Page 94

Filthy Boss Page 94

by Amy Brent

“I thought you did therapy in your office,” I told her in a cautious voice as she stared at me for a moment.

“I do. I just think you need…more.” Her suggestion intrigued me, and I tilted my head as I looked her over. “A friend…a confidante…I don’t know. It doesn’t seem like you have anyone that you are close to. Am I right?”

“A little. My family is in Colorado, and I haven’t been out there in a while. I work a lot, or at least, I did.” I admitted as she nodded and took another look around the room.

“I can tell you that this isn’t the way to deal with anything.” Aspen waved her hand around the room. “Drinking adds a week to depression if it is severe enough.”

“Is that a fact, Dr. Thomas?” I stepped forward and asked as her eyes widened.

“Yes, if it is real depression.” She replied and smiled weakly. “Here, I am Aspen.”

“I like that.” We eventually sat down after I cleaned up the room, suddenly driven to doing so with a beautiful woman in my house. I was a little ashamed on top of having the guilt that Emma had brought up today. We got to talking about the area and our bikes, and I watched her glow from the inside. It suited her, and it completely turned me on.

I got the bright idea to take a quick shower and go for a nice evening ride, which she agreed to. I noticed early on that she had a clingy pair of chartreuse leggings and a longer fitted gray shirt that would work for a ride, and I craved the feeling of her body wrapped around me as I took her to some of my favorite spots.

I headed into the bedroom with a grin on my face as I closed the door with a reluctant look back towards where I’d left her to strip for my shower. She had seen me naked, mostly, and I didn’t think it would hurt again. I rinsed off quickly and ran some shampoo through my hair before I got out and dried off as I stared at my half-hard cock that could easily become a full erection with the woman that was waiting for me. I dressed in some worn jeans that would work for the ride as well as a fitted blue shirt and leaned down to get my black boots. I noticed that she was already wearing some longer boots, and I assumed that she had ridden her bike here today.

That was a hot image, and I smiled as I opened the door and headed down the hallway. I saw that the living room was empty, and I frowned as I stepped into my kitchen to see her in front of the sink and loading dishes into the open dishwasher. Well, shit. When I looked around further, I noticed that she had cleaned off my counters as well. “Was I in there that long?” My voice was teasing as she blushed for another reason than my constant innuendos. It was nice.

“No, not at all. Small kitchen.” She looked at me with a scared gaze in her eyes. “I figured that I’d help you out a tiny bit.”

“It looks great. I appreciate it, Aspen.” I told her in a grateful voice as she smiled beautifully back at me. “How does that ride sound?”

“Let’s go.” I led her to my bike in the garage, and she looked at it with admiration in her eyes for a long moment. Aspen had told me that her bike had been handed down from her father, and she had slowly fixed it up with some friends. I had chuckled when she told me how irritated her brothers had been when she got the bike, but it was a shared interest with her father as opposed to all of them.

I eased onto the motorcycle and memorized the feeling of her body behind mine, pressed against me tightly as I felt her long arms wrap around my waist. I pictured her on her bike moaning my name, and I blocked off the memory as I tried to focus on the present.

We headed out to take a drive out to a lovely part of the country where I enjoyed looking at stars. There was a big weeping willow tree and a pond located in the meadow with all kinds of flowers and grass in the Springtime. Though it didn’t offer all of that right now, I still found it to be a very peaceful place. I had seen a lot of it in the past few weeks.

Only a bike or a pretty rugged SUV could access the space, and I found that we were alone as I roared up the dirt path. Aspen got off of my bike smiling and coughing a little at the dust I had lifted, but she looked happy. “It’s so peaceful here. I need to get out more.”

“You don’t?” I asked her as she set the helmet down on the seat and looked around for a long moment.

“I grew up with a military dad and five brothers. Even though most of them were younger, they were so protective of me, and I am still used to them always being so worried about my safety. Coming out here alone would make their heads explode.” She laughed softly at the end, and I appreciated her family at that moment.

She was a woman a man should cherish.

That thought made me realize that something was happening, something that could be considered wrong.

We walked around and talked some more as the connection between us grew stronger, and my willpower became significantly weaker. Once it was getting dark, we got back on the bike and went to get some dinner at a little pub that I knew that was close by. More to the point, we were far enough out to where we probably would not run into any familiar faces. It was cozy in there, and we chose a booth in the corner with a red candle that was lit in the middle that made Aspen grin. “I love these in restaurants.”

“They remind me of being younger and eating with my family,” I confessed as she nodded emphatically at me.

“Exactly.” We ordered some cold beer and burgers with fries before she sat back and looked across the table at me. “I have had a wonderful day with you.”

“I can say the same.” I took a long sip of my beer and looked at her across the table. “You look so happy and free.”

“I feel that way.” She stared into my eyes as the attraction between us only grew stronger. “I know that this is a risk on my part, Blake. I know that all too well. I just can’t stay away anymore.”

