Page 43

Enhanced Page 43

by Evangeline Anderson

“I’m glad to hear that.” Mei-Li was cautiously optimistic. “Then you’re feeling…”

“Less like I need to splatter my brains across the wall to make it stop?” he growled. “Yes.”

Mei-Li closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath. God if he’d really be suicidal…she had probably come within a hair of losing him! The thought left her feeling shaky and weak but she made herself go on.

“Why did you go?” she said in a low voice. “After the memory was over. Why did you leave if you were feeling that way? You should have stayed with me—should have let me help you through it.”

“I do not need help,” Six said stubbornly. “I am perfectly fine.”

“Perfectly fine?” Mei-Li didn’t bother to try and keep the sarcasm out of her voice. “Is that why you’re running away again? Looking for a way to stamp out your emotions instead of working through them?”

“Why should I try to live with something that makes me weak?” he demanded. “Why should I endure the feelings associated with those memories if I do not have to?”

“Because not all emotions are bad ones,” Mei-Li said gently. She scooted closer to him and put a hand on his knee. He stiffened immediately but she didn’t remove her hand. “Six,” she said softly. “There are positive emotions too. Caring and warmth and tenderness and love.”

“So you say.” He swallowed hard and looked down at her hand, still on his knee. “But so far most of what I have felt is pain. I do not wish to bear it anymore.”

“Then let me help you bear it.” Mei-Li got up on her knees to reach him better. She put an arm around one broad shoulder and touched the back of his neck lightly, caressing the small bandage that covered the healing scar left by his implant. “You got the emotion damper when you were fourteen,” she murmured. “You had to—there was no one left to help you deal with the trauma you suffered, to ease your pain. But I’m here now, Six. I want to help you bear it. Please…”

A shudder went through his big, muscular frame and he closed his eyes.

“I cannot, Mei-Li.” His deep voice was hoarse with longing. “I cannot deal with these emotions and I do not wish to. Please…do not ask it of me.”

“I’m not asking you to stay or to change your plans,” she said, taking a gamble. “I’m just asking you to let me ease your pain. After all, you allowed yourself to feel it because of me—let me be the one to help you heal from it.”

“Why should I?” But his voice was a low, wounded whisper—not a defiant shout of anger. “Why bother when I can just get rid of the emotions forever?”

“Because you won’t be able to get rid of the memories this time,” Mei-Li answered. “I know because Yipper told me. “So I want you to have some good memories too—not just the awful ones. Good memories of our time together.”

“The memories will not give me emotions, either good or bad once I have taken the serum,” he reminded her.

“They’ll give me feelings though. Please, Six…” She leaned closer to him, letting her small breasts brush his arm and kissed him lightly on the corner of his mouth. “I want some good memories, too,” she whispered. “Please help me make them.”

“I…should not.” His deep voice sounded slightly strangled.

Mei-Li was getting desperate here. She needed to get close to him—to show him that some emotions were good and worth having. She needed to touch him and let him know the pain of his past could be if not erased, then at least eased. She had a feeling if she could just show him that—just remind him of everything he would be leaving behind if he took the emotion blocker—she could convince him to stay with her.

“Please, Six—just let me hold you close one more time before you go,” she whispered and kissed him again. “Just give me one good memory to remember you by.”

With a low groan, Six turned towards her and covered her mouth with his. The delicious dark chocolate taste of his tongue made her moan breathlessly but before she knew it, he was pulling away again. She was afraid he was going to refuse her and push her out the door but instead he looked into her eyes.

“All right,” he growled softly. “One memory before I inject myself with the emotion blocker and leave. What shall it be?”

Chapter Thirty-five

Six couldn’t believe he was doing this.

One memory—just one, he reminded himself. She asked it as a parting request—how could I deny her?

