Page 42

Forgotten Page 42

by Evangeline Anderson

“Is that what this is?” She moaned low in her throat and rubbed against him, pressing her full breasts against his chest and her crotch against the hard wall of his abdomen. Even through the denim jeans she wore, Rone could feel the insatiable heat of her pussy. “God,” Kate gasped, throwing back her head. “I feel like I’m going crazy, Rone! Like part of me is starving…I’m so…so empty.”

“That’s the hunger all right,” he said grimly. “I’ve seen you have it before, but only once this badly—that time we were separated that I told you about.”

“Is this what you were feeling the whole time you were waiting for me to let you touch me again?” she asked, still rubbing against him. “God, how did you hold yourself back from fucking me?”

“I didn’t,” he said grimly. “My Beast—”

“Fuck your Beast!” she snapped. “Actually, that sounds like a really good idea right about now.” She groaned and ground her crotch lower, as though looking for the hard ridge of his cock to rub against. “Can you change into him any time? Can you change now?”

“Even if I could I wouldn’t,” Rone growled, but he had to admit that despite his determination not to touch Kate in a sexual way ever again, she was getting to him. “I wouldn’t do that to you a second time,” he said sternly, frowning at her.

“Well you have to do something.” Kate was nearly crying with need now. “I’m so hot I feel like I’m about to explode.”

Rone sighed. “It's just the hunger making you think that.”

“But is it true? What does it do if you don’t, uh, feed it?” Kate demanded, panting.

“With a male Wulven, it forces him to change—to release his Beast,” Rone said. “And with a female…”

“Well?” She was deep in need now, her breath coming short and her eyes heavy-lidded with lust.

“It…it can kill a female if left unchecked,” Rone said reluctantly. Damn it all to the Seven Hells, if only Kate’s hunger could have held off a little longer! Honestly, he didn’t even understand why she was having it in the first place—he’d thought their connection was almost completely severed. The plans he had made would end with a complete dissolution of the bond between them, but he wasn’t ready to put those plans into effect yet. And it would take too long—Kate would be dead if he left her hunger unfed.

I can’t though—can’t give her what she needs. I don’t deserve to. Don’t deserve to ever touch her again after—

Kate cut off his guilty thoughts with another searing kiss. She was climbing him like a tree, rubbing every part of her lush little body against him that she could and enflaming his own need almost beyond reason.

Rone knew he had to be careful—the hunger of one partner in a Wulven pair could easily spark hunger in the other as well. Although in most cases, it was the male’s hunger that sparked the female’s—he had never heard of it starting in the female instead. But apparently it had in this case and if he wasn’t damn careful, Kate’s insatiable appetite was going to start a fire in him that might end with his Beast coming out again—something he definitely didn’t want.

“Rone,” she moaned in his ear, nibbling his lobe and then biting his neck in sharp, painful little nips that made his cock rock hard. “Rone, please…I need you.”

“We shouldn’t…I shouldn’t,” he protested, but he was already taking her to the bedroom.

Just once more—this one last time, he promised himself. One sweet memory to take with me into oblivion. After all, he couldn’t let her die. Even if he didn’t deserve to have her—even if their bond was almost completely severed—he still had an obligation to her as his mate.

And Gods, how he wanted her! His sweet Kate—his luscious little Lalli—how he wanted to hold her and fill her just one last time.

But first, before he gave her what she so desperately needed, Rone had to be certain she wasn’t hurt. Commander Sylvan had told him that Kate had refused the rape exam Rone had asked him to conduct—she’d only let him examine her ankle and take a few vials of blood. So there was no way Rone was going to make love to her without first making sure he wouldn’t injure her worse than he already had.

Gently, he laid her down on the bed. First he would examine her and heal her if he needed to. Any damage from the night with his Beast would not have been made by his claws or teeth and thus should be healable now. Rone swore to himself that no matter how much he wanted her and Kate wanted him, he wouldn’t take her until he was certain she wasn’t wounded or in pain.

