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Filled Page 1

by Alexa Riley


Alexa Riley



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12




Chapter 1

Lassoing the Virgin Mail-Order Bride

Chapter 1

Read Me Romance

Stalk the Author

Copyright © 2020 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]

Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

Edited by Aquila Editing


by Alexa Riley

Angus plans on spending a quiet night in his hotel room until a stripper shows up at his door. Suddenly his plans have changed and even though he’s the wrong guy, she’s the right woman.

Bambi would do anything to save her brother, even becoming a call girl. But one dance for her first client and she’s in trouble.

Warning: Can a quick connection be more than just a spark? Get ready because these two are about to light up the night! Don’t worry, there’s always room for a Happily Ever After.

Chapter One


“Clothes off,” Vivian orders, not bothering to look my way as she clicks on her keyboard with her perfectly polished nails. She hits each key with precision while I sit there, unsure if I heard her right. “I don’t have all day and we’re down a girl. Do you want the job or not?”

She turns her head away from her computer screen to finally look my way. It’s the first time she’s bothered to look at me since another woman led me into her pristine office. This place is nothing like I thought it was going to be. I’d swear I was in a law office and not a place for call girls and strippers.

Her large red-rimmed glasses sit on the edge of her nose. She looks like a naughty teacher ready to give out a spanking, and I swallow hard because I’m definitely not looking for one.

“I want the job,” I rush to say as I wet my lips.

I can’t remember the last time I was naked in front of another person, and I thought we’d build up to it. Looks like I was wrong. I slowly get up from the chair and pull my dress over my head. I clench it in my hand, telling myself over and over not to cover my body with my hands. Her eyes go from me to the papers on her desk. Her eyes scan the document as they scanned me—with precision and no emotion.

“Cheerleader?” Her lips twitch.

“Yeah.” The application asked for dance experience. I left out that it was for the elementary school football team in my small town. She leans back in her chair, and her eyes roam over me again. The urge to bring my dress to my chest to cover myself is so strong I have to fight my twitching muscles.

“Are you sure you want to do this? You can’t even take the rest of your clothes off.” She motions towards my bra and panties.

“I can.” I put my dress in the chair behind me and begin to unclasp my bra.

“Put your dress back on.” She lets out a long sigh.

I realize I’m not getting the job, and I start to panic. I’m desperate.

“I can do this, I swear,” I hurry to say. Gah. I’ve messed this up, and I need it so bad right now. What is wrong with me? Of course I have to take my clothes off for this.

Fear swamps me, and I think for the thousandth time, How did I get here? Then it’s followed quickly by the memory of my brother once again getting himself in too deep.

“I’ve seen enough. This might actually work.”

I’m shocked as I quickly put my clothes on and instantly feel better. Please, I silently beg.

“The shy innocent thing sells.” She scribbles something down on the paper. “I have a bachelor party tonight. You only have to strip for him, and the panties stay on.” She grabs another piece of paper and starts to write more. “I’m giving you a chance, so don’t screw it up. I’ll send a driver for you and you’ll have a bodyguard.” She reaches out, handing me the paper. I take it from her hand with shaky fingers. “Light makeup and play the innocent thing up.”

That won’t be too hard since there’s no playing.

“Thank you. I really need this.” I swallow hard as I clutch the paper to my chest.

“Word of advice. Never let anyone know how desperate you are.” I nod. “The name Bambi fits you. I like it.”

I realize she thinks it’s a fake name, and I feel so dumb. I guess I should’ve given her one, but it’s too late now.

“Is there anything else you need from me?” This is all happening fast. Shouldn't there be paperwork or something I need to give them? She didn't ask me for my ID or anything. I know all this is legal in Vegas, but for some reason this doesn't feel above board. I guess what I need money for isn’t exactly legal either. My brother is in deep with a loan shark and is running out of time.

“Don’t fuck this up. You only have to dance for one person, so it’s a good way to test the waters.” I look down at the paper and my eyes almost pop out of my head when I see how much I’ll be getting paid.

“I don’t sleep with him, right?” I blurt out, because why else would I be getting paid so much?

“Not this one.”

“I can only dance. I don’t think I can do other things.” There’s no way I could sleep with a stranger. I have to draw a line somewhere, and I’m already way out of my element.

“That’s what everyone says until more money starts rolling in.” I shake my head. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. We’ll see if you still have a job come tomorrow. Then we’ll worry about the other details.”

“Thank you,” I say again, tucking the paper into my purse.

“There is more where that came from,” she calls after me as I walk out of her office.

