Page 29

Kraven Page 29

by Laurann Dohner

Kraven didn’t miss Michael’s amused expression. He released Bat and motioned her to go first. After she turned away, he looked at Michael. “No rats?” He mouthed the question.

Michael shook his head.


“You only want what’s best for your mate. I would too,” the Vamp whispered, soft enough for only his ears. “Her mother was stubborn. I know the daughters inherited that trait.”

“You knew Antina well?” Kraven kept a close eye on Bat, his voice low. The other Vampires opened the door for her and two walked ahead of her, their body language those of men on alert.

“She was smart and determined to protect her young. I admired everything about her. It deeply saddened me when she and her husband died. Antina had a good heart and sympathized with the plight of others being controlled by a domineering asshole. She said her father and Drackamus were cut from the same cloth. She told me that she couldn’t stop Decker, but she wanted do something about our problem. Our own demons always seem far worse than those of others.”

Kraven summed it up for him. “It wasn’t against the law for her to kill your master. Unfortunately, the laws were not in her favor regarding her father.”

“Sometimes we live in a fucked-up world.”

Kraven agreed. “But there are things that make up for it.” His gaze lingered on Bat as she led them to the elevators.

“Very true,” Michael agreed. “Love is our one weakness, and I’m very grateful for it.”

* * * * *

Bat took a seat on the jet. “Wow.”

Kraven dropped into the one next to hers. “It’s definitely luxurious.”

“Did you peek into the bathroom? I think the fixtures are actual gold.”

One of the Vampires came out from the cockpit. He was a young-looking blond sporting a tailored blue pilot’s uniform. “I just got off the phone with your father, Kraven. He’s sending out a team to take control of the humans on the ground. They’ll be waiting at your airport when we arrive. Just expect us to brake hard after we touchdown. We’ll warn you on approach.”

“I told you they’d give you anything you need, Ronnie.” Kraven accepted the cell phone the pilot returned to him.

That pilot’s words made Bat leery. “Why would we have to brake hard?”

“It’s a shorter runway than we’re used to, but we’ve landed in trickier situations. My copilot, Georgio, is prepping us for takeoff. We have clear skies and don’t foresee any issues. Just relax, enjoy anything you want from the kitchen area, or let us know if there’s something you need. We’re estimating we’ll be there in just under six hours.”

“Will we make it before dawn?” Bat imagined the pilots bursting into flames if they didn’t.

“Yes, but this is a Vampire aircraft.” Ronnie grinned. “We can darken all the windows, including the windshield, and see via cameras that are specially outfitted just for the jet. We prefer not to fly during the day but in an emergency, we could. It’s just not recommended.”

“In case you crash?” Bat was worried about that. She’d never get on a plane again without having flashbacks of that traumatic event.

“That, and we couldn’t leave the jet. We’d be trapped onboard until the sun set.”

“You’re strong enough to move around during daylight?” Kraven asked the question.

“Michael made sure of it.” Ronnie paused. “He’s fed us enough of his blood so we’ll never pass out at the controls if the sun rises. You’re completely safe.”

Kraven wasn’t done. “Are you aware that your master is helping her escape from the council?”

Bat threw him a warning look. She wasn’t certain why he’d blabbed that.

“We’re aware.” Ronnie took a step closer. “May I be candid?”

“Please do,” Kraven encouraged.

“My father was a pilot, and I’ve been flying since I was a young boy. I was grabbed on my twenty-first birthday by three Vampires outside a bar, and spent seventeen years doing laundry for my first master and his guards. I complained once. That cost me three months being chained to a wall and starved to near insanity. They tortured me. Michael took over and sat down with every person in our nest; he got to know us and he assigned jobs we’d enjoy. He wants us to be happy. He paid for me to get my pilot’s license under a new name. He freely shares his blood with us as well, so we’re all strong enough to be mobile during sunlight hours. The council would order him destroyed if they found out. It’s standard practice for a master to keep his underlings weak and use fear to control them. Michael doesn’t. We respect and like him. He’s our master, but he makes certain we know he sees us as equals. So the council can kiss my ass. I’m happy to do everything I can to go against their directives. It’s pretty much a nest motto.”

