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KGI [7] Forged in Steele Page 7

by Maya Banks

“How much longer will it be?” Shea asked anxiously.

Nathan rubbed his hand down her back and smiled. “It can’t be too much longer. They took her back over an hour ago.”

Steele had overheard enough of Ethan’s conversations with his brothers to know that he and Rachel had opted not to find out the sex of the babies before their birth. He’d also heard enough to know it was driving Marlene insane not to know because she was dying to go shopping for her newest grandchildren.

He sent a sidelong glance in Rusty’s direction. She was standing to the side, alone, but then that wasn’t anything new. She’d always been a loner. Steele liked that about her. She wasn’t clingy or needy, although she was more vulnerable than she allowed others to think. She’d perfected the “I don’t need anyone” attitude, but it had softened considerably since she’d loosened up and accepted the love and support of the Kellys—in particular Frank and Marlene, who considered her a daughter.

She’d grown into a beautiful young woman now that she’d gotten rid of the crazy neon colors and a lot of the sulky attitude. Though Steele couldn’t really fault her for either. She’d had some hard knocks very early in life. He admired her resiliency. She was smart and extremely loyal to the Kellys. But then no one he knew was anything but staunchly loyal to the close-knit family.

Rusty glanced up, as if she’d felt his gaze. She looked briefly alarmed, and that didn’t sit well with him. He might not give a fuck, as a rule, what people thought about him or what impression he gave them, but he didn’t get off on scaring teenage girls. Though she was barely a teenager anymore.

“How’s school?” he asked her.

It was a lame question, especially since her semester had ended weeks ago. But then he hadn’t seen her nor had he had the occasion to speak to her. Ever.

She smiled hesitantly, almost as if she were testing the waters to see if he was going to bite her.

“It’s going really well,” she said softly.

“What are you studying?” he asked politely.

Confusion crinkled her brow and she cocked her head sideways. Not that he could blame her. He wasn’t a polite guy. He also wasn’t into casual, polite conversation. But what the hell else was he supposed to do in a standing-room-only waiting area surrounded by anxious, celebratory people all waiting for newborn babies to ooh and aah over and say stupid shit like, “Oh my God, look how cute!”

As if any newborn was ever cute.

They were wrinkled, red and noisy.

They were definitely not cute.

“Uh, well, I’m still kind of deciding,” she said in a low voice.

Even as she spoke, she glanced around as if she were worried they would be overheard and she was bringing up a sore subject.

“You have plenty of time. Freshman year is more about getting your feet underneath you and figuring out the lay of the land.”

She blinked in surprise. “That’s kind of what I thought, but . . .” She broke off and jerked her thumb in the direction of the Kelly brothers. “They don’t exactly see it that way. They think I’m a fuckup because I didn’t know what I wanted to study before I ever set foot in a university.”

Steele lifted an eyebrow at her choice of words. Not that he was remotely offended by profanity—as if! But the Kelly men had thawed considerably in their treatment and opinions of Rusty. He doubted they’d voiced those exact words or called her a fuckup just because she hadn’t declared a major yet. It was more likely she was sensitive—overly sensitive—about the issue and worried that they looked down on her for not being more decisive.

“Have you narrowed your choices down at all?”

Rusty bit her lip and again shot a glance to the side, but this time her gaze lighted on Sean. When she spoke, it was in lowered tones as if she didn’t want anyone to overhear.

“I’m really interested in criminal justice, but Sean thinks it’s a terrible idea and I can’t imagine the guys would like it either. They’d probably have a cow at the thought of me doing anything remotely dangerous.”

There was a note of frustration in her voice that told Steele she was serious, even if the way she said it was meant to be flip, like she didn’t care or that she wasn’t strongly considering a career in law enforcement. She just didn’t want to be shot down and was already steeling herself for the possibility. Nobody liked to look stupid or to be made to feel stupid.

“Doesn’t matter what Sean thinks,” he said bluntly. “Or the other Kellys, for that matter. It’s your life. Are you interested in law enforcement?”

