Page 28

Hot Ticket: Sinners on Tour (The Sinners on Tour) Page 28

by Olivia Cunning

“It’s in the past, baby. I love you today. Right now,” she murmured, touching his face. “That’s what’s important.” He gazed at her in the dim light filtering through the blinds. He looked miserable to the depths of his soul.

“You still love me?” he said breathlessly.

“I do.”

“Even knowing…” He swallowed.

“I told you that you can tell me anything. It makes me sad that you’re hurting, and I’m sorry you don’t have any close family. At least you have your band—and me. We’re your family.”

“Nice sentiment, Aggie, but I’m not really that close to the guys. They tolerate me—”

Aggie covered his mouth. “Okay, I said you could tell me anything, but that doesn’t mean you can lie. You are close to the guys. They adore you and would do anything for you. You just won’t let them in. You’ve let me in. It’s not so bad, is it?”

“It’s different with you, Aggie. You’ve proven to me time after time that you accept me for who I am. The guys? They don’t even know who I am.”

“You could let them get to know you. You can trust them. They won’t hurt you.”

“Maybe.” He didn’t look convinced.

“What are you afraid of?”


“Do you think if they saw behind your wall that they’d replace you in the band?”

He hesitated and then nodded slightly.

“You obviously have a pretty low opinion of your bandmates.”

A spark of anger touched his eyes. “What do you mean? I think the world of them. I’d give my life for any one of them.”

“Yet you won’t even let them see the real you. Do you think they have any idea how you feel about them?”

“Do they need to know? I idolize them. It’s embarrassing.”

He’d never learned to show affection as a child. No one had ever shown him any, so he didn’t know how and didn’t recognize it. That’s why he didn’t understand that the guys were showing him affection when they teased him. Maybe the guys would help her. She wasn’t sure how she could get them to cooperate. But she wanted that for Jace. He needed to recognize the love in his life. She could have been selfish and kept him all to herself. He might even be happy with only her to confide in, but he needed a bigger support network. Latching on too hard to one person could be devastating when things didn’t work out as planned or circumstances tore people apart. Jace needed supportive people in his life. He’d been alone for far too long. Perhaps he’d let his bandmates in one at a time.

“I’m glad you told me what happened to your father.” She needed to shift the focus away from the dead. Help him concentrate on the living. “What happened to you after he passed on? Did you live with relatives?”

He shook his head. “I don’t have any living relatives who claim me. My mother’s family disowned her when she ran away from Croatia to come to America. She left some local villager at the altar or something. I remember her bringing that up when she argued with Dad. Dad’s parents worked hard and died young.” Jace rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. “So I stayed in a group home until I turned eighteen, and then I was out on my own.”

She cuddled against his side and kissed his shoulder. “The first time I saw you, I knew you’d been forced to grow up too fast.”

She watched the emotions play across his face. He obviously had more demons to exorcise.

“What was the group home like?” she asked.

He shrugged. “Fight or die. I decided to fight.”

“Didn’t you make any friends there?”

He shook his head. “There was a reason we were the unwanted. I had my bass guitar. I dug it out of the trash. It was the only thing that survived the fire. And it was enough.”

Aggie wondered how he hadn’t ended up a mass murderer. How many traumatic experiences could one kid bear? And now here she was getting him shot and messing up what he’d worked so hard to achieve.

“You’re not unwanted. I want you, Jace.”

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He took her hand and squeezed it, but said nothing. She lay there, thinking of a way to get him closer to his bandmates. He seemed to identify most with Eric. Probably because neither had parents. Or maybe Jace and Brian could connect over Kara.

“Does Brian know you dated his sister?”

“God, I hope not. He thinks she was a perfect angel. I wouldn’t want to taint his memory.”

“His memory?”

“Kara died in a car accident. I never saw her again after our night together. I got too rough with her. Hurt her. Scared her. She called me a freak and told me she never wanted to see me again.” He caught her eye. “I’ll shut up now. Nothing worse than discussing old relationships with your girlfriend.”

