Page 18

Hotter Than Ever Page 18

by Elle Kennedy

“Whoa, one at a time, squirts,” Dylan interrupted with a laugh. “You’re making my head spin.”

Holding the two six-year-olds as if they weighed no more than a feather, he strode into the corridor.

Claire and Aidan exchanged an amused look, then trailed after Dylan and the kids. The most delicious smells permeated the house, making Claire’s stomach rumble. She’d had a light breakfast because she’d wanted to save herself for this evening’s turkey dinner, and the aromas in the air made her ravenous for some food.

When they entered the living room, they encountered nearly a dozen people. The only one Claire recognized was Seth, Dylan’s former roommate, and the tall scruffy SEAL wasted no time introducing her to his brand-new bride, Miranda.

Claire had barely finished saying hello to the pretty brunette when she was being introduced to someone else. Cash McCoy, a dark-haired hottie with piercing blue eyes, who quickly called a stunning blonde over and introduced her as his girlfriend, Jen.

Next was Carson Scott, a fair-haired man with a chiseled GQ face, and his wife Holly, a petite pixie of a woman with bright green eyes, apparently Jen’s brother and sister-in-law.

Matt O’Connor was the one with the shaved head, and his girlfriend Savannah had ash-blond hair and laughing gray eyes.

Jackson Ramsey rounded out the group, a lanky man with dark hair, whiskey-brown eyes and a Texas drawl that made Claire melt.

“Nice to meet you, sugar,” he said with a smile, sticking out his hand.

Smiling back, she shook his big, callused hand. He held on a little too long, and the appreciation flaring in his eyes was hard to miss.

Dylan and Aidan didn’t miss it, either, because suddenly she was being ushered toward the couch and told to sit down and take a load off.

She hid a grin, kind of enjoying the possessive way they’d dragged her from the sexy Texan.

Other than Aidan, every man in the room was a SEAL, and every woman was outgoing and talkative. For the next hour, Claire found herself in a million different conversations that were impossible to keep up with, and through it all, Miranda’s twins bounced around the room from person to person, or ran around the eight-foot Douglas fir in delight.

“Sorry about them.” Miranda leaned in from the other couch and shot Claire an apologetic smile. “They’re super excited because this is the first year we’ve had such an enormous tree. Well, that and because they get to spend Christmas with Seth this year.”

Claire smiled. “You don’t have to apologize. Your kids are adorable.”

“I think so too.” Miranda stood up and searched the room for her husband. “Seth, help me with the turkey?” she called out.

Seth didn’t even hesitate. With a beer in hand, he abandoned his conversation with Dylan and Cash, and dashed into the kitchen with his wife.

“Oh, he’s so whipped,” Jen said with a laugh. “I absolutely love it.”

Claire glanced back at the blonde, who was sitting right beside her. Aidan was on Claire’s other side; he wasn’t touching her, but the heat of his thigh and scent of his aftershave were comforting. There were so many people here, all of them strangers to her, and a part of her felt like an interloper.

At least until Jen grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly. “Look, I promised Cash I wouldn’t bring this up—” She rolled her big blue eyes. “He thinks it’s inappropriate holiday subject matter. But I just want you to know that Dylan’s brother is a total douchebag.”

Claire choked out a giggle. “Wow. Well. That’s honest.”

“I’m serious. Everything I know about the guy, I absolutely hate.”

“Me too,” Holly Scott chimed in from the other end of the sofa. “I met him right after Dylan joined the team, and all he did was drone on and on about cigars. Do I look like a cigar aficionado? Why did he pick me, of all people, to have that conversation with?”

“At least you didn’t get the golf talk,” Jen told her sister-in-law. “When I met him, he went on for a good half hour about the new putter he bought.”

Claire sighed. “Yeah, Chris is really obsessed with that putter.”

“I’m so sorry he walked out on you on your wedding day.” Jen’s voice was laced with genuine sympathy. “That’s unforgivable and you deserve a whole lot better.”

“Thanks. But if I’m being honest, I was relieved he didn’t want to go through with it. I think I knew marrying him would be a mistake, but I just couldn’t admit it to myself.”

