Page 24

Forgotten Page 24

by Evangeline Anderson

“Very carefully, I’d imagine,” Rone said dryly. “If we don’t want to end up on the floor under the bed.”

Kate shivered. “I certainly don’t. Do you think just pressing close together while we sleep will keep us up on the mattress?”

“I don’t know—let’s experiment.”

Still holding her close, Rone scooted to the head of the bed.

They tried lying side by side with their shoulders and thighs touching but they started sinking through the mattress almost immediately. To Kate, it felt like being swallowed by a giant marshmallow—not a pleasant sensation.

“Oh!” she gasped and scrambled to get more contact between herself and the big Kindred. She wound up climbing on top of him, like a woman climbing onto a raft to keep from drowning in the river.

“Oof!” Rone grabbed for her, bracing her against him when she accidentally kneed him in the stomach. “It’s okay, baby—I’ve got you. You can stop struggling now.”

“Sorry.” Kate felt bad but she really didn’t want to sink through the mattress and wind up in the dark space under the bed. It wasn’t just her childhood fears freaking her out, she told herself defensively. It was the fact that they were in an alien resort and who knew what might be down there? What if the Flame and Frost version of mice or cockroaches lived in the cracks between the floorboards? Of course, there might be nothing but Kate did not want to take a chance.

“It’s okay—just stop wiggling and we’ll be fine.”

“All right.” Kate stopped struggling and let herself relax, using the big Kindred as a mattress as she lay on her side. It was a measure of their vast size difference that she was able to fit neatly on his chest and torso with no problem at all.

“Actually, this works pretty well,” Rone remarked, after they’d been lying silently for a moment. “Are you comfortable?”

“Well, I mean, I guess…” Actually, the big Kindred’s muscular form was surprisingly comfy. “But what about you? It can’t be great for you to have me, uh, smushing you.”

He gave a deep laugh which vibrated her entire body. “Smushing me, huh? Don’t worry about that, baby—you’re light—I don’t feel a bit ‘smushed.’”

“You don’t? You swear?” Kate asked.

“Swear.” He sounded like he was smiling. “And anyway, I like having you on me—like having you so close. I’ve been waiting for six months to touch you again.”

“Oh, uh…” Kate shifted nervously.

“I don’t mean sexually,” Rone said, correctly interpreting her anxiety. “I mean just holding you in my arms again.” He put his arms around her and stroked her hair. “Just feeling you close to me.”

“It is kind of nice,” Kate admitted. “You know what this makes me think of? I had a poster when I was a little girl of a tiny kitten sleeping on top of a big ol’ dog—a mastiff, I think.”

He rumbled laughter. “I’d say that about fits.”

“Uh-huh.” Kate sighed and snuggled closer. “Hey, I’m kind of chilly. Not where I’m touching you—you’re like a furnace. But my other side.”

“Let’s see, I thought I saw a blanket folded up around here somewhere…” Rone fumbled around for a moment and then spread a warm, soft blanket over the two of them. “Better?” he asked.

“Mmm…perfect.” Kate sighed in contentment and felt her eyelids grow heavy. “Thank…” She yawned deeply. “Thank you, Rone.”

“You’re welcome, Lalli,” he murmured, stroking her hair. “Good night.”

“Good…” Kate yawned again. “Good night,” she finally managed to reply. Then, although even a day ago she would have sworn it would be impossible, she relaxed completely against the big Kindred and let herself drift off to sleep.

Chapter Eighteen

Kate was having an incredibly sexy dream. She was lying on top of her lover, face to face with her bare breasts pressed to his muscular chest. The contact made her nipples feel tight and achy and his warm scent was driving her crazy. He smelled like some kind of dark musk—a masculine spice that called to everything in her that was feminine and made her want to open herself to him completely.