“I’m sorry she died. She must have been so young.”


Too young. “Did you love her?”


“And she made you happy?”

“For a little while.”

Aggie smiled sadly. “Then I’m grateful to her for that. But you are not a freak. I happen to like it when you’re rough.”

“That’s ’cause you’re a freak too.”

She laughed and nudged him in the ribs with her elbow. “Hey.”

“I think we belong together, Aggie.”

“I don’t think so.”

His body stiffened. She placed a hand on his chest and lifted her body to look him in the eyes.

“I know so,” she said. He smiled, and she melted. They stared into each other’s eyes until his cheeks went pink, and he looked away.

She decided that connecting Jace with Brian, using Kara as common ground, wasn’t the best idea. She shifted to plan B. “You know who’s a lot like you?”

His brows drew together as he contemplated her question.


“Eric?” Jace laughed. “I was forced to grow up too fast. He never grew up at all.”

“He’s living his childhood now, since he didn’t have one as a kid. He’s coping with some of the same stuff you’ve been through in an entirely different way.”

“Aggie, you should have been a shrink. How do you know all this?”

She smiled and lowered her head to flick her tongue across his nipple ring. “I think they’d take my license away as soon as I took my whip to a client. But I suppose I do help men with certain components of their psychology—in an unconventional way.”

“And I’m your magnum opus, I presume.”

She shook her head. “You’re my heart, baby.”

He wrapped his good arm around her and drew her onto his chest. His heart thudded against her shoulder as he kissed her forehead tenderly. “I don’t deserve you.”

“I think I should be the judge of that.”

Aggie’s hand slid down his flat stomach, finding all his ticklish spots with ease. She wanted to hear him laugh. Maybe someday he’d manage it without her resorting to tickling.

The door opened, and Eric poked his head in. “Sounds like someone is having fun.”

Jace’s laughter died, and he grabbed Aggie’s wrists to cease her tickling. He picked his cuff off the mattress and hurried to secure it around his scarred wrist. Aggie offered him a sad smile and fastened it for him.

Wearing nothing but his black boxer briefs, Eric entered the room and closed the door behind him. “Can I come in?”

“Aren’t you already in?” Aggie asked.

“I meant in the covers.”

“We aren’t doing anything,” Jace said. “Just talking.”

“You? Talking? I didn’t know you knew how.” He crossed the room and dove across the bed beside them. “I’m so bored. Entertain me.”

“You? Bored?” Jace said. “I didn’t know you knew how.”

Eric laughed and punched him in the shoulder. “It’s all Sed’s fault. Since he and Jessica got engaged, the only action he’s been getting is between his ear an
d his hand.”

Aggie cocked a brow at him. “His ear?”

“You’re lucky you’ve been allowed to use the bedroom this whole leg of the tour. You don’t have to listen to him whispering into his phone all hours of the night and jerking off.”

“Ah, phone sex. I would like to listen to that actually,” Aggie said with a grin. “I bet he really gets into it.”

“Actually, he tries to be quiet, but we all know what he’s doing.” Eric rolled his eyes. “Like Jessica would know if he fucked a groupie or two.”

“She’d know.” Jace chuckled. “Sed can never hide a guilty conscious.”

“This is true,” Eric said.

“You guys really don’t have any privacy on this bus, do you?” Aggie asked.

“Nope. It’s been the downfall of many bands. It’s good we tolerate each other so well,” Eric said. “I really miss Sed’s performances though. And I don’t mean his vocals. But I guess you two will have to do. Get busy.” He propped his head on one hand and lifted his eyebrows.

“We really weren’t doing anything but talking,” Aggie said.

“What were you talking about?”

Her opening with Eric presented itself, so she took it. “Jace’s father. How he died.”

Eric glanced at Jace. “How?”

“I don’t like to talk about it,” Jace said.

“Do you have any other family?”

“Nope. No parents. No family.”