“I feel the same way, Aspen.” Her name rolled off of my tongue as she blushed and I memorized it. That look on her face had become one of my favorite things in life. We ate and talked more as the flirting increased between us. It wasn’t as raw as it had been the times before in her office, but the heat was still there. It was all over the room; it was in her eyes and her full lips every time that she looked at me. Even the waitress looked between us as I handed her a few bills for our meal with wide eyes.

We headed to the bike with an urgency as my hand reached down to clasp hers in the cloak of darkness that we felt hidden in. She reached for me at my Harley, and I met her lips eagerly as the heat exploded and fell to pieces around us. The kisses were long and hungry, but we parted to make our way back to my place after several moments. We both knew that this was not going to stop there, right or wrong. I felt her warmth pressed against me as I drove just a little faster and let the memories of her play through my mind.

I pulled into the garage and pulled her from the bike into my arms as she jumped at me. Her lips were open for me, and her tongue was eagerly dancing with mine as I cupped her juicy ass tightly. We stumbled into the house, and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I carried her in my arms down the hallway to my bedroom.

This time with us was not on a bike, and it was not going to be a quickie as that experience had been.

Once I kicked my door open, I let her slide down my body slowly as every gorgeous curve pressed against my body. I slipped my hands over her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me with a need that matched my own. I didn’t end that contact as I stroked and squeezed, vowing to remember every moan that came out of her mouth. We stripped down in between our deep kisses and eyed each other without any abandon in the light from the lamp on my nightstand. I was grateful to have left it on last night now that she was naked in my room. I pressed her back against the mattress as I asked her to lay back in a hoarse voice. I was hard and throbbing, and I needed to begin worshiping her sexy body now. Aspen took a deep breath and rested back against the pillows as she looked into my eyes steadily. I loved her confidence, and I stroked the skin of her legs as her knees fell apart and offered the most tempting view that I had ever seen.

She was wet a
nd her clit hard amongst her folds as I dipped my mouth down to her calf. I kissed slowly up her body as she took short breaths and slid her hands over my hair. Her thighs were damp as I sucked on them slowly and she cried out my name.

I didn’t hold back when I liked her firmly and clutched her body to keep it still. She was sweet and addicting as I tasted her over and over, teasing her to a climax as she moaned and begged me not to stop. Aspen came into my mouth as she loudly screamed like I knew that she would in private and I kept it going with my lips wrapped tightly around her willing nub. I pulled back to see her messy and sweaty in my bed, and I knew that I needed more from her. I leaned back and crawled over her to get to the nightstand where I kept condoms ready and yanked a few out in my haste to be inside of her.

We joined with my body between her legs and pressed closely to her before I told her to get on her knees for me. She complied eagerly, and I stroked her smooth ass before I found her entrance and drove myself inside of her again.

Hard and deep, I rocked my cock into her. It felt so tight and slick, and I grunted as her body matched my thrusts move for move. The noise of our bodies slapping together along with her breathy moans made me need her to come, and I plunged deeper as she met me with her body.

The release was intense for both of us and happened within mere seconds of one another. I watched her drop to the mattress before I discarded the condom and got us some cold water to drink. She was on her back when I returned and broadly as I looked down at her. In between sips of the water and slow kisses, I leaned over to suck her nipples into my mouth and trace my fingers over her body as she watched me carefully with a look of awe on her face.

“I knew that you would be as good like this…alone where we could really do this.” She told me as I pulled her close and nuzzled her neck with my lips. I was falling for this woman, and I didn’t know how to stop it despite my fears as a Seal and what could happen. I didn’t think there was an end to these feelings, and she slid her legs around me as she sighed happily.


I watched him fall asleep in my arms and smiled as I wondered what to do next. I had to use the bathroom, and I slid out from under him to go and use the attached bathroom as I smiled dreamily. Blake was perfect and worth all of the consequences at this moment. I finished and went for another bottle of water from the fridge when I noticed a large spill on his counter. I searched the kitchen for the paper towels that I had used earlier and upon not seeing them, I searched under the sink. It looked to be sticky and should be washed with warm water very soon.

There weren’t any there, and I looked around the kitchen to see a door that probably led to his garage. I looked down at my bare skin and smiled as I headed towards it and opened it carefully. I had found a light switch before I stepped outside as I remembered that there were no windows on the garage door with relief. I found a fresh pack above the washer and dryer, and when I turned, I noticed two duffel bags that were dropped on the floor a bit more than halfway between me and the garbage can.

I reminded myself as a therapist that it was wrong to snoop even as I walked forward. I hated myself as I knelt down to see them partially unzipped and reached in to feel what must be picture frames and I couldn’t stop myself from pulling one out. It was Blake and a handsome dark-haired man with their arms wrapped around each other in that manly and not at all weird way. It was the way that two guys act that are very close and the kind of bond that I appreciated as I looked it over. I looked at a few more, some of them with cute younger kids as well as what were clearly Seal pictures. Once I saw the name Roger on one of them, I realized that he was the reason that Blake had been sent to see me. This was his dead friend that he was grieving over.

What were these bags doing out here? I would think he would want to display them like I did pictures of my father and Terry. I cherished those memories, and these looked like happy ones to me, memories full of love and laughter.