Kraven nodded. “I understand.”

Ronnie addressed Bat next. “You seem nervous. There’s no reason for it, Batina. Just relax. You’re in great hands with Georgio and me. We once landed this beauty on an old road between two cornfields without incident, at night, without proper lighting. The nest there held torches so we could see it.” He chuckled. “We’re flying to an actual airport this time. This will be a breeze.”

“Why cornfields?” Kraven asked.

“We have alliances with other nests, and that one was located in Indiana. There was a territory war between two Lycan packs and they needed help trying to manage all the humans who saw too much. Michael sent his friend Buck fifteen of ours to help wipe minds and negotiate peace. It’s never good when there’s a war. We’re all exposed.”

“But why not just use an airport?”

“We’d been ordered by the council not to help. Buck pissed them off when he refused to allow their enforcers to integrate with his nest. They would have taken over, destroyed Buck and anyone loyal to him. It’s what they do if they feel a master isn’t strong enough. An airport would have left a trail of our presence. So we dropped them off in the field and our men made their way back via cars a few nights later, after Buck had things in hand and the Lycans settled their land dispute. The council never found out.”

That made Bat curious. “Do Lycans fight a lot?”

Ronnie grinned. “It’s the nature of the beast. Now, it’s time to leave.” He nodded at them and returned to the cockpit, closing the door.

Kraven turned his head, regarding her with his beautiful eyes. He opened his arms. “Come here.”

Bat lifted out of the seat without hesitation. “This is becoming a habit.”

“I’m not complaining. I love holding you.”

She straddled his lap instead of sitting across his legs. The seats in the jet were plush and roomier than those on the other jet they’d been on. Kraven grinned in response and wrapped his arm around her waist as she settled down on him. She slid her fingers into his hair and leaned forward so she could peer into his eyes.

“I have something very important to say to you.”

“You do?” He smiled. “Tell me.”

“From now on, wear an armored vest when you’re acting as my bodyguard.”

He suddenly appeared irritated. “I’m pretty tough, Hellion.”

“I don’t care.” It choked her up, remembering him being shot. She had to swallow hard. “Buy one and wear it when there’s danger.” Bat released his head and placed her hand over his heart. He’d showered and changed shirts before they’d left her condo but the memory remained of all the blood he’d lost. “You protect this better.”

“I’ll try.”

“Do. Not try.”

He snarled, his lips pressed firmly together.

“What’s wrong? That makes you mad?”

“I thought you had something else to say.”

The jet moved. Bat tried to ignore it, focusing on him instead. “Do you know why I want you to wear a vest?”

“I can’t protect you if I’m dead.”

She stroked his shirt. “You promised not to hurt me, Kraven. You dying would ki
ll me too.”

His expression softened. “Bat.”

Tears filled her eyes but for once she didn’t blink to conceal them. “Yes, I love you. Big surprise. You’re kind of hard to ignore.”

He grinned.

“Don’t gloat, badass. This is where you tell me you love me too, or I’ve made an ass out of myself and I’d hate that.”

“You’re my entire world, Hellion.”

“Words, Kraven. I need to hear you say it.”

“I love you too. You’ve known that for a while.”

“I hoped but I wasn’t certain.”

“You’re my mate.”

“I’m still confused about how that happened. Is it just a blood thing? Like you’re stuck with me, even if you don’t want to be?”

“It can be that way with Lycans, but I’m more. It’s part attraction, part chemistry, but most importantly, I had already begun to fall for you when I tasted your blood. Call it a bit of all that and instinct—you’re the woman for me.”

“I just think you’re really hot and you get under my skin.” She smiled, teasing him.

