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Hotter Than Ever Page 15

by Elle Kennedy

“Is there anything else I can get you?”

Claire’s body stiffened. The waitress might as well have added, “Like me, perhaps?” She was blatantly ogling Dylan like he was a yummy meal and she couldn’t wait to dig in.

Hands off, bee-otch.

The streak of possessiveness that shot through Claire’s body was unexpected, not to mention unwelcome, and she received a great amount of satisfaction when Dylan barely glanced at the blonde and said, “Naah, I’m good.”

Noticeably disappointed, the waitress flounced off.

The moment she was gone, Aidan cast Claire a sidelong look. “I felt that,” he murmured.

“Felt what?”

“Yeah, felt what?” Dylan chimed in.

A slow grin curved Aidan’s mouth. “Little Miss Claire got all tense when that chick was flirting with you.”

Dylan turned to her in extreme fascination. “Is that so?”

As usual, Claire’s cheeks flamed up. “I did not.”

“Yes, you did,” Aidan said cheerfully.

“Fine, so maybe I did. But that’s because she was practically undressing him with her eyes,” she grumbled. “It was very rude.”

“Yeah, I’m sure your RoboCop shoulders were a direct result of the waitress’s bad manners.” Grinning, Aidan picked up his knife and fork and sliced off a piece of the vegetable omelet he’d ordered.

“Made you jealous, huh?” Equally amused, Dylan dug into his own meal—a greasy bacon, egg and sausage combo that would probably give him cardiac arrest on the way home.

Claire gritted her teeth, grabbed the maple syrup container and dumped a generous amount of syrup on her stack of fluffy pancakes.

“That’s a lot of syrup,” Dylan remarked as he watched her pour.

Aidan nodded in agreement. “Careful, sweetheart, you don’t want your fingers to get all sticky.”

He said the word sticky in the most seductive tone, and a rush of heat traveled straight to her core.

Ignoring them both, she picked up her utensils and started eating.

“Aw, look at that blush, Aid. We’re making her mad.”

“Or turning her on,” Aidan countered.

Her thighs involuntarily squeezed together.

“Hmmm. Probably a little bit of both, I guess.”

“Naah, she’s not mad. That shade of red means annoyed.”

“True,” Dylan said. “And you’re right, the pink splotches on her neck are a definite sign she’s turned on.”

Claire’s fork clattered onto her plate. “She is sitting right here, assholes.”

“Is there something wrong with us analyzing your face’s various shades of red?” Dylan said silkily.

She turned to glare at Aidan in accusation. “You promised you wouldn’t seduce me.”

His laugh was downright mocking. “Trust me, Claire, this isn’t seduction.”

“No? So teasing me in public and getting me all hot is, what, normal lunch etiquette?”

“Yep,” they said in unison.

She grabbed her fork and speared a piece of her pancake. “I hate you both,” she informed them.

Dylan just grinned. “No, you don’t.”

“No, you don’t,” Aidan echoed.

For one exasperating moment, she looked from one man to the other, noting their smug expressions, feeling the waves of sensuality rolling off their big, hard bodies. As usual, her body reacted, breasts growing heavy, pussy tingling, heart squeezing with both heat and emotion.

She didn’t understand it. The all-consuming lust, the relentless need, the strange rush of tenderness. But damn it, they were right. She didn’t hate them at all.

What she hated was the way they made her feel.

When Natasha called later that evening, Claire practically dove off the leather couch to grab her cell phone from the coffee table. It was only ten o’clock, but she’d been looking for an excuse to disappear into her bedroom for hours now. She didn’t even care that Aidan was looking at her with that knowing expression. Maybe if he dialed down his potent sexuality, she wouldn’t have to seek any escape she could.

The remainder of her day with the men had only grown more and more intolerable, what with their constant teasing and the way they’d “innocently” kept brushing up against her the entire time they’d put up and decorated the tree. As a result, she’d spent the whole evening so turned on she couldn’t walk without her pussy aching or take a breath without her breasts tingling.

