Page 91

Filthy Boss Page 91

by Amy Brent

I walked through the men and women with one focus in mind. I could feel the eyes on me, but that was nothing new at a military bar. I have had every pickup line used on me over the last several years that I had been working with the Navy, but I didn’t mix business with pleasure, for the most part. There was the rare example when I did go for something when it felt right.

That was just easier to do away from the military base.

I saw the man that was sitting beside me look at me with a lingering gaze as I fought the urge to roll my eyes. When he told me what he was drinking, and it turned out to be what I was already ordering, I smiled at Matt and nodded. A fresh drink was placed in front of me while Matt filled the glass in front of my new drinking buddy and I assumed that I would have to catch up a bit. No worries.

We chatted lightly about the base and the town surrounding it as we drank shot after shot. He was undoubtedly feeling it, and I was starting to get a real buzz as I looked him over.

He was a sexy guy with a finely chiseled torso under his fitted black t-shirt and cropped black hair. His eyes were a brilliant blue, and he oozed confidence as he started to lay on the charm on thick while turning to face me after he drank one more shot. Sexy…no, he was gorgeous.

He met my eyes boldly as he asked my name but I shook my head with a mysterious smile. Names weren’t needed for this night and this fantasy so I wasn’t giving mine up. I watched as he leaned closer and talked about being a Seal with pride that lit up the room, even though I sensed something more underneath the surface.

I told myself to stop working as I ordered another drink and watched as our burgers were placed before us. We dug in as we slowed down on the drinks for a minute but the flirting didn’t stop. I found myself responding to his throaty tone and heated gazes with my own and I felt my thighs heat up as I pressed them against the stool to relieve the pressure on my clit. My lace panties dampened with the movement, and I looked at his face as he gave me a hooded look as I licked my lips. I wanted this man, and my entire body was feeling the effect of his seductive attitude.

We finished our burgers and had one more drink together as I felt his leg pressing against my thigh. We could not stop looking at each other, and I sipped the drink to slow down the time before I left.

I had a moment where I thought back to the heartbreaking loss of my father when he was working as a Seal as well as my brother Terry. They had both been all about their jobs and had the same pride that this man had, and sadness filled me as I looked at the floor for a moment. My remaining four brothers and mother were having a hard time moving on though they all assured me that I needed to follow my dreams of becoming a psychologist. I decided to focus on military PT SD just because I knew the hell that they went through. I also respected the people that had helped my family through our pain.

This man was not my father or brother. This man wanted me as much as I wanted him and I forced my gaze back to his eyes. “Are you okay?” He leaned close and asked me as he nearly brushed his lips against mine. I could smell the alcohol on his breath, and my breath came out in a short hiss.

“I'm all right,” I whispered as he moved forward just enough to press his lips against mine.

“That you are,” he told me as he pulled away. “Do you want to get out of here?”

“Sure.” He settled our tab and added a generous tip for the friendly bartender before leading me out of the door. When he turned left towards the back of the parking lot, I raised my brow and followed him. “Look at this bike. She’s a beauty,” he said as he eyed my bike.

“Thanks,” I replied as he turned to look at me in surprise.

“Yours?” I nodded, and he licked his lips as he stepped towards me. “You just got hotter.” I walked towards him as he cupped my face and kissed me hungrily as I pulled him closer to me by his hips. “I don’t do relationships. This would just be tonight.” He murmured against my lips before he claimed them again and slipped his tongue against mine.

“Of course.” I moved my arms around his neck as he eased me against my bike. Our lips met and parted as he slid me onto my seat and pressed his hard cock against me. It was quiet back here, and we were relatively alone apart from the noise of the cars on the street. I lost myself in his kisses and the way his hands felt as he slid them up my sides and just under my breasts between our bodies.

It was evident that we weren’t going to make it out of this parking lot, and I watched as he pulled away to lift my tank top and slide down my black bra. His hands pinched first before he lowered his mouth down to suck on my nipple with his mouth and teeth.

I moved my hands to unbuckle the jeans that he was wearing to find him bare and big underneath. He pushed his hips forward for a moment as fear filled me for a moment when I thought about where we were. Anybody could catch us, but as he slipped a hand between my legs, I closed my eyes and gave in to my desire.

He ripped my jeans down and slid me back onto the seat of my bike as I slipped his pants down his legs. I was nearly naked, and he spread my legs apart before he reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out a condom. “You’re so fucking wet.” He looked at me as I clung to him and begged him to get inside of me. He drove himself inside of me hard as I gasped and felt his lips on mine. My legs slid around his body as he thrust inside of me over and over as he gripped my ass tightly. “Ugh…so tight…you feel good, baby.” He whispered against my lips as I held in the screams that were trying to come out. My body was wet and welcoming, and I felt the stirring of my release inside of my body as I moved with him to find it.

Our soft moans combined as he moved harder and faster against my willing body and I gripped him tightly with my legs as I exploded against him blindly. Along with the drinks, this man is what I needed tonight and I had a fleeting thought of round two before I pushed it out of my head.

