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Leopard's Wrath (A Leopard Novel) Page 32

by Christine Feehan

The look on Mitya’s face scared her as he stood up. He caught the towel he had around his waist with one hand, pulled it off and tossed it aside. His cock was standing straight up. Thick. Feral. Long. Her gaze went to his erection and got caught there. He was amazing. Just looking at him put the wild taste of him in her mouth. She licked her lips.

What they’d done earlier had been unexpected and even a little difficult, but she’d loved it and she wanted to do it again. She loved the feel and shape of him, the heat and silk over steel of him. He was beautiful, and he could make her feel so good.

He put one knee on the bed beside her hip and bent his head to her breast. He sucked her left mound into the hot cavern of his mouth. His tongue was wicked, flicking and slapping at her nipple and then pressing the tight bud to the roof of his mouth. His teeth scraped back and forth, alternately gentle and then hard so that she wasn’t certain what she was feeling. Each time his teeth bit down, lightning shot from her nipples to her clit.

He tugged and rolled her nipple and then lavished more attention on it, sucking and teasing with his tongue and teeth. Her breath came in ragged sobs by the time he lifted his head, his hands busy, sliding a small ring over the bud and then tightening it. She gasped and looked down to see him twisting a clamp.

“What are you doing?” Fire spread. Kept spreading. The heat didn’t stay on her nipple but spread through her body, until she felt like she might come apart. She couldn’t tell if she was feeling pleasure or pain, only that her sheath was pulsing, every nerve ending alive from her breasts to her sex.

Mitya didn’t answer her. He bent his head to her right breast and began all over. She was helpless to do anything but watch the lights play in his damp hair. He used his mouth ruthlessly, expertly. His tongue was a weapon of pleasure, his teeth moving between pain and pleasure until her head was spinning and she was crying out with need. Her hips wouldn’t stop moving, no matter how hard she tried to keep them still. Once more, his fingers were tugging and rolling and pinching, pulling her nipple into that tight bead that he pushed the ring over. Fire came. Hot. Wild. Out of control. Spreading through her until she wanted to beg him for release.

He sat back and regarded her with that same intense, focused look. “I’ve told you the rules, Ania, and what I expect of you, but you don’t seem to think I’m serious. I am. I’m not letting you go. I’ll make you happy every damn day of your life, but you will follow the few rules I have laid out for you.”

She shook her head, trying to form a coherent thought when her body was so close to crashing over the edge. “They aren’t a few rules, Mitya, it’s a dictatorship. I knew you’d be like this. I was hesitant for a reason.”

Almost idly he reached down and flicked the three little bells that fell from her nipple onto the side of her breast. They sounded a little muffled and he picked them up and tugged. She gasped and tried to sit up more to keep the fire from bursting through her nipple.

“I suppose you could call it a dictatorship, if that’s what you’d like. You want me. You want us.” He tugged again, his gaze on her face as her breath burst out of her in a rush. “You want this, don’t you? Who else knows what you need, kotyonok?”

She couldn’t look away and that light was on her face, showing him everything. Revealing exactly what her needs were. There was no way to hide from that light. She loved what he was doing and at the same time she was afraid. That thrill of the unknown added to the intensity, that and the way he didn’t change expression. He simply looked at her as if she belonged to him. As if her body belonged to him and he could play to his heart’s content.

She loved that look on his face. She loved him. How had that even happened? She was caught up in something she didn’t fully understand, but she knew he was the man for her. “Yes,” she admitted in a low tone.

He leaned down and brushed a kiss across her mouth. “Just a reminder so you don’t forget, kotyonok, I’m madly in love with you. I know you have a difficult time even thinking about sharing your feelings for me, but you have them. I can see it in your eyes. I have no problem telling you, although sooner or later you’re going to figure out that you have me wrapped around your finger.”

