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Into the Lair Page 26

by Maya Banks

Shinju Maruyama just wants to keep her profile low and go about her business. But the long-toothed people just don’t want to let her keep her family secrets. It’ll take all her skill with her brain and her blades to change their minds. There’s something strange and irresistible about Kenoe, and it scares the hell out of her. But she just can’t seem to shake him.

For Kenoe, endangering his life to help her bring the bad guys to heel is easy. Revealing his true nature to her risks far more—his heart.

Warning: This title contains scenes of kick-buttery, vampire smack-downs and graphic sex, including but not limited to hot ninja love and culinary orgasms.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Hatsept Heat:

He’d picked an action film purchased weeks ago that had never been opened. Sometime during the shocks and surprises of the film, Shinju’s jumpy “Oh my Gods” managed to scoot her hip to hip with her guest. Kenoe’s arm settled around her. Her head flopped back against his shoulder the second his fingers made contact with her skin, and the movie was all but forgotten. Surely her lungs would explode if she breathed any deeper. Kenoe’s long legs sprawled out in front of him made him appear relaxed, at ease, yet an air of danger lurked just below the surface. Ropey, cut tendons were a mere ripple of movement with every subtle movement of his wrist and forearm. The brush of his fingers over and down the bare skin of her biceps sent a shiver dipping below the skin. And that shiver worked its way from arms to breastbone and clear down to her nipples. The taut tips seemed more sensitive than usual, and actually tingled until they stung.

Note to self—never wear a tank top in Kenoe’s presence.

His skin, cast in a pearly gray from the television screen, seemed absolutely flawless—no five o’clock shadow, no scars, simply perfect. Long, silky locs were pulled over one shoulder in a thick fall of tempting silver strands. When had he taken the tie out of his hair? Normally a man with long hair turned her off, but those damned locs were the sexiest thing she’d ever seen on a man. It didn’t even bother her that Kenoe’s hair was longer than her own by a good stretch. Clenching her fists until the knuckles cracked, she spoke to herself in a mantra.

I am not going to play in the man’s hair. I am not going there!

God, so gorgeous.

Just then he turned and gazed down at her and her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. Eyes so infused with a frosty hue. Strong jaw, high cheekbones and a smile that could light up the darkest night. Framing that smile was a pair of lips just full enough to be perfect for kissing.

The moment the thought formed, Kenoe was giving her exactly what she wanted—his mouth on hers. Gently coaxing at first, then taking and finally demanding.

Suddenly, Shinju found herself sitting sideways on Kenoe’s lap across a pair of solid thighs. And solid…other things.

He moved with a speed that caught her totally off guard, yet when their bodies met there was no jarring. He had so much control over his strength, yet he, the man inside, was as off-balance as a teeter totter.

So, just how did she know all this? There was no way she should intuitively understand this level of emotional detail about someone she’d met mere days ago. Hell, even her brother, whom she knew inside and out, didn’t come through so loud and clear.

Shinju found herself wondering yet again about this connection, this zing, between them. But when he let his fingers play at the base of her skull, curiosity became wonder. Wonder at how a simple kiss could feel so good. How a single touch could make her skin so hot it practically smoldered the cotton of her tank top. And his taste? Dear God, it was addictive. The natural flavor of this man was better than sex dipped in chocolate and drizzled over her favorite ice cream. French vanilla. Exact same color as his skin. His Adam’s apple bobbed in the hollow of his throat. Suddenly she wanted to lick it. Would it be as satisfying as soft serve in a sugar cone, or a strawberry-flavored shaved ice on a summer day? She had to find out.

Shinju parted her lips, let her tongue tease his skin and was immediately rewarded. Oooh, the man had the sexiest damned sigh she’d ever heard. It urged her to more direct action and sent her exploring. He looked like he had it all together, calm, cool and relaxed. Could she change that? Find all the little spots that sent him soaring?

Her lips latched onto the pulse just beside the bulge of well-developed neck muscle. Kenoe’s entire body stiffened with a chest-deep groan. Then, just as suddenly, the dam unleashed and he completely took over.

Kenoe leaned Shinju backward until her spine touched the cushion of the futon while her legs draped over his hard thighs. A wide, strong hand, trembling with restrained strength, cupped the swell of her breast as a lone thumb teased just out of reach of a straining nipple. Oh, how she wanted him to touch her there. But all she could do was grab his biceps and hold on for dear life.

The sting gathering in her nipples became a throb. And that throb slithered through her entire body, her entire being.

Shinju’s head fell back and Kenoe dove in for the feast, nipping the tender skin of her throat clear down to the scoop neck of her top.

“Mmm, I like that.” God, she was lost. How could this happen, and so quickly? On the other hand, who the hell cared? All that mattered at the moment was, “More. Please.”

And then Kenoe’s thoughts followed her own, sending his hands down her body to more firmly caress her swelling breasts. The thin little bra underneath may as well have not been there. She gulped wildly as Kenoe eased the fabric up to bunch just above the aching mounds. Cool air whooshed over bare skin. She’d been so wrapped up in the maddening sensations of longing and lust, she’d forgotten the air conditioner was on.

The lips that had stolen her breath in a delicious kiss and then nibbled their way down her throat were now wrapped around a stiff, swollen peak and sucking viciously.

“Oh, yes,” she hissed, holding his head to her flesh. “Harder.” The thoughts folded in on themselves until her whole body was into the dance. The next thing Shinju knew, her breath came in deep gasps and her ass wriggled against the obvious bulge at the juncture of Kenoe’s thighs. And she wasn’t talkin’ little-breakfast-sausage bulge either.

He wanted her just as badly as her out-of-control self wanted him. And it was more than just a swollen cock that told her so. No, it was the thoughts that swirled around and down into her head before sinking into her brain.

“Shinju, you feel so good against me. God, it’s been so long…”

His mouth was plastered against her skin yet his words were loud and clear.

“And you taste even better.” Kenoe’s hands, lips, teeth and tongue were all in play now. Oh, good gracious. That nip he’d given just above her nipple was sharp, but felt oh so good.

“I like the nip of your teeth. Bite me again, harder.” The words came out a whispered plea. Something inside of her craved it. Needed it. Reached for it.

In a snap, the warm, sensual caress swirling around her consciousness went ice cold. Simply shut off. As if someone had closed her out of a bank vault. A deep bong, like a two-foot-thick wall of metal clanged heavily in her soul. It shut and shut tight, keeping out everything that gave life—air, light, sound. Love. Like a vacuum. And Kenoe was on the other side of that door.

She fucking felt his withdrawal, experienced it profoundly. It was no different than if she’d thrown up her own emotional walls and ran smack into them. So the attachment she’d thought was there as they sat and talked at the restaurant in Nagano wasn’t just her imagination. The ease of conversation over dinner tonight had been so much more than comfortable. It had felt right, literally.

In a blink her bra and tank were rearranged and Kenoe was up and off the couch, headed for the coat rack at the door. The man snatched his jacket off the rack so hard the thing rocked back and forth, threatening to clatter to the floor.

Reaching for him, Shinju flinched at the invisible glimpse of so much pain and uncertainty.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

It’s all
about the story…