* * * * *

“Rone…Rone, please!” Kate struggled against the broad mattress, trying desperately to get up—to get back into Rone’s arms. The hunger inside her was growing by the minute, threatening to consume her in a fire so fierce she thought she might be burned to ashes if she didn’t have the big Kindred’s body against hers—inside hers—soon. Restlessly, she yanked at her blouse, not caring a bit when it popped open and the buttons went flying everywhere. All she knew was that she needed to be naked—needed to be completely bare and feel his skin against hers.

“It’s all right…all right, baby,” Rone murmured soothingly, stroking her thighs. “Just take it easy—everything is going to be all right.”

“Please…Rone…” Kate tugged off her bra, finally baring her breasts. Looking down, she realized that her nipples had gone from their normal pale pink to a dark color that was almost maroon. “Oh my God,” she muttered. “What…what’s wrong with me?”

“It’s just the hunger,” Rone assured her, but he looked grim. “It can cause pigment changes if left unchecked for too long.” He frowned. “To look at you, anyone would think you’ve been in need for hours—days—not just a few minutes.”

“I…I’ve been feeling weird ever since you knocked on my door this morning and told me it was time to go,” Kate admitted. “But I didn’t start feeling so…so empty until you came back aboard the ship a few minutes ago.”

Rone frowned. “I’ve never heard of it coming on so quickly or so strong before but the symptoms are still normal.”

“So…my nipples are okay?” Kate’s mind was fuzzy with lust but she still had the sense to be worried.

“They should be. Your inner pussy should be the same color,” Rone told her.

“If they’re okay, then why do they ache so much?” Kate demanded. “God, they’re so hard they hurt.”

“They need to be suckled by your mate.” He sighed. “Honestly, without our bond, I’m not sure your body recognizes me that way anymore.”

“I don’t care what it recognizes—I’m going crazy here. Please, help me!” she pleaded. She managed to sit up, despite his restraining hands, and thrust her breasts into his face. “Please,” she begged shamelessly. “Please, Rone!”

The look on his face was a mixture of guilt and desire.

“All right,” he murmured at last. “All right, but only because there’s no other way to ease your pain.”

Leaning forward, he cupped her full breasts in his hands and took one taut peak between his lips. At first he only laved it gently with his tongue, but when Kate pressed forward, trying to get more of her breast into his mouth, he finally relented.

Kate gave a cry of mingled pain and pleasure as he pulled hard on her nipple, sucking it deep into his hot mouth.

Like his Beast, she thought deliriously as she tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled him even closer. He’s sucking me hard—like he did when he was the Beast!

The thought brought back memories of her total submission to him and she felt lust surge through her once more. She remembered him filling her…fucking her…owning her completely. That was what she wanted now—what she needed so desperately.

“Please, Rone,” she gasped as he switched to the other nipple and sucked it into his hot mouth. “Please, I need…need you in me. I need you to fill me with yourself.”

“I’m going to, baby—I swear it,” Rone promised her hoarsely, releasing her nipple at last. “I just need to see you—to be sure
you’re all right before I help you out.”

“What…what do you mean?” It was hard to think with the lust clouding her mind.

“I mean I want to see if I hurt you when I was the Beast the other night.” He looked at her sternly. “Many females have been torn and savaged during an attempt to tame a male Wulven’s Beast. I want to make sure I didn’t do that to you before I make love to you.”

“You didn’t hurt me,” Kate promised. “I mean—it was a little painful because you got so big—but mostly it felt good.”

“I have to see for myself before we can go any further,” Rone said sternly. “Now will you let me or not?”

“All right,” she agreed. Anything to get him inside her—anything to fill the aching void that seemed to have opened between her thighs.

He unfastened her jeans and Kate raised her hips eagerly, helping him strip them down her legs, leaving her wearing only her little white panties. The crotch of them was already soaked with her juices, making the white silk cling to her cunt mound obscenely.