Of course the fact that he didn’t want to deny her was secondary. Gods, it felt so good to hold her in his arms—so right to taste her sweet lips. He knew he shouldn’t do this—shouldn’t give in to the insatiable hunger inside him. But he couldn’t help it. He wanted to touch her…to taste her one last time.

He pulled her closer, lifting her small, slender body into his lap, the better to cradle her against him. Gods, her skin was so smooth and her hair was like black silk against his arm as he bent her back, the better to taste her mouth. She moaned breathlessly, making the soft little pleasure sounds that made his shaft feel harder than a rock when he heard them. Six couldn’t help remembering that she sounded the same way when he tasted her, when he spread her sweet pussy lips with his tongue and licked deep into her hot little cunt.

And then she started talking.

“Touch me,” she whispered. Her soft, sweet voice seemed to go straight to his balls and her warm breath in his ear sent a shiver of desire down his spine. “Put your hands all over me—I want to really feel you. If this is the last time, I want your hands on me everywhere.”

Gods… Six couldn’t help the low groan that escaped him as he complied with her demand. His hands slid over her smooth shoulders and down her bare arms, then lower to the small of her back and her round little ass. He caressed it eagerly, making her purr with delight, then slid both hands back up again to cup her small, perfectly formed breasts. He could feel her tight nipples under the thin, silky material and she moaned and twisted in his arms when he rubbed his thumbs lightly over the hard little nubs.

“Six!” she gasped, uttering his name like a prayer. Then, to his surprise, she put her hands on his wrists to stop him.

“What is it?” he asked. “I thought you wanted to be touched?”

“I do.” She was breathing hard, almost panting. “But on my own terms. This is my last memory we’re building here—remember? You won’t care about it once…once you take the serum. But I will.” Her dark eyes were troubled but she looked determined. “I want it to be perfect.”

“Very well.” Six let his hand drop to his sides. “Tell me what you want and I will do it.”

“Good. I do want you to touch me. But slowly. And without this in the way.”

She got off his lap and stood before him, nibbling her lush bottom lip. Six had the idea she was trying to get up the nerve to do something. Then she reached behind her back and there was a low purring sound of a zipper releasing. The deep green garment she’d been wearing slipped down to puddle at her feet.

Six gave a low, hoarse exclamation at what was revealed. He had seen her naked before but the outfit she had on was somehow more provocative than mere nudity. Her small breasts were barely covered by two black lace cups that molded to them without hiding much of anything. He could see the dark pink peaks of her nipples through the thin fabric but somehow the fact that they were almost hidden by the flimsy material made his cock ache.

Below, a scrap of the same black lace barely covered her plump little pussy, dipping low to show just the top of her slit and a tantalizing glimpse of her slippery inner folds. Gods, her soft little pussy…the longing and desire it inspired was enough to make him curl his hands into fists at his sides.

I am only doing this to give Mei-Li one last good memory, he reminded himself again. I must make it the memory she wants. He didn’t want to hold her down to taste her again—that had been wrong. But Gods…

“So…do you like it?” Mei-Li twirled in front of him, turning slowly so he could take in the sight of her slender, pale
body accented by black lace.

“Do I like it?” he growled hoarsely. “I cannot stop looking at it—at you.”

Again he had to restrain himself from pulling her forward and pressing his face to that soft area between her thighs. He wanted to feel that black lace against his cheek…wanted to tear it off with his teeth…and then spread her legs and taste her to the core.

But it was clear Mei-Li wanted to take things slowly. She wanted their last memory together to be a certain way. Somehow he held himself back but he had the feeling he wouldn’t be able to for long.

“Mei-Li,” he murmured, looking her in the eyes. “Tell me now how I may touch you. I cannot wait much longer.”

“Good.” She smiled slightly. “But I’m the one who’s going to touch you. Come into the bedroom with me.”

* * * * *

Mei-Li didn’t really have a plan—she was just following her instincts, doing what felt right. And right now her instincts were telling her to draw this out, to make it last as long as she could. The longer she gave Six to remember how good positive emotions could feel, the longer he would have to reconsider taking that damn emotion blocker and leaving the Mother Ship never to return.

