Page 18

Healing the Broken: A Kindred Christmas Tale Page 18

by Evangeline Anderson

He kissed her gently on the lips, sharing a bit of her secret flavor with her, and then pulled the coverlet up to her shoulders. His shaft was still throbbing between his thighs but he could take care of that later—and he fully intended to while he relived the experience of tasting Sarah’s sweet pussy and feeling her come all over his face.

Mine, he thought again, reaching down to stroke her flushed cheek. You’re mine, Sarah and I’ll never let you go…

Chapter Fifteen

Sarah woke up from the strangest, most embarrassing dream. Something about her boss biting her panties off and then licking her between her legs…

Just a dream she told herself uneasily. It was just a dream…right?

She stirred and found that she was in a strange bed, not at all like the sagging cot she’d slept in at the Compound. It didn’t feel like the hard, narrow bed she’d been given at the shelter either, though. It was soft and squishy and warm but not wet—just jiggly.

It’s like I’m sleeping on Jell-o, Sarah thought sleepily. She rolled over and found that the Jell-o bed gave alarmingly, moving like a wave in the ocean. Her momentum pitched her into the broad, bare back of the man sleeping beside her.

Wait a minute—man? Who was she sleeping with? And how had they ended up in bed together?

Then a warm, spicy scent hit her nose and everything came rushing back.

It’s Sazar! And we’re in bed together because we’re pretending to be a couple here on Alquon Ultrea.

Sarah was fully awake now and she became aware of something else—she was completely naked. Naked and plastered to her boss’s back with her bare breasts pressed against him and her crotch cupped against his extremely firm ass.

Oh God…oh no! She struggled to push away from him but the Jell-o bed kept pulling her back down with its odd wave-like motions. They were lying together in a big dip now, right in the middle of the strange mattress and there didn’t seem to be any way to extricate herself.

“Sarah?” a deep rumbling voice said, sounding sleepy and annoyed. “What in the Seven Hells are you doing?”

“Trying to get up.” She managed it at last and struggled to her feet just as he turned over.

Reflexively, she tried to cover herself with her hands. There was a dim light coming through the clear glass of the walls—not much, but enough to see by and she was suddenly ashamed.

He rolled over and regarded her, one black eyebrow raised quizzically.

“Why are you hiding yourself from me, sweetheart? I saw all of you last night. I tasted all of you.”

Sarah could feel her cheeks getting hot. She couldn’t believe what they’d done together. It went far past the bounds of their professional relationship of boss and assistant. Plus, she barely knew the big Kindred. She’d only been working for him for two days and she’d already fallen into bed with him—literally. What would he think of her?

Be careful, Sarah, whispered a little voice in her head. You know what happens to secretaries who get too familiar with their bosses.

She couldn’t help remembering Sister Hope, her belly swollen and her eyes red as Father Caleb sent her away, telling her that her “services” were no longer needed.

She needed to be careful here. Damn careful.

Sazar was still looking at her and he appeared to be about to speak.

“I…um… I have to use the restroom,” she said quickly, not waiting to hear what he had to say. “Sorry.” She fumbled under the wall hanging for the bathroom door and slipped inside, closing it firmly behind her.

She’d been making an excuse to get away but once she found herself in the bathroom, she realized she really did have to go. In fact, she thought she’d never had to pee so badly in her life.

Without thinking, she flipped up the lid of the black bench commode and sat down.

She was almost done peeing when she remembered the yeechees. All her muscles clenched and she stopped in mid-stream.

Then she heard a faint, angry hiss.

“Oh my God…oh no,” she whispered, tensing. What was she going to do? Could the weird, snake-like animals tell she hadn’t given them everything she had? Would she feel their little sharp fangs sinking into her bare behind any moment?

Quickly, she vaulted off the toilet and slammed the lid closed, panting. She could hold the rest until later, she told herself. Until she could find a toilet without snake-things in it. She wanted a shower anyway.