I make it outside the building before I’m pulling the paper back out to read over everything she’d written down. Two thousand dollars for a private lap dance.

“Bam,” my stepbrother calls, and I turn around. He’s in a different car than the one he dropped me off in. “You good?”

Am I good? No. He got me into this mess, and I’m nowhere close to good.

“Whose car is this?” I ask, walking over to it.

“Get in,” he orders without answering my question.

“Is it stolen?”

“Get in the fucking car. Jesus.” I do as he says, not wanting to have a fight with him in the street. “You get the job or not?” He cuts right to the chase as his hands clench the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turn white.


“I knew you would.” He pulls out of the parking lot and looks pissed, but this was his idea to begin with. He needed quick cash, and this would get us that. “When do you start? The sooner the better.” How do I always let him get me into these messes?

Probably because I owe him. If it wasn't for Jero, I would have been on
the streets or in the system a long time ago.


He glances over at me and tugs the end of my long, braided ponytail. “We have some work to do then. I promise this won’t happen again.”

It’s his mess, but I’m the one stuck cleaning it up. Maybe it’s mine too because he makes me feel that way when he brings it to our front door. He said he had to get the loans because he was on a hot streak at the casino, but of course he lost it all. Bills needed to be paid to keep a roof over our head, and my current job is a drop in the bucket.

“I’ll walk a straight line after this, Bam, I swear. We just need to get the five grand and I’m done.”

I’m not sure if he’s trying to reassure me or himself, but for once I actually don’t believe him.

Chapter Two


“Yeah, yeah, sure. I’ll be there in fifteen. You guys order a bottle for me.” I hear the sounds of the club on the other end of the phone and Franky shouting, “You know what, make it two!”

“See you soon, bro.”

Franky hangs up and I laugh as I turn off the water to the bath and take off my shirt. I’m not going anywhere tonight, but if I told the guys that, they’d come back to this suite and drag me out with them. I already spent hours in the poker room buying drinks and gambling. I don’t like either of those things, but it’s Franky’s bachelor party, and we agreed to whatever he wanted.

Franky is a childhood friend of my brother Rogue and me. We kept in touch as we got older, but it’s not always easy with how demanding our jobs are. Rogue lives here in Vegas as one of the biggest divorce attorneys in the country while I’m up in Northern California in the middle of nowhere. It’s always good to see my brother, but after a night or two living it up in Vegas, I’m ready for my cabin in the mountains with peace and quiet.

I text Rogue to make sure he’s okay, and all I get back is a “K.” He saw a cocktail waitress at the casino tonight and went headfirst after her. That’s my brother. He’s strong and steady and unmoving, but if something changes his mind, you better look out. This waitress turned his head, and he was done for. I’ve never seen him look at a woman that way, and I think about our mom and dad. The same thing happened to them, and our dad warned us our whole lives to be prepared. I always thought that was crazy talk, but after seeing Rogue tonight, I’m second-guessing my stubborn attitude.

Shaking the thought away, I strip down, get into the tub big enough for a whole group of people, and lean back. I close my eyes and let the hot water ease the aches in my muscles. I run an adventure company that takes people into the wilderness and leaves them there for survival training. It’s my job to make sure they don’t die…just push them to the edge and see if they can make it back. I had a group of four CEOs earlier this week, and all of them tapped out after four days. I was left to hike out all their gear from some rough terrain because they got in over their heads. The two moms I had the month before outlasted their asses and passed with flying color. Women really should be running this world.

A knock on the hotel door has me sitting up in the tub. Who the hell would be here at this hour? I check my watch and see it’s after midnight. I know the guys didn’t leave the club to come back here. As far as they know, I’m on my way to them.

There’s another knock, and this time it’s louder and followed by the doorbell. I didn’t realize this suite had one, but Rogue booked the room, so I’m not surprised.

I get out of the tub and grab the white hotel robe on the back of the door. It’s too short in the arms and barely closes, but it’s quicker than getting dressed. I rush to the door and fling it open, only to stand there in shock.

“Room seventeen twelve?” a big guy in a suit says, and I look at the number on the door to confirm.

“Yeah, that’s me.”

“Right this way.” The guy that looks like a former football player holds out his arm and a small woman in a baggy coat with the hood pulled up comes in and walks by me.

“Um, I think there’s been a mista—” My words cut off as the woman pushes back the hood and looks at me with dark green eyes and all the weight of the world on her shoulders.

For a moment I just stare at her and drink her in. I want to pull her to me and tell her it’s all going to be okay. I’m here now, and she’s safe. I want to drop to my knees and tell her that I’ve been searching for her my whole life and finally, finally I’ve found her.