He stilled inside of me before he jerked forward and moaned and I knew that he was coming. It was intense from the way he held onto me and the look on his handsome face in the dim light of the light above us. “Jesus fucking Christ. This is all the therapy that I need.” He muttered to me as he opened his eyes and stared into my face.

He kissed me for a long moment before reality crashed around me. I let my legs drop, and he stepped back as I stood and found my jeans. I couldn’t believe that I had just had sex on my bike in a public parking lot, not to mention in the area of my new job. That kind of behavior was not appropriate for a psychologist, which I had lost for a moment.

“Tell me your name?” His voice held a questioning note to it as I fixed my bra and pressed my shirt back over my body.

“I can’t.” My buzz was gone as I stared at my bike and slipped my helmet over my head after I grabbed it from the handlebars. “Good night. I have to go.” I moved onto the seat and started the engine as I felt his eyes burning a hole into me. I wanted so much more with this man but the night was over, and it was time to think responsibly.


I woke up the following morning on top pf my messy comforter and groaned as my head throbbed slowly. I hated not having a schedule, and I rolled over to see what time it was as the memories of the night played back in my mind. She had been one of the hottest women I had ever fucked and my cock hardened with my thoughts.

I had a couple of hours before I had the dreaded appointment with the psychologist and smiled as I slid my hand around myself and started to stroke slowly. I could still smell the sweet scent of cherries that had been on her body as I closed my eyes and tightened my grip. I could still taste the alcohol on her tongue and the sweet feel of her lips as I bit my lower lip and felt my release approaching slowly. Her hard nipple had felt great against my teeth and her moan as I pulled on it had made me harder as I tasted it eagerly. I would have liked to have had more time with her. I wanted to eat her sweet pussy and feel her mouth around my cock next time, and I wished I had gotten her name and number.

The memory of her tight around me gave me enough fuel for my fantasy, and I grabbe
d at my nightstand for a Kleenex before my semen shot all over me. I moaned as I jerked forward and felt it soak the thin tissue and missed her under me as I dropped against the pillows and sighed. I didn’t of ever want more than one night with anybody, but she was different. She was also gone. I had no idea who she was and despite living in the same town, I assumed that we would not hook up again. She had run off too quickly for me to get anything from her.

I had a few one-night stands in my life that I left behind pretty easily. Work was all that I ever thought about and having this kind of time made me think about my mystery woman a lot more than I wanted to. There was just something about her, and I remembered the way her lips had tasted with that first kiss outside. I hadn’t planned for anything to happen there, but a woman with a bike like that did something to me. I loved my long rides on my own bike and the idea that she did as well make her all the better in my eyes.

I was hungover from the night before, and I made my way to the kitchen in my small house to get some water from the fridge. I had drunk to forget about everything that was going on but here I was caught up in the lascivious memory of a woman instead. Now I had the grief from losing Roger and lust to deal with, and my new head doc would probably have a great time trying to analyze me.

Not that I needed it. I was only going today because I was ordered to do so as well as the fact that it would get me back to work faster. That is what mattered, so I could make this doctor see that I was just fine apart from missing my buddy a little bit.

I watched some clips from some of the games the night before and pretended that I gave a shit about any of that. I never had. I was always looking ahead to when I could join the military and join in on the family tradition. I was working on my grades for that sole purpose and once I graduated with honors, I went right down to sign up.

The time seemed to drag as I pondered my life. It all came back to last night and how amazing it had been. While I was a good-looking guy, I also lived in a town that was eighty percent men and women like that were tough to find. All of us took trips to find better numbers and easily managed, but she had been local as well as one of the best I had ever had. I must be bored out of my mind if I was sitting here reflecting on last night like I was in high school or something. It was just a woman. It was just a fuck.

Or was it?

I drank some coffee and made a quick meal before I showered for the day. Thoughts of the night before crept into my mind all over again, and I stared down at my lonely erection with disdain in my eyes. “She’s not the only pussy on Earth. Get over it.” I could still see the way her tits bounced when I was fucking her, full and heavy. I could still see how turned on she was in her eyes that got a little darker when she was ready to come. I sighed and closed my eyes as I reached for the lotion in the shower and covered my hand with it. I closed my eyes as I stroked myself and remembered the scent of cherries and her juices as I leaned a hand against the shower wall. I had never wanted to go down on a woman so badly in my life before, but when she begged me to fuck her, I couldn’t say no. I didn’t even want that to be it, and I was willing to invite here to my place for round two when she clearly had remorse about what we had just done in the parking lot. I felt her around me all over again as I slid into her tight walls and I heard the sounds that she made into my mouth, sounds that could get a lot louder in a private setting. They were sounds that I wanted to hear again.

I rocked forward as I covered the tile with my cum and dropped my head forward. It was as intense as any release could be though it didn’t compare to what I had done last night inside of her. Her warmth and tight grip made me jerk like a teenager and fill the condom all too quickly.

I was weak as I finished the shower and vowed to hit a bar again tonight just to get her off of my mind. This behavior was not like me at all, and I cursed all of my free time as I rinsed myself off with a scowl.

