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Filthy Boss Page 159

by Amy Brent

“Jake makes me laugh when I feel like I’ll never laugh again.” I say. “He brings up the fighter in me, and reminds myself of all the hard work I’ve done to get where I am.” Jake lights up, but I shake my head.

“But Emmet, you make me feel safe. And your love is so pure that it’s like a physical wind I feel every time you look at me.”

“What are you saying then, Remy?” He asks.

“I’m not sure how it happened, but I love the both of you. And it’s not love that’s split in half. It’s full, undivided love that makes it hard to breathe when I’m near just one of you.” I leave the bed and start putting my clothes back on. The twins remain silent. “And though I’m pretty sure I’ll always love you both, I’m not okay with being told to pick and throwing yourselves at me like it’s some sort of competition. It’s not.” I button up my coat and storm out of the master bedroom and rush to the parlor.

“Remy!” They call behind me. I wipe tears that fall freely down my cheeks and pause when I see the gold wrapped present on the table.

“Merry Christmas.” I choke on my words and storm out of the executive suite. They don’t chase me far, and thankfully neither the floor host nor Albert questions me as I run out in mortified tears.

And I only cry harder when I close my apartment door behind me, realizing that I would never see the Kennedys again.

Chapter 106

Boxed wine becomes my best friend the following night once again as I flip through channels of romantic Christmas movies full of happy endings. My popcorn bucket tips over onto the carpet when I fling the remote off of my futon. It’s useless, and I end up watching the last half of Love Actually. Camila calls, and upon hearing the TV in the background she promptly arrives with more wine and candied chocolates.

“You’re the real Santa Claus.” I say. We drink until we’re tipsy.

“David’s been a lot more calm since the owners left, gracias a Dios.” Camila gives me a wary look. “But you’ve been depressed. Anything you’re not telling me?”

I realize I hadn’t told Camila anything about my fatal romance. I’ve done my best at keeping the twins at the back of my mind, a crisis to be dealt with later. But the words come flowing out before I can stop myself, and soon Camila is biting her lip and gasping when I tell her how close I had gotten to sleeping with the both of them.

“But it was obvious they didn’t actually care about pleasuring me. They only cared that the other brother wasn’t.” I complain. Camila finally blinks and lifts her jaw.

“Dios chica, you’ve been living a real telenovela without telling me? It’s a miracle you even passed your classes!” She’s not wrong. I’m surprised I didn’t fail mid terms. “But what now? Are you going to see them again?”

“I blocked their numbers.” I say, and she groans.

“Idiota!” She yells. “You blocked the numbers of two rich hot brothers who both are in love with you?”

“What am I supposed to do? Be with both of them?” I argue back. “Camila this isn’t a Spanish TV show. That’s not how the real world works. I was ready to give both of them my virginity but how would we have done that? They hate taking turns!”

“They love you and you love them. That’s all that should matter.” She insists.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m over it.” I lie, and Camila sees right through me. She rolls her eyes but drops the subject, and we finish our sleep over with the rest of the wine and chocolates.

Camila wakes me first in the morning, and we both rush to get ready for our early shift together. It’s below freezing outside and we hurry to the subway, blowing hot air into our hands. It’s the day before Christmas Eve now, and it shows as every other person no the train holds bags upon bags stuffed with presents on their laps. Camila’s parents have flown in already, and she discusses the Christmas dinner that she’s been prepping nearly all year.

“Are you coming over?” She asks me as we get off our exit. “I’ve only asked you a million times and mami even brought an extra packet of socks to give you.”

“No thanks, Camila. Don’t think I could handle your crazy family.” We arrive at Kennedy’s before David does and begin opening. The breakfast crowd rushes in, and the first moment I get I hide in the storage room and scarf down a plate of our holiday peppermint french toast and candied bacon. I eat until I feel like my blouse is going to pop off and run to care for my tables. It’s our last business day of the week and the busiest so far. After only a few hours I’m covered in a light sweat with a pretty good amount of tips.

