Page 30

Hour of the Lion Page 30

by Cherise Sinclair

"I…" God, she‘d wanted to come up here. She‘d led him on. "I like you. I do." Yet the thought of having sex with him totally turned her off. "I‘m sorry, Daniel."

"Me, too." He gave her a wry smile. "But scent doesn‘t lie."

The lust faded from his face as he helped her to her feet, putting little kisses on her fingers.

Who knew a cowboy could be so romantic and gentle? He led her back downstairs. Men crowded around her again, pushing him to the side. She saw Calum talking with one man in the corner and keeping an eye on the proceedings. To her horror, her need was growing stronger.

She caught his gaze and glanced upstairs. Heat flashed in his eyes before he shook his head with a regretful smile.


She looked at the guys in front of her. Two older and a younger one with the look of a gaunt wolf. Then a man stalked across the room. Hard and rough-looking, like a younger Thorson with scars white against his deeply tanned neck and arms. At least six foot five, he wore black jeans and a black leather vest with nothing underneath. His dark brown eyes were watchful, prepared for anything, and every move he made shouted danger. Strength. He halted before he reached her, and she saw him glance at Calum, lift his eyebrows.

Calum tilted his head in approval or permission—she wasn‘t sure.

The man‘s shadowed eyes settled on her, and she couldn‘t move. Two of the other men melted away, leaving an older, harder man still standing his ground.

"I am Zeb of the Rainier Territory, and I would be pleased to fight you for this female, to show my strength and win her favors," the scarred one said, moving close enough that she could inhale his dark scent. His eyes never left his opponent although his fingers traced a slow path down her cheek.

She leaned into his hand.

The other hesitated, shook his head. "Cahir from Rainier, I regret. I‘ve heard of you." And he withdrew.

"May I take you somewhere, share time with you?" Zeb lifted her wrist, pressed a kiss over her pulse, and inhaled. Smiled.

The wave of lust burst over her, and she closed her eyes, trying to find her footing. When she opened them, his gaze met hers, intent, watchful. "I—I seem to have trouble talking," she managed. "I don‘t know what‘s wrong with me." He hadn‘t released her hand, and the way his thumb stroked over her palm made her melt inside.

He stiffened. "I hadn‘t realized—you are the new shifter."

She managed a nod, feeling like she would drown in his eyes, in his scent. "I can‘t—"

"Tell me your name." He moved closer and wrapped an arm around her.

She purred at his touch. "Vicki."

His fingers ran through her hair, a gentle caress. His voice was still deep, yet gentled. "I have heard a woman‘s first Gather is a downpour of heat and sensation." He smiled slowly,

"You‘ll gain control with experience. But since you only get one first Gather, let us both enjoy."

And he lifted her into his arms with a roar that stilled the room.

Upstairs, as he laid her on the silky green cushions, she cooled, filling with horror. Dear God, I don"t even know this man. She rolled to a sitting position and pulled her legs to her chest.

She didn‘t have to do this—she could stay in control. Really.

He touched her lightly on the hair, and then, after tossing his vest to one side, built up the fire. Once it blazed up, he sat back on his haunches and watched her, his eyes intent, reminding her of a wolf waiting for a rabbit to move. To run.

He had a scar like Alec‘s, a blue knife mark across his right cheekbone. Her gaze dropped, seeing the heavy scarring on his arms and shoulders. She frowned. The guy was a walking war zone. What had caused all that?

His eyes narrowed. "Do the scars bother you, little female? Do I scare you?" Before she could speak, he snagged her ankle and pulled her over the cushions to him like a captured puppy.

She was no puppy. With her free foot, she snap-kicked his hand off her leg.

The bastard not only didn‘t wince, he actually grinned.

"I‘m not little." She rolled onto her knees. "I just wondered what caused scarring like that."

With fingertips, she traced one thin white line down his shoulder. Thanks to Lachlan, she recognized the marks of teeth on his arms and other shoulder.

Lots of white scars, a few were tiny and thin, parallel like Alec and Thorson‘s cat marks, three very thick ones extended all the way across his heavily muscled upper chest. When she ran her finger over them, he hummed in pleasure, and his six-pack of abdominal muscles tightened.

