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Goode To Be Bad Page 29

by Jasinda Wilder


“Are you still a virgin?”

“Shut up.”

“You are!” she squealed. “Oh my god! I thought for sure you’d done it with Max.”

“He wants to,” I muttered, hating this conversation with all my soul. “But I’m not in love with him. I don’t even really like him—not like that. He’s just a friend. And it’s fun messing around. But if and when I give a man my virginity, I want it to mean something. I’ve waited this long, I mean god, I’m almost twenty. Practically an old maid. If it happens now, it’s going to be meaningful.”

“Your first time probably won’t be this magical thing, Tor. I’m not trying to ruin any dreams here, but—”

My face was on fire. “I know, okay? I’m not some little girl daydreaming of Prince Charming, here.”

“Tor, we gotta talk when you get up here.”

“Not about this we don’t.”

“Fine, fine. I’ll drop it. I can see you blushing from here. But…promise me you won’t change your mind on this?” She sounded oddly serious. “Promise me, swear to me, you won’t just give it away to the first hot, charming guy who kisses you just right. Make it worthwhile. Promise me.”

I was baffled. “You sound like you’re about to cry, Lex.”

“Shut the fuck up and swear.” She was crying, softly, and choking it back, but I could tell she was emotional. And Lex NEVER cried.


“Yeah, yeah—I promise.”


“I swear on Dad’s grave it’ll mean something, okay?” I was shaken by her sudden intensity on this. “Lex, what’s—?”

“Another time. You just keep that promise, sis. That’s what matters, here.” And now she was bright and chipper again. “And…that you get your cute little butt up here for my wedding.”

“My butt is neither small nor cute, I’m afraid,” I said. “So don’t go buying any size zero bridesmaid dress for me, because I done gained a few, Lex.”

“Oh shut up, I saw you six months ago and you’re smaller than me. And no bridesmaid dresses. We’re going informal.”

“Thank fuck.”

She laughed. “I gotta go.”

“Me too. I need breakfast, and to process that my sister is getting married to a famous country singer with his own jet—and figure out how I’m getting to Alaska.”


“I’m not taking your money, so shut up. I love you. I’ll see you in two weeks.”

“Okay, okay. Love you. Bye.”

I hung up, left the phone on the charger, and went in search of breakfast…and ideas.

Could I ride a bicycle to Alaska?

That was looking like my best option from here.

Oh lordy.

Alaska, for a wedding.

And me too stubborn to ask for help. Could I get a bus ride with twenty-four bucks?

Why, Lexie? Why now?

But, one way or another, I’d be there for my sister.

If only to find out why the hell she was so worked up about my virginity. That story alone would be worth the trip.

Alaska, here I come.


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Available June 26, 2020!

Also by Jasinda Wilder

Jasinda Wilder

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Visit me at my website:

Email me: [email protected]

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My other titles:

* * *

The Preacher's Son:




* * *

Biker Billionaire:

Wild Ride

* * *

Big Girls Do It:

Better (#1), Wetter (#2), Wilder (#3), On Top (#4)

Married (#5)

On Christmas (#5.5)

Pregnant (#6)

Boxed Set

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Rock Stars Do It:




Boxed Set

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From the world of Big Girls and Rock Stars:

Big Love Abroad

* * *

Delilah's Diary:

A Sexy Journey

La Vita Sexy

A Sexy Surrender

* * *

The Falling Series:

Falling Into You

Falling Into Us

Falling Under

Falling Away

Falling for Colton

* * *

The Ever Trilogy:

Forever & Always

After Forever

Saving Forever

* * *

The world of Alpha:




Harris: Alpha One Security Book 1

Thresh: Alpha One Security Book 2

Duke: Alpha One Security Book 3

Puck: Alpha One Security Book 4

Lear: Alpha One Security Book 5

Anselm: Alpha One Security Book 6

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The world of Stripped:



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The world of Wounded:



* * *

The Houri Legends:

Jack and Djinn

Djinn and Tonic

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The Madame X Series:

Madame X



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The Black Room

(With Jade London):

Door One

Door Two

Door Three

Door Four

Door Five

Door Six

Door Seven

Door Eight

Deleted Door

* * *

The One Series

The Long Way Home

Where the Heart Is

There’s No Place Like Home

* * *

Badd Brothers:

Badd Motherf*cker

Badd Ass

Badd to the Bone

Good Girl Gone Badd

Badd Luck

Badd Mojo

Big Badd Wolf

Badd Boy

Badd Kitty

Badd Business

Badd Medicine

Badd Daddy

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Goode Girls:

For a Goode Time Call…

Not So Goode

Goode To Be Badd

A Real Goode Time (June 26, 2020)

Goode Vibrations (August 14, 2020)

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Dad Bod Contracting:





* * *

Fifty States of Love:

Pregnant in Pennsylvania

Cowboy in Colorado

Married in Michigan

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Standalone titles:


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Non-Fiction titles:

You Can Do It

You Can Do It: Strength

You Can Do It: Fasting

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Jack Wilder Titles:

The Missionary

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JJ Wilder Titles:


* * *

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