“It still doesn’t excuse his taking off,” Jen declared. “I can’t believe someone like that is actually related to Dylan. Dylan’s like the sweetest guy on the planet.”

“He’s been pretty wonderful these past couple of weeks,” Claire confessed.

“Hey, sis, come settle an argument between me and McCoy.” Carson’s booming voice sounded from across the room.

Jen rolled her eyes again. “I love how I’ve become their referee. Every time they bicker, I’m the one they both look at, thinking I’ll back them up.”

“I’ll go with you, hon,” Jen’s sister-in-law offered with a laugh. “That way you can take Cash’s side and I’ll take Carson’s, and everyone’s happy.”

Claire grinned as the two women excused themselves. That left an empty spot beside her, which Jackson quickly took advantage of.

Dylan, who’d been chatting with Matt and Savannah, immediately swiveled his head, tensing up when he spotted Claire’s new couch mate. He didn’t march over like a caveman, but he did keep an eye on them, which made her want to laugh.

“So, sugar, how much longer are you in town for?” Jackson asked in that deep, sexy voice of his.

“Just another week.”

She felt Aidan stiffen, but he didn’t say a word.

“Did you get a chance to do some exploring? Please tell me those boys have been showin’ you a good time.”

Oh, he didn’t know the half of it…

“Yeah, we did a few things,” she said vaguely. “It’s been fun.”

Aidan chuckled softly.

“Well, if you need another tour guide, I’d be happy to show you a few places, sugar.” Jackson flashed a devilish smile that succeeded in making her heart skip a beat.

Lord, did the SEAL program only recruit heartthrobs or was it simply a coincidence that all of Dylan’s teammates were drop-dead gorgeous and oozed charm?

She thought she’d managed to mask her reaction to Jackson’s killer grin, but clearly she hadn’t, because suddenly Aidan’s arm came around her, his hand resting possessively on her shoulder.

Jackson immediately got the hint, his eyebrows rising. “Ah, Rhodes has already staked his claim, I see.”

As usual, Claire’s cheeks turned bright red. She didn’t quite like the idea that she was something to be “claimed”, but Jackson’s blatant appreciation combined with Aidan’s obvious jealousy and Dylan’s watchful gaze did wonders for her ego.

How many other woman could say they had three very attractive men interested in them?

“Dinner’s ready! Get your asses in here, boys and girls.” Seth’s mocking voice wafted out of the kitchen, prompting Jackson to shoot her one last grin before he wandered off.

Claire was about to get up when Aidan tugged on her hand. He pulled her toward him and kissed her before she could protest. Brushed those firm lips over hers, slipped her a little tongue and then broke it off.

“What was that for?” she asked.

He pointed at the ceiling.

Her gaze followed his finger to note the sprig of mistletoe hanging above them.

She laughed. “I didn’t even notice that.”

Heat flared in his eyes. “Why do you think I told you to sit here?”

“So it was your evil plan all along.”

“Yup.” His endearing dimples popped out. “C’mon, let’s eat.”

She’d just gotten to her feet when she spotted Matt and Savannah lingering near the doorway. From the distrustful way the couple was lo
oking at her, she realized they must have witnessed her and Aidan’s kiss.

Wariness circled her insides, growing stronger when Matt clapped a hand on Aidan’s shoulder and casually fell in step with him.

Leaving Claire alone with Savannah.

“Hey,” she said tentatively.

A pair of gray eyes pinned her with a hard look. “So your rebound is Aidan?” the blonde asked coolly. “I assumed it would be Dylan, if anyone.”

Discomfort tightened her belly. “I’m…Aidan is…” Claire cleared her throat. “It’s not a rebound. Aidan and I are just enjoying each other’s company. Just having a little harmless fun.”

Savannah pursed her lips. “A little harmless fun.”

The suspicion in the other woman’s tone irked her. “Look, no offense or anything, but what’s it to you? You were introduced to me as Matt’s fiancée. Why do you care who Aidan spends time with?”

“Aidan is a good friend of ours. Matt and I care about him.”