In fact, she already was opening. Down below, she could feel the thick length of his shaft rubbing against her naked cleft. Mmm—that felt good. She could feel the delicious pressure of his cock against her outer pussy lips. It occurred to Kate that if she spread her legs just a little, her pussy would open and she would be able to feel his hot, hard cock sliding against her inner folds and throbbing clit. That would feel even better.

Yes, rub against him. Feels nice, doesn’t it? He’s so big and strong…so HARD, murmured a voice in her head.

Kate frowned, where had she heard that voice before? Maybe in some other dream—one that was almost as sexy as this one. But in that dream, she’d been in the shower with her lover and they had been washing each other—washing each other everywhere.

Of course, Kate knew it had been a dream, just like this one was, because it couldn’t be real. She didn’t even have a lover—hadn’t had one in years. So it was completely ridiculous to think what was happening was real.

Still, for a dream, it felt extremely real. She could feel the hard press of his hot shaft slipping between her pussy lips and sliding against the swollen bud of her clit, sending sparks of pleasure through her entire body. Enjoying the delicious sensations, she spread her thighs even wider and rocked her pelvis, letting the length of his shaft press even deeper into her wet inner folds.

She could feel the broad, plum-shaped head of his cock pressing hard against her belly, branding her with his heat and she couldn’t help wondering what it would feel like inside her—not just sliding against her inner cunt but actually entering her channel and thrusting deep inside to fill her pussy to the hilt.

Yes, do that—that would feel good, wouldn’t it? Let him slide his thick cock deep in your hungry little cunt…let him fill you up, the strange voice urged.

Kate frowned. She didn’t like this part of the dream. The voice in her head felt…wrong. Felt like it didn’t belong to her. But the sensations of the big male body beneath hers felt right—utterly and completely right. God, her pussy was so wet and hot and the silky skin of his thick shaft sliding against her sensitive clit felt so good.

This must be the best dream I’ve ever had, she thought deliriously. What is it when you know you’re dreaming? She was sure she’d read an article about it somewhere—oh right—Lucid Dreaming. That’s what it was called when the dreamer realized he or she was having a dream and was able to control the outcome.

I’m having a Lucid Dream, Kate thought. Which means I can do anything I want.

The thought brought a giddy sense of power along with the pleasure she was feeling at rubbing against her lover so intimately.

And it seemed that all the naughty, intimate friction was having an effect on the man beneath her too. With a low growl of desire, he clamped big, warm hands over her hips and ass, pressing her against him, joining her rhythm with long, slow strokes of his own.

“Oh, God!” Kate heard herself moaning. Rubbing against him had felt good but having him rub and thrust against her at the same time intensified the sensations immeasurably.

“Gods, baby—you’re pussy is so fucking wet,” she heard him groan as he bucked up to meet her. His big hands spread her wider, gripping her ass hard, pulling her down so that the friction got even hotter. “Can feel you rubbing so hard against my cock with your sweet little cunt,” her lover growled. “That’s right—ride me baby. Open your hot little pussy and rub against me until you come…come so hard on my cock.”

His hot dirty words turned Kate on even more. This was definitely the best dream she’d ever had. Her only regret was that she couldn’t see her lover’s face—she wanted to see him, wanted to kiss him as they raced to the finish line together. But it was pitch black in the room. In fact, the only thing she could see were two glowing blue points, almost like eyes right in front of her…

Eyes…glowing blue eyes! Suddenly Kate began to get a bad feeling. Didn’t she know someone who had glowing blue eyes? It was man—a male—and he wasn’t just someone in a dream. She actually knew him.

Rone! she realized suddenly. Oh my God, it’s Rone! And I’m not just dreaming this—I’m actually doing it. What the hell is wrong with me? Where are my clothes? Why am I acting like this?

Because you want to—because you want HIM. Give yourself to him—open yourself and let him slide deep into your cunt.

It was that voice again—the one that didn’t belong inside her head but was somehow there anyway. Kate began to feel afraid but at the same time, the cycle of friction and pleasure she and the big Kindred had built between them was rising higher and higher. Though she didn’t want to, she could feel herself getting ready to come.