I dressed in jeans and a dark blue t-shirt that boasted the Navy Seals before I slipped some Chucks on my feet. Apart from my work boots, these were my favorite when I was off. I quickly brushed my teeth and pulled on a light jacket before leaving the house to head to my motorcycle. I was going to be done with this shit and soon.

I drove into the downtown area of Baltimore, past the dangerous areas and wondered why this doctor wasn’t closer. I had to park in a garage, which made my Harley a little safer but was going to cost me even for this quiet hour and change. Not that I couldn’t afford it, but it was the principal. Everything about this was difficult.

I left the garage and walked over to the building that I needed with anger rising inside of me slowly. I had no idea what was about to happen here, and I was pissed off that my head was being pried open for this person to see. I walked into the lobby and scanned the wall to see that my appointment would be on the third floor before I looked around to see people wandering about here and there. Were any of them considered crazy as well?

Fuck this.

I grabbed an elevator and stepped inside. Leaning against the wall, I let out another sigh and stared at the lights on the ceiling of the car. It looked like I was going to a lawyer, which I might have preferred if I was honest. I veered right after I got off, nearly taking a woman out in my sudden movement. I apologized, but her brown eyes were wide with fear as she stared at me before scuttling into the car. I kept going and found the office that I needed and looked around again. I didn’t want anyone I knew to see me here.

I pushed open the glass door and looked around the moderately sized waiting room. It was pleasant if you didn’t know where you were with comfortable couches and seats, and pictures on the wall. It didn’t feel like an asylum like I’d expected. I walked up to the window and checked out the brunette that met my eyes as she asked me if she could help me. She wasn’t nearly as hot as the woman from the night before. “I am here to see Dr. Thomas,” I told her in a clipped tone as she checked her computer and then gave me a long look.

“Have a seat. She’ll be right out.” She nodded at the seats and picked up a clipboard with something attached. “Fill this out for her, please.”

Jesus, it was a woman to boot. Fantastic.

I found a seat in the corner and read through the questionnaire slowly with disbelief. It asked me how crazy I was in every sense possible, and I shook my head slowly. I answered it quickly, confident that this was not meant for me and when I got to the part about having any suicidal thoughts, I frowned. Hell, no I didn’t. I was just missing a buddy, and it had been a rough patch in my career. End of story.

I marked that with an empathic no and made sure that I was done as I dropped the entire clipboard down on the chair beside me. I just wanted this over with now, and I looked around the room at the tables covered with the generic magazines you always find in a waiting room as well as brochures both on the tables as well as the wall. They spoke of various mental illnesses, none of which I could relate to. They also spoke of the PT SD that I was accused of suffering from. I grabbed one and started to read through it to check off all of the proof that I didn’t have that.

Some of them made me scoff out loud. Who wouldn’t have flashbacks from something like what I had seen? That’s reasonable as well as the fact that I still dreamed about it sometimes and had trouble falling back asleep. So what? I didn’t drink enough for anyone to worry too much about me, and hell, last night I had a great night thanks to the bourbon.

I was finishing up with the long list of symptoms when I heard someone call out my name. “Blake?”

I recognized the voice and looked up as my eyes met green ones that went along with full lips that I was very familiar with in my memory.

Dr. Thomas was the woman that I had met last night!


Fuck me running.

My new patient was the man that I had lost all of my self-control with. My first fucking case was with the man I slept with. I pressed my lips together nervously and forced my hands to remain at my sides. “Come on back.” My voice sounded wooden,
hollow and I blinked to bring myself out of the horror that I was living right now.

Well, not complete horror. Last night was one for the fantasy bank, and my body could not help but heat up as he stood and walked toward me with a cocky swagger.

“Good morning. I’m Dr. Thomas,” I tried to sound more professional as I greeted him like he was any other patient. “How are you doing today?” I reached out a shaky hand for his clipboard, and he handed it to me with a direct gaze into my eyes.

“I’m better now.” I dropped the clipboard on the floor as he leaned closer to me to speak softly in my ear. “I know your name now.” Blake leaned over to retrieve the item for me, and I managed to get it into one of the slots that were located all over the waiting room successfully. This man was going to be the death of me. I turned to lead him down the wide hallway to my office and felt his eyes on my body as I gulped slowly. I had dressed to the hilt for my first day to impress, but I regretted the black pencil skirt that I paired a cream colored blouse with now as I could imagine his eyes tracing my ass. I knew that my heels made me even taller, and I hurried along as I clutched his papers in my hand.

He followed me into my office, and I sat down behind my desk and pressed my hands over my skirt slowly. Blake could never know how many times I’d gotten myself off in the last few hours with the memories that I cherished from last night. I felt the bun at the base of my neck to make sure that it was still neat and gazed down at his paper. I read the questions carefully and saw a man in complete denial of what he was struggling with. I had read the file, and he was a grieving person as anyone in his position had the right to me. My eyes went to his shirt that told me that he was what I needed to avoid, as well as the file that I had read through this morning. “Is all of this true?” I asked him as I lifted my eyes to his face carefully. I wouldn’t show anything that I was feeling right now, even as the lace between my legs grew damp with need, and I shifted in my seat.