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Forgotten Page 33

by Evangeline Anderson

Rone looked up at her, his eyes glowing with need and desire.

“You’re close, aren’t you baby? I can feel you trembling the way you always do when you’re about to come.”

“I…I think so,” Kate admitted, bucking her hips a little.

“Good.” He smiled and leaned down to kiss her inner thigh again. “Then just relax, baby. Relax and let me give you a nice…hard…come.”

The he hooked his arms under her thighs, splitting her even wider, and pulled her into a new, even more open position.

Kate gave a soft, surprised gasp and then he was licking her again, tracing her swollen clit with his tongue and lapping up her honey as though it was the most delicious taste in the world—and to him, maybe it was.

Suddenly the orgasm washed over her like a warm tidal wave, making her gasp and moan, making her shake and tremble as her fingers tightened in his hair and her thighs squeezed hard around the sides of his scratchy cheeks.

“Oh, Rone…Rone!” she heard herself calling. And then, suddenly, he slipped two long fingers into her entrance and fucked up into her, filling her with them as he continued to suck and lave her clit, pressing deep to find the end of her channel and make her moan his name even louder.

Kate moaned and arched her back, her vision going cloudy for a moment. God, she couldn’t believe this—couldn’t believe she was spread open with the big Kindred between her legs making her come with just his tongue and fingers. For a brief moment she thought she glimpsed the life she and Rone had shared together—the lovely, long days and the deep, dark nights, holding each other, loving each other, and never wanting to be apart.

Then the brief vision faded and Kate was coming again as Rone did something new with his tongue. She gasped, bucking her hips up to meet him, giving herself completely in a way she hadn’t even known was possible. She was losing control—losing herself and yet she didn’t care a bit…didn’t care about anything but the pleasure washing over her…

Chapter Twenty-two

Later…much later, it was finally over. Kate didn’t know how long they’d been at it—how long she’d spent with the big Kindred on his knees between her thighs—but she was sure it had been hours.

At the start of it, she wouldn’t have believed it was possible to come so many times. But Rone seemed to know exactly how long to wait between each orgasm to start building her up again. He also seemed to know about a million ways and techniques to make her come. After using his hands and mouth for a while, he showed her an array of kinky looking sex toys. Some he had chosen for her, he explained, and some Kate had found and ordered herself.

Kate was amazed at the variety but Rone explained that they liked to try new things together, to keep their relationshiop fresh. And of course, no matter how often she came, he always wanted to make her come again, to bring her more pleasure and more and more…

At last Kate couldn’t take it anymore. She was exhausted and was amazed that Rone wasn’t also worn out. But the big Kindred seemed to be tireless when it came to giving her pleasure.

“Rone,” she whispered, stroking his hair as he kissed and licked her thighs, cleaning away the honey she’d spilled for him during her latest orgasm. “Please, I…I’m getting really tired. Are you…do you think you’ve had enough? At least for now?” She had to ask because his eyes were still more silver than blue—a fact that worried her.

Rone gave her one final lick and looked up.

“I think so. Sorry, baby—I’ve just missed you so damn much.”

“I got that,” Kate said dryly, giving him a little smile. “And that was…amazing. I didn’t…didn’t know I could come that many times in a row.”

He gave her a lazy grin.

“That’s not even our record.”

“It’s not?” Kate looked at him, surprised. “But how…how could we possibly…?”

“On nights when the hunger is really bad we usually start like this—with me tasting you and making you come over and over with my mouth—giving you clitoral orgasms,” he explained. “Then we move to the Breeding Chair and spend the rest of the night there. Once I’m inside you and the precum and cum from my cock is working on you, then I can give you vaginal orgasms—much deeper and harder and longer than the ones you just had.”

“Really?” Kate felt her mouth go dry. “But I thought…thought all that about clitoral or vaginal orgasms was a myth.”

“It might be if you’re with a human male,” Rone told her. “But with a Wulven Kindred, it’s completely different. The compounds my body makes begin acting on you the minute I slide inside you. And the first time I come, it spreads throughout your system and stimulates your G-spot and makes you multi-multi-orgasmic.”

Kate frowned. “I’ve heard of multi-orgasmic. But what does multi-multi-orgasmic mean?”

“It’s a long chain of orgasms that melt into one another until it feels like one, long, single come that lasts for hours.” Rone gave her a lazy grin. “It’s only possible with a Wulven Kindred because of the compounds our bodies secrete to pleasure our mates.”

“Wow.” Kate gave a shaky laugh. “That sounds amazing but…I don’t know if I’m ready for it quite yet.”

“Of course not, baby,” he said at once. “I understand—you’re still getting to know me all over again. In fact, I think it would probably be better to hold off on making love until your memories return.”

Kate bit her lip. “But what if they don’t? What if I never fully remember…the way we were?”

He stroked her cheek lightly. “I think they will, in time. But if not, I’ll just have to try to make you fall in love with me all over again.”

Kate felt a blush rise to her cheeks at the intent expression in his silver-blue eyes.

“I wish…wish I could remember now,” she said in a low voice. “Wish I could feel for you what you feel for me, Rone.”

