Page 8

Goodbye Paradise Page 8

by Sarina Bowen

I took a long blink.

He chuckled. Then, with one hand, he teased his own nipple. “Mmm,” he said, shifting suggestively. “Sometimes I think about you sucking on me right here. And right here,” he moved his hand languidly across his chest, tweaking his other nipple.

Lord help me. I wanted to do exactly what he suggested. But I wasn’t sure I should. Slowly, I removed my trousers, leaving my boxers on.

With his other hand, Caleb cupped his balls. “You could touch me here, sometime,” he said. “And here.” He moved his hand onto his cock. “Yeah, just like that,” he said, stroking. I’d never actually seen Caleb erect before. We’d changed in the same room many times, but usually I tried to look away. And last night he had stayed covered up.

So this was the first time I’d ever seen what I’d been dreaming about for years. He was beautiful—so thick and blush-colored, with a fat cock head that I just wanted to lick.

And it was pointing at me.

I found myself dipping a hand into my own boxer shorts. Just from watching him, my own dick was as hard as a fencepost. I gave it a squeeze. And you couldn’t have paid me to look away from Caleb as he slowly touched himself. There wasn’t enough money in the world.

But my feet were still rooted to the hotel carpeting, even as I began to match him stroke for stroke. He turned lazy eyes to my body and grinned. “Maybe you’re not ready to touch me tonight. But if you’re going to jerk, I need you to lose the boxers. I want to watch you come.”

Letting out a hot breath, I dropped my boxers onto the floor. And I shucked off my T-shirt, as well.

When I turned toward him, naked now, Caleb groaned. His eyes raked over my body, and he began stroking himself faster. “You are so beautiful, baby. I know you’re worried about sin. I get it. But those idiots who taught you to be afraid? They say touching yourself is a sin. And touching me is a sin. So why is one so much worse than the other?”

The man made a very good point.

“Josh,” he rasped, slowing down his strokes. His hips were canting off the bed with each languorous touch. “Will you please kiss me while I come?” His eyes had gone glassy, the lids hooded. “Please,” he begged, stroking himself. “Maybe I’m a sinner, but it feels so good.”

With a groan, I gave in. I scrambled onto the bed, then stretched my body out on top of his, the way I’d always wanted to. He was hot, solid muscle beneath me. And our cocks lined up beside each other, like they were meant to be there.

“Oh, yeah…” he moaned. “Want you so bad.” He arched his neck to lean in for the kiss, which went hot and wild, right away. He jammed his tongue in my mouth, moaning. Our dicks scraped together, and it was the best thing I’d ever felt.

“Caleb,” I panted, just because I wanted to say his name. Everywhere under me was his skin. His big hands grabbed my hips, which were already moving. Every time I pushed hard against him, I thought I might die of joy.

“That’s it,” he panted. “Fuck yourself against me until you come. I want you to spray all over my belly.”

“I don’t…” I gasped between kisses, “want it to end.”

“Yeah you do. Come like you need to. You can have me again whenever you want.” He reached a hand down between our bodies, taking both of our pricks in his big hand. “Oh, fuck. Mouth, baby.”

I kissed him hard, and he gave me his tongue. Straining against him, I let all my inhibitions go. And a few minutes later, we were both moaning and erupting into Caleb’s hand. He slicked us both with our warm seed. It was beautiful and shocking all at once.

Finally, I collapsed onto his sticky body, and he wrapped both his arms around my back. “Thank you,” he whispered. “I needed that so much. When I get to touch you, every awful day we’ve survived seems worth it.”

For me, speech wasn’t even possible yet. I’d never come so hard. Since I couldn’t make conversation, I kissed him slowly. I trailed my tongue along his scruffy jaw. I sucked his earlobe into my mouth. Meanwhile, he ran a hand up and down my back.

I touched him as much as I wanted, but I did not let myself think about the consequences of what we’d just done. The guilt would kick in later, anyway.

It always did.

“We need a shower,” Caleb said eventually.


He pinched my ass. “Let’s go together.”