“Are you the bachelor?” she asks softly, and I realize my mouth is too dry to speak.

She looks at the bouncer, who steps into the room, and the sound of the hotel door slamming shut has me nodding quickly.

“Cash upfront before we get started,” the bouncer says, and I have to blink to break eye contact.

“H-how much was it again?” I swallow hard. Jesus, do I get to fuck her? I won big tonight, but how much does it cost? Do I have that much cash on hand?

My mind is already calculating how much I have on me and how much I can swipe from Rogue’s room. He knows I’m good for it. I’ve got nearly as much money as he does; I just wasn’t prepared with cash.

“Two grand,” he says, and I look at her in disbelief.

“That’s it?” I stare between the two of them and consider how much more I would have paid. Now I’m wondering if this guy is going to watch me, because I wonder if I could pay more to have her alone.

“Cash,” he says again, holding out his hand.

“Be right back.” I look at her, and her green eyes meet mine before she quickly looks away.

I turn around and hurry to find my pants and take out the stack I got from gambling earlier. I count out two thousand and tuck the rest in my bathrobe. When I get back into the living room, the bouncer hasn’t moved away from the hotel door, but the girl has walked all the way into the living room and is looking out over the city.

I hand the big guy the cash, and he flips through it and then nods as he tucks it away. “You have an hour.” I open my mouth to ask for what and then he begins to list off the rules. “No touching her, but she can touch you. Topless only and that goes for the both of you.” He glances down to the front of my robe where it’s clearly tented from my excited erection. “No kissing, no drinking, no drugs. She dances, you watch. Got it?”

“Got it.” I nod. “Do you have to stay in the room?”

“Yes,” he answers with finality and plants his feet as he crosses his arms over his chest.

He’s big, but we’re eye to eye and I think about how I could probably take him in a fight. He’s meaty, but I’m athletic. I climb mountains and hike up waterfalls. I’m in better shape than him and have trained in hand-to-hand combat. I’m not looking for a fight, but I always like knowing where my exits are and who I need to get through to find them.

Soft music begins to play, and I turn around to see the girl has turned on the stereo. She hits a few buttons and then the music changes to something with a beat and a woman’s voice begins to sing.

I forget about the bouncer watching as I make my way over to where she’s standing in her baggy coat and flats.

“I’m Angus,” I say, my throat still like the desert.

“I’m Bambi.” Her voice is gentle like a Sunday school teacher. “Do you want to sit down?” She nods to the couch next to me and I walk over to it.

“Is talking allowed?” I see her look at the bouncer and then back to me.


The song thumps, and I hear the singer's voice tell me that she’s trouble, and I wonder if this is foreshadowing.

I take a seat on the couch that’s facing away from the door and toward the city lights. Bambi moves to stand in front of me, and like this, I could almost pretend we’re alone.

“Is there anything in particular you want?” She unbuttons the front of her coat slowly, and I try to swallow.

“What are you offering?” I want to tell her I’ve never done this before, but for some reason I want her to feel comfortable with me. I
want her to feel safe, and if I act like this is easy for me, then maybe it will be for her too. When she doesn’t answer right away, I see fear begin to form in those deep green eyes. “Why don’t you go slow? I like slow.”

She relaxes by a fraction and nods, taking a step toward me. When she finishes unbuttoning the coat, she opens it and lets it slide down to the floor. She’s wearing a pale yellow slip dress that’s silky and see-through. I can make out the outline of her simple bra and panties and I’ve never seen anything sexier in my whole goddamn life.

“Fuck,” I hiss as I take in the view of her.

She turns in front of me and I get a view of her big round ass stretching the thin material tight. My mouth waters, and I have to swallow repeatedly so I don’t drool on myself. Her dark hair is in long waves, and she sweeps it over one shoulder, looking at me through her lashes.

I rub my hands on my thighs over the bathrobe to dry them off. My fingers twitch to touch her, but I’m so taken with her I’m rooted to the spot.

This is what Dad was telling you about. I hear the words in the back of my head, and I push them away. Not now. Just let me enjoy the good luck that’s mistakenly sent Bambi to me.

She moves closer, and her knee brushes against mine. “Congratulations.”

“What?” I blink up at her and wonder if she’s congratulating me on finding the one.

“On getting married.” Her hips roll to one side then the other. I’m so lost in the motion I don’t answer her.

My hands rise, and I hear a throat clear behind me. I’d forgotten for a second what was happening. I place my hands back on my thighs as she circles her hips again and then dips her ass down low.