“Yeah? Well, so do I.” Claire knew she sounded haughty, but she didn’t care.

“Good, then that means you don’t want to see him get hurt.” Savannah paused ominously. “So you’re not going to hurt him, are you, Claire?”

Needles of indignation pricked her skin. “No, I’m not going to hurt him.” She cocked her head. “Will you beat me up if I do?”

“Damn right I will.”

They eyed each other for a moment, like two animals vying for territory, and then Savannah broke out in a smile and said, “Let’s go eat. That turkey smells delicious.”

“I really liked your friends,” Claire remarked during the car ride back to the condo. “For the most part, anyway.”

Confused, Dylan glanced over from the passenger seat. “What do you mean, for the most part?”

“Well, there’s that one teeny tiny issue of Savannah threatening me.”

In the driver’s seat, Aidan swiveled his head to stare at her. “She fucking did what?”

“Oh, you know, threatened to kick my ass if I ever hurt you.”

Aidan’s jaw dropped. “Son of a bitch. Great. Now I’m gonna have to kick her ass.”

Claire waved a careless hand. “Oh, don’t worry, she was just looking out for you. She and Matt are very protective of you, by the way.”

“That’s because he used to fuck them,” Dylan piped up. He found this entire conversation highly amusing, and he had to wonder if Savannah would issue the same threat to him when she learned he was sleeping with Aidan too.

“Excuse me?”

Claire sounded so displeased that Dylan couldn’t help but turn around again. Sure enough, he noted her shoulders had gone rigid.

Chuckling, he repeated himself, slower this time. “He used to fuck them.”

The unmistakable jealousy burning in her big brown eyes told him that had Matt and Savannah been in the SUV with them right now, Claire would’ve clawed both their eyes out.

“It was just an occasional thing,” Aidan said sheepishly.

“Besides, doesn’t it make you feel better about the whole threesome thing?” Dylan added. “Everyone we know has ’em. It’s the norm in our circle.”

“Well, I hope you’re not planning on paying them a visit anytime soon,” she told Aidan, her voice tight with irritation.

“Aw, she’s jealous,” Dylan teased.

Aidan caught her eye in the rearview mirror and put those dimples of his to good use. “Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere. I’m right where I want to be.”

Dylan wholeheartedly agreed. This time with Claire and Aidan had been so amazing he still couldn’t believe he wasn’t dreaming it. He was so ashamed of his previous attitude toward Claire—she was not at all what he’d thought her to be, and the more he got to know her, the harder he fell.

Claire McKinley was smart, gorgeous, sarcastic, compassionate. And open, so fucking open. She spoke her mind, never tried to hide what she was feeling from him and Aidan, and he loved and appreciated that about her. A lot of women expected a man to be a mind reader, but hell, a little guidance was nice, and Claire was a master of honest communication.

She was also the hottest, most passionate woman he’d ever met. Her sexual appetite was voracious, and Dylan knew he and Aidan appealed to that wild side she’d been forced to hide growing up. They fueled it, fed it, and damned if they weren’t having a good time doing it.

Ten minutes later, Aidan pulled into the underground parking of their building and the three of them made their way upstairs. The condo board had a strict rule about keeping the hallways decoration-free, so there was nothing Christmasy about the corridor as they crossed the cream-colored carpet toward their apartment.

Inside was another story. The tree was lit up and the ornaments were twinkling, giving the room a holiday feel that the hallway had lacked.

When Dylan moved to flick on the light, Claire intercepted his hand. “No, don’t,” she urged. “Look how pretty the room is with just the light of the tree.”

He couldn’t deny there was something magical about it. The red and silver ornaments shone like little gems, the glow from the strings of light creating a romantic ambience.

“You guys want some coffee?” Aidan asked.

“God, yes,” Dylan answered. “I’m feeling drowsy as hell from all that turkey.”

“None for me. I don’t want to be up all night,” Claire said. “But…hey, do you have any hot chocolate?”

With an indulgent smile, Aidan leaned in and brushed a kiss over her cheek. “I’ll see what I can do.”