* * *

Under the warm spray, he soaped up my chest with his hands, touching me gently. Then he shampooed my hair. It felt so good. It was so tender. Nobody had taken so much care of me before. It was embarrassing how much I enjoyed it. Of course, I got to return the favor. We stayed in there a long time, just letting our hands travel everywhere they’d always wanted to go.

I was hard again by the time we got out. So I wrapped a towel around my waist, but Caleb pulled it off. “This is as much privacy as we’re going to have for a long time. Don’t cover yourself.”

Caleb walked naked into the bedroom and got between the sheets. I followed him, wondering which bed I should sleep in.

“Get over here,” he said, patting the mattress.

“I thought you might want to stretch out.” Sleeping in the truck hadn’t been all that comfortable.

He grinned. “I want to stretch out on you.”

I got into bed feeling both aroused and euphoric. Sleep seemed impossible. Caleb rolled onto his side, curving his bigger body around mine. Once again, his hard dick bumped my ass. “Someday I want to fuck you,” he announced. “I know you’re not ready.”

Truly, I wasn’t.

He began massaging my back, his big hands soothing my weary muscles again and again.

“I love you, Caleb,” I said.

He kissed the back of my neck. “I love you, too. And that’s never going to change.”

I grinned into the pillow.

* * *

Eventually sleep came for me. The soft bed and the heat of Caleb’s body put me under. When I opened my eyes hours later, there were two unfamiliar sights. The first was the hotel room. The second was Caleb’s hard cock, which appeared right in front of my eyes. Upside down.

It took me a groggy moment to realize that Caleb had turned the wrong way around on the bed, and was nuzzling my balls with his lips. A warm tongue began licking the base of my morning erection.

“Oh, Lord,” I gasped.

A muffled chuckle came from my groin. “Somebody swore.”

I had, too. And I thought I was probably going to do it again. Because that tongue. It was shameless. My cock was bathed in wet licks and kisses.

In front of me, maybe a foot away, I saw a bead of milky liquid appear on the tip of Caleb’s cock. He was hard and leaking for me.

Reaching out, I closed my hand around him. He gave a happy gasp as I began to stroke. The only dick I’d ever held before was mine. His was hot and throbbing under my hand, the way I’d always hoped he would be.

“Good morning,” Caleb whispered from below.

My answer was a shout, because he chose that second to suck me all the way into his mouth. “Ahh!” I gasped. I’d never get used to that. It was heaven.

Caleb moaned, and the vibration made my cock practically sing. I began to thrust my hips gently, because I was lying on my side, and holding still seemed impossible. In my hand, Caleb’s dick was undulating gently, the darkened tip only a couple of inches of my mouth.

Feeling impossibly bold, I opened my mouth, allowing that pretty cock to hit my tongue when I drew it near.

His moan was loud enough to wake the neighborhood. So I got bolder and took more of him in my mouth, taking care to keep my teeth away.

But he was too thick. I gagged immediately when his cock hit the back of my tongue.

Caleb stilled his hips, reaching up to put a hand on my hip. “Easy, baby. Try just taking the tip.”

That was much better. I wrapped my hand around the base of him, and sucked on the top half. And that was fun, because Caleb began moaning up a storm. So I did it again. Ha
rder. I loved the musky, slightly salty taste of him. Pure Caleb.

“Oh God!” he gasped. “Oh, shit. I…” he pulled his hips back. “Look out.”

But I didn’t want to look out. I went up onto one elbow and leaned over his body, bathing his cock with my mouth.

The first salty spurt still took me by surprise, so I swallowed on instinct. Then I just kept swallowing, keeping up with all the creamy seed he gave me. And Caleb made noises like the world was ending. And it occurred to me that nobody had ever done this for him before. Maybe I’d craved him all my life, but I was his first, too. I felt powerful because of it.

By the time it was over, Caleb lay spread-eagled on the sheets, his chest heaving. His eyes were shut, but he spoke. “All right. If I died right now, I’d still have lived a very full life.”

That just made me smile. “Don’t, though,” I said, dropping a hand onto his muscular thigh.

