Page 32

Enhanced Page 32

by Evangeline Anderson

Mei-Li’s eyes fluttered open in surprise. “Why?”

“I touched you from behind last time. Made you come without really seeing it directly,” Six growled. “This time I want to look into your eyes as I penetrate you— as I slip my fingers into your hot cunt.”

She could barely suppress the moan that rose to her lips. God, he was killing her here! Not only did he want to touch her to see how wet she was, he was demanding that she lock gazes with him as he fingerfucked her. It was too much—too intimate. A hundred times worse than just kissing. How could she keep back her heart if he demanded such naked emotional candor?

“Six, please…” she pleaded brokenly but he was unmoved.

“Look at me,” he repeated. “Watch me while I touch you.”

“I can’t.” She turned her face away. “I can’t look in your eyes when only one is visible.” She was sure that would be a deal breaker. He had told her in no uncertain terms that he never took the blinking red light that covered his left eye off. That he wouldn’t take it off.

Without a word, Six reached up and made some adjustments to the metal that covered the left upper half of his face. There was a click and a hiss and suddenly the red ocular scope came away in his hand. He dropped it carelessly on the floor where it landed with a clatter.

“Six?” Mei-Li looked at him uncertainly, unable to believe what she had just witnessed.

“It would have gotten in the way when I was tasting you anyway,” he said roughly. “Now look at me, Mei-Li.”

There were no more excuses—she did as he said, staring straight into his eyes. The left eye which just been revealed with the same steel gray as his right but there was something different about it—a thin red ring that circled the outer band of black at the edge of his iris. She wondered what it meant…and then he was touching her.

“Oh!” she gasped as his long fingers parted her once more.

“Let us see how wet you are,” Six murmured. Looking down, he watched as her plump, outer lips opened to reveal her slick inner petals. “Mmm,” he rumbled, a hungry sound that seemed to electrify her. “You look wet to me, Mei-Li. Very wet.” The pad of his long middle finger slid delicately into her slippery folds and stroked gently over her throbbing clit.

“Ah!” Mei-Li bit her lip, trying to keep back the noises that rose in her throat but she couldn’t help the moan that escaped her.

“That’s good,” Six said, looking at her. “I like the noises you make when I pleasure you. They make my shaft hard.” He stroked her again, circling her swollen little button while she moaned helplessly. “How does it feel, Mei-Li. Do you like it when I touch you this way? When I pet your sweet pussy?”

“You…you know I do,” she whispered. “I…I can’t help it.”

“Good. I don’t want you to help it. I want you to give yourself completely—give in to the pleasure.”

And then he entered her with two long, thick fingers and her back arched as a cry was torn from her lips. God, so deep…in me so deep!

But it didn’t last for long. Before she knew it, he was withdrawing from between her thighs. He held them up to show her—his index and middle fingers were shiny with her juices.

“Gods, you’re wet.” His deep voice was hoarse with desire. “You cannot deny it, Mei-Li.”

Mei-Li felt blood rush to her cheeks as she blushed helplessly. But he was right—she couldn’t deny the evidence.

“I…I know,” she whispered.

Six slipped his fingers into his mouth and sucked, his eyes fluttering closed in obvious pleasure.

“Ahh,” he groaned at last, when he had licked away the last of her juices. “You taste so fucking good. So hot and wet and ready. I cannot wait to taste all that sweet honey right from the source.”

He got on the floor before her and gave some directions she couldn’t quite hear to the sousa.

Mei-Li gave a little gasp as the blue-gray beanbag bed rose around her to cradle her body in a firm embrace. It tilted her pelvis slightly even as it supported her head and neck in the most comfortable way imaginable. The result was that she ended up in a semi-reclining position, able to see the big Kindred kneeling patiently on his knees at the foot of the bed.

Then he tapped the sousa once more and gave a direction she could absolutely understand.


Mei-Li bit her lip as the sentient bed parted her thighs, baring her pussy completely, showing the swollen outer lips and the slick interior. Even the throbbing button of her clit was visible. She looked down at herself in disbelief. Had she felt vulnerable before? That had been nothing compared to this—nothing.

