Page 33

Kraven Page 33

by Laurann Dohner

She believed he meant the words, but over time, he might begin to resent her. Bitterness would eat into their relationship and poison it. She rested her cheek against his warm chest and closed her eyes.

“We’ll make it work.” He held her tighter. “I’m determined.”

“Me too.” That much she was certain of. Kraven was her mate. She loved him and she didn’t want to face a future without him.

“We’re both tired. Why don’t we get some sleep?”

“I am exhausted.”

He lifted her off his legs and helped her stand, then took her hand once he got to his feet. “Come on, baby. We’ll cuddle. I love holding you.”

“I love that too.”

He led her into his bedroom and pulled back the covers. Bat stripped and got into bed first. Kraven pulled her close, spooning her from behind. “You’re safe and I’m right here.”

Bat turned her head, staring at him. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Hellion.”

She smiled and closed her eyes. A lot was on her mind but exhaustion muted her thoughts.

Kraven knew the moment Bat drifted to sleep. He couldn’t. It worried him when she’d said she needed to think about things. She had a tendency to be stubborn and irrational when it came to matters of the heart. A human had hurt her and that wound ran deep. He understood, but he no longer felt she could be a threat, not the way Violet had been. That bitch had merely tried to stab him in the heart. Bat could tear it from his chest with words and actions.

I can’t lose her. She had taken seeing him shifted extremely well. He needed to strengthen their mate bond. He pulled his head back a little, openly admiring her bared throat and shoulder. His fangs slid down without him meaning them to and his dick reacted by hardening. He wanted to claim his mate but she needed to rest first.

He began to plot out the best ways to have sex with Bat that wouldn’t make taking his blood traumatic for her.

A light tapping at the door drew his attention and he eased away from Bat, careful not to wake her as he got out of bed. He walked to the dresser, withdrew a pair of boxers, and quickly strode into the living room. He unlocked the front door to find his brother standing there with an irritated look on his face.

“What? I know it’s not dinnertime yet, so we aren’t late.”

“Dad called. You don’t seem to have your phone on so I had to come give you the message.” He glanced down Kraven’s body and sniffed the air. “At least you weren’t interrupted during sex. I can’t say the same.”

“What does Dad want?”

“He talked to Lorn and asked for a meeting. He agreed but it has to be a secret one. He’s coming here later today. Dinner is now being held at our parents’ house.”

“This Lorn is going to eat with us? Has hell frozen over?”

Drantos smirked. “I know. A Decker clan member breaking bread at the family table.” He sobered quickly. “Lorn’s going to drive in. He wants anyone watching him from his clan to believe he’s going to town. Two representatives from the other clans are coming too. Lorn didn’t want to sit at a table with all three clan leaders though, so two enforcers will join us. Dad said Lorn still wasn’t comfortable with that, but he agreed to the terms after Dad made it clear all the clans want to be a part of this discussion. It affects us all.”

“Why doesn’t Lorn want to meet with the other leaders?”

“I’m not certain but we don’t want to scare him off. Dad said Lorn seemed a bit paranoid, not that I blame him.”

“No shit. Decker has to have some who are loyal to him; they’d probably murder Lorn if they knew he had agreed to a meet with us.”


“What time?”

“Five. Be there early.”

“Are you bringing Dusti?”

Drantos nodded. “Come with your mate. Dad hopes Lorn will be more comfortable with our females present.”

“That’s a good idea.”

“It’s important that we build trust with this guy and get to know him.”

Kraven reached up and rubbed his neck. “Do you think he’ll take over the clan?”

“It would sure solve a lot of our problems but I don’t envy the bastard. He’s going to come up against opposition. The first generations are set in their ways and they’ve been led by Decker since the beginning. Change will go down hard for them. They’ll resist and want that bastard back.”

Kraven silently agreed. “We’re offering support though and Decker is a dead man walking. It’s just a matter of time.”

“We know that, but does everyone in his clan realize he went too far and there’s no way for him to dig his way out of the grave?”

“I think the dead bodies of their loved ones probably clued them in.”

“No shit.” Drantos leaned against the doorjamb. “Are you alright? You look upset.”

“Bat is starting to realize what a VampLycan is, and everything that goes along with having me for a mate. She’s taking it better than I’d expected, but I’m worried she’ll use it as an excuse to keep me distanced.”

“You need to strengthen the bond. Why haven’t you?”

“We’ve been kind of busy, bro.”

“You’re having sex with her. That was apparent to everyone the moment you stepped foot in the village. We know what you were doing on the way home. How damn hard is it to bite and bleed for her?”

“Baby steps. I’m trying to cushion the blows as they come. She just saw me shifted for the first time a little while ago. There was no screaming involved so that was a plus.”

Drantos sighed. “You said I was being too easy on Dusti.”

“It was easy to say when it wasn’t me in the situation.”

“Agreed.” Drantos straightened. “She’s your mate, Kraven. You’re way more aggressive with Bat than I am with Dusti. That’s the man she fell for. Why stop doing what’s worked for you so far? Bite her and bleed.”

“I will.”

“Do it now. She’s in your bed, I assume. Don’t forget Aveoth—he might stop by around dinner too. Dad invited him.”