He grabbed my wrist and tugged me down, onto his chest. “That was…” he groaned instead of finishing the sentence. “There aren’t words.”

I snuggled into his neck. He was slightly sweaty from our activities. “Did you happen to look at the time? Now would be a bad time for Maggie to knock on that door.”

“It’s only eight.” He palmed my ass with two hands and squeezed. “We still have time for me to finish you.”

“No rush,” I said. But my erection begged to differ.

Caleb chuckled, as his hand found my throbbing length, palming it. “You are going to get it so good.” I groaned, and he laughed. “Let’s have you on your side.”

Obediently, I shifted my body into position. He grabbed my top knee, raising it into the air, planting my foot on the bed. I was sort of spread open for him, and it felt awfully dirty. I wasn’t sure I liked it.

But then Caleb began to drop little kisses in my groin. He nosed through the hair above my cock, kissing me tenderly. Then he traveled down again, cupping my sac in one hand. Kissing me there. It was dirty and tender at the same time. And I began to float on the loveliness of it all.

Then he got down to business, taking me into his mouth. The first time he’d done this, it was shocking and fast and frantic. This time, I let myself drink in the sensation of his wet mouth all around me. He went slowly, too. As if he knew I wanted it to last a bit longer.

It was building, though. I began to shift my hips out of necessity.

“Mmm,” Caleb said. Then he released me for a second, and I heard a wet sound, as if he’d sucked his own fingers. When he went back to work on me, one of his hands gently separated the cheeks of my ass. And then one wet finger teased my hole.

“Oh,” I gasped. It was a revelation to me how good that felt.

“You like that?” he whispered. He made the wet sound on his finger again, and then that devilish, slippery finger began to tease me in earnest. I moaned, and he quickened his pace. He dove onto my cock, giving me a good, hard suck. And then another one.

I squeezed my ass around his naughty finger and came hard, making sounds I didn’t know I was capable of making.

“Yeah,” Caleb whispered, licking me clean. “So perfect.” He climbed up to meet me. “I’m going to kiss you now,” he warned. Then he dropped his mouth over mine, and tasted myself on his kiss.

“That was crazy,” I said eventually.

“Crazy good? Or Crazy-and-now-you’re-a-sinner?”

I turned my face away. “Both. But don’t make fun.”

“I’m sorry,” he said, sounding worried. “But every time we touch each other, I feel more certain, not less.”

“Certain of what?”

“Of this,” he said immediately. “Of living my own life, the way I want to. It isn’t just that it feels good.” He squeezed my hand. “Although it sure the hell does. It also feels right.”

“Really? Because I doubt Maggie is going to see it your way.”

Caleb was silent, although his thumb stroked my knuckles. “I don’t know what Maggie would think. But she’s just one person.”

“A pretty important one.”

“She’s doing us a big favor, to be sure. But that doesn’t mean I have to take a wife someday to make her happy. Let’s just see how things go at Maggie’s house. The plan is to stay there a short time, anyway. Until we get on our feet.”

“We need jobs,” I said, stating the obvious.

“I’m hoping I can get work as a mechanic. But it’s going to be harder for you.”

“No kidding,” I grumbled. “Nobody would set me loose on their car.”

Caleb gave me a little squeeze. “That isn’t what I meant. You don’t have any I.D. Nobody can hire you legally without it.”

I raised my head off the bed. “Really?”

He nodded. “Sometimes people get hired off the books, usually because they’re illegal immigrants. But it’s harder.”

I flopped back again. “Well that stinks.”

“A little,” he said. “But there might be a way we can get you an ID. Maggie might know how. Come on, let’s shower again.” He gave my hand a little tug. “Then we can eat breakfast.”

* * *

To save money, we skipped the hotel restaurant. Caleb ran down the road to a place called McDonald’s, because he said it would be the cheapest.

I tidied up our hotel room, and moped. Because I hadn’t known that my lack of ID would be an issue. I never got a birth certificate, because my mother was not my father’s first wife. The Compound couldn’t tell the state about all the babies born there, probably because our Divine Pastor was trying to conceal all the polygamy. So only the children of the first wives got birth certificates. Like Caleb, who also had a driver’s license.