Fortunately, Dylan had left around eight o’clock to meet “the boys”, as he called them, which left only Aidan to contend with. He’d stayed behind to do some work in his office, then talked her into watching a movie with him under the romantic glow of the Christmas tree lights. And of course, he’d made sure to sit directly beside her when he had a whole other couch and two armchairs to choose from.

For some reason, the men had chosen today to break their no-seduction promise, and Claire got the feeling she was two heated looks and double entendres away from caving.

Unless Natasha could talk her out of it, which she was banking on.

“Hi!” she said eagerly. “What’s up?”

Natasha’s laughter tickled her eardrum. “Wow, you sound ridiculously happy to hear from me. Miss me much?”

“Miss you tons,” she confessed.

“Right back atcha, hon. I have some time before I start my shift so I figured I’d call and see how you’re holding up.”

“What time is it there? Oh, and I’m fine.”

“It’s just past five in the morning, and you don’t sound fine at all. Your voice is doing that weird grumble it does when you’re annoyed. I guess you heard from Chris, huh?”

“Actually, I haven’t. Not even a text since he went to Aruba. I’m assuming he’s on his way to London now for the second leg of our honeymoon.”



“Are you still in San Diego with Chris’s brother?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think I’ll be staying for much longer.” She hesitated, sighed, then decided not to beat around the bush. “I had sex with him.”

Nothing but silence echoed on the extension.

“Nat? You still there?”

“Still here. You’re joking, right?”

“I’m afraid not.”

“You…you really had sex with Chris’s brother?”

“I really had sex with Chris’s brother.”

“Wow. I have no idea what to say to that, except maybe…are you fucking nuts?”

“I’ve been asking myself that same question ever since it happened. And before you say anything else, you should probably know that it gets worse.”

“Is that even possible? Oh my God, hold on. I want to light up a smoke so my brain can calmly absorb all of this.”

There was a rustling on the line, followed by the hiss of a lighter, and then Natasha’s intake of breath, a familiar sound that had Claire shaking her head in disapproval.

“You’re smoking again?” she accused her best friend. “You said you quit.”

“Can you lecture me about it another time? Right now I need you to tell me what the hell is going on over there.”

“Like I said, I slept with Dylan.”

“Mmm-hmmm, we’ve already got that part down. What else?”

“Well, he has a roommate…Aidan…And I—”

“You slept with his roommate too?” Natasha exclaimed.

“No, no, I didn’t. I mean, I kissed him, but—”

“You kissed him?”

“Argh, would you let me finish already? Because I really need your help here, Nat.”

“Sorry. Keep going.”

It took ten minutes for Claire to describe—in great detail—the insane situation she’d found herself in, and when she finally wrapped up, Natasha sounded utterly stunned.

“Wow. So the two of them want to fuck you together?”


“And you’re attra
cted to both of them?”

She sighed. “Yup.”

“What are they like?” her friend asked curiously.

Claire chewed on her bottom lip for a moment. “They’re both pretty wonderful. Dylan is the more easygoing of the two. We bicker a lot, but he’s so much fun to be around, and he’s sweet and sexy and…”

She drifted off, still pondering. “Aidan is more serious, but equally awesome. Something about his intensity makes me feel…protected. Except I feel that way with Dylan too. He’s so relaxed on the surface, but I know he could kill a man without batting an eye. They both can.” She moaned. “And that turns me on, by the way! Why does that turn me on?”

“Because military men are hot,” Natasha said frankly.

“Says the lesbian.”

“Hey, just because I’m into chicks doesn’t mean I can’t find men attractive.”

“Fair enough. Besides, you’re right. They are hot. They’re so fucking hot I’m going crazy. I need your advice. Tell me what you think about all this.”

“Okay, well, this is a no-brainer. You—”

“Have to say no,” she finished.

“—have to say yes.”

Claire’s jaw dropped. “Wait, what?”

“You have to say yes. Duh.”