"Many of the scars—like those—are from hellhound claws." His voice was low, a little rough. "Rainier Territory has hellhounds. So far few have invaded the Cascade Territory." He lifted her fingers to his lips and nipped from the tips up the outside of her hand.

"Mmmmh." Her senses started to burn, then cooled again, leaving her feeling as if she had hormonal whiplash. "What are hellhounds?"

"New little shifter, you are not only fearless, but are trying to fight your need. I‘m impressed." His smile gleamed white in his tanned face before he wrapped a hand behind her neck and held her still, kissing her so thoroughly, her mind whirled. Before she could recover, he rolled her onto her back with relentless hands and straddled her.

"Hellhounds?" she managed.

"I enjoy teaching, so I will instruct you"—he clasped the bottom of her shirt—"as we progress. Hellhounds are magical, like the Daonain, only their ancestors bred with demons." His smile went savage. "They chose the dark path."

He set his hand on her breast and everything in her went still. Cold. This is wrong. He was wrong. He smelled wrong.

He froze and frowned down at her. Inhaled slowly. And suddenly he‘d moved off to squat beside her, dark eyes studying her. "You no longer want me."

"I…" God, how could she do this to someone again? "I‘m sorry."

He shook his head. "What is, is. But I had looked forward to having you."

"There‘s a lot of women down there." She felt like an idiot, trying to console a man for not being able to fuck her. "I‘d think you‘d have plenty to enjoy. The men seemed to be having fun."

"Many do, yes." His gaze shifted away. "I prefer the fighting."

Huh. There were times she‘d rather fight too, especially when she felt her emotions were at risk. Odd how she could see that now—after Calum and Alec. With the thought, everything in her longed for her two men. She pulled her mind back with an effort. "Don‘t want to let anyone too close?"

From his flinch, she‘d say she‘d scored a hit. And, then he added a comment that almost broke her heart, "I scare women. If the shifter urge to mate with the strongest didn‘t drive their need, most would run screaming back to their caves."


He barked a surprised laugh. His dark eyes held a warmth that would lure any woman in. He touched her cheek. "I like you."

Pulling her to her feet with one swift move, he led her back downstairs to the center of the tavern. She felt the snap as the men‘s attention turned to her, but Zeb wrapped an arm around her and stood in place. She glanced at him.

"Somehow you arouse my protective instincts," he said, frowning. "I want that you get someone worthy. From the way the Cosantir watches you, but doesn‘t claim you, I think he‘s already had you tonight?"

She stared across the room at Calum. His black hair was still tangled from her fingers, marks from her fingernails welted his neck. Arms crossed over his chest, he leaned on the bar top…a master of stillness, yet an aura of danger seemed to surround him. The memory of upstairs and how ruthless he‘d been sent so much heat through her that the very air she breathed turned thick.

Zeb grinned, ran his fingers down her flushed cheek. "Oookay. Seems the North Cascade Cosantir is as good as his rep." He glanced to where Calum stood at the end of the bar. She could almost feel the impact when Calum‘s black eyes met his, and he grunted as if gut-punched. "I pity the poor bastard who pisses that Cosantir off."

His arm turned her in the other direction. "The rancher‘s gone, but maybe the wolves‘ alpha male? Ah, wait, there‘s another cahir."

Her gaze followed his. Alec. Powerfully built, big bones and heavy muscles. So very strong.

He was leaning against a table in that deceptively lazy stance. People saw his easy smile, not the danger beneath it. Like a crackling fire, he looked all cheerful warmth…and could burn you to a crisp if you weren‘t careful. She wanted him—kissing her, on top of her, pushing inside. She took a step toward him.

"Ah, she approves," Zeb said. "I agree. He‘s a good choice—unless the brunette snags him first."

Brunette? When Vic spotted the over-abundant Sarah from Elder Village, her sensuous overload disappeared as if it had never been. The bitch was rubbing her breasts on Alec, touching him, trying to kiss him.

A snarl rumbled through Vic‘s chest and escaped. She heard Zeb murmur, "Uh-oh."

Men stepped quickly out of her way as she stalked across the tavern floor, rage searing her insides. She stopped behind the bitch.