Quickly she moved to her shield herself with her hands…only to feel the sousa grasp her firmly but gently by the wrists before she could move even an inch. She was completely trapped—held down and open for him and there was nothing she could do about it.

Six was already moving closer, resting his warm hands on her inner thighs as he prepared to taste her.

“Why?” she blurted, hardly knowing what she was saying.

“Why what?” He looked up and she saw the hungry look was back in his steel gray eyes.

“Why…I don’t understand why you want to do this,” she said. “I mean, most guys would be more interested in sex—not that I want to do that. I, uh, think that would be a really bad idea right now,” she added quickly. “But just…most of them aren’t so, uh, eager to go down.”

Six shook his head. “I cannot explain my need to do this—to lick and suck and taste your sweet pussy, Mei-Li. I can only say that it is a need—it burns within me. I must taste you. I cannot help myself any longer. I am tired of trying to resist.”

Mei-Li bit her lip. Had he really been thinking about tasting her that long? Did he really want to go down on her that desperately?

It seemed hard to believe. Clem, her boyfriend in college had tried going down on her once or twice but it clearly hadn’t been his favorite thing to do. He had approached the experience as though he was doing her a favor and after one or two strategically placed kisses and a few half-hearted licks, he had invariably moved on to other things.

For her part, Mei-Li had gotten no pleasure from it at all. She had felt tense and uncertain if he liked the way she looked and tasted—not sure if he liked her scent. She kept being afraid that the experience would be a turn-off for him and it had been a major relief when he climbed back up and went back to his old standby—missionary position. Clearly for Clem, the emphasis had been on the sex, not the foreplay.

It appeared that Six had the opposite idea. He was actually more interested in what came before than the main event. In fact, by the way he was looking at her, Mei-Li almost felt like this was the main event. Because he was staring between her legs intently, a rapt expression on his face as he breathed deeply.

“Six…?” she said uncertainly, trying to shift a little to get more comfortable. The sousa allowed her to make a minimal change in her position but it didn’t allow her to close her legs or free her hands. “Six, what are you looking at?” she demanded breathlessly.

“You,” he murmured. “When I viewed the tutorial on female anatomy it gave only the facts. I had no idea how lovely and delicate the female sex in full arousal could be…How…” He shook his head, clearly at a loss for words.

Mei-Li bit her lip. “Come on, please—you’re making me nervous. You should just…just let me go.”

“I cannot.” He looked up, meeting her eyes. “Not after seeing how beautiful and ripe your pussy is. I must taste you.”

“But—” Mei-Li started to protest.

But he was already leaning forward, she thought to lick or kiss her pussy. Instead, he rubbed his cheek against her mound and inhaled deeply, as though he was trying to fill his lungs with her scent.

“Ah, Gods, you smell so good,” he groaned, running his hands up and down her thighs. “So sweet and hot. I could come from your scent alone if I breathed it long enough.”

u could?” Mei-Li wasn’t sure what to think. His breath was hot against her open pussy slit, making her squirm with a kind of reluctant anticipation. God, did she actually want him to do this? She didn’t know. She was still too intensely uncomfortable and uncertain to know how she really felt about Six tasting her. “I mean…really?” she asked.

He looked up at her, his eyes almost drugged with pleasure, and nodded. “Gods, yes. But as good as you smell, I want to taste you even more.”

“I…” Mei-Li started wiggling again, as much as the sousa would allow, but Six stopped her with a stern look.

“Don’t fight me, Mei-Li,” he rumbled warningly. “Do not try to get away. I…cannot guarantee what I might do. I need you to relax and open for me—relax and let me taste you.”

He’s having some kind of break—or some kind of emotional breakthrough, she realized. His emotions are coming out and somehow he knows it, even if he doesn’t want to consciously admit it to himself.