Caleb came back with a tasty, salty egg sandwich for me. And a Coke, because I’d liked the one at the other restaurant. “Thank you,” I said.

He touched my shoulder. “I’d give you anything. You know that, right?”

Maybe he would. But I didn’t like being the person who always took. And if I couldn’t get a job, that’s exactly who I was going to be.

* * *

At exactly ten o’clock, our hotel room phone rang. Caleb gave me a nervous smile and answered it. “Hi,” he said. “Room 112. I’ll open the door.”

He hung up, grinning. “Let’s go! Just let me…” He grabbed his backpack off the floor, and I tossed my coat over my arm.

Caleb turned around slowly, eyeing the room, probably to make sure we hadn’t left anything behind. Without comment, he went over to the other bed, the one we’d never used. And he yanked the covers down, leaving them in a tangle, just like they were on our bed. “Okay,” he said, without meeting my eyes. “Let’s find Maggie.”

I opened the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk. And there she was! An older version of Miriam waddled toward us, a big smile on her face, and a giant belly protruding from between the halves of her wool coat.

“Hi!” she yelled, starting to run. When she reached us, she threw her arms around Caleb.

Behind her, a tall, grinning man with wavy brown hair jogged to catch up to us.

Maggie released Caleb, then lunged at me. I caught the hug, awkwardly. Because you don’t hold another man’s wife. It just wasn’t done.

“Wow,” I said, flustered. I took a big step back. “You’re… wow. In a family way.”

The man behind Maggie burst out laughing.

“I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “I shouldn’t…” My face was heating, and I didn’t know what to say.

“Daniel,” Maggie warned. “Don’t laugh.”

He held two hands up. “I didn’t mean to. But I never heard anyone put it that way, except in Little House on the Prairie.” Daniel looked to be about twenty-five, if I had to guess. The same age as Maggie.

Maggie put both hands on her belly and smiled at me. “You can just say ‘pregnant.’ Everyone else does. Josh, Caleb, this is my husband, Daniel.”

“Nice to meet you, sir,” Caleb said, extending a hand.

nbsp; Daniel shook it, biting back a smile. “You definitely don’t need to call me ‘sir.’ I’m just Daniel.” He shook my hand, too. “Do you need anything before we go?”

“No s…” I stopped myself.

Daniel laughed again. “Our truck is over there.”

* * *

They had a red pickup truck with a passenger cab. Daniel popped open the little door that led to the back seat, and I climbed inside, followed by Caleb. Daniel helped his wife into the passenger’s seat, then went around to climb into the driver’s.

“Give me another week and I won’t even be able to get into this truck,” Maggie complained. “It’s getting ridiculous.”

“When, um…?” I said, afraid of making Daniel laugh again.

“Another two weeks. And already I can’t see my toes.”

“Your first?” Caleb asked.

Maggie turned to see our faces over the seat back. “Our first! We’ve been married about two years, and we bought our farm at just about the same time. The farm isn’t our full time work, though. Daniel is a carpenter and I help out a friend with her catering business.”

“Carpentry,” Caleb said as the truck turned onto a narrow highway. “I always wanted that job on the Compound. But I’m a mechanic instead.”

“Well, there’s steady work for mechanics. And the pay is good,” Daniel remarked.

“Is it? I have no idea. And I need a job, whether it pays well or not.”

Maggie turned our way again. “I know you’ll be eager to figure that out, but I don’t want you to panic. I told you on the phone last night that we had a room ready, and I wasn’t kidding. When we got married, I told Daniel that I was a package deal. If anyone came along from the Compound who needed a place to live, I wanted to be ready. I’m kind of stunned that nobody has turned up before. Has anyone else left, recently?”

“Yeah,” Caleb said softly. “There’ve been plenty. But none from your family.”

“Tell me about my family,” she asked.

Caleb cleared his throat. “Your mother is still doing her embroidery. There’s a new design from her on my mother’s tablecloth. Your father does his thing in the smithy shop. Something’s always breaking, so they keep him busy.”