Alec said, "I‘m not participating tonight, Sarah. Sorry. I—"

But Cleavage wasn‘t hearing him. Her plump hand ran up his chest, and then that soft hand was in Vic‘s hard grip. Sarah gasped and tried to yank away.

"Hands-off," Vic gritted. "Mine."

Sarah gave a shriek like a wounded cow. "You can‘t have him. He‘s going to be my lifemate!" And the woman swung her free hand. Her open hand.

A girlie slap? Vic growled with outrage, blocking automatically. Then she punched the skanky slut so hard that the bitch took out two men on her way ass-over-teakettle. Still growling, Vic crossed her arms, glared around the room, and repeated, "Mine."

No one moved. Behind her, Alec was laughing so hard he was choking.

On her right flank, Zeb gave her a long look before saying to Alec, "I would that I was you."

"Thank you, cahir," Alec said, still gasping for breath. He grinned at Zeb, and then frowned.


"She refused me, and I believe the one before me." Zeb tugged a lock of Vic‘s hair. "Her choice seems to be made."

Alec didn‘t touch her, just stared at her. "You had no one tonight?"

She flushed. "Calum and I…did," she muttered. "Not the others. I couldn‘t."

As Zeb walked away, Alec lifted Vic‘s hand and bit her palm, sending a bolt of lust through her.

She stepped closer, rubbed her face against his, marking him with her scent. "Mine."

He tipped her head back and took her mouth so thoroughly, she sagged in his grip. "Yours."

Alec had taken her upstairs, and oh God, no problem with the heat disappearing. It rose so fast and encompassing that she‘d actually begged him to take her.

He had, hard and fast, no teasing—he pounded her into a screaming climax. A few minutes later, he did it again. And again before showering with her as Calum had and leading her back downstairs. Damn him.

This time, even though men surrounded her, nothing happened. The heat simmered inside her, keeping her uncomfortable and wanting, but no one who approached made it rise. She wanted Alec. Wanted Calum. Every time she caught the sound of their voices or their scents, she clenched inside, hollow and hurting. Needing to be filled.

Finally, after forever, Joe Thorson strolled into the tavern. She blinked at him. Hadn‘t someone said he didn‘t attend Gathers any more? He headed toward Calum, but an older woman abandoned the younger men around her to step into his path. When she imperiously held out her hand, Joe barked a laugh and took her upstairs.

Vic saw Calum and Alec exchange looks and grin.

When Joe came back downstairs, he went directly to Calum. They talked for a few minutes, then Joe assumed Calum‘s spot at the bar.

What was going on?

Calum nodded at Alec, then looked at her, his gaze dark and possessive. Hot. He stalked across the room, a predator focused on his prey. On her. She felt a shiver deep inside.

Alec closed in on her other side, dwarfing her with his size. Her gaze lifted, moving over his broad, muscular chest, shoulders twice the size of hers, his strong corded neck, to be caught by his heavy-lidded stare. Her need blazed, as out of control as a burning city.

"Victoria," Calum said, taking her other hand. "We‘re going upstairs. Together this time."

Both of them? As Alec lifted her into his steely arms, heat pumped through her veins until the air itself shimmered.

In a tiny upstairs room, he dropped her onto fuzzy yellow cushions, grinning when she bounced.

Her insides tingled as she laughed. Sex with him was always so warm and joyful, like making love in the sun.

Calum caught her gaze, and his aura of power—and danger—made her shiver. Sex with Calum was like making love in a forest at night, dark and shadowy and rich.

She wanted them both more than she could bear. She held her arms up.

Alec pulled her shirt off, and then kissed her, his lips teasing despite the hard grip of his hands on her upper arms. Calum dragged her jeans off. No boots, no underwear—and she delighted in how quickly they got her naked.

Pushing her thighs apart, Calum stroked between her legs, finding her center, skillfully teasing her until she moaned, her hips lifting to him.

"I need to taste," Alec growled.

"No," Vic shook her head. "I want you inside me. Now." She ached with excitement. "Hard and fast like before."

"Nope. Last time we went straight for the finish line. We‘re going slower this round." Alec stripped, taking his time, driving her mad.