“Fuck.” That pissed Kraven off. “I refuse to allow him anywhere near Bat!”

“He’s not as bad as we’d feared. I saw and spoke to him. He won’t snatch her and take flight. Just make sure he can smell that you’re mated. That means she needs to carry more of your scent than just physical contact.”

“I don’t want him near her, Drantos.”

“I understand, but he backed off wanting to meet her when I told him she was yours. Maybe thanks to our old friendship, he has a soft spot for us. Who knows with him? Don’t give him a reason to reconsider. Strengthen the bond before dinner. Now you don’t have an excuse to put it off.” Drantos grinned. “Talk about motivation. Get to it.”

“We’ll be there.”

Kraven waved and closed the door, locking it. He stormed into the bedroom and removed his boxers, getting back into bed. The idea of Aveoth meeting Bat made him fear losing her—and that wasn’t going to happen.

He gently gripped her shoulder and pulled her onto her back. She woke, confused as she peered at him.

He extended his fangs. “I want you right now.”

“Is everything okay?”

She had a sexy voice when she mumbled, still sleepy.

“It will be.” He leaned over her, going for her throat. She stiffened for a second at the feel of his fangs but he didn’t bite, just lightly nipped and kissed her. Her arms wound around his neck and she pressed her breasts against his chest.

“Yes,” she urged.

He pulled away just enough to stare into her eyes. “It’s time to link our bond stronger.”

“What do we need to do?”

“I’m going to bite you and you’re going to drink some of my blood.”

She glanced at his mouth. “I don’t have those.”

“You don’t need them.” He lowered his head, brushing kisses across her throat. He shifted h
is weight on her, reaching down and tapping her thighs. She parted them wider. “Relax, Hellion. I’m going to distract you, and when I say so, drink.”


He slid his hand between her thighs, found her clit, and rubbed gently. Bat moaned his name and stopped worrying about what would come next. Kraven made her hot and achy, turned-on to the point that she was instantly prepared to beg him to fuck her. He seemed to sense that and lifted up.

Kraven rolled Bat onto her side and spooned her. He gripped her thigh and she lifted it, arching her ass to help him enter her from that angle. The feel of his thick shaft stretching her, sinking deep inside her pussy, caused her to groan his name.

“I’m going to bite my wrist and put it to your mouth. Drink while I fuck you. I’ll bite you when I know it won’t hurt. Ready, Hellion?”


She didn’t watch him actually sink his fangs into his skin but she saw the aftermath when he brought his arm in front of her face. She swallowed once and then opened her mouth. Kraven began to move slowly inside her when she pressed her lips over the wound and warm, wet blood filled her mouth. The coppery taste somehow seemed muted with the feel of his cock driving in and out of her. Pleasure instantly swamped her senses.

He rolled them so she lay on top of him and his other hand delved between her thighs. She spread them a little farther apart. He used two fingers to strum across her clit.

Bat moaned. Kraven was so good at distracting her. The need to come overruled any objections she had to drinking his blood. He fucked her harder, driving up into her, and his mouth clamped down on the top of her shoulder. She felt wetness, his sharp fangs, and then a soft jab of pain that quickly faded.

Fucking and sucking. She got the concept now—and it felt pretty amazing. The climax built quickly with Kraven inside her and manipulating her clit. She had to pull her mouth away from his wrist to avoid choking.

“Yes!” Pleasure tore through her.

Kraven snarled against her shoulder and rolled them onto their sides again, curling around her. He held her tight, their bodies twitching together. He gently stopped biting her and licked at her skin.

“It will heal up fast.”

Bat opened her eyes, seeing that blood had spilled on the bed. “I can’t say the same about your bedding.”

“Fuck it. That was worth it. I own more.”

She laughed, finding that funny. “We’ve got blood on us too.”

“I like my sex messy.” He growled low at her. “It’s more fun if we get dirty. How about a shower? I want to nail you against my tile.”

“Give me a minute to catch my breath.”

“One. Then your ass is mine.” He reached down and cupped her butt. “All mine, Hellion.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

Bat took a sip of wine and glanced around at the men seated at the long dining room table. They were all big, muscular guys. Dusti leaned over enough to bump into her right side.

“Is it just me or are the testosterone levels in here off the charts?” Dusti whispered the words.

Bat gave a slight nod. She agreed.

“Aren’t those two men supposed to be from friendly clans?”

Bat gave another nod.

“Should we remind them of that? They look as if a fight might break out at any second.”

“They can hear you,” Kraven stated from her immediate left.

Bat met his gaze. “It’s a valid question. We’re not used to men snarling at each other over dinner.” She turned her focus to the tall dark-headed stranger across the table. “You’re Wen, right?”


She glanced at the man to his left. “Brady?”


“I was close.” Bat hesitated, glancing between the two. “I understand that your clans are nervous about asking an unknown candidate to take over a neighboring clan, but let’s be honest. Anyone would be better leading it than Decker Filmore. Am I right?”

“Enough.” Velder growled from the head of the table. “Be silent.”