“You will, in time. At least, I hope and pray to the Goddess you will,” he said seriously. “What we had was so precious and perfect, Lalli. But if we have to build it again from the ground up, then I’m willing to do that. Like I said before, you’re worth waiting for—and working for.”

“Thank you.” Kate gave him a shy smile. She had to admit, if making her love him was his goal, the big Kindred was certainly getting there. Despite how much bigger he was than her, he had never been anything but sweet and kind and gentle. And if the way he had just spent hours between her legs, making her come over and over while asking for nothing in return was any indication, Kate thought he must be the most sensitive and giving lover she’d ever had.

Thinking of that made her realize that while Rone had been literally pleasuring her for hours, she had never once offered to return the favor.

“Um, Rone?” she asked, looking at him uncertainly. “You’ve been doing so much for me—I mean, tasting me for so long—but I haven’t done, er, anything for you.”

He looked surprised. “What do you mean you haven’t done anything for me? You let me taste you, baby—that’s the greatest gift of pleasure you could give me.”

“That’s very sweet of you to say,” Kate said, smiling. “But you made me come over and over and you never got to come yourself. Do you want…do you need some help to, you know, get off?”

He laughed, a deep rumbling sound she was growing to love.

“Don’t you remember me telling you that I almost always come when I go down on you?”

“Oh…that’s right.” Kate had forgotten it. “It, uh, really turns you on that much?” she asked doubtfully.

“Hell yes, baby,” he growled softly. “Tasting your honey and hearing you call my name…feeling your sweet pussy tightening all around my tongue or fingers—it’s incredibly erotic. I’ve probably come as many times as you did tonight—if not more. In fact…” He grimaced as he stood. “I really need to go clean up. I don’t produce as much cum when you’re not physically touching my shaft, but I’m still pretty sticky.”

“So…are Wulve
n Kindred multi-orgasmic too?” Kate asked him as he went into the small bathroom and started to run some water.

“All Kindred males are,” Rone called back over the sound of the splashing. He came out of the bathroom naked, with just a towel wrapped around his lean hips. “The Goddess created us that way. Coming inside your mate helps bond her to you and strengthens the bond once it’s formed. The more often we can bring our mate to orgasm and orgasm ourselves, the stronger and more closely we are bound to her.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Kate said. “Since Kindred bond for life.”

“We do,” Rone said seriously. “I know that humans often divorce and go their separate ways but that…” He shook his head. “It’s unthinkable for a Kindred. The idea of leaving your mate once you have found her is unimaginable. Why would you leave the one perfect female the Goddess created just for you to look for another?”

“But what if a Kindred’s mate dies?” Kate asked curiously. “Can he form a new bond with someone else?”

“Some can. But most…” Rone shook his head. “Well, most Kindred males won’t survive the death of their mate.” He looked at her seriously. “That’s how I knew, deep down, that you were still alive—even after you’d been taken, Lalli. Because I was still alive. If you died…if I’d lost you…” His voice grew hoarse and he looked away for a moment.

“Oh, Rone…” Kate went to him and put a hand on his arm. Rone turned to her and pulled her close, wrapping her in arms that felt like warm, flexible steel. Kate went to him willingly and pressed her face to his broad chest, breathing in that warm, spicy aroma he’d called his Bonding Scent. It made her want to wrap herself around him and never let go.

“I’m just so grateful I found you, Lalli,” Rone murmured, kissing her hair. “So thankful to the Goddess to have you in my arms again.”

“You really believe in that?” Kate asked, looking up at him. “I mean, you believe in the Kindred Goddess?”

“You do too—you just don’t remember it,” Rone told her softly. “She is real and she cares about her children. We met her, you know—or saw her in action, anyway. At the joining ceremony of your friend Emily and her Beast Kindred warrior, Tragar.”

Kate stared at him. “We did? She actually came to the wedding? To bless the union or what?”

“There was a bit more to it than that.” A little smile played around the corners of Rone’s mouth. “But let’s just say that anyone who was at the ceremony that day is a true believer—even if they were an atheist before.”

“I wish I could remember,” Kate said wistfully. “Before we came to Flame and Frost I just wanted to regain my last memories of my Mom and find out what I’d been doing for the last three years. But now, well…” She sighed. “I wish I could remember us too.”

“You will.” Rone stroked her hair. “Maybe going back to G’nera will help jog your memory.”

“Where will I go while you…while you change?” Kate couldn’t help the small shiver that ran through her at the thought of the big Kindred morphing into a huge, hairy beast. What would he look like, anyway? Some kind of werewolf? Kate didn’t know and she wasn’t sure she wanted to find out.

“I have a relative—the sister of my mother—what you would call my ‘aunt’ I believe,” Rone said. “Tante Corii. She always liked you—you can stay with her while I go to the Howlund and let my Beast free for the night of the full moons’ convergence.”

Kate shifted. “That might be kind of awkward—me staying with her when I don’t know her at all.”

He laughed, that deep rumbling sound again that seemed to shake her entire body.

“That’s what you said the first time we went to G’nera to let my Beast roam free. But believe me, Tante Corii loves you—and you really like her too. You’ll get along just fine, don’t worry.”