“All right.” She lifted her chin. Clearly he was determined to do this but she had one last thing to say which she hoped might discourage him. “You…you can do that if you want. You can…can taste me,” she told him. “But there’s something you should know. I don’t…I can’t come like that. My boyfriend in college, Clem, he tried it and it just…doesn’t work for me.”

“You can’t, hmmm?” Six raised an eyebrow at her but Mei-Li didn’t think he sounded particularly discouraged. On the contrary, there was a light in his gray eyes that made her think he took her statement as a challenge.

“No, I can’t,” she said firmly, sticking to her guns. “So you can…can lick me all night…” Oh God, she hoped he wasn’t planning on that! “But it won’t do any good.”

“We shall see.” He nuzzled her again, rubbing his slightly rough cheek against her mound. “This…male who pleasured you before. How did he go about it?”

“What?” It was the last question Mei-Li had expected. “Um, I don’t know. He just…did it, I guess.” She squirmed with embarrassment—or tried to, anyway. The damn sousa barely let her move an inch.

“Did he kiss you?” He leaned forward slowly and placed a soft, gentle kiss at the top of her slit. “Like this?”

“I…yes, I guess.” Mei-Li’s heart was pounding.

“Did he kiss you lower?” He dipped his chin and placed his lips more fully against her. Then he kissed her again…a long, slow kiss, as though he was kissing her mouth.

Mei-Li couldn’t help the moan that fell out of her. It felt like she was on fire between her legs—every nerve ending throbbing from his tender gesture.

“I…maybe,” she managed.

“And it did nothing for you?” Six lifted an eyebrow at her.

“No…not…not much,” she whispered, trying to keep control.

“What if I spread you open—spread your sweet pussy wide—and kissed your inner folds?” Six murmured. “Would that give you pleasure, do you think?”

“I…I d-don’t know,” she stuttered. God, he was driving her crazy. She wondered if he knew it.

“Did this other male—this Clem—do that for you?” he asked, looking at her intently.

“A…a little, I guess.”

“Like this?” He spread her delicately with his thumbs, revealing her slippery pink interior. She bit her lip, feeling incredibly exposed. It felt like her clit was throbbing in time with her heartbeat and she didn’t know if she wanted to close her legs…or spread them wider.

Then Six kissed her again and everything else was driven out of her mind. His mouth was so hot, so wet…and he kissed her so slowly it sent shivering waves of pleasure down her spine.

He didn’t seem content to kiss just the inside, either. As Mei-Li watched, he placed tender, sucking kisses on her outer pussy lips and then stooped lower to kiss her entrance before making his way up to kiss the top of her slit again.

At last he looked up and licked his lips, which were shiny with her juices.

“Tell me more,” he commanded hoarsely.

“More?” Mei-Li felt like hear heart was going to beat right out of her chest. “More about what?”

“About what he did to you. How he pleasured you. Did he suck your clit?” He traced her throbbing button gently with one fingertip, making her jump and moan. “Did he take your center of pleasure between his lips and bathe it with his tongue?”

“I…” Mei-Li shook her head. “I’m not sure.” Honestly, it was hard to be sure of anything right now. Her entire body felt like it was tingling and she was molten from the waist down.

“Maybe I should show you what I mean?” Six raised an eyebrow at her.

She bit her lip. “I…I don’t know.”

“Like this.” Ducking his head again, he pressed his mouth to her heated button and sucked it gently between his lips.

“Oh God!” Mei-Li threw back her head as she felt the tip of his tongue tracing slow circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves. Looking down at his broad, bare shoulders splitting her thighs wide, she couldn’t believe what was happening. How had she gotten here, to this point? How had she wound up spread out and helpless as the huge warrior opened her pussy with his tongue, tasting her as though it was the most important thing in the world—as though it was the only thing in the word?

The tip of his tongue made magical patterns around her swollen bud, making her moan and gasp. She wanted to writhe away from the exquisite torture, but she was securely fastened to the bed, unable to get away even if she tried. There was nothing she could do but try to relax and let him in—relax and let him taste her. For it seemed certain that he wouldn’t stop until he was finished. And the way he was enjoying her body made Mei-Li think that might be a long time in the future.