Jace wriggled to get up, but Aggie sprawled her body over his and rested her head on his shoulder. She lay there like a dead weight to keep him from avoiding this conversation.

“Did you go into foster care?” Eric asked.

“I was fifteen with a criminal record. No one wanted to open their home to a derelict. I stayed in a group home for almost three years.”

“Did you serve jail time?”

“Juvenile hall for a few months. For a couple of shoplifting charges—nothing too exciting.”

“The key to being a good shoplifter is not to get caught.”

“You shoplifted?”

“I was a holy terror as a kid,” Eric said.

Jace snorted and stopped trying to weasel out from beneath Aggie. “Nothing’s changed.”

Eric chuckled. “Maybe, but I don’t steal anymore. I’ve found other ways to get attention.”

“So you never got caught?”

“I didn’t say I was a good shoplifter. I got caught more than once. One of the many reasons I was shuffled from foster home to foster home. Never had to stay in a group home though. I hear those places are pretty rough.”

Jace shrugged. “I lived.”

“So how’d your dad die?”

“None of your bus—”

Aggie covered Jace’s mouth with her hand. “He died in a fire,” she said.

“Oh man, that would be a horrible way to go. Really sorry you lost him.”

Jace tore Aggie’s hand from his mouth. “Why? He was an abusive son of a bitch.”

“Maybe. But he was your father. I’m sure you didn’t want him to die.”

“You would be wrong.”

No, not the tough guy, Jace. Let your heart show, baby.

“Well, whatever. Are you two going to get down to business now, or do I have to go watch boring Internet porn?”

And now she’d lost Eric too. This was going to be more challenging than Aggie realized. She had to lower Jace’s defenses and raise Eric’s sensitivity. No problem. Yeah, right. Maybe some sexual intimacy would work—at least for getting Jace to relax. When she kissed him, his entire body stiffened. Well, except for the part she wanted to stiffen.

She lifted her head to look at him and found him glaring at her.

“What’s wrong?”

He glanced at Eric and then back at her. “Maybe I don’t appreciate you telling people about my personal business.”

“Don’t know what the big deal is, little man. It’s cool,” Eric said. “I’m sure your past isn’t half as depressing as mine was, but who gives a fuck? It’s over, and you can’t change it, so forget about it. Don’t take it out on Aggie.”

She looked at Eric. “No, Jace is right. If I crossed the line, then he has the right to call me on it.” Her gaze shifted to Jace, who looked stunned by her words. “I apologize for interfering.” But that didn’t mean she was going to stop.

“It’s okay,” he said quietly, his eyes downcast.

This time when she kissed him, he responded with enthusiasm. He was so forgiving of everyone else. Why couldn’t he forgive himself? She kissed her way to his ear. The one on the opposite side of where Eric was lounging, so Eric didn’t overhear.

“I love you.” She felt Jace’s face grow warm against her cheek as he blushed. Ah God, he was so damn cute. She sucked his earlobe in her mouth, flicking his small hoop earring with her tongue. His cock stirred against her hip. She brushed her nose against his face as she whispered, “Do you want Eric to leave us alone? I’ll kick him out.”

“He can stay.”

“Booyah!” Eric climbed from the bed and started removing things from the side table drawer. “I’m so fucking horny, I can hardly stand it.”

Aggie chuckled and lifted her head to peer into the drawer. “Anything cherry-flavored in there?”

“If you use all of Trey’s cherry-flavored oil, he’ll never forgive you.”

“I’ll risk it.”

Eric placed a tube in her outstretched hand.

She tossed the covers aside and slid down Jace’s body. “Your turn, baby. I owe you some pleasure after last night.”

“Did I miss something good?” Eric asked.

She drizzled cherry flavoring down Jace’s hardening cock. “You missed something phenomenal, but I wouldn’t have wanted you there anyway. The only one who gets to see me beg is Jace.”