“And what about you? Will you be all right out there in the, uh, the Howlund place?” Kate asked. “Are you sure I shouldn’t come with you?” Not that she really wanted to but it seemed like she ought to offer.

“No—no, I don’t want you anywhere near me when I change.” For the first time Rone’s voice turned harsh and his eyes flashed dangerously.

“I’m sorry,” Kate said quickly, taking a step back from him. “I just thought… She frowned as a memory tried to surface. “Don’t the other girls, uh, females go there with their mates sometimes?”

“They do,” he admitted heavily. “Usually during the first change after their joining, a female will accompany her mate to the Howlund to try and tame his Beast.”

“And what happens when he changes…when he lets his Beast come out around her?” Kate’s mouth felt dry but she made herself ask anyway.

“Then she either tames his Beast and it breeds her or…” Rone took a deep breath. “Or she fails to tame it and she dies.”

“She…dies?” Kate asked faintly. “Does he kill her?”

Rone nodded tersely. “If the Beast won’t accept her as its mate, it will rip her limb from limb.”

“But…I thought you said that wouldn’t be a problem for us?” Kate asked. “I thought you said your Beast would be more interested in, uh, breeding than feeding.”

“So I believe it would,” Rone growled. “But I won’t do that to you, Lalli—I won’t take you that way. It’s too rough—too harsh. The Beast has no gentleness in him and you’re so small…so delicate.” He looked away. “It would be too much like…”

“Like what?” Kate prompted when he broke off.

“Like rape,” Rone said harshly, looking at her directly. “That’s what breeding with the Beast is. It’s rape. And I won’t do that to you—especially now that I know what you went through in college.”

“I’m sorry.” Kate put a hand to her mouth. “I…I didn’t know.”

He sighed. “You don’t remember but we’ve had this discussion before. You actually tried to convince me to do it—to take you in my Beast form, but of course, I refused.” He shook his head. “It was one of the worst arguments we’ve ever had.”

“It was? But why? Why would I want that?” Kate asked, shaking her head. Why would she ask to be manhandled and forced into rough sex with his Beast? Had she been extra kinky or something? It didn’t sound like something she would want—or even something she could stand. So why…?

“Because you wanted a baby so badly,” Rone said softly. “And breeding with the Beast is an almost certain way to get a female pregnant.”

“But…but I thought that’s what the Breeding Chair was for,” Kate protested, her eyes sliding to the strange, rocking-chair thing in one corner of the room.

“The Breeding Chair takes longer—sometimes years—to accomplish what a single night of intensive breeding with the Beast can do,” Rone told her. “You see, a female’s body has to be prepared for a Wulven’s seed to take root. That can be accomplished by many long, slow, gentle sessions in the Breeding Chair or one rough night of fucking with the Beast. You were tired of waiting—you said you wanted to start a family and you weren’t afraid my Beast would hurt you. So…”

He let the sentence trail off.

“I see.” Kate nodded. “Well, you don’t have to worry about me wanting that right now, anyway. I’m nowhere near ready to start a family.”

“Which is why you’re going to stay with Tante Corii while I change at the Howlund.” Rone smiled at her. “Wait until you meet her again—you’re really going to like her.”

* * * * *

“Well now, well now, if it isn’t my favorite sister’s son’s mate in the whole universe.” Tante Corri welcomed Kate with open arms, just as Rone had known she would. He had taken the precaution of calling ahead and letting her know exactly what had happened and what to expect and she had taken it in stride—all but one part…

“So you’re still not going to let her tame your Beast?” she’d asked when Rone had explained that he needed a place for Kate to stay while he went to the Howlund.

“Tante Corii, we’ve b
een over this before,” Rone had told her patiently as they spoke over the viewscreen. “Kate’s too delicate and precious to me to risk her around my Beast.”

The old lady shook her gray hair and made a tsking sound.

“I know she’s petite, Rone, but there are girls here on G’nera nearly as small who tame their mate’s Beast. I’m telling you, the two of you won’t have a true bond until she does.”

“We managed just fine before and she’d never tamed it,” Rone had pointed out. “And she’s from Earth, Tante. The females there are more delicate.”

“Delicate or not, you’re going against the natural order of things and the will of the Goddess by not letting her tame your Beast.”

“I love her too much—I just got her back and I won’t risk losing her again.” Rone had run a hand through his hair in agitation. “Please, Tante Corii, just let her stay with you while I take my fur-form.”

“Well…” She sighed. “All right. Your business is your business, Rone. But I can’t help feeling like you’re going to be sorry if you won’t at least let her meet your Beast at some point.”

“There’s nothing to meet,” Rone said darkly. “We all know that the Beast is nothing but carnal appetite. It’s the worst part of a male. Why would I let Kate see the worst part of me? Even if it was safe, I wouldn’t want that.”

“If she loves you, Rone, she’ll take the good with the bad,” Tante Corii had said gently.

“But that’s the thing—she doesn’t love me—not yet. She’s forgotten everything we had, everything we shared and I don’t know when she’ll ever remember. I’m trying to bring her to me all over again, Tante. I don’t want to scare her away or make her hate me.”