“I’ll take it.” The arm around her waist tightened and he gripped the armrest with his other hand. He also moved a bit under her to shift his legs.

Bat heard the jet accelerate and the engine noise increase. She shifted her upper body a little and buried her face in Kraven’s neck. They were taking off. The sick feeling hit when the wheels left the ground and the aircraft rose.

“Easy, Hellion. I’ve got you.” Kraven pressed his cheek against hers. “Want to have sex? I know I do. There’s an actual bed in the back and a lock on the door. I was more interested in that than the bathroom.”

She nodded, waiting for the jet to level out. It seemed to take forever as the pilots climbed to whatever elevation they needed. Bat sat up a bit, staring into his eyes. “Distract me.”

“It’s going to be fine, Bat. You know I’m not a fan of flying either but the chances of being in another crash are slim to none.”

“We’re going to Alaska. I’m not a big fan of that. Your family is going to hate me.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Come on. We both know I’m no one’s idea of the perfect daughter-in-law. I usually avoided meeting the families of men I’ve dated, since it never went well the couple times I did. They found me too forward, too pushy, and that’s just to list a few complaints I’ve heard.”

“I don’t care.” He used his arm to stand, keeping a hold on Bat. “Your ass is mine and I’m never letting you go. Mates are forever. I’m not worried about whether or not your sister likes me. She’ll have to deal.”

“She’s with your Biker Bear brother.” Bat wrapped her legs around his waist and he walked toward the back of the cabin. “It’s not like she has any room to talk.”

He chuckled. “Exactly. If it makes you feel any better…” He turned sideways, squeezing them through the door and closing it. The lock clicked. “My mother wasn’t anyone’s idea of my father’s dream mate. Some of the clan thought she wasn’t strong enough to mate with their leader. They saw her as too beta for someone so alpha.” He eased her down onto her feet. “Strip.”

Bat didn’t hesitate to kick off her shoes and begin to remove her dress. “And the point is?”

“She loves my father, and he worships the ground she walks on. They mated anyway. He kicked some ass until they didn’t dare grumble anymore. He taught her how to fight better, and she beat the shit out of women who gave her any lip.” Kraven removed his shirt and let it drop. “She was shy once, and hesitant about standing up for herself. No one will ever accuse you of that, Hellion. You might not have claws but you’re fierce with your mouth.” He took a seat on the bed and yanked off his boots. “Do you really give a fuck what anyone thinks?”

Bat considered it as she removed the rest of her clothes. It was almost instinct to deny it but when she looked at Kraven, she didn’t want to lie. “I kind of do. These are people who are important to you. I’m afraid it’s going to taint what we have.”

He stood. “Nothing and no one could come between us.” He stepped closer and gripped her hips.

Bat gasped, grabbing his biceps as he lifted her, turned them both, and tossed her on the bed. She landed on her back and watched as he peeled down his pants. He’d forgone wearing underwear. She sat up a little, using her elbows to brace herself.

“It’s easy to say that now, but we’re going to be staying with these people for a bit until we can return to L.A. Wait until they’re pulling you aside to point out what they think of me and how big of a mistake you’ve made.”

Kraven climbed on the bed and lowered next to her on his side. She went flat as he leaned over her, using part of his chest to push hers down. “We’re not human. It’s a done deal. I’ll kick their asses for being morons if they dare say shit about you. They know it. You should too.” He reached up and used his fingers to tangle in her hair. “I hate it up.”

Bat helped him remove some of the pins from her bun until it was free. “Better?”

His gaze ran down her body. “Perfect.” He looked at her then, the light blue of his eyes showing sparks of a brighter shade. “Stop worrying, Hellion. It’s a wasted emotion when you could be feeling other things.”

She smiled. “Like what?”

He took possession of her mouth and rolled over farther, pinning her under him. Bat wrapped her arms around his neck. Kraven could make her forget her own name when he kissed her. She didn’t care about his family or his clan anymore.