No, I can’t! I have to stop—this isn’t me! I’m being manipulated somehow—I would never act this way on my own!

“No!” she gasped and began to struggle, trying to get away.

“Kate?” Suddenly the lights came on, the whole apartment filling with a dim, golden glow that nearly blinded her at first. When Kate’s eyes got used to the illumination, she saw that Rone was beneath her, a hungry look in his blue eyes.

“Please!” She struggled against him but her writhing only pressed his thick shaft deeper between her folds. “I thought it was a dream,” she gasped. “I never would have…I can’t…”

“I thought it was a dream too,” he rasped. “But we can’t stop now—we can’t. Please, baby, I have to make you come.”

“You what? No!” Kate struggled against him but his hold on her hips was absolutely unbreakable. “You already came earlier, in the shower,” she protested desperately. “Wasn’t that enough for you?”

“I didn’t say I needed to come—I said I need to make you come,” he growled. “Please, baby—just let me make you come.”

Kate tried to take stock of herself. She was completely open, her pussy spread wide as he thrust against her, riding her throbbing clit with the hard length of his cock, and there was nothing she could do about it. Nowhere to run to get away from the frightening sensation of pleasure and the feeling of being completely out of control.

“Rone!” she gasped, trying to get away. “No—I don’t want this!”

“I’m sorry.” His voice was agonized and his…his eyes were changing, Kate saw. From glowing blue, they were melting into a burning silver—the same color they’d turned back in the jewelry store. “I’m sorry, Lalli,” he rasped and had his voice deepened too? It had an almost animalistic edge to it now. “I’m sorry but I need to make you come. Please…please understand.”

For a moment Kate wanted to scream and struggle. No means no—even with your husband, she told herself. Not that she could remember him being her husband but still—the principle was the same.

But then she looked at his face again. The look in his silver eyes was so desperate…so hungry that Kate almost thought she could feel his need gnawing at her too. It was as though she could almost feel his desire, an insatiable craving pouring into her like water filling a clear glass.

He needs this, she realized and knew it was true, though she didn’t know why. Needs to make me come. I don’t know why but he needs it desperately.

“All…all right,” she whispered at last, nodding. “But not inside me. You can’t…can’t do that. Just…just rub against me. All right?”

“Yes.” Relief filled his eyes which were glowing so brightly now it looked like he had silver flames behind his pupils. “Yes, and I swear, baby, I won’t fill you tonight. I just need to feel you coming hard against me.”

And with that, he flipped their positions. Kate gasped as she found herself suddenly beneath him with her legs spread wide around his lean hips. Rone hooked his arms under her thighs, the better to open her, and found a new angle to press against her.

Kate felt a moan pulled from her lips as he ground against her, pressing her into the mattress, rubbing hard to increase the delicious friction that had been building between them.

“Oh…oh!” she gasped as he pressed deep, sliding the hot length of his shaft against her tender clit and wet, slippery pussy. She had never felt so open before—so owned. And though the sensation was frightening, she found it also turned her on. “Rone!” she cried. “Oh, God…Rone.”

“That’s right, baby,” he growled. “That’s right—open your sweet pussy for me. Just relax and let me make you come.”

Kate didn’t know about relaxing but she couldn’t help coming. He was pushing her to the edge with his hard thrusts, sliding his cock against her throbbing clit mercilessly until she felt like she was on fire. His big body on top of hers, pressing her into the mattress made her feel small and helpless and very, very hot.

Before she knew it, she was coming.

“Oh! Oh…Please…please!” she begged, almost unable to stand the intensity of the pleasure. Her back arched and her toes curled as her heart pounded and her breath came in short, staccato pants. “Oh…Oh!” she cried.

“God baby—yes. Yes,” Rone murmured in that low, growling voice.

His eyes gleamed silver above her then, slowly, Kate saw them turn back to blue. For some reason she had a relieved feeling—as though some great danger had been within a hairsbreadth of her and had suddenly turned back at the last moment, leaving her untouched.