She had told Six she couldn’t come this way and yet she felt pleasure building in the pit of her stomach—a warm wave of desire that threatened to spill over and drown her soon. God, what was she going to do?

Six went on and on, paying slow, tender attention to her throbbing button until she thought she would die—how much could one person stand? At last he looked up, his eyes half-lidded and burning with desire.

“So sweet,” he muttered hoarsely. “Gods, so sweet and hot and wet. Your honey is beyond compare, Mei-Li.”

“Is…is it?” She was breathing hard, feeling close to the edge. The sensation of his tongue on her clit had been almost more than she could stand but now she wished he would taste her again—anything to end this torture and let her finally come.

As if reading her mind, Six dipped his head again. Starting at the entrance to her channel, he dragged the flat of his tongue up along her open pussy, as though she was an ice cream cone in danger of melting on a hot day.

Mei-Li certainly felt like she was melting.

“Ah!” Her back arched, pressing towards him, seeking more of the spine tingling pleasure. For a wonder, the sousa actually allowed the motion and even helped her, opening her thighs wider to offer her pussy more completely to the big Kindred’s mouth.

“Gods.” It was a low, hoarse groan dragged from his throat as he looked up at her. “I love the sounds you make when I taste you. Tell me, Mei-Li, did you make those sounds for him—for this other male when he tasted you?”

“I…I don’t know. I don’t think so,” she gasped. “It was…a long time ago. I can’t…can’t remember.”

“Do you remember if he tasted your honey right form the source?” Six growled. “Do you remember if he put his tongue deep inside you—inside your pussy, Mei-Li?”

“I…” She shook her head. “Do you…are you going to…?”

“I must.” His eyes burned into hers. “Gods help me, I will go mad if I cannot taste you more deeply. I cannot understand these sensations. These…”

“Feelings?” Mei-Li finished for him softly.

“No.” He shook his head at once, denying it. “I do not understand what is happening but I know it is not that. Never that.” He looked away. “I simply need to taste
you—it must be part of my Kindred DNA. That’s all.”


“Don’t move,” he ordered, as if she could have gotten loose from the sousa even if she tried. “I need to open you completely with my tongue, need to taste your juices from their source.”

“God,” she whispered. “Six, I—”

“I need to put my tongue in your pussy, Mei-Li,” he growled softly. He stooped to kiss her inner thigh, making her jump. “I need to do it now.”

“I…” She didn’t know what to say.

But he was already bending low and pressing his face between her legs to lick her once more. Mei-Li moaned breathlessly as he bathed her clit with the flat of his tongue, lapping her with a desire and intensity that made her back arch and her fingers curl into helpless fists at her sides.

“Six,” she moaned. “Oh, Six…”

He slid his big, warm hands up under her ass and pulled her closer, wrapping his muscular arms around her thighs, spreading her even wider for his assault.

Mei-Li gasped as she felt his tongue move lower and find the entrance to her pussy. He wasted no time but thrust straight in, penetrating her to the core and making her gasp his name again.

“Six, please!” She was writhing helplessly now, grinding against his face shamelessly as he lapped and thrust deep inside her.

“Do you like it?” He looked up briefly, his jaw and mouth shiny with her juices. “Do you like the feel of my tongue in you, Mei-Li?”

“You…you know I do.” Her face—indeed, her whole naked body felt hot and flushed at the admission but she couldn’t lie. “It feels so…God, Six!”

“Gods, seeing your pleasure…feeling your honey coat my mouth and tasting your juices…the sensations are so strong. They almost overwhelm me.” He shook his head. “I know you said you cannot come in this way but I need you to try anyway. Need to feel your sweet cunt spasming around my tongue as you come all over my face.”

“I…” Mei-Li licked her lips. “I’ll try.”

“Good. Come for me, Mei-Li. Come hard.” With a final, intense stare, he leaned down and penetrated her again, thrusting deeply into her pussy with his long, hot tongue.