He flicked the little string of bells again, sending fire streaking through her body. He glanced at her foot, the one she couldn’t stop wiggling, and then he stood up and very gently took it in his hand. His hand moved up to her ankle and rubbed around the shackle.

“Does this hurt?”

“I’m trying to be still, so it doesn’t rub, but it rubs anyway.”

The key, evidently, was on the small table where he’d laid several items out. He opened the cuff and rubbed her foot very gently around her ankle and then spent another couple of minutes examining her skin. His hands were gentle and stroked caresses. She felt every one of his touches like fingers of desire dancing up her leg to settle deep in her burning sheath.

He rubbed a soothing cream on her ankle, wrapped it in something soft and furry and then, to her consternation, snapped the cuff back on.

“Mitya.” She moved, and her breasts suddenly became twin points of fire. A storm of flames flickered over her skin and settled in her nipples. The streaks radiated outward, shooting like lightning down to her already inflamed clit.

He smiled at her as he removed the cuff on her other leg. He took his time rubbing her foot and then her ankle before applying the cream, then the soft fur before replacing the cuff. He didn’t speak as he came around the bed and opened the handcuff, releasing her right arm. She pulled it down immediately, or tried to. Mitya had already taken possession and massaged her from shoulder to hand. It felt like heaven.

“I have decided this one time, you will not have to apologize to my cretin cousin. He’s living in the dark ages. He doesn’t mind his women feeling a bit of not-so-erotic pain. That is not for you, no matter how much I love seeing you like this, on my bed, waiting for me to do anything I like. No apology, and I will speak to him about using something else to restrain you.”

“Restrain me?” She wanted to be outraged, but her body was in overdrive. What she needed was release. The tension coiling tighter and tighter was killing her. She needed . . .

“A bite of pain here and there enhances, not takes away from, the experience. Unless I’m punishing you. That’s different.”

Her entire body seemed to clench with sexual need. He was driving her insane with the way he massaged and rubbed her arm, hand and even individual fingers. “Punish me?” She nearly squeaked it.

He applied the lotion to her wrist and then wrapped it before once more cuffing her. “Yes, kotyonok, punish you. I can’t let you get away with what you did tonight. You need to learn that lesson.”

“I’m not five.”

“If you were five, you wouldn’t be in the position you are in right now, Ania.” He flicked the bells with his fingers and then rounded the bed to get to the other side. The fire that was only a breath away flashed through her body as the bells jingled.

She gasped, her body going liquid. Her gaze kept straying to his cock. He looked unbelievably hard. He liked what he was doing to her, that was evident. As he took her other hand and began to massage it, she licked her lips and tried to map him out in her mind. The weight of his cock was unexpectedly heavy. She liked the shape and thickness. The flared head was broad and smooth like silk. The shaft was thick, hot to the touch and felt heavy on her tongue. When she took him in her mouth without him being in control, she had to work to get him more than halfway in, but she was determined that eventually it would be easy, although she enjoyed having to work to please him.

“You aren’t paying attention.”

Her guilty gaze jumped to his face. “I’m paying attention,” she lied. She was, just not to whatever he was saying.

“I think we’re going to reposition you.”

“If you take the cuffs off, I’ll get into
any position you want me in,” she offered.

He unlocked all four cuffs on the posters. “Turn over. Lie on your belly.”

She did so reluctantly, eyeing him warily. The little bells jingled and swung wildly, sending all kinds of sensations crashing through her. The moment she lay on her hard nipples she cried out, the fire burning on the tips and sending those flames licking at her clit.

He stretched her arms out and locked them into position before shoving quite a few pillows under her belly, raising her bottom into the air. He didn’t stretch her legs out, but rather forced her to her knees and locked the ankles to the sides of the bed frame. She was helpless again and feeling more vulnerable than ever.

