Page 38

Forgotten Page 38

by Evangeline Anderson

So stop fighting him, whispered the voice of the Knowing. Stop fighting and just let go. There’s nothing else you can do.

Kate knew it was true. She was in the hands of a male who was determined to have her—to taste her for as long as he desired. And there was no reasoning with him—no way to ask him to back off or be gentle. All she could do was try to relax and be open to him—all she could do was open her pussy for his tongue and let him taste her until he was ready for something else.

Ready to fuck me, she thought and gave a little shiver. She wasn’t ready for that—not yet. But in the meantime, she took some deep breaths and tried to quell the panic that was trying to take her. All right—everything was going to be all right. Rone might get a little rough but he wouldn’t really hurt her—not even in his fur-form. The Beast just needed to taste her…and she needed to open her pussy for him and let him.

“All right,” she whispered as she felt the hot drag of his tongue over her swollen inner cunt again. “All right, Rone—do what you want to…what you need to. I won’t…won’t try to fight you.”

And as Rone sucked her swollen clit into his mouth and began to circle it over and over his hot tongue, she stopped pulling at the grass and buried her hands in his thick, shaggy black hair instead.

Rone’s Beast seemed to sense her submission because his tight grip, which had been bruising the sensitive flesh of her thighs, loosened a little and he settled down to a more leisurely lapping. Kate moaned and stroked his hair, pressing her hips up to meet his mouth. If she had to give in to the Beast, she would do it completely—would give him everything he needed until he had as much as he desired.

As she had when Rone had tasted her the night before, she lost track of how many times she came. She had the sense that Rone’s Beast had been waiting years for this opportunity—waiting to taste her for himself instead of using Rone as an intermediary—and he wasn’t eager to stop. He lapped her, sucking her clit into his mouth and lashing it with his tongue one moment and then gave her slow, gentle licks the next that nearly made her cry with pleasure at his unexpected tenderness.

Kate wasn’t sure if her body was responding to the big Kindred’s or not but her pussy never seemed to run out of honey. Between her legs, she was wet and hot and open, giving Rone’s Beast a seemingly endless supply of what he craved so badly.

It seemed to go on for hours but at last Rone unwound his long arms from around her legs and sat back on his heels.

Dazed from coming so hard and so often, Kate somehow made her way up into a kneeling position. The Beast was just sitting there, staring at her in the moonlight and she wondered what he was going to do next.

“What is it?” she whispered to him. “What do you want? What do you need?”

Then her eyes fell to his crotch. Rone had been shirtless but still wearing his trousers when she first came running into the small glade. Now Kate saw that he still had his trousers on but there was a large, thick ridge pressing against the tight black leather in a way that had to be painful.

Rone rubbed the ridge in his trousers with one hand and made a soft rumbling groan. Then he looked up at Kate, his silver eyes filled with a different kind of hunger.

Kate felt her breath coming short. Oh God, was he already ready to do that? To take her? No, there had to be something she could do to delay just a little longer. She was no longer trying to fight this but she was still frightened…still wanted a little more time to get ready to have that thick shaft deep inside her.

Then the pictures in the Volume of Submission came back to her again and she knew what she had to do.

“Hey, Rone,” she whispered, knee-walking over to him, the soft, cool grass whispering against her thighs. “Are you all right? Does this…does it hurt?” Very, very carefully, she put out a hand and stroked gently along the rigid shaft of flesh still encased in the tight black leather.

Rone groaned softly and thrust his hips at her, letting her know she was on the right path.

“All right,” she told him, using both hands this time to find the magno-tabs at the front which held the trousers together. “It’s all right. I’m going to take care of you…just like you took care of me.”

With hands that shook only a little, she managed to get the trousers undone and pulled them apart. Immediately his long, hard shaft sprang out. Kate gasped at its size. Yes, she’d seen him naked before and even handled him intimately during the shower the two of them had taken at Flame and Frost. But she was absolutely certain he was bigger this time and he hadn’t exactly been small to begin with.