“Haven’t seen such a beautiful smile in a while.” A man at one of my tables says. He’s tan with dark hair and a thick beard, and his muscles prove that he spends a decent amount at the gym.

“Well, thank you.” I say, but it’s not as chipper or flirty as it would have been before the twins.

He ends up leaving an alright tip, and I know it would have been higher had I given in to him. But the disappointment quickly turns into desperation when I glance the back of two blonde men similar in height. They turn to me as I walk towards the hostess stand and I stop in my tracks. They’re not the twins.

The mailman arrives when breakfast turns into lunch and drops a stack inside David’s office. He intercepts me on his way out and hands me a thin letter. My name is written in neat cursive, but there’s no return address or name. I slip it into my apron and wait until my tables are taken care of before sneaking into the break room.

I pull out a postcard that has a short and simple note.

Remy, before we go we would like to apologize in person.

Christmas Eve night, Six P.M.

We’ll wait here for you, and hope you come.

An address finishes the note, and after looking it up on my phone I find out it’s a building downtown near their suite.

The letter falls from my hand onto the floor. They just want to apologize, I tell myself. Maybe say a proper goodbye. I can say goodbye to the Kennedy twins one more time.

I kneel and pick it up, brushing against the handwritten note most likely written by Emmet. Christmas Eve, it said. I’ll spend Christmas Eve with Emmet and Jake, and then say goodbye.

Chapter 107

I used to love Christmas Eve. I used to wake up and demand my parents get ready for breakfast. Afterwards, we would gather around the tree as they hand me one single present to open. It never mattered what it was, I still loved it because I got to open it early. Then we would go play in the snow, and every year our snowman would grow taller and taller. Until our first Christmas without my mom. Her car accident was nearly six months prior, but my dad was still in a drunken stupor and didn’t come home from the night before Christmas Eve until after New Years.

But this Christmas Eve is different. I’m not setting up expectations or assuming there’ll be anything more than kind words exchanged. I try to keep in with the holiday spirit with a red sweater that hugs my curves and fits over my waist, soft black leggings and a green scarf. I start to pull my hair into a bun but remember Jake’s words as he played with my corkscrews behind the restaurant. My hair falls down around my shoulders in tight curls as I slip into thick boots and a winter coat.

The cab drops me off at a high-rise on the other side of town compared to their suite. It’s shiny and brand new and looking at the people walking in and out, I realize they’re condos for the wealthy.

The inside is heavily decorated with wreaths, tinsel, candy canes and a giant snow frosted tree in the middle of the lobby. Two golden elevators sit on opposite ends, and after asking the receptionist, I get off the fifty fifth floor. There’s only one door on the very end of the floor. A soft knock pushes it open, and I walk inside and close it behind me.

My boots kick a foot of fake snow that swarms my ankles, and I take a deep whiff of pine needle, cinnamon and vanilla. Every inch of the condo is decorated with garland and Santa hats and even little mistletoes that hang from lowered ceilings. But the most amazing part is not the wrapping paper
crudely taped onto walls or the twinkling Christmas tree nestled in the corner, but the Parisian music that plays from a room around a corner and the plate of French pastries that sit on a small iron table with fake cigarettes.

“I forgot to add this.” Jake says as he enters through the hallway. He wears a thin shirt and regular pants, far more normal and humble that anything I’ve ever seen on either of them, and offers me a small smile as he fits a string of roses around the top of my head.

“What the hell is all this?” I ask. He laughs, and naturally I just want to tear his shirt and feel the muscles beneath.

“When we screw up we do everything to make up for it. And we fucked up big time.” He admits and pops half a scone in his mouth. A smudge of chocolate slides onto his lip and he uses my finger to wipe it and swirls his tongue around the tip. I gasp and try brushing his lips but he pulls away as Emmet joins us.

“We’re sorry, Remy. We didn’t realize how unfair it was to make you choose.” He says in a gray turtleneck and slacks.