But that was crazy, wasn’t it? What danger could she possibly have averted, just by letting him make her come?

As the pleasure ebbed slowly away, that was exactly what Kate wanted to ask. But before she could demand an explanation, the big Kindred had lifted her and set her down on wobbly legs by the side of the bed.

“Hey, what—?” Kate began but he only shook his head and disappeared into the bathroom. Kate was left standing there, throbbing, confused, and naked by the foot of the bed, uncertain of what was going on and what exactly had just happened.

* * * * *

Too close. That had been too fucking close! Rone paced in the limited area of the fresher, running his hands through his hair. His cock was still painfully hard but that wasn’t what bothered him now—no, it was the Beast still roaring within him, seeking to get out, which was his main concern.

Though making Kate come had helped a little, the hunger had been growing too long to satiate it completely with such a simple orgasm—one which didn’t involve any tasting.

Need to taste her…need to breed her! roared the Beast.

No! Rone took a deep breath and tried to calm the creature inside him. No, we can’t do that. She’s not ready. She needs time.

But the Beast didn’t care about that. It roared and raved, demanding its due.

We have to get out of here, Rone thought with desperation. It’s not safe anymore. Not safe for Kate. The hunger inside him was simply too strong and the Beast was too restless.

He’d been long due for a change. In fact, he and Kate had been planning a trip back to his home planet of G’nera before she was taken. There he could change in the Howlund—the special lands devoted to Wulven males in their fur-forms—and allow his Beast free reign on the night of the convergence of the full double moons. Kate, of course, would have been locked away safely, far from him when he finally set the creature inside him free.

But the trip had never happened since she had been taken and he’d spent so much time searching for her. Now the pressure inside him was reaching crisis proportions and Rone was afraid of what might occur if he couldn’t get hold of himself.

If he continued to provoke his Beast by denying it the sweet taste of Kate’s honey, it would eventually, inevitably break free, taking over his body and mind and doing whatever it wanted to Kate. And what it wanted was to ravage her—to not just fuck her but to breed her and make certain she was filled with his seed. It was a savage act—one that was almost certain to impregnate the female a Beast rutted with but Rone had always rejected it, even when he and Kate had despaired of ha
ving a baby after trying for three long years with no results.

“I’d rather just have you, Lalli,” he’d told her earnestly when she asked him about it. “I don’t want to risk you getting hurt. As much as I want a son, I don’t want one badly enough to put you in danger.”

Kate had protested that she was strong enough—that she could stand the Beast’s advances—but Rone rejected the idea. He wouldn’t risk her—she was too small, too precious. Now, if they didn’t get out of here soon, she might have to find out just how strong she really was. If the Beast broke free…

Rone shook his head. No—no I can’t let that happen. I won’t let that happen.

He would rather die than hurt Kate—would rather die than let her meet him in his fur-form—that of the ravening Beast who wanted only to devour and despoil.

He took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. Calm, he had to be calm…

It was a long, long time before Rone could get the Beast under control and even longer before he dared to leave the fresher. But finally he knew he couldn’t wait any longer. He wrapped a white towel around his waist, since his black sleep trousers had somehow disappeared, and stepped out into the main part of the bubble apartment.

When he came out, he saw Kate standing there with a sheet wrapped around her and a frown on her face.

“Okay,” she said, glaring at him. “Do you want to tell me exactly what just happened?”

Rone spread his hands, trying to play it off. “You’re the one who woke me up, rubbing against me naked in the middle of the night. You tell me.”

“You know that’s not what I meant!” she snapped. “But speaking of that, how did we get naked in the first place?”

He shrugged. “You said yourself things appear and disappear at will around here.”

“Yes, but objects you’re using—not clothes right off your body!” Kate protested.

“I don’t know any more than you do.” Rone said shortly. “I don’t know what to tell you,”