She blinked in surprise and her lips parted, forming a small O. “You don’t think it’s stupid?”

He shrugged. “It doesn’t matter what I think either. That’s a choice you have to make for yourself. No one else can make it for you.”

She bit into her lower lip, a clear sign of her frustration. She wanted—needed—guidance. She was still young and impressionable.

“But if you’re asking my opinion, I think you’d make a fine law enforcement officer. I’m of the mind that you can be damn well whatever you want if you apply yourself and stick to it.”

Her eyes widened. “Really?”

He almost smiled. He caught himself, because by the way Maren had reacted he realized he obviously didn’t smile very often, and the last thing he wanted was overreaction by anyone watching him and Rusty.

“Yeah, really.”

Her eyes sparked and danced with merriment. “Man, wait until I tell Sean this. The biggest badass on the planet thinks I’d make a good law enforcement officer.”

Steele sighed.

“What?” Rusty asked innocently. “If you think I’d make a good cop, then who else do I need to convince? You’d be the hardest sell.”

He shook his head. “I almost feel sorry for the citizens you’ll be sworn to protect.”

Sean walked up then, a frown wrinkling his forehead. “Rusty, you still talking about a career in law enforcement?”

Rusty clammed up, her eyes went flat and her posture immediately stiffened. She went from relaxed to on the defensive in a split second.

“Steele thinks I’d be good at it,” she said quietly.

Sean’s mouth tightened. “It’s too damn dangerous for you. Choose a safer profession. Preferably one that makes better money.”

She rolled her eyes. “KGI makes good money. I don’t see any of them starving.”

“They aren’t your average police officer,” Sean said patiently. “And no way in hell you need to even contemplate a career with KGI. Sam would shit a brick and so would Marlene.”

“You don’t think I can hack it,” Rusty said coolly.

“I’m not picking a fight with you, Rusty. So chill. I just think you’re making a mistake. If I’d given you my stamp of approval, you would have chosen something else. From now on I’ll support all your bad ideas just so you’ll ditch them out of spite.”

Hurt flickered in Rusty’s eyes and she glanced downward to hide her reaction. Steele hadn’t missed it, but he didn’t imagine anyone else saw it or was paying as close attention as he’d been.

“Everything isn’t about you, Sean,” she said in a low voice. “What I do with my life has nothing to do with you. I don’t make choices based on what I think you’ll like or not like. You give yourself way too much credit. I’m going to choose what makes me happy and I’m going to choose a job that I can be proud of. I’m going to make Marlene and Frank proud. The rest of you would have written me off long ago, but they didn’t. They’re the only people I give a damn about. Theirs is the only opinion that matters to me.”

She turned swiftly and walked away. At the doorway, she smiled unconvincingly at Marlene and told her she was taking a bathroom break.

“Well, hell,” Sean muttered.

“Lay off her,” Steele said bluntly. “She’s a good kid. Has her head on straight.”

Anger glinted in Sean’s eyes. “I know that. But come on. A police officer? Would you want yo
ur wife or sister or female cousin working in law enforcement? Especially someone as emotionally fragile as Rusty is?”

“You don’t give her enough credit,” Steele said. “She may very well surprise you if you give her half a chance.”

Sean’s lips tightened and he glanced in the direction Rusty had gone. “She thinks I’m on her case. And maybe in the beginning I was. But I’m not and I haven’t been. She only sees the way things were when she first came into Frank and Marlene’s life. You say I don’t give her enough credit, but she doesn’t give me that same credit. She’s too busy wrestling with that chip on her shoulder to see that there are people who genuinely care about her and don’t want to see her hurt or killed in her choice of professions.”

Steele nodded. “That may be so. But if that’s what she really wants to do . . .”

“Maybe she’ll change her mind,” Sean murmured.

“Is it because she’s a woman?” Steele asked curiously. “I imagine P.J. and Skylar would have a few choice words for you if that’s the case.”

