this, baby. And we’ll see who loses their mind first.”

Trembling she licked her lips as her head lowered to the flushed crest of his engorged cock head as he gripped her knee, lifting her leg over his face until her pussy was poised, bare flesh saturated with her juices, above his lips, while the hard tips of her breasts rasped against his lower stomach. Heat spread through her system as she gripped the base of his cock, unable to surround it, but holding it in place as her head lowered.

She fought to breathe, to draw in oxygen as she felt Jordan’s lips at her thighs. Heated kisses and hungry licks had her hips shifting as she fought to press the swollen folds of her sex to his lips, struggling against the the firm grip holding her from her goal.

Her tongue licked over the swollen crest of his erection, a hungry moan passing her lips at the taste of male heat and hunger that glistened on the swollen, throbbing, head of his cock.

She was drowning in pleasure. Her lips parted, drawing the wide, blunt crown between them, filling her mouth with the hard, delicious heat. Her tongue flickered over the blunt tip, to taste, to relish the strength and hunger she held in her hands.

His tongue licked over the swollen, soaked folds of her pussy. With wicked, probing licks his tongue stroked and explored. Rimming the clenched opening of her vagina, he gave a firm, loving lick before thrusting inside for a quick taste before retreating.

Tehya wanted to scream, she needed to scream, but the sound was muffled by his dick as his tongue swiped through the slit of her pussy and circled her clit with quick agonizing strokes. It was like liquid fire feverish and intense. An inferno circled the sensitive bud, throbbed to her womb, and sent crashing waves of sensation through her every nerve ending in her body.

To counter the destructive effect he was having on her, Tehya had to force herself to think, to use the sensual instincts rushing through her, to concentrate on Jordan rather than the pleasure he was giving her.