Her new father-in-law irritated her. He might be big shit in Dog Bark but after listening to the men around the table argue over trivial things for the past hour, her patience was gone. She pushed away from the table and stood.

“Bat, no,” Kraven hissed.

She met his pleading stare, almost able to read his thoughts. He had warned her dozens of times not to cause any trouble or talk. Shut up and look pretty. He’d thrown her words in her face in a teasing manner, but he’d meant them.

“I can’t. I’m sorry.” She fixed her gaze on Velder. “No disrespect to you but I have some experience settling disputes. Not everything needs to go to court. We’re getting nowhere, so please let me try.”

Velder growled low but threw up his hands. “I’ll listen.”

She studied the men around the table. “Let me sum it up. No one knows much about Lorn.” She openly appraised the beefy blond at the table. He was an attractive guy with a calm demeanor and some seriously unique gray eyes. “My statement stands though. Anyone would do a better job at ruling or leading—whatever you call it—the clan he comes from. He’s not really talkative but he doesn’t know anyone here. I wouldn’t want to play twenty questions with a bunch of strangers either. Some of the things you’ve asked are totally out of line.” She pointedly stared at Brody. “Why don’t you tell us about your sex life?”

He glared at her.

“Exactly. Do you believe he’s a sexual deviant? That he’d take advantage of women? In other words, what is your point? Spit it out.” Bat waited, crossing her arms over her chest.

“He’s earned a reputation amongst my clan of being cold to women when he visits us every year during his heat.”

“Does he abuse them? Hit them? Force them to do weird shit they don’t want to do?” Bat wasn’t completely certain what “his heat” meant, other than the little Dr. Brent described, but she knew they were part animal. She could make an educated guess. “Are you accusing him of being a rapist or something?”

“No,” Brody snarled. “He’s just cold. He doesn’t cuddle them after sex.”

Bat sighed. “So he acts too human?”

That seemed to confuse the big dark-haired Brody.

Bat shifted her gaze to Lorn. “Is that a requirement in the VampLycan world? Is it a rule or something?”

“No. I’m not looking for a mate.”

“So you want to stay single and don’t encourage your sexual partners to become attached,” she deduced.

“Yes,” Lorn agreed.

She looked at Brody. “Is that breaking any rules?”

He shook his head.

“Good. We’ve established he’s just a man who isn’t into intimacy with lovers because he doesn’t want to encourage them, and that’s not a crime. Let’s move on and get over that, alright? He’s not looking for a mate.” She stared at Velder. “Is having a mate one of the requirements to being a clan leader?”

“No, but taking a mate would be a good idea.”

“Ideas are wonderful…but not a requirement.” She addressed Lorn. “You look young. I know that can be tricky with VampLycans since you don’t seem to age, but are you really old?”


“Let’s cut the crap then. He’s young, single, and not ready to take a mate. I’m sure that will change in time. Do you want to lead your clan? That’s the most important question and it hasn’t even been asked.”

“It will cause difficulties.”

Bat sat again. “What kind?”

Lorn mused for a bit, seeming to consider his words. “My father is loyal to Decker.”

“Are you?” Bat took a sip of wine.

“No. I hate the bastard.”

That was promising. “Do you want to start a war with other clans?”

“No.” Lorn scowled. “We’re all VampLycans and shouldn’t fight amongst ourselves.”

“Bingo—we have a winner.” Bat leaned forwar
d, gazing at Velder. “Isn’t that what matters most? Peace between the clans? He wants that.”

Velder cleared his throat. “Lorn, would you be willing to take over your clan?”

“I’d have to kill my father. He won’t allow it any other way. That would break my mother’s heart, and she’d probably die soon after.” Lorn’s voice lowered. “I’ve stayed with the clan to protect the weaker members, not for any other reason.” He sat back in his chair and grimly regarded Velder. “You’re asking me to destroy my family. There’s also no guarantee Decker won’t return. He kills his enemies. I’d be condemning the people I’ve protected to a death sentence, including my brother. Decker and his enforcers would murder everyone I care about, out of spite.”

A loud noise came from the roof and everyone looked up. The men leapt from their seats, knocking over chairs. Bat heard distinctive footsteps across the roof and then a thump from just outside. All gazes turned toward the front door. It opened and a hulk of a man entered.

“Shit,” Bat gasped.

Rock guy had arrived. There was no doubt who he was. The huge black wings tucked behind his back couldn’t be denied as he came through the doorway. He had short black hair, a handsome face, and wore arm bands with metal plates from wrist to elbow. Bat also noticed his shirt was missing—and he had a seriously muscled chest and arms.

“Lord Aveoth.” Velder didn’t seem pleased. “You’re late.”

“I was listening. Which of you is Lorn?”

The blond stepped forward. “I am.”

“I’m your guarantee. Decker is mine.”

Bat winced at the tone Aveoth’s voice dropped to. It was almost painfully deep and loud. His gaze shifted to her suddenly and they stared at each other. His eyes were a brilliant blue but they seemed to shimmer, the color of them changing as she watched.

Kraven moved closer and wrapped an arm around her waist as he tugged her against his side. “This is my mate.”


Aveoth knew her name. She wasn’t sure if she should be frightened by that or not.