After about fifteen minutes of trying, she finally got the shower to work at a reasonable temperature. As she clambered carefully over the high side of the tub, she couldn’t forget how Sazar had held her in the pouring water the night before, letting her sob against his chest as he stroked her shaking shoulders and murmured sweet soothing nothings into her ear.

What was that name he called me? Something with an L—Lavnana? No…Ladara. That was it. What does that mean?

He had called her that more than once and he had been so gentle with her. Did it mean anything or was her cold, prickly boss just a nice guy under his tough exterior? Did he have any kind of feelings for her? The kind she was beginning to have for him even though she knew she really, really shouldn’t?

Sarah had no idea. She soaped herself with the white, puffy sponge which looked like a miniature cloud and then rinsed and climbed out again.

She wrapped another blue bath-sheet around herself and toweled her hair as dry as she could get it. Then she decided she couldn’t stay in here, hogging the bathroom forever. After all, Sazar probably had to use it too and he was in a much better—and safer—position to pee on the toilet eels or snakes or whatever than she was.

She came out of the bathroom and found him sitting up in the bed. He was naked too but he covered himself considerately with a discarded bath-sheet when she came in.

“Um, hi.” Sarah wasn’t sure what to say to him.

“Hello.” The big Kindred seemed uncertain as well.

“The, uh, bathroom is free if you need it.” She gestured lamely at the door.

“Oh. Thank you.” He rose and brushed past her, keeping himself covered as he went. Sarah breathed a sigh of something that was either relief or regret—she couldn’t tell which—when it snicked shut behind him.

She went to the closet and opened the cube, intending to get dressed and then remembered she couldn’t used the Alquon clothing Kat had packed for her or the clothes she’d bought herself on the Mother Ship.

With a deep sigh, she looked back in the closet. The gold lame' outfit was for the ball tonight but there was a new dress she hadn’t noticed the night before. Had Lemesh made her an extra one and sent it along with the rest? That seemed like something the Alquon clothier might do.

It was less flashy than the other outfits she’d worn—possibly the Alquon equivalent of a little black dress. It had a black jacket with long sleeves and a rounded back. The high collar which fastened at her throat was cut in an inverted V to show her breasts.

Sarah sighed in resignation as she put the jacket on. She was just going to have to get used to exposing herself while she was on Alquon Ultrea. But after a lifetime of shapeless clothes and body shame, it was really, really difficult to feel good about going around basically topless.

At least the float dots are still working, she thought, looking down at her full breasts which were still as firm-looking as ever. Lemesh had given her plenty of extras too. She would never have to wear a bra again if she didn’t want to.

Only I do want to, Sarah thought ruefully as she remembered the way Councilor Rando had pulled her breast chain and the creepy way The Lord Magnate had eyed her exposed assets. I wish I could wear one right now!

But there was no use wishing that. She had made the decision to stay here on Alquon Ultrea and she would have to deal with the consequences—one of which was walking around topless all day. With a sigh, she finished getting dressed.

She was mildly surprised to see that the bottom half of the outfit wasn’t a skirt but long silky slacks ma
de of black material which gathered in a cuff at her ankles.

“Huh,” Sarah muttered to herself, putting them on. “I dream of Jeanie pants.”

They did look like harem trousers and they would have been considerably more modest than the split skirts she’d been wearing—except for the fact that they were made of some black, translucent material which was pretty much see-through. There didn’t seem to be any panties to go with them either, though Sarah checked everywhere in the closet, hoping they might have fallen down behind her pink carry-all cube.

“What are you looking for?”

Sazar’s deep voice startled her so much she jumped and smacked her head on the closet’s shelf.

“Oh!” she gasped, putting a hand to the back of her head.

“Are you hurt? I didn’t mean to startle you. Here—let me see.”

He came to her, wearing a towel around his waist and leaned over to study the back of her head, where she’d hit herself.

Sarah found herself practically in his arms with her face to his broad chest and her sensitive nipples brushing against the rock-hard plane of his abdomen.