Could it be that letting the Beast come forward actually increased the size of his cock? Kate had no other explanation for what she saw but she would swear that it was larger…much larger than it had been.

There’s no way I’m going to be able to fit all that in my mouth, she thought in dismay. Still, the book hadn’t said she actually had to deep throat him or anything—mainly it said she had to “taste his seed” before she had him inside her. Kate wasn’t sure why, but the Knowing was whispering to her that it was important.

“All right,” she said, looking up at Rone. “I’m going to make you feel good now—is that okay?”

In answer, he rose until he was standing over her and spread his legs. Kate stayed on her knees, which put his long, hard shaft at the level of her face. Oh God, was she really going to do this? Was she really going to taste him here and now? But what if she didn’t do it right? What if Rone’s Beast didn’t like her technique or got mad at her or…

Stop. Just do it.

Before she could talk herself out of it or give in to the fear, Kate leaned forward and pressed her cheek to one muscular thigh. Then she took his long, hot length in her hand and brought it to her face.

His skin was a soft and silky as she remembered and the broad, plum shaped head had a single drop of precum sitting on its tip. Kate found she wanted to taste that little drop of nectar. Would it be salty or sweet or bitter? Would she enjoy Rone’s taste as much as he obviously enjoyed hers?

But before she found out, she wanted to get to know him a little better. Leaning forward, she rubbed the long, hard, silky shaft against her cheek and breathed him in. His rich, spicy, masculine scent was stronger here and Kate found that she liked it—liked it a lot. God, how was it possible for anyone to smell this good? It made her want to rub against him again and again like a cat marking its territory.

“Mmm,” she heard herself practically purring.

Rone was making a low, rumbling sound that sounded almost like purring as well. Kate felt his large hands stroking her hair with rough tenderness and knew he was enjoying what she was doing.

Knowing that—knowing she was giving him pleasure—gave her the courage to go further, to try more. Taking his thick shaft firmly in one hand, she brought her lips to the tip of his flaring crown and gave him a gentle, open-mouthed kiss. As she did, she swiped her tongue over the tip of his shaft, tasting the little bead of precum she’d been eyeing earlier.

At once his flavor—salty, slightly bitter, and utterly delicious—exploded across her tongue. To her surprise, Kate found that she liked it—more than that—she craved it and wanted more. Was this how the Beast felt about her pussy honey? If so, Kate couldn’t blame him for holding her down until his need for her was satiated.

Eagerly, she took as much of the broad head as she could in her mouth and began to roll her tongue around its satiny, hot surface, trying to coax more of the delicious nectar from the tip of his cock.

Rone rumbled a soft groan and buried his big hands in her hair, urging her to take a little more of him as she sucked. Kate complied gladly. She couldn’t get much—he was simply too big. But she managed to get the broad head in her mouth and at least an inch or two of his long shaft. She caressed the rest of his thick length with her hands, fisting him gently but firmly as she bobbed her head and tried to take as much as she could.

Kate had never been much into blow jobs before so part of her was a little
shocked at what was going on. God, can’t believe I’m doing this. Can’t believe I want to do this so badly.

But somehow she did. Rone was so big and hot and hard in her hands and mouth. Also, Kate couldn’t deny that she felt deliciously small and submissive, kneeling as she was before him to please him with her mouth. She just wondered how long it would take him to come…

And how much cum is he going to make? whispered a little thought in the back of her head. Remember when he was coming in the shower? He made so much it ran all over your hands. There’s no way you can swallow all that, Kate—it’ll choke you!

But she didn’t have time to get too worried. Above her she felt the big Kindred stiffen and his hands tightened in her hair. He didn’t force her to take him any deeper but he wasn’t letting her go, either. Clearly he meant for her to swallow.