She kept the heels on, knowing they made her legs look longer as she preceded him into the bedroom of the small guest suite. It had a huge king-sized bed, obviously built for a Kindred, with a dark blue and gold spread and not much else. That was fine with Mei-Li—a bed was all she needed right now.

She could feel Six’s eyes on her as she sauntered slowly up to the broad mattress. The lace panties were a thong in back which accentuated her ass. The skimpy garments made her feel sexy and vulnerable at the same time but she was glad she was wearing them—they certainly had an effect on Six. At least, if the bulge she’d seen in his trousers was any indication.

When she was standing beside the bed, she turned to face him.

“All right—strip.”

“What?” He frowned. “Why?”

Mei-Li smiled at him. “I want to feel your skin against mine, one last time. Please, Six…”

“All right.” He shrugged, his broad shoulders rolling with the gesture. He pulled his black long sleeved shirt over his head and shucked down the black leather flight trousers, and toed off his boots as well. Then he stood there, naked.

Naked and mouthwatering, whispered a little voice in her brain as she stared at his muscular chest and arms. Her eyes skimmed the area between his thighs too and she saw that this was most certainly affecting him—his cock was more than half hard.

God, so big… Mei-Li remembered trying to get her mouth around it the last time they’d been together—it had been nearly impossible. She wondered if it would fit inside her. She wondered if she’d get a chance to try…

But for now, she just wanted to touch him. To touch him and feel that big body pressed against her own.

“What do you want me to do?” Six asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Lie down with me.” Mei-Li got on the bed and scooted to the middle. Then she lay down on her side and patted the spot next to her. “Here. I want you here.”

“Very well.” Six got in bed and scooted to the middle to meet her. He was about to put his arms around her when Mei-Li stopped him.

“Uh-uh. Remember I said I want to do the touching.”

“What are you going to do?” There was definite frustration in his deep voice now.

“I’ll show you. Lay on your back.”

He did as she asked and Mei-Li straddled him, spreading her thighs to kneel on either side of his lean hips. His breath caught in his throat as she leaned over him, giving him a good view of her breasts, framed perfectly in the black lace cups. Her nipples were exposed at this angle and she enjoyed seeing the hungry look on his face as his eyes roved over her nearly-naked body.

But she wasn’t content just to let him look. Inching forward, she started at his chest, dropping a kiss in the strong hollow of his throat and then moving down his broad sternum. She rubbed her cheek against his pecs, letting her silky hair slide over the flat copper disks of his nipples before flicking her tongue over one tight little nub.

Six took in a deep, hoarse breath.

“Mei-Li,” he ground out, his big body tense beneath hers. “You are driving me halfway insane.”

Glad to hear it. Have to show you what you’re going to be missing if you give this all up.

Looking up, she gave him a naughty, teasing little smile.

“Only halfway? Guess that means I’ll have to try harder.”

“Mei-Li,” he protested. “Lasai…”

The use of his sweet nickname for her didn’t go unnoticed but Mei-Li didn’t comment on it.

“Just relax,” she murmured. “Relax and let yourself feel…”

Slowly she made her way down his body, licking and nibbling, delighting in the salty taste of his skin. His scent, sharp and clean with a hint of dark spice, rose around her, making her feel almost dizzy with lust. But she kept her head and continued to move lower until she reached the thick shaft of his cock.

“Gods…” Six groaned as she grasped the hot, silky shaft in one hand. “Mei-Li…”

“Relax,” she said again. “Close your eyes and take it easy…or watch if that turns you on.” She gave him a naughty look and then bent to place a hot, open mouthed kiss on the broad head of his cock. There was already a droplet of precum there and she lapped it up, using the flat of her tongue and savoring the salted dark chocolate taste of him. Six was propped up on his elbows, watching and the whole time she held his gaze, daring him to make her stop…or to beg her to go on.