“I…I’m fine,” she tried to explain but Sazar wouldn’t be satisfied until he was certain she wasn’t bleeding. The warm, spicy scent of his skin invaded her senses and seemed to do strange things to her. She felt weak in the knees and every time her nipples brushed his skin electrical shocks ran through her, making her feel hot and helpless.

“Well…just a bump.” At last he released her. “What were you looking for, anyway?”

“Oh nothing,” Sarah said quickly. “I mean, I just thought…I was hoping…” She cleared her throat, miserably aware that she was babbling. “I was looking to see if there were any, uh, panties to go with this outfit Lemesh left me,” she said at last, gesturing to herself. “But, well…there aren’t.”

“The Alquons certainly seem intent on exposing and objectifying their females,” Sazar remarked, frowning. Then his face softened. “But you look lovely in that outfit—whatever it’s supposed to be.”

“Thank you,” Sarah murmured, feeling her cheeks get hot at his compliment.

“You’re welcome,” he murmured. “Well, let me get dressed myself and I’ll help you with your jewelry.”

“Oh…oh of course.” Somehow she’d managed to forget she wasn’t completely dressed yet—she couldn’t go out without her breast chain fixed firmly in place. Just thinking of how he would have to “help” her made Sarah feel hot and cold all over. Especially when she remembered the way this scenario had ended the night before.

She fixed her damp hair into a bun at the back of her neck and tried not to think about it as the big Kindred got dressed.

Sazar chose a dark blue robe and trousers edged in silver from the carry-all cube. It made his pale eyes ice blue and Sarah couldn’t help thinking how handsome he was. His black hair was so thick and dark in contrast to his pale skin…wait a minute, he was pale—much paler than he had been. Did he need blood? Should she ask him? She’d taken her blood capsule so she ought to be well able to supply him…

Her thoughts trailed off when he sat on the chair he’d used the night before and motioned to her.

“Come, Sarah—let me help you. We need to go out and find something for First meal since we didn’t get anything to eat the night before. And…”

“And I can’t go out without my jewelry,” Sarah murmured, finishing his thought.

“Exactly. Bring the compound too please.”

“Oh, I can do that part myself.”

Wincing at the icy liquid, Sarah sprayed her nipples with the black bottle of compound and then came to stand between his legs with the gold bands and breast chain clutched in one hand.

“Shall I make it quick?” Sazar raised one black arched eyebrow questioningly. Sarah realized he was trying to gauge her mood—to see what she wanted.

I want you! she thought but didn’t dare to say.

“I…I don’t…I mean, it’s probably better if…if you go slower, don’t you think?” she asked at last, stumbling over the words. “I mean it’s more, uh, thorough that way.”

“As you say…more thorough,” Sazar murmured, his eyes going half-lidded with desire. “Very well—slowly then. Come here so I can reach you better.”

Before Sarah could protest, he had gathered her up and she was somehow straddling his lap with her hands on his shoulders and her breasts in his face. The position spread her legs wide and she could feel her pussy lips parting which she knew would be completely visible through the see-through harem trousers.

“Oh,” she moaned as Sazar sucked her right nipple into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around and around her pink peak before sucking hard—so hard that points of his fangs pricked against her skin.

His fangs, she thought and suddenly she wanted to be pierced by them again. Despite the pain, she wanted it.

“Do…do you need blood?”

The words came out before Sarah could stop them. When Sazar pulled away, letting her nipple slip from between his lips, his eyes had gone a deep, pulsing red.

“What did you say?” His voice was a soft, low growl.

“I…I just thought…” Sarah wished her heart wouldn’t pound so hard—it made it difficult to get a deep breath. “I could feel your…your fangs,” she explained at last, haltingly. “And the lights around here are so bright and we were out in them for so long yesterday and vampires aren’t good with sunlight. Not that you’re a vampire,” she said quickly. Oh God, she was making this worse and worse. “But I just thought…”

She trailed off, feeling miserable. Why had she brought it up anyway? Why hadn’t she just let him put the nipple bands on her and ignored the prick of his fangs?