She loved the self-satisfied grin that crossed Jace’s face. “I got plenty of pleasure out of the experience,” he murmured. “You don’t owe me—”

Jace gasped as she drew his cock into her mouth. He was rock hard in an instant.

“Hey, wait for me,” Eric complained. He settled on the bed beside them, his head even with Jace’s hip as he observed Aggie’s motions. Aggie watched Eric out of the corner of her eye. He squirted oil in his palm and grabbed his cock, then stroked it with the same rhythm Aggie had found to pleasure Jace. She closed her eyes, focusing her attention on bringing Jace the most pleasure. She ran her hands over his narrow hips, drawing her thumbs over the ridges of his hip bones beneath his skin. He shuddered and grabbed her hair. She sucked him harder. His ragged breathing told her he was close. She pulled away and blew cool breaths over the head of his cock. Jace twitched uncontrollably for several moments until he regained control. Aggie held the base of his cock, rubbing her thumb up and down the underside. She drew the head into her mouth, working it between her tongue and the roof of her mouth, applying a light suction. She listened to his breathing as his excitement built again, waiting until he was close to letting go before drawing away. She eased his legs apart, dribbled cherry-flavored oil over his balls, then sucked and licked it off until he was writhing his hips in torment.

“What do you want, baby?” she murmured, licking the crease between his balls and continuing up the underside of his cock. “Tell me.”

“Pussy,” he gasped.

She grinned. “Mine?”

“Yes, yes. Please.”

She moved up his body and straddled his hips. He grabbed his cock and directed it into her wet opening. He arched his back and thrust upward. She didn’t drop down to meet him, but held her body suspended over his and watched him lift his hips to fuck her deeply.

She touched his face. “Settle down, baby. I’ve got you.”

“Ah, Aggie, I can’t take it.”

He relaxed into the mattress after a moment. She sank down to take him deep. Her head fell back in ecstasy. She had wanted him to receive all the pleasure this morning, but there was no wa
y not to take some for herself when he was buried inside her.

Eric shifted and rested his head on Jace’s abdomen.

Jace tensed. “What are you doing?”

“I can see better from here,” he said.

“Get off me.”

“Don’t deny me this, buddy. Please. I’m dying here.”

Jace stuffed the sheet under Eric’s head so his bare cheek wasn’t touching Jace’s naked belly. He made no further protest.

Aggie began to move. She couldn’t decide which was sexier, Jace’s face as she took him deep into her body, or Eric’s as he watched and stroked his cock enthusiastically.

“You know why porn is so boring?” Eric asked. “There’s no smell.” He shifted his face closer to Aggie’s pussy and inhaled. His eyes drifted closed. “Even more than the sights and sounds, it’s the fucking scent that I can’t get enough of. Or the taste.” His tongue brushed against Aggie’s clit, and she shuddered.

Jace grabbed a handful of Eric’s hair and yanked him backward. “You’re supposed to watch, not participate.”

“I can’t taste if I don’t participate.”

“Too bad.”

Aggie was a little disappointed that Jace had stopped Eric. Her clit throbbed with excitement. She began to rise and fall faster over Jace’s thick cock, rotating her hips to rub herself against his pubic bone with each downward motion. Eric had stopped stroking his cock. His oil-slick hand slid over Aggie’s hip to her ass. Aggie’s eyes met Eric’s, and he smiled at her knowingly. Her gaze shifted to Jace. He had his eyes closed and was completely unaware that Eric was touching her, sliding his fingertips down the crack of her ass, slipping the tip of one long finger into her ass. She groaned and rocked backward. His finger slid deeper. Aggie’s eyes drifted closed.

“What are you doing?” Jace asked.

“Her ass is lonely, Jace. Look at her. She likes it. She wants it.”

She did, but only if Jace was okay with it. Eric slid a second finger into her ass, and she shuddered.

“Do you like that?” Jace asked.

She bit her lip and nodded slightly.

“Okay, then.”

Eric shifted, and his fingers slid deeper.