Kate tensed a little but reminded herself that she needed to relax. It’s all right, she told herself. Just let it happen. Just let it…

And then a warm, wet spurt of something salty and delicious hit the back of her tongue. Kate moaned despite herself. It was like his precum but even better—almost like a version of his delicious Bonding Scent that she could actually taste. It was so completely Rone—the essence of the big Kindred that she was coming to care for so much—that Kate found she wanted more.

As she swallowed eagerly, Rone gave her what she wished for. But though Kate had been afraid that he would produce huge amounts of cum as he had in the shower, it wasn’t nearly as much as she’d feared. Also, the warm, salty spurts of cream seemed to come at intervals, not all at once. So she had time to swallow, and even savor his taste, completely before another hot jet of his essence filled her mouth. Kate drank him down eagerly and was almost disappointed when the big Kindred at last withdrew.

“Rone?” she asked thickly, looking up at him. “Are you finished? You’re not, are you?” For his cock was still long and thick and hard and the head of it was leaking a rivulet of cum that was silvery in the moonlight.

She reached for him again but Rone made a soft sound of denial and drew away. Then he just sat and looked at her. Suddenly, Kate understood what he wanted.

This was it. The moment of ultimate submission and there was no getting away from it. Her eyes couldn’t help flickering to the thick shaft still rising between his thighs. To her surprise, it seemed to grow even longer and thicker. Was that even possible? Was he actually getting even larger? She watched, her eyes wide with incomprehension and shock as he continued to grow until he was half again as big as he’d been while she was tasting him.

Though she’d been extremely eager to keep sucking him, Kate felt a shiver of fear and doubt go down her spine at the idea of taking that thick monster into her pussy.

He’s so big now, she thought, remembering how she hadn’t even been able to wrap her fingers all the way around his shaft. And that was before he’d grown in both length and girth! He’ll tear me in two with that thing! I can’t let him—I can’t!

Panic seemed to take her by the throat and she scrambled up off the ground and started to run. But she barely made it two steps before Rone caught her. Wrapping long arms like muscular iron bars around her, he brought her back down to the ground and pressed her down on her hands and knees in the cool grass.

“No, you don’t understand,” Kate babbled, looking over her shoulder to talk to him. “Please, you’re too big now. You…you’ll hurt me and you know you always promised never to hurt me, Rone! I know you don’t want that. So please…please…”

But the look on his face was uncomprehending. In his silver eyes she saw nothing but lust…a need for her so deep that nothing would satiate it but thrusting his long, thick shaft all the way into her tight depths until he filled her with his seed.

“Please!” Kate begged again in a broken whisper but he only wrapped long fingers around her waist and lifted her hips, spreading her thighs to ready her for his entry.

It’s all right. It’s going to be all right. The voice of the Knowing spoke suddenly in her head, making itself heard as clearly as it had when it told Kate to throw away the stayback blossoms in the first place.

Kate stilled her struggle and listened to it. It was the voice of wisdom, the voice of reason and it had never steered her wrong.

Are you sure? But how can he fit that in me? It’s too big—too much…I can’t…

You can and you will. Just relax and concentrate on being open, the Knowing told her. It’s all right, Kate—everything is going to be all right. Just relax and let him breed you.

Biting her lip, Kate tried to do as it said.

“All right,” she said, looking back at Rone again. “All right I…I’ll hold still and let you…let you take me. But please…please try to be gentle. Okay?”

Kate couldn’t tell if he understood her or not—his eyes were silver pools of lust. But he wasn’t rough with her as he spread her thighs, only firm and unyielding. It was clear he wasn’t letting her get away until he had done this to her—until he had filled her pussy completely with his cock, fucked her, and come deep inside her inner cunt.

Kate gave a little moan. She couldn’t believe what was happening. It seemed like only a few minutes ago she’d been safe in the bed at Tante Corii’s cottage tucked snugly under the red flower blanket. Now, here she was, kneeling naked in the middle of the forest with the cool blades of grass tickling against her naked breasts and tender nipples as Rone in his Beast form prepared to take her from behind. But there was nothing she could do about it—no way to get away. The only thing she could do was give herself to him—her only option was to spread her thighs and her pussy for the thick monster of his cock and let him thrust deep inside her to the hilt.