Chapter Twenty

Bat clawed at the pillow behind her head and bit her lip. Kraven’s hands kept her thighs pinned wide open as he tormented her with his mouth. She refused to beg him to get her off. It was a battle of wills and she was determined to win. He seemed to have had enough, though, when he growled, sucking on her clit. His lower teeth gently rubbed the swollen bud, sending her over the edge finally.

She groaned, reveling in the aftermath.

He released her and climbed up her body, hooked her thigh with one hand, and lifted it. She helped by resting her other calf on his thigh, and opened her eyes, staring into his. He slowly entered her, his cock stiff and thick. Bat reached up and cupped his neck, dragging him down for a kiss.

“You’ll taste yourself,” he warned.

“I don’t care.”

He grinned. “Not such a prude after all, huh?”

“Fuck you.”

“I’m the one doing the fucking, Hellion.” To prove his point, he slid his hand under her ass, getting a firm grip, and thrust deep. He paused there, just watching her.

Bat adjusted her hold on him, digging her nails into his back. “Don’t stop.”

Kraven twisted his head and bit her throat lightly, growling. He started to move, fucking her slow and steady. “So demanding.”

She lifted her legs higher, digging her heels into his muscular ass. “Faster.”

He nipped her harder but complied. Bat clung to him, lost to all the sensations of making love to the man she loved. She was no longer worried about the jet going down. Kraven had kept her preoccupied for hours now, and she had no complaints. He brought her to climax with him and groaned her name.

“This is how we could spend winters in Alaska.”

She caught her breath, caressing his skin. “No offense but I’m hoping we’re back in L.A. by then.”

“I understand. Three clans and the GarLycans are hunting for Decker. He’ll be found.”

“It’s a big world,” she reminded him. “What if he leaves Alaska and hides with some Lycan pack or Vampires?”

“It will just take longer to find him but he’s made too many enemies.”

“What about the VampLycans my grandfather rules? The ones in his clan?”

“I’m certain my father and Drantos have reached out to them after the attack to see where they stand as a whole. The GarLycans won’t back Decker in a fight. That’s pretty damn clear. It would be
suicide for the whole clan if they don’t challenge him for leadership and have someone new take over.”

“Do you think they’re hiding him?”

Kraven seemed to consider it. “He’d know better. That’s the first place we’d look. He’ll want to keep mobile and out of reach of what he believes are the deadliest threats. That’s Aveoth right now.”

“I have to meet this guy.”

Kraven’s expression hardened. “Why?”

“He seems to be the boogieman of Alaska. I’m curious what terror on two legs and with a set of wings looks like.”

“I don’t want you anywhere near him. He’ll be attracted to your blood. I won’t risk him changing his mind.”

“I’m your mate. He’s shit out of luck.”

“I’m still keeping you far from him.”

Bat smiled. “Are you afraid I’ll think he’s hotter than you?”

“No. I’m worried that he’d snatch you away from me and carry you off to the cliffs.”

That killed her teasing mood. “Oh.”

“Yeah. I don’t have wings, Hellion. Neither do you.”

“I get it.”

“Let’s use that nice bathroom before we land. I’ll wash your back.” Kraven lifted off her, untangling their bodies. “You’re going to want to see your sister as soon as we reach Howl, and I need to have a meeting with my father and brother. It’s probably better if we don’t scent like we just spent hours in bed.”

“But we did.”

He crawled out of bed and offered her his hand to help her up. “And we’ll do it again once we’re done with our families.”

Bat sat up and clasped his hand, grateful as he pulled her to the edge of the big bed. She stood and followed him into the bathroom attached to the bedroom. Kraven turned on the water as she used her fingers in the mirror, trying to get out some of the tangles.

“You look beautiful, and I’m about to wash your hair.”

She turned, holding his gaze. “I was just kidding about thinking anyone could be hotter than you are. That’s not possible.”

He winked. “You’re biased. You know what I can do to you with my tongue and hands.”