“How is that duh? Are you seriously encouraging me to have a threesome with them?”

“Hells to the yeah! Claire, you have two sexy dudes wanting to make you come every which way, and not only that, but they’re into making each other come every which way—do you realize how hot that is?”

“I cannot believe you’re saying this. You were supposed to talk me out of doing something crazy.”

“Why is it crazy? People have threesomes all the time.”

“Would you and Gwen want a random woman joining you in the bedroom?” Claire challenged.

“Sure, depending on who she was and if Gwen and I were both attracted to her. But neither of these guys is random. You’ve been living with them for more than a week. I say go for it. You’re entitled to have a little fun.”

“You’re a traitor,” she mumbled.

“Nope, just a woman who doesn’t think sex needs to be complicated.”

The sound of footsteps captured Claire’s attention, and a moment later, she heard male voices wafting from the other side of the apartment.

“Great, Dylan’s home,” she said gloomily. “Now they’ll gang up on me again.”

Natasha let out a delighted laugh. “Let them.”

She heard more footsteps, closer this time, then a low male chuckle that had definitely come from Aidan. She tensed, expecting a knock, but the men walked right past her door. A few seconds later, there was a loud clatter followed by a thump, as if something had been knocked over in the other room.

She frowned. “Nat, I have to go. I just heard a noise and I want to make sure everything’s okay.”

“No prob. Make sure to text me after the threesome, ’kay?”


“I’m serious. I’m going to want all the deets.”

Claire rolled her eyes and said goodbye, then left the bedroom and headed toward Aidan’s room. The door was ajar, which meant she had no problem hearing the male groan that rang out from within.

She froze in place. That hadn’t sounded like a groan of pain…at least not the kind of pain incurred by an injury.

Her pulse kicked up a gear.

Walk away, her common sense ordered.

Rather than take that very sound advice, she found herself creeping closer. It wouldn’t hurt to take a quick peek, would it? Just to make sure the boys really were okay? Because she’d definitely heard a crash. And a thump. And she’d be a bad person if she didn’t at least check to make sure that—

Jesus H. Christ.

A sense of déjà vu slammed into her as her eyes encountered a very familiar scene.

Heart thudding, she hovered just out of sight of the doorway, but in a position that allowed her to see inside Aidan’s room.

Up against the tall oak dresser, the two men were locked in a passionate embrace that sent a bolt of desire straight to her core. Claire forgot how to breathe as she watched the hottest make-out session ever unfold before her eyes. Groans of pleasure drifted into the hall, then a series of tortured expletives as the men began clawing at each other’s clothes.

Pants hit the floor. Shirts were whipped aside. Boxers disappeared.

Her entire body burned as if she’d stepped into a raging inferno.

Naked. Oh God, they were naked now, but she only had a view of Aidan’s back. And backside. Holy hell, he had the greatest ass, round and tight and sexy. Dylan must have agreed, because his hands instantly slid down to squeeze those taut buttocks.

They kissed again and the flash of tongue she glimpsed made her swallow a moan. She needed to walk away. Now. Right now.

But her feet stayed rooted to the hardwood.

“Suck my cock.” Dylan’s low command sent a shiver running through her.

“Ask me nicely,” came Aidan’s mocking response.

“Get down on your knees, Aid, and suck my goddamn cock.”

Every muscle in Claire’s body tightened with anticipation. The loud pounding of her heart muffled their voices, so she inched closer, needing to hear what they were saying.

“I fucking love drunk Dylan,” Aidan growled. “Always going all alpha on me.”

“Good for you, man. Now suck drunk Dylan’s cock.”

When Aidan dropped to his knees, Claire almost fainted.

Stars danced in front of her eyes, bothersome white dots that made everything look hazy. She blinked rapidly to clear her vision. No way was she missing a second of this. No. Fucking. Way.

She watched Aidan grip the root of Dylan’s erection with one hand. Ever so slowly, he leaned in and wrapped his lips around that glistening mushroom tip.