The bed dipped, and her breath caught in her throat. His hands went to her hips. Big hands. He smoothed his palms over the round cheeks of her bottom. And then his mouth was there. Right there. Feasting. Devouring her. Driving her insane so fast she saw colors streaking across her vision. It was hot. Scorching. That tongue of his, a wicked weapon he wielded like magic, giving him power. So much. It didn’t matter as long as he never stopped. She was close, so close, her body gathering itself, desperate for release.

Mitya lifted his head and wiped his jaw on her buttocks, his shadow rasping over her sensitive skin.

“What are you doing? Don’t stop,” Ania wailed.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “Did I forget to tell you this isn’t for your pleasure? This is for mine alone. You don’t deserve to feel pleasure.”

His hands kneaded her cheeks, his thumb sliding in between her bare lips to collect the slick liquid that spilled from her body. He rubbed it along the seam of her buttocks over and over. Each time he pressed deeper into the small star, her heart pounded. There was no way to stop the liquid heat from telling Mitya she was turned on by everything he was doing to her.

Without warning, he smacked her left cheek hard enough to make her jump. Fire spread through every nerve ending. More liquid leaked. He collected it and used it to press between her cheeks. This time, he pushed a finger deep into her sheath so that her muscles clamped down to hold him prisoner in a fiery silken vise. His thumb stroked that slick little star and then pushed inside.

Her breath caught in her throat. Her entire body cried out for his. Every nerve ending was alive and inflamed. He began to pump his finger and thumb in and out of her. Fighting for breath, she began to ride his hand, pushing to get him deeper, desperate for release. So close. She was so close.

His other hand came down hard, smacking her right cheek again and again. All the while those clever fingers pushed deep into her, curling to find that one spot that could send her off, rubbing for just a moment. He was alternating cheeks, turning them bright red while her body shuddered and begged for release. She was always right on the edge. The need drove her mad. She heard her own voice pleading as she rocked back into him.

His free hand began smoothing over the red handprints, spreading fire over and into her skin, so that it raced along every nerve ending and built into a firestorm of flames burning through her sex.

“Mitya.” Ania nearly sobbed his name.

“What is it, kotyonok? Is there something you need? Don’t you like this?” He knelt up on the bed, his body between her legs, his hand on her back, pinning her there while he pressed the broad head of his cock against her slick, hot opening.

“I need you.” She found herself rocking back and forth. Each time she did, the little bells pulled against the sheet and tugged at her nipples, sending those lightning strikes straight to her inflamed clit until it pulsed and throbbed and felt as if it was bursting with need.

“I’m right here.”

“Your cock,” she qualified. “I need it in me.”

He leaned over her, the broad head of his cock sliding over her bare lips, teasing her, tempting her, driving her mad. “I love seeing you need me. I love hearing you beg me for my cock. I especially love when you worship it with your mouth. What I don’t love, baby, is you putting yourself in harm’s way just to prove you’re my equal and you can do anything you damn well want.”

“Mitya.” Her breath came in little sobbing pants. She couldn’t move her body to get relief, she could only wait and pray he gave it to her.

“Yes, baby. That’s my name. I’m your man. I’ll give you the fuckin’ world, any damn thing you want, but you have to know you’re living with a dictator and you have to be okay with that.” His hand came down on her right cheek, and then he rubbed at the flames, spreading them. “When I say go to the safe room, you fuckin’ go.”

She closed her eyes, unable to stop rocking, unable to stop seeking all of his cock. That beautiful instrument that would assuage the burn. Her breasts ached; every vein in her body pulsed with the hot blood rushing through them.

“That requires a statement from you, Ania.”

“Yes. I’ll go.” She heard the sob in her voice. The plea.

His cock slammed home, and the fire engulfed her. Her muscles clamped down on him like a vise, locking him to her. He stilled, the head of his cock pushing into her cervix, just holding there. She felt his heart beat right through that thick shaft. She felt the vein throbbing, pulsing with power.