“So you buy a condo and decorate it?” It’s ridiculous sounding in both my head and on my lips.

“Actually,” Emmet leaves and returns with a letter. I open it to not only find the deed to the place, but my name as well. “It’s a part of your promotion package. Your current apartment was way too far from the restaurant and as the newest floor manager we wanted to make sure you were readily available.”

I look at the condo with fresh eyes.

“You bought me a condo?” I whisper. My heart beats so loud and quickly that I wonder if they can hear it themselves. “You’re fucking crazy. Both of you, I’m not taking this!”

“Remy.” Jake calms me down and presses his hands on my shoulders. His breath brushes against my cheek and I’m overwhelmed by his scent of firewood and mint. “David is leaving to manage our second location, and you’re the best worker we have. Just say yes, and after the new year you’ll officially be Kennedy’s Downtown Manager, with the pay to match.”

Climbing the ranks at Kennedys has been a goal of mine, and I know that place inside and out. Already my mind is full of ideas and thoughts and so I accept, but with reservations.

“I like my apartment, and I’m still in a lease.” I say. “And I’m not okay with being spoiled or getting special treatment from the both of you.”

“This condo is a perk of being the manager. David opted for a cash bonus when we first hired him, so we never had to deal with buying one. But when you get promoted again, or maybe even help us open a third location, this will become whoever replaces you.” Emmet explains. “It’s a challenging job, so we wanted the perks to be worth it. And it’ll be waiting for you until your current lease ends.”

I set the deed next to the scones and face them both. Their scent fills my nose until I’m sure I’m flushed and breathing heavily, and it’s not long before they realize it as well.

“Remy.” Emmet starts but Jake interrupts him.

“We’re not asking you to choose one of us.” He says.

“We never will.” Emmet finishes.

“We always hated sharing when we were younger, but that’s because we’ve never had anything worth sharing.” Jake’s arm cups my face and brings his close to mine. He closes his eyes, and kisses me long and hard as Emmet’s hands slide from behind my back towards my breast. They roam my plump body, squeezing and tracing lines until they stop just near the inside of my thighs. I’m already wet there, and Jake only worsens it when his tongue dips into my mouth.

“If you’ll share your love with us, we’ll learn how to share you.” Emmet whispers near my neck.

“Are you sure?” I breathe. They take turns undressing me until I’m standing in only my panties, and when I point out that they’re still wearing clothes they both grin and rip theirs off.

“We are absolutely, positively more than sure. Remy, we love you. We’ve learned than we both can’t stop thinking about you. You drive us equally crazy, and together we can make you the happiest you’ve ever been.” Jake gets 3 glasses of whiskey and passes them between us. “To our first Christmas Eve together.” He says and we each take a small sip.

“And now,” Emmet presses small kisses at the base of my neck as his fingers play with my enlarged nipples. “It’s time to share.”

Chapter 108

Jake lifts me up around his waist. I lean my head against Emmet’s chest behind me and moan as I’m moved from the living room to a barely furnished bedroom with nothing but a simple bed and a nightstand.

All three of us get comfortable, both men on either side of me. Their hands stroke my dark skin as I take turns kissing them. There’s an even mixture of love and lust and before I realize it, my limbs are entangled in their’s. Emmet’s head is nestled between my bosom and he takes my nipples between his lips and swirls around his tongue, making me squirm and twitch as his hands massage my breasts. Jake doesn’t try to pry me away or push Emmet, instead he lowers himself to my thighs and pulls my panties until they’re bunched at my bent knees. He settles his head between my legs and before I can ready myself licks from the bottom of my sex to the top, pressing extra hard against my clit and making me cry out in pleasure. It’s a brand new sensation to me, and as Jake buries his tongue and licks me inside out my hips buckle in response.

Instead of jealousy or anger, Emmet becomes more aroused the more I move beneath him. He nibbles softly on my nipple while stroking his own cock, and I reach for it. It’s thick and hard and twitches beneath my touch. His mouth moans around my breast as I pump his rod, increasing in speed as Jake licks me faster.