“What are you doing?” His voice broke into my scrutiny of his past, and I frowned for a second before I turned to face him.

“I am so sorry, but I saw these and I…I looked inside.” His face hardened as he looked at the bags with cold eyes and then back to me. “Why are these here, Blake? How come they’re not inside of the house displayed proudly? You were obviously close.” I watched as he mentally distanced himself from me

“I can’t stand the sight of his face, and I don’t want his shit,” Blake told me as I stood and stared at him. I saw the degree of pain in his eyes as I stepped forward and watched him take a deep breath as he looked me over.

“Why, Blake? There are so many pictures, two bags full.” I pressed him, and he turned and headed into the house. I followed him as I sensed that he might be ready to talk to me and carefully listened after I closed the garage door with the slam of his door. “Blake?”

He was on the couch with his head in his hands, and I approached him slowly. I knew better as a person not to rush him and even more so as a doctor dealing with emotional military issues. It was a tough job, but I loved it with every step that I took towards him. I knew that I loved him a little bit, enough to scare me.

I lowered myself onto the couch beside him as he shivered in the light from the kitchen. “Blake, baby…I’m here for you,” I murmured as I rested my hand on his shoulder. “Talk to me.”

“I had to do it. Oh God…I saw Emma today, and it killed me, but I had to…had to do what I did to him.” His voice was broken and raw, and I eased my body against him just to hold him. “He was getting worse and worse, Aspen. I tried to talk to him and tell him to take a break.” He sucked in a sob as I wrapped my arms tighter around his chest. “He refused. He didn’t want to be a failure, and he was as dedicated to working as I was before…” Blake took a deep breath and wiped at his eyes. “Before he shot the Friend in our troop. That night, Roger opened fire at our guys, and I had no choice but to take him down. It is my duty as a Seal to save my men at any cost, and I just shot him in the head. I killed my best friend.” He was openly weeping as he leaned against me and I felt my tears slide down my cheek. The pressure that he must have been dealing with and the feelings had to be so intense, and I choked back my own sob.

“There was an ambush after that. Roger let the enemy know where we were with his shot and everything happened so fast after that. I don’t even know how I survived it. We’re lucky that we only lost the number of men that we did and that the enemy was defeated.” Blake explained as a heavy feeling filled the room. “Oh, fuck. I said it. I remembered everything another way after I came to. I didn’t want to realize that I murdered my best friend who was a husband and a father. It took time for the real memories to hit me, and Aspen, I feel so awful inside.”

“Blake, it’s okay. It’s okay. I won’t tell anybody about this.” I whispered as he stilled in my arms.

“I couldn’t tell anybody. It was dark, and I didn’t think that anybody saw what happened after he fired. I didn’t want to break Emma’s heart more by knowing the truth, so I kept up the story that is in the report. Please don’t destroy her like that, Aspen. Please. I’ve already been a terrible friend to her.” Blake cried as I felt my breath hitch in my throat. “She is having a baby girl in three months. I can’t destroy her this way.”

“Oh my God,” I whispered as he clung tightly to me. “I won’t say a word, Blake. I swear to you that I never will.”

He trembled and held me tighter before I felt his arms drop away from me. I leaned back to look at him, and I saw the broken man in front of me that had come into my office, only exposed and bleeding now. His pain was free. “Get the fuck out of my house.”

“What did you say?” I asked in disbelief as he focused a steady gaze at me that held nothing but hatred.

“I want you to leave. I want to be alone.” He clearly stated in a firm shaking voice. “Get the fuck out of my house.”

“Blake, no. I want to be here for you.” I argued as he looked down my body with a cruel gaze.
r />   “The only way you could help me is by spreading those legs open, Dr. Thomas. There is nothing more that I want from you.”

Tears slipped down my cheeks as I covered myself with my hands and ran into the bedroom to dress with shaking hands. He had just taken everything that we shared tonight and thrown it to the ground, only to break into shards of what I thought we were. He had hurt me and debased all of the feelings I thought that we had for one another.

As a therapist, I knew that he was just lashing out, and I could deal with it on that level. I could fix that.

As a woman that had crossed too many lines with my patient, I was devastated.

I left the house clutching my purse and what was left of my dignity without a backward glance as the pain clenched in my stomach and tears slipped down my cheeks.


Everything after that night was a blur for me. I started drinking heavily on a daily basis, starting whenever I woke up and continuing until I passed out again. The reality of what I told Aspen was too much for me to bear and I just spent my days numb and drunk to get through the few hours of the day that I did see. I ate when I couldn’t deal with the hunger and just ordered a lot of take-out to make it quick so I could drink some more.

The days turned into weeks. I missed therapy and got the messages that Aspen left that pleaded with me to please call her. She told me how worried she was about me and how she needed to see me. I ignored the pleas and just drank more.

My hair was growing in, and I had a beard now. I only showered to leave the house for more alcohol. I watched too much television and didn’t work out, and I knew that I was throwing all of my hard work away subconsciously, but it didn’t matter. I felt lost to myself and everyone else, despite the phone calls from those that knew me and were aware of my absence in the world.