As Aidan headed for the kitchen, Dylan led Claire over to the couch and pulled her down beside him. He wrapped his arm around her and planted a kiss atop her head, inhaling the sweet lavender scent of her hair.

“I’ve been wanting to hold you all night,” he said gruffly. “I thought I would explode from not touching you.”

She nestled closer, her loose auburn tresses tickling his neck. “Me too.”

He ran his fingers up and down her arm, his calluses scraping along the soft wool of her green sweater. “I hope Savannah didn’t upset you.”

“Naah, like I said, she was just looking out for Aidan. I totally understood. And by the end of the night, I kinda warmed up to her. She’s pretty hilarious. And I adored Jen. She’s so nice.” Claire paused. “And beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that good-looking before.”

Dylan shrugged. “She’s okay.”

Ha. Fine, so he was lying through his teeth—Jen was drop-dead gorgeous. But he was scared that if he acknowledged her beauty, Claire might pick up on the fact that he knew Jen as carnally as Aidan knew Savannah, and no way did he want to see Claire’s look of cloudy displeasure directed at him.

Unfortunately, he underestimated her. He was no mind reader, but clearly she was.

“Oh, for the love of God,” she groaned. “You too?”

“Me too what?” he asked innocently.

“’She’s okay?’” Claire mimicked. “Dylan, that girl is more than okay. She’s movie-star beautiful. Argh. You totally slept with her, didn’t you? And let me guess, Cash was there too.”

He sighed. “I’m afraid so.”

A note of challenge crept into her voice. “Out of curiosity, who else at that dinner have you slept with?”

“No one but Jen,” he assured her. “And Cash. Well, kind of.”

“Kind of?” She looked amused now.

“I blew him.”

After a beat, Claire burst out laughing. “Well, at least you’re honest.”

“To a fault.” He smiled. “But I promise you, I’ve only been with Jen and Cash. And Aid has only been with Savannah.”


She placed a possessive hand on his thigh, eliciting a rush of satisfaction. Damn, he loved that Claire was staking her claim.

It really had been pure torture not being able to touch her tonight. Every time he’d looked at her, he’d had to battle the overwhelming urg
e to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless, but he hadn’t wanted to embarrass her in front of the gang. His friends would never be openly rude or judgmental, or probably even care that Dylan was with her, but he couldn’t deny that Claire jumping into bed with her ex-fiancé’s brother so soon after the break-up didn’t look great.

The funny thing was, the fact that Claire had almost married Chris didn’t bother him in the slightest anymore. No, what bothered him was that he wasn’t bothered by it. Because…why the hell not? His brother had lived with this woman for more than a year, had nearly made her his wife, for fuck’s sake. So why didn’t he feel like he was betraying Chris? Because his brother was a jerk? Because he’d known from day one that Claire wasn’t right for Chris? All of the above?

Aidan returned to the room with a tray of steaming mugs, officially putting an end to Dylan’s internal self-examination.

“Hot chocolate for the lady.” Aidan handed Claire her mug. “And coffee for the gentleman.”

Dylan gratefully accepted the coffee and blew on the hot liquid to cool it. As Aidan settled in the armchair, Claire glanced over at the small stack of gifts beneath the tree.

“So when are we opening presents?” she asked. “My parents and I usually do it on Christmas morning, but I know some people like to do the whole gift thing tonight.”

“My dad and I do it tonight,” Aidan said in a gruff voice. “When he doesn’t bail on the holidays, that is.”

“At my house we do both,” Dylan told them. “We each open one present on Christmas Eve, and the rest in the morning.”

“Oooh, I like that idea,” Claire said. “Can we all open one tonight?”

He and Aidan both shrugged as if to say, “Why not?”

Beaming, she hopped off the couch and made a beeline for the tree. “Can I pick which ones you open?”

Aidan smiled at her. “Go for it.”

As Claire rummaged through the presents, Dylan had to wonder what the heck she’d bought during her numerous trips to the mall last week. They’d agreed to get each other only one or two things, and stick to a limit of a hundred bucks, and although all the packages she’d come home with were fairly small, there were quite a few of them.