For a moment, Sazar was silent, his eyes a burning red as he looked at her.

“I drank from you only a day ago,” he said at last.

“I know that,” Sarah whispered. “But I thought you might need…need more.”

“It’s not in your employment contract to allow me to drink from you more than once a week,” he pointed out.

“I know,” Sarah said again. “But, well, I don’t care about that.”

“We’re not mated so your body won’t replenish itself as it would if I claimed you. You’ll get depleted if you give me too much blood,” he pointed out.

“No I won’t. Liv—that’s Olivia, Sophie’s sister—is a nurse. She gave me a special capsule that helps me make blood faster.”

His eyebrows shot up and he frowned.

“She did, did she? What business is it of hers?”

“She…she wasn’t trying to be nosey,” Sarah said quickly. “She said Commander Sylvan helped develop them. Look…the point is I can give you blood. If…if you need it.”

“So you’re offering?” His eyes had gone half-lidded. “Despite the pain?”

Sarah nodded. “If…if you want some…need some, then I want to give you some.”

“Very well—give me your arm.” He reached for her right arm but Sarah drew back.

“Wait. Can you…could you…” Her mouth went dry and she couldn’t finish.

“Could I what? Tell me, Sarah—don’t be afraid. I won’t be angry at anything you ask,” he murmured.

“Could you, uh, take it from here?” She nodded down at her right nipple, which he had been sucking so deeply. “If…if you wanted to?”

He raised his eyebrows. “I can call a vein anywhere on your body. The question is, do you want me to bite you here?” One long finger stroked over her nipple, making Sarah moan.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Yes, I want that.”

His eyes went even hotter but his voice was very soft.

“It’s a very sensitive area. I can’t make it pleasurable for you unless you’re my—”

He stopped short and Sarah wondered what he had been about to say.

“I mean, I cannot give you pleasure as I bite you unless I am…touching you intimately.”

�How,” Sarah breathed. “Show me.”

One big, warm hand came up to cup her pussy through the silky, transparent trousers.

“Like this,” Sazar growled softly. “If I’m bringing you pleasure, you won’t feel pain when my fangs pierce you here.” He nodded at her breast. “If I’m not, the sensation may be…too intense for you to bear.”

“I want to try it,” Sarah said. She could hardly believe she was being so bold but she couldn’t help herself—she wanted the big Kindred—wanted to feel his mouth and hands on her again.

“As you wish,” he breathed and then his hand was slipping into her trousers to cup her bare pussy as he sucked her nipple back into his mouth.

Sarah moaned as two long, strong fingers found her pussy lips and parted them to stroke her aching clit. At the same time, she felt Sazar’s fangs again, much more sharply than before.

“Oh!” she gasped and threaded her fingers through his thick hair. “Oh God, Sazar, yes!”

His fingers were strumming lightly over her swollen bud, caressing and teasing her, pushing her to that peak again—the one he’d helped her finally reach last night.

Coming…he called it coming, she thought deliriously. I’m going to come again if he keeps this up.

She felt a sharp pain in her breast which turned immediately to pleasure. And then, suddenly, she was there—at the peak and flying over as Sazar drank deeply from her and stroked her quivering pussy as she moaned and writhed in his lap, unable to help herself…unable to stop herself…

“Hello? You two? Commander Sazar? Sarah?”

The voice at the door of their room and the light rapping of someone knocking on their door broke through Sarah’s euphoria as suddenly as though someone had dumped a bucket of ice water on her head.

“Oh no!” she gasped, wriggling in Sazar’s lap. “Quick—what if she catches us?”

He let her breast slip from his mouth and licked his lips, still holding her tightly to him.

“What if she does?” he said thickly. “We’re supposed to be pair partners—a couple. Remember?”