“Gods…” Rone looked from her panties back to her face. “Kate, I have to ask you—is this all right with you? Do you mind letting me take off your panties?"

“Do it!” she groaned. “Do anything you want—just please, touch me. I’m going crazy and the only thing that seems to help is having you touch me!”

He hooked his fingers into the sides of the panties and gently tugged them down, baring her pussy for him completely.

Kate moaned as she felt a cool breeze play over her naked mound. When she looked between her legs, she was shocked by what she saw—her pussy was wet and swollen with need, opening on its own like a flower spreading its petals for the sun. Her inner folds were the same deep maroon as her nipples, just as Rone had said they would be and her clit looked like a ripe berry that needed to be sucked.

“Gods, baby…” His deep voice was hoarse as he knelt between her legs and framed her pussy gently with his big hands.

“Is everything all right?” Kate somehow managed to ask through the lust that was clouding her mind.

“I think so. It’s hard to tell because the hunger is making you so wet and swollen. Do you mind if I open you a little more—to look at your inner pussy?”

“All right,” Kate agreed breathlessly. Though once this would have made her feel incredibly tense and uncomfortable, now all she could think of was how desperately she wanted his touch on her hungry flesh.

Still being incredibly gentle, Rone spread her pussy folds with his thumbs and bent closer, trying to get a better view.

Kate moaned as she felt his hot breath on her inner cunt.

“God…Rone!” she cried as he circled her swollen clit slowly with his fingertip. “Please…please help me…please touch me more!”

“I can’t tell if I hurt you or not—the hunger has made you too red and swollen.” He looked up at her, his eyes blazing. “I need to lick you, Kate. Need to bathe your pussy with my tongue—it’s the only way to be sure you’re all right before I fill you.”

“All…all right.” She nodded almost at once. Though this act had once made her cringe with uncertainty and shame, now it felt like she would die if she couldn’t feel his hot tongue laving her swollen pussy. “All right, please, yes!” she moaned again, nodding.

“All right,” Rone echoed her. “But I’m only doing this to heal you—that’s all.”

Before she could answer, he spread her pussy even wider and, starting at the very bottom of her slit, dragged his tongue in a long, slow stroke up to the very top of her mound.

Kate moaned and jumped as his hot tongue connected with her tender clit. God, she couldn’t remember ever feeling so sensitive—so needy! After a minute, she realized that the big Kindred was moaning too—a deep, needy sound was being drawn from his throat as he lapped her gently. Clearly he was only doing what he thought was necessary to heal her but just as clearly he wanted to do much…much more.

“It’s all right, Rone,” she murmured, trying to think past the lust that wanted to take over her brain. “It’s all right if you need to taste me more…if you want to…to go deeper.”

He looked up at her and his eyes were silver-blue.

“I shouldn’t,” he said hoarsely. “I don’t…don’t deserve to taste you as deeply as I want to.”

“Yes, you do,” Kate assured him. “You licked me when you were your Beast too, you know—you weren’t as gentle as you’re being now but you weren’t cruel to me either.” She stroked his hair. “It helped get me ready to have you inside me.”

“Did I really take the time to prepare you properly to let me in?” His eyes were pleading.

“You did,” Kate assured him. “You…you tasted me very thoroughly. I swear, Rone.”

His eyes blazed. “I need to put my tongue deep inside you…need to taste your honey right from the source while you’re coming.”

“All right,” Kate whispered. “Do…do what you need to do.”

She stroked his hair again and moaned as he leaned forward and sucked her swollen clit between his lips. He circled it slowly with his tongue, lapping first one side and then the other and at the same time, Kate felt him slip two long, strong fingers deep into her cunt channel.

“Ahh!” She gasped arching her back as she felt him penetrate her and a whipcrack orgasm raced through her. The hunger inside her was screaming that this was what she needed—to be filled—to be fucked. But though his fingers felt good, they weren’t enough.

“That’s right, baby,” she heard Rone murmur as he fucked deeply into her, watching her face for her reaction. “That’s right—ride my fingers. Come hard for me and make plenty of honey.”