“Why are you doing this?” he asked hoarsely as she continued to lick him like an ice cream cone. “I do not understand.”

“I told you, I want a last good memory,” Mei-Li said innocently. “Kissing you is something I don’t want to forget.”

He frowned. “No, that is not the reason. You’re doing this to try and convince me that some emotions are worth having. But if that is your strategy, you ought to allow me to kiss you.”

Mei-Li smiled, trying to cover her confusion. So he was on to her. Well, so what? It didn’t change anything—she was still determined to show him what he would be losing if he took that damn serum.

“You want to kiss me? Sure, that’s easy,” she murmured. Sinuous as a cat, she moved up the length of his body again and pressed her lips to his. To her surprise, though, Six didn’t kiss back. After a moment, Mei-Li pulled away and looked at him uncertainly. “What?”

“I love the luscious taste of your mouth but that is not where I want to kiss you,” he growled. “If you were truly trying to keep me with you, Lasai, you would spread your thighs and open your luscious little pussy for me. That is where I wish to kiss.”

Mei-Li bit her lip. She loved the way he tasted her but the fact that Six was still planning to take the emotion blocker serum and go after they did this made her feel like they were back to square one. It was awkward all over again.

“What is it?” Six growled softly, plainly seeing her indecision. “Do you not want my kisses as a last memory?”

“Of course I do,” she protested. “You’re…amazing at that kind of kissing. I just don’t like the idea of making myself so open and vulnerable when you’re still planning on taking that damn serum and leaving after this is over.”

“How do you think I felt when you saw my memories?” he asked in a low voice. “My very soul was open—exposed to you.”

“It was.” She bit her lip, thinking of how hard it must have been for him to let her see his pain. He had been beyond courageous, showing that to her. “All right, Six,” she said at last. “You’re right—I can…can do that too. I can let myself be vulnerable.”

“We can take things slowly if you like,” he murmured. “I love to lick you to the core, to press my tongue deep inside you. But I also wish to feel that little black lace garment you are wearing against my cheeks and lips.”

sp; “Why, Six…” She couldn’t help the little smile that rose to her lips. “Are you saying you want to kiss my panties?”

“Yes,” he said seriously. “Will you let me?” The hunger was back in his eyes. “Will you let me kiss you there and taste your pussy, Mei-Li?”

“I guess…yes. Yes, I will.”

“Good.” Without warning, he suddenly switched their positions and flipped her over on her back. Mei-Li gasped as he pulled her down to the end of the bed so that her legs were dangling off the sides. Then he knelt before her.

“Please don’t be worried—I will not hold you down. But I can reach you better this way,” he said, looking up to meet her eyes. “And I want to take my time. If this is a last memory then, as you say, it should be a good one.”

“All…all right,” Mei-Li whispered. The new position made her feel even more vulnerable because it reminded her of the first time he had tasted her. But he had promised not to hold her down and she was on a normal bed, not a sousa, so she did her best to relax.

Six, meanwhile, was getting a better look at her panties which clearly fascinated him. Mei-Li made a mental note to stock up on sexy underwear. If he stays, whispered a little voice in her head. She tried to push it away.

“Why do you even bother to wear these?” Six traced the edge of the lace which was like an inverted triangle with the point leading down to the entrance of her pussy. She shivered at the light touch of his long finger on such a sensitive area.

“What…what do you mean, why bother to wear them?” she asked, her voice coming out slightly breathless.

“They barely cover anything at all. I can see your outer pussy lips…your cleft…even the center of your pleasure if I look hard enough.” The long finger stroked gently between her outer lips and teased around the edges of the lace as he spoke.

Mei-Li gave a little gasp as the moving fingertip slid lightly over her clit, which was indeed peaking out just above the lace border.

“I wore them for you,” she admitted. “To surprise you…to excite you. To make you feel.”