With a little moan of fear and submission, Kate lowered herself to her forearms as the girl in the Volume in Submission had. The new posture made her hips tilt back and she felt her pussy opening, the wet inner folds spreading completely to reveal the secret entrance of her sex to Rone’s Beast. Never had she felt so vulnerable and frightened and hot—yes hot—because despite her fear, there was something primal about the position she found herself in. Something she’d never experienced before and yet had longed for all her life without even knowing it.

“All right,” she whispered again. “I’m ready now. Take me.”

This time, it almost did seem as though Rone understood her. Or maybe it was just that he had been waiting for her final sign of submission. For whatever reason, Kate felt him looming over her and knew that the wait was over—he was going to take her…was going to breed her and there was nothing she could do but submit.

“Rone,” she whispered brokenly as she felt the broad head of his cock swipe over her tender folds and sensitive clit, only to come to rest at the trembling entrance of her pussy. “Rone, please…”

He gave a low growl and then she felt the massive shaft begin to slide inside her. First the crown breached her entrance and then the first thick inch of his cock followed.

Kate bit her lip and dropped her head even lower, trying to be open for him, trying to take the massive shaft that was entering her so relentlessly. She had never felt so stretched before, so opened.

Fear that he would hurt or tear her in some way made her want to tighten up but she understood instinctively that this was the worst thing she could possibly do. Biting her lip until it bled, she forced herself to spread her thighs even wider, trying to make room, trying to accommodate the Beast’s thick shaft.

And somehow, though Kate had been certain she couldn’t take anything so huge, she felt herself opening for him. It was almost as though her body knew what was happening and was helping her to adjust to the Beast’s extra girth. There was some pain but it was the stretching kind—a good kind, though Kate could scarcely believe it. It was as though her pussy had somehow recognized Rone’s cock and was welcoming him inside, wanting to take him deeper—as deep as he wanted and needed to go.

Kate moaned softly when she finally felt the broa
d head touch bottom inside her. God, had he actually managed to fit all of that thick cock into her pussy? Somehow, he had and now she expected him to start thrusting, pulling out and ramming back in to fill her and fuck her as hard as he could.

Instead, Rone held perfectly still, still buried to the hilt inside her. Kate shifted under him, wondering what was going on. Then, to her surprise, she felt something hot and wet at the end of her channel. God, was he coming in her? Coming without even thrusting first?

She wasn’t sure why or how but it seemed that he was. The hot rush that had started at the end of her channel soon bathed her entire inner cunt and then Kate felt something hot and wet dripping from between her thighs. Looking between her legs, she saw that his cum, silvery in the moonlight, was indeed leaking from her pussy even though Rone was still filling her to the hilt.

But even stranger, was the warm, supple feeling that seemed to spread throughout her entire pussy. It was almost as though it was helping her to stretch even more, to take him more easily. Kate moaned as his seed continued to spill into her. So much dripped out that she knew they must be wetting the little patch of grass between her thighs and yet still he kept coming, his cum filling her vulnerable pussy and bathing the end of her channel for what felt like forever until Kate thought she must be thoroughly saturated.

Then and only then did Rone at last begin to move inside her. He gripped her hips hard, his long fingers wrapping around her to hold her in place. Then he pulled his long, thick cock almost all the way out of her and thrust back in.

Kate gasped and moaned as the broad head hit the end of her channel. It wasn’t a gentle stroke either. The Beast, it seemed, had used all the gentleness when he had entered her so slowly, giving her time to adjust. Now he set up a hard, steady rhythm inside her that seemed designed to drive Kate wild.

She moaned again and again as he took her in long, hard thrusts, holding her firmly so there was no chance of escape, plundering her soft, vulnerable pussy with his thick cock, ramming deep inside her to take her as thoroughly as possible.