“I…I am…I swear I am!” Kate moaned as she felt her inner walls tighten around his invading fingers. “But please Rone, I need more!”

“You’ll have more,” he promised. “You’ll have as much as you can take—as much as you need, baby. But first let me taste your sweet juices.”

And he withdrew his fingers and leaned closer, replacing them with his long, hot tongue.

Kate wailed with new pleasure as she felt him enter her again. Her thighs clamped around his head and she bucked up to meet him, her pussy spasming around his tongue. God it felt so good—so right! And Rone didn’t forget her clit either. As he lapped deep inside her, searching hungrily for her sweet juices, she felt the broad pad of his thumb circle the sensitive little bud until she thought she was going to explode.

Suddenly another hard, quick orgasm raced through her.

“Ahh!” she gasped, bucking up to meet his mouth and tightening her thighs around his head. God, was this really her—timid little Kate—moaning and begging, pulling his hair and riding the big Kindred’s tongue so shamelessly? It didn’t seem possible that she could have gone from being so uncertain about this act to craving the feel of his mouth on her pussy like her next breath but Kate couldn’t deny it was so. God, she wanted him! And not just his fingers or tongue—she wanted his thick cock buried deep in her pussy, filling her just as he had on the night his Beast had finally come out!

“Rone!” she begged tugging at his hair. “Rone, please! I can’t take anymore—I need you now.”

“All right.” He pulled up reluctantly, his mouth and jaw shiny with her juices. “All right, just…just needed to taste you.”

“And you have,” Kate told him. “Now take me—please!”

“With pleasure,” he growled, shucking off his tight black leather trousers. “But this time I want to go more slowly—want to be gentle with you, baby.”

Kate didn’t feel like she needed him to be gentle but right now as long as he put himself inside her, she wasn’t going to complain. She reached for him eagerly as Rone started to climb on top of her but then, suddenly, a memory sparked in her brain.

“No!” She put her hands on his broad chest, holding him off for a moment. “No—not here.”

Rone frowned. “What? Where do you want to go—back to Eart

“No, nothing like that.” Kate shook her head impatiently. “To the Breeding Chair.”

“What?” Rone’s eyes widened, then narrowed. “No—we can’t!”

“Why not?” Kate demanded. Before he could protest more she said, “Please, Rone, I don’t know why but that’s where…where I feel like I need to be. Were we need to be. And besides, didn’t you say you wanted to be gentle with me? And isn’t that what the Breeding Chair is for—long, gentle lovemaking? You told me that yourself.”

He shrugged his broad shoulders, defeated.

“All right—yes, I did say that.” He sighed. “You win, baby.” Scooping her up, he carried her over to the large rocking chair-looking piece of furniture and settled himself on it with Kate in his lap.

Kate reached for his thick shaft, trying to fit it inside herself at once but Rone put a hand on her wrist, stopping her.

“Slowly, baby,” he growled. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Kate nearly cried in frustration. “You won’t, I swear you won’t!” she promised.

“I just want to take things easy.” Slowly, he rubbed the broad, plum shaped head of his cock over her open folds, making Kate moan. “At least you should be healed of any damage I did the other night.”

“You didn’t damage me,” Kate whispered, trying to reassure him even though the fire was raging inside her. She stroked his hair and cupped his cheek. “You didn’t, Rone, honestly.”

A look of sorrow crossed his strong features.

“I want to believe you but the only parts I can remember of that night are you begging and trying to get away.”

“I did try to get away once. After…after I sucked you.” Kate could feel her cheeks burning as she confessed. “But only because you got so much bigger it scared me.”

He sighed. “Yes, the Beast’s urge is to breed which means I grow thicker and longer and make much more seed in that state.”

“You certainly, uh, made a lot that night,” Kate said. “In fact, that was the first thing you did when you…when you got all the way inside me. Before you even thrust in and out once, you came and came and came. I was, uh, completely saturated before you even started to move.”