I peek down, and at the sight of Emmet’s mouth sucking on my breast and Jake’s head at my thighs I find release a lot sooner than expected. I cry louder than I ever have before, one hand dropping Emmet’s member and grabbing onto his hair as the other pushes Jake’s mouth further against my essence. He softens his licks at I ride my orgasm to completion, twisting and writhing as both brothers hold onto my body.

It finally ends and I relax, but Jake’s devious eyes sparkle as he climbs over me. Emmet backs up and makes room, panting hard himself.

“Your pussy tastes amazing.” He says and kisses me. My sour juices drop onto my lips and I swallow them. Jake growls against my mouth, pressing his palm against my drenched clit. It makes me twitch again and rub myself on his hand.

“I’ve never felt that before.” I admit. Jake twirls my hair and laughs.

“Get used to it.” He nibbles my ear before scooting over when Emmet presses his lean, muscular body against mine. I grab his member hanging between us and pull it towards my entrance. Emmet moves on top of me, and shoots Jake a raised eyebrow. I ready myself, fearing he’ll think I don’t want him equally or complain about being put second, but he shrugs.

“Technically you saw her first.” He says, and as I press my hand against Emmet’s cheek I remember how strong his arms were when he protected me from that perverted stranger at the restaurant months ago.

“I’ve never done this before.” I say before I could convince myself to keep quiet. “Even though I’m on the pill and I’ve read stories, I’ve always wanted to wait.” My insecurities and fears melt as both Emmet and Jake take my hands and kiss the inside of my palm.

“It’s worth waiting.” Emmet promises me. He’s gentle at first, guiding his member to my entrance and slowly caressing it. His tip slides in with ease, and Emmet’s hand grabs my ass and readies himself. Jake’s mouth finds mine as Emmet pushes inside, and I scream against it. I cry until Emmet’s as far inside me as he can be, and moan when he starts sliding in and out.

Jake and I kiss as Emmet and I make love. They each fondle a breast and pleasure me until a warmth so strong and powerful rips through my body once again and I dissolve in their arms. It’s not what I had imagined at all, and I realize I never could have imagined a love quite like this.

With Emmet inside and Jake besides me, I feel complete. Like this was the true fairy tale romance I’ve been waiti
ng for. But there’s still one thing left, and it seems Jake agrees. Emmet slides out, barely reacting to the spot of blood on him as he wipes it off, and trades places with Jake, who’s cock might be the same size but feels different somehow. Not better, nor worse, but it’s different in the same way that everything else about Jake and Emmet are different.

And like everything else in his life, Jake is aggressive. He flips me over, his muscles bulging as they grab my hips and pulls my ass into the air. Emmet sits in front of me, his erection prodding close to my lips and out of curiosity I taste it, recognizing the same sour taste that was on Jake’s lips before.

My mouth closes around Emmet’s arousal just as Jake slips inside of me. He’s fast and rough, and my head bobs up and down on Emmet’s as Jake fucks me hard from behind.

The twins share me in different ways until they both reach their release at the same time. Emmet fills my mouth, grabbing the top of my head as he cries and arches his hips. Jake buckles behind me and I feel every twitch that pours his manhood into me.

We all collapse onto the bed together, exhausted, happy, in love. The twins are mine, and I’m their’s, and there’s enough space in the future for the three of us.

“Merry Fucking Christmas.” Jake croaks. Emmet and I chuckle before he reaches to the nightstand and pulls out an envelope from the drawer.

“Speaking of Christmas, here’s your actual present.” Emmet says. I open it to find three airline tickets leaving for France the day after Christmas. I try to be angry, but surprised tears form against my will and it’s hard to keep my voice even.

“I thought we went over this.”

“Yeah, yeah. No hand-outs.” Jake rolls his eyes. “Remy, let us spoil you just this once. It’s not every day that we find something that we agree on.”