Her mouth fell open as Aidan’s head began to move up and down Dylan’s cock. He sucked with fervor, using his fist to pump the thick shaft on every upstroke, and each time his mouth enveloped the entire hard length, Dylan groaned with abandon.

“Fuck, yeah. Oh Jesus, keep doing that, man.”

Man. Not baby or some other endearment, Claire noted, and that hoarse syllable merely underlined what she was witnessing. A man giving another man a blowjob.

Natasha was right. There was nothing freaking hotter.

Dylan began moving his hips and fucking the other man’s mouth in earnest, his hands thrusting into Aidan’s dark hair to control the pace.

Claire couldn’t look away. Couldn’t focus on anything other than the long, glistening cock tunneling in and out of Aidan’s accommodating mouth. When Dylan let out a strangled curse, she managed to wrench her gaze up so she could see his expression. The look on his face stole the breath right out of her lungs. Raw pleasure, pure lust.

Her gazed drifted back to Aidan, whose head was bobbing, whose enthusiasm floored her, whose erection was unmistakable as it slapped his belly with his every move. She wouldn’t have expected him to be the submissive one, the one on his knees moaning as Dylan’s dirty commands directed his movements.

Ironically, the second she made the observation, it got turned on its head.

“I need you in me,” Dylan mumbled.

Claire’s breath caught. She thought she might have misheard him, but then he repeated himself, leaving no doubt as to what he wanted.

“God, Aidan, I need you in me. Come up here and fuck me, damn it.”

Chapter Eleven

Dylan was aroused to the point of pain, his balls harder than bowling balls, every drop of blood in his body pooling and throbbing in his dick. He totally regretted having a few beers with Cash and the boys at their favorite dive bar tonight. Alcohol always turned him into a raging horndog, as all his buddies could confirm, and though he wasn’t one for melodrama, he knew that if he didn’t come soon, he might actually die.

“You want me in your ass, huh?” Ai
dan’s voice was all gravel as he rose to his full height, putting them at eye level.

Knots of anticipation formed in Dylan’s groin. “Yes. I want you in my ass.”

His gaze dropped to Aidan’s cock, eight inches of rock-hard power. He bit back a moan as he watched that cock grow even fuller, a pearl of moisture seeping from its tip.

“Goddammit, Aid, stop standing there and give it to me.”

Amusement flickered in Aidan’s chocolate-brown eyes before darkening into sinful promise. “Turn around. Put your hands on the dresser and don’t move.”

Taking a breath, Dylan did as ordered. He braced both palms on top of the sleek oak and waited. Listened to the sound of Aidan’s footsteps heading for the bed, the creak of a drawer, the ripping of a condom wrapper and the plastic snap of a tube opening.

When warm hands caressed his back, he sucked his breath in. Continued to wait with patience he certainly didn’t feel. He wanted to bring one hand to his cock and jack off, but Aidan had told him not to move, and there was something wickedly erotic about being at the other man’s mercy, letting Aidan control when and how he came.

Aidan’s breath tickled the nape of his neck as the man moved closer. The feel of an erection pressing against his ass cheeks made him shudder.

“Stop being a cocktease. Give me what I want.”

There was a husky chuckle. “How bad do you want it?”

Aidan’s hands slowly traveled down to Dylan’s ass, giving it a light squeeze.

He groaned. “So goddamn bad.”

When slick fingers slid between his ass cheeks and probed his entrance, his head fell forward, the anticipation growing, surging in his veins.

Aidan took his time getting him ready, using a generous amount of lubrication for easier penetration, teasing Dylan’s asshole by pushing just the tip of one finger inside.

“I love this tight ass,” Aidan muttered. “Feels so good clamped around my cock.”

Dylan groaned with impatience, ready to burst, ready to beg, but before he could voice his frustration, Aidan slipped two fingers inside and started fucking him with them.

“Oh fuck,” Dylan moaned. The slight burning sensation gave way to ripples of pleasure that pulsated in his ass and cock.