Already unclothed, Calum sat down behind her, his legs around her hips, his feet on the outside of her knees. His rigid erection pressed into the crack between her buttocks, sending more cravings through her. His muscular chest rubbed her back. She was surrounded by his body. His heady masculine scent. Oh God.

His arms crossed in front of her, securing her in his grip, and he leaned back onto a pile of pillows, pulling her into a half-reclining position.

"Calum, no."

"Yes," he whispered in her ear. His big hands secured her so she couldn‘t move. "You will let Alec enjoy your taste. After that, we will have you as many times as it takes to exhaust you.

And us." His teeth closed on her shoulder, painful and so erotic that she moaned.

Despite her resistance, Alec‘s strong hands pulled her legs apart.

"No, Alec, I want you inside—"

"Give me her left ankle," Calum interrupted. When Alec complied, he gripped her ankle, holding her leg high, opening her. The cool air brushed the wetness on her pussy and down the insides of her thighs.

Alec grinned. "Thank you, brawd. Nice and exposed." He slid down between her legs, his face over her pelvis. His fingers framed her sex, spreading her labia, pulling the hood up and away from her clit. "God, you‘re pretty, Vixen, and very swollen." When he blew on her, every sensitive nerve fired, and she arched.

He gave a growling laugh. "Your clit‘s sitting right out there for me to torture." And he slid his tongue over her, slow and hot and wet.

She choked on a scream and another when his tongue pushed into her entrance before sliding back over the tight nub. Her legs jerked uncontrollably, but he had one pinned under his weight and Calum held the other.

"Dammit, I want to be fucked." Her insides ached, needing more, and Alec‘s teasing would drive her mad. "You assholes," she spat.

When she fought to sit up, Calum‘s arm around her waist tightened. "You had what you needed earlier," he murmured. "Now we will enjoy our female…and you will take it." He closed his free hand over her breast, calluses scraping over the nipple.

More heat shot through her. She growled. "You fucking —"

"Alec, please reprimand her," he said.

Teeth nipped just inside her knee, making her jolt. Another bite. Another as he worked his way in a line up her inner thigh. It hurt, only with each sharp pain, her clit tightened more, throbbing in anticipation<
br />
His lips closed over the exposed nub.

"Ahhh!" Her hips strained upward. God, his mouth was hot, his tongue… She was so close…

He backed off, the bastard. His tongue wandered down her labia and pushed into her vagina.

She wiggled uncontrollably.

He stopped.

With a low hum that sounded like a purr, Calum fondled her left breast. His fingers rolled her nipple, squeezing until her muscles started to tighten with the pain, and released. His fingertips danced over the aching peak, sending fire streaking right down to her pussy.

As if following the fire, Alec licked circles around her clit, and then brushed his tongue over the straining top, putting her right on the edge. Oh God, please.

He lifted his head, and Calum moved his attention to her other breast, leaving the first swollen and tight. Over and over. Exquisite pain from Calum, unbearable pleasure from Alec.

The air seemed thick and hot, and everything they did drew her closer to a climax, one she couldn‘t stop. Couldn‘t control. She was shaking in Calum‘s arms.


Calum kissed her shoulders. "A little closer, but don‘t let her come, brawd. I want us buried inside her when she does."

Alec chuckled. "She‘s going to hurt you for this tomorrow, you know."

A nip on her earlobe made her jolt. "She‘ll be busy running."

She didn‘t get a chance to ask what he meant before Alec‘s mouth closed over her clit, the heat, the wet, his tongue flickering up one side and down the other. "Oh God." Her hips strained upward, and he set his forearm across her pelvis, keeping her in place. Her whole body shook as she quivered, needing…needing.

"That‘s about right," Calum said.

When Alec sat up, she moaned. Her clit felt as if it had grown too large for her skin, pulling painfully.

As Calum released her, Alec took her hands and pulled her down on top of him. "A soft female body. Very nice." He curved his hand over her nape and kissed her.

His cock was hard beneath her, jutting toward his stomach. With a groan, she squirmed on it. "Inside me. Now."

He snorted. "You have no patience at all, do you?"

"No." Damn men. Have to do it all myself. She moved to impale herself, felt the head of his cock at her center and—