Sean frowned. “It has nothing to do with her sex. It has to do with her. She’s had a tough time. She had a hard life before Marlene and Frank entered the picture. I don’t see her thriving in a job that will only remind her on a daily basis where she came from.”

Steele didn’t let his surprise show, but he was beginning to get a clearer picture of the situation. Sean cared about her and he wanted to protect her. Wrap her up in a bubble and shield her from everyday life. If it were only that easy.

The entire room went silent when Ethan burst through the door, a cheek-splitting grin plastered all over his face.

“Boys! Healthy twin boys!”

The room erupted in whistles, cheers, laughter and a few sobs.

“Grandsons,” Frank said in wonder as he hugged Marlene to him. “I’ll be damned. Twins. Just like Nathan and Joe.”

Joe grinned across the room. “Hope they’re prettier than me and Nathan!”

“On their worst day they’d have that covered,” Garrett muttered.

Nathan flipped Garrett the bird, which elicited a reprimand from Mama Kelly.

“You guys have to come see!” Ethan exclaimed. “They’re cleaning them up in the nursery now.”

The waiting room emptied as they all clambered down the hall to the nursery. Steele was swept along with the others amid a chorus of excited chatter, backslaps and hugs. It was a regular gush fest. He’d never seen so much smiling and happiness in one place. Not since . . .

He slammed the door shut on old memories, forced his mind to go blank and the icy shield to descend. When he felt better in control, he drew in a breath and allowed himself to be propelled toward the nursery window.

“Oh my gosh, look how beautiful they are!” Shea exclaimed.

“So cute!” Sarah gushed.

“I wanna see,” Charlotte said plaintively from her position on the floor, her head barely scraping the bottom of her father’s knee.

Sam reached down and boosted her up into his arms. She clung to his neck and then squealed in excitement when she laid eyes on the two bundles the smiling nurses were holding up for everyone to see.

“I want babies,” Charlotte announced, clapping her hands together.

Sam chuckled. “Better talk to your mama about that, little one. I’m thinking you could use a little sister to boss around.”

“Oh Sam, really?” Sophie said in exasperation. “She’ll never leave me alone now!”

Sam grinned and leaned down to kiss his wife. “Then I guess you better give us what we both want. Another baby!”

“We should leave now, Nathan,” Shea muttered. “It’s contagious!”

Everyone burst into laughter.

“You can all come into Rachel’s room as soon as she’s out of recovery,” Ethan announced. “They’ll bring the babies in as soon as they finish cleaning them up.”

Steele opened his mouth to give his excuses and get the hell out of there but the roar of conversation, excited exclamations over the babies and congratulations and backslaps drowned out anything he would have said.

Two hours later, he found himself stuffed into Rachel’s room with the rest of KGI and assorted team members, and he realized he hadn’t even eaten. He was starved, he was deafened by all the chatter and his head was about to explode.

Rachel was glowing with happiness, her eyes alight with joy, her cheeks flushed and rosy. Not bad for a woman who’d just had her belly cut open and her insides pulled out and put back in.

He went into panic mode—and he did not panic, ever!—when one of the babies was suddenly shoved into his arms. He went rigid, terrified that if he so much as breathed, he’d break it. Or drop it. Or get peed or pooped on . . .

He’d rather handle a live grenade than have this squirming, warm . . . really cute little person . . .

He studied the tiny features and watched in fascination as the baby blinked and stared up at him, almost as if he were perfectly aware of his surroundings.

“Holy shit, who has a camera? Get the damn phone out. We can’t miss this. This is the money shot, folks!” Dolphin hooted. “Boss man with a baby. I’m so making this my screen saver.”

Steele was nearly blinded as a multitude of flashes went off in the room.

“Way to make me drop the kid,” he muttered.

“You look good with a baby in your arms,” P.J. said mischievously.

“Yeah, you’re a natural,” Cole chimed in.