“You never put my men in the position you put Sevastyan. If you hit them or kicked them and they retaliated, know that I would kill them.” He bent over her, his mouth against her ear. “I am not just saying that. It is not an empty threat. If a man hit you, I would kill him. If Sevastyan had lost his temper and hit you, I would have killed him. My cousin. A man I love and respect. A man only doing what I asked him to do. Do you understand what I’m saying, Ania? You never put them, or me, in that situation.”

She nodded her head as his teeth closed over her ear and he moved his hips, sending a charge of electricity zinging through her body.

“I understand,” she whispered. She did, but she couldn’t think. Her body was on fire, every sense overloaded. Thunder rolled through her mind. Chaos reigned in her brain. There was only one thought. Mitya’s cock. His beautiful, perfect cock. She needed it desperately.

He knelt back up, caught her hair in his fist and yanked her head back. His hips began to move, a hard plunge that had her crying out. There was no stopping being vocal. She didn’t care who heard. He moved in her with absolute confidence, the way he did everything. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he gave it all to her. Hammering deep. Again and again. Changing his rhythm. Switching from rough to gentle. Excruciatingly slow, but so hot she could barely breathe. Pistoning like a machine, a jackhammer, a swift brutal invasion that had her sobbing for more.

She couldn’t move. He had her effectively pinned. She could only take what he gave her, all that delicious heat. The fire. The lightning. Every brutal plunge sent her breasts rubbing along the mattress so that the bells jingled and pulled, stretching her nipples and breasts, shooting lightning strike after strike straight to her clit.

It seemed to go on forever, that wild wave building and building, growing so large it threatened to take away her sanity. She couldn’t find air, the dizzy feeling heightening the euphoric high that came with the friction as her muscles coiled tighter around his cock. She didn’t want it to end, but she needed the release.

She felt his cock grow thicker, pushing against the tender tissue, the small desperate muscles that tried to stretch even wider to allow him to stake his claim on her insides. Then his cock was jerking hard, and the hot splash of his seed coating her sheath triggered the tsunami. It rolled over her, crashing through so that her insides tumbled and rolled, and she was flung far out of her body, someplace else where she floated in absolute ecstasy.

Her body throbbed and burned, pulsed with those lightning streaks, and lights burst behind her eyes. She heard his voice soothing her. His hands stroked over her skin. He eased her down and immediately released her ankles. She just stretched her legs out and let the aftershocks con
sume her.

Nothing had prepared her for that. No orgasm she’d ever had came close. She heard her heart thundering in her ears as he released her hands next. She pulled her arms back to her and tucked them close to her head, drawing her knees up until she was in the fetal position. Just that action sent another orgasm rolling through her.

“I need you on your back, kotyonok,” Mitya insisted, his hands moving her into the position he wanted.

She felt his fingers at her breast. “The blood is going to come back fast, baby, and you’re going to feel it.”

Before she could respond, he slipped the clamp off. Every nerve ending burst with the stimulation as the blood immediately rushed back to her super-sensitive nipple. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound emerged. His eyes locked with hers, Mitya bent his head and sucked her nipple into the soothing heat of his mouth.

She didn’t know if it was the stimulation of the blood coming back or his mouth triggering more quakes, but her body seemed bent on doing her in with orgasms.

He lifted his head, looking wicked. “There’s still another clamp to remove, kotyonok.”

She shook her head. It had been painful. It didn’t matter that the pain had turned to pleasure. Her mind rejected the idea of that clamp coming off.

“It can’t stay on, Ania,” Mitya said in a reasonable voice, that voice he used when he told her she wasn’t to ever put his men in the position she’d put his cousin. There was reason—and the tiniest edge. “You shouldn’t wear clamps for more than fifteen minutes at most. And you’re not used to them. You’re going to be very sensitive for the next few days. It has to come off now.”

His fingers touched the bells and then caught the little chain, tugged idly, watching her face, watching the sensual burn climb into her eyes. It was easy to see the rippling across her belly as another wave hit her.