He sent them all dark, quelling looks. When he glanced up to where Sam, Garrett and Donovan stood by Rachel’s bed, they were all fighting grins and stifling laughter. Bastards. All of them.

“How the hell did I end up with the kid anyway?” Steele demanded. “He’s being passed around like a damn party favor. Don’t you have to worry about germs or infections?”

Ethan grinned and deftly retrieved the bundle from Steele’s arms. They felt oddly empty, bereft of the warm, cuddly infant. He stared down at his empty hands for a long moment and then glanced back up to where Ethan was gently handing Rachel both of the babies.

He was struck by the picture she presented. Never had he seen a happier woman. And this was a woman who deserved happiness above all others. She’d been to hell and back, and she’d not only survived it but she’d kicked the devil’s ass in the process.

“You did good, sweetheart,” Steele said to Rachel.

He was treated to several surprised expressions. One, he never used endearments. He just wasn’t a warm, affectionate guy. Two, he didn’t typically offer unsolicited conversation. But he’d never forget Rachel the way she’d looked, gaunt, scared out of her mind. Dirty, tattered clothing, pointing a gun at him and then Sam because she had no idea who the fuck they were. And he’d never forget the assurances he’d given her then and there that he’d never allow those bastards to take her back and that he’d make damn sure she and Ethan got back home where they belonged. It was a promise he’d kept.

Rachel’s smile lit up the entire room as she beamed at Steele.

“Thank you, Steele,” she said sweetly.

He took a step forward and people moved left and right to clear a path toward her bed. He leaned over and kissed her forehead and then gently touched each of the blankets surrounding the babies’ heads.

“Cute kids,” he said.

Ethan and Rachel both smiled.

“I’m going to get on out of here and leave you to rest. You’ve had a hard day, little mama. Better catch some Zs now because when you go home there’s no sending them back to the nursery.”

Rachel laughed. “Don’t remind me! And thank you, Steele. I’m glad you were here.”

“I’m glad I was too,” he said softly.

And he was. Today had been special in the Kelly family. Not just the immediate family but also the extended family that included all the KGI members.

They’d all had a hand in the mission that brought Rachel back home where she belonged. It was only fitting t
hat they all be present when Rachel stepped out of the shadows and fully into the sun. The entire family was gathered, happy and rejoicing over the addition of two new Kellys into the pack.

Yeah, it was a good day. The perfect end to—and in many ways the beginning of—a chapter in Ethan’s and Rachel’s life.

He stepped back, making a sudden decision, one that had been nagging him for days. He’d sworn that he’d have that one night with Maren and never look back. But he wanted to see her again. She was becoming an obsession and he didn’t do obsession. The only thing he’d ever been obsessed with was his job.

But now he was overwhelmed with the urge to see her again. He wanted to touch her, feel her against his skin, inhale her scent and lose himself in her arms for another night.

As he walked past Sam, he motioned for him to follow him into the hall. Sam walked out, his brow furrowed.

“What’s up?” Sam asked.

“I’m bugging out. Know I said I’d be available for training, but that’s going to have to wait. If you need me, buzz me. I won’t be home.”

Sam sent him a curious look but didn’t pry. Not that Steele would have offered up any further information.

“Things are quiet, but then we rarely have much advance notice. I’ll be in touch if I need you. You going to let your team know you’ll be out of pocket or should I?”

Steele shook his head. “I’ll let them know. Catch you later.”

“Want to use the Kelly jet?” Sam offered.

Steele didn’t rise to the bait. Sam had guessed he was traveling off, but he wasn’t about to use the KGI jet and have it logged that he was flying to Costa Rica. He’d catch his own damn flight.


MAREN applied a tourniquet to her own arm and made a fist as she lined up the butterfly needle to insert in her vein. It was hard to focus on drawing her own blood when the reason for doing it weighed so heavily on her mind.

She was probably being silly. They had used condoms after all. But her period was regular to the day. Never early. Never late. And she was three days late.