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Double The Ache Page 8

by Alexa Riley

Their sisters were already like sisters to me and their mom was warm and sweet. It felt like for the first time I had a real mom. Not a mother. I don’t want my mother out of my life, I just know we won't ever be close. And I’m okay with that. I have more than I could have ever asked for.

I turn to glare at Dean and Wes, who have their arms crossed over their chests but their faces are filled with concern.

“You two want to talk about this?” I smile, pointing over to the giant hole in the wall and letting them know I’m not upset about my mother. It is what it is.

Wes shrugs. Dean smiles.

They have been on me about moving my stuff over from my apartment. I’d been meaning to get to it, but we have been on the move since we became an us. From getting married, to traveling for a few small team camps, to finding out I was pregnant and spending time out at their family’s farm, I just hadn’t got around to it.

A lot of my stuff is still in boxes, but I don’t see the rush. It’s my understanding it has a year lease, so what does it matter?

The fight came when they got home from a meeting with their agent to find me passed out in my old bed. Since finding out I was pregnant, I was prone to random nap attacks at any moment. I was over at my old place trying to find something that would fit my ever-growing belly and might have passed out on my bed.

They did not like finding me asleep in my old bed. So a small fight broke out. It didn’t last long because I was pinned to the bed beneath them. They wouldn’t let me get a word out, only moans until I passed out. When I woke up, it was to construction on both our places.

“You want to keep the place. Fine. You’re about to get one big fucking condo,” Dean says coming towards me with Wes following.

I plant my hand on my hips, about to open my mouth, and they’re both on me. I really don’t care about the condo or the construction. I was more just trying to tell them they were being silly yesterday.

“Let’s work the fight out of her again, Dean,” Wes says.

I fake a growl as they pin me to the bed before they start to trail open-mouthed kisses down my body, stopping and paying extra attention to my belly. I lie back enjoying their plan, thinking I can play just as dirty as they can.

I like the sound of that.



Seven years later…

“Fuck, where’s Wes?” Dean asks as he thrusts deep.

“He said he was on his way,” I moan as he moves his big cock in and out of me.

“I don’t know if I can wait to cum.”

“You better,” I warn, stilling my hips.

“Fuck.” He groans again and takes a breath.

Just then the door to our hotel room bursts open and Wes stands there like a beast. My pussy clenches around Dean and he cries out.

“Goddammit, little one, slow your pussy down. He’s here!”

I’m on top of Dean, riding him as I keep eye contact with Wes. “I need you,” I moan and tilt my ass up for him.

Wes doesn’t hesitate as he strips off his clothes and grabs the lube I laid out for him. He slicks up his dick as he climbs on the bed and gets behind me. When I feel the tip of his cock at my back entrance I push against him, needing it.

“Where were you?” I moan as I sink down on him.

My two men have me stuffed full and now I finally feel whole.

“I got caught in the lobby and couldn’t get away. A team of security had to come over and get me out,” Wes says and thrusts all the way in. “Fuck, you’re tight, baby.”

“Bro, I can’t hold on much longer,” Dean says, and I score my nails down his chest.

“You better wait, Dean,” I threaten, and he nods before mumbling football stats to keep himself distracted.

We’re in Texas for the final game of the season. Not only that, but it’s the final game of both my husbands’ careers. They’ve decided to retire and spend time with our family and I couldn’t be happier.

I still travel with them to away games because they can’t stand to be away from me and the kids for more than a few days. But traveling with five boys every week is stressful on all of us. And being on the sidelines and seeing your husbands get hit every Sunday does a number on a wife’s nerves. I didn’t know how much more I could take, but thankfully they both know me better than I know myself and told me it was time.

My dad even pulled back from some of his responsibilities to help with the boys and spend time with them. He says life is short and he doesn’t want to spend it yelling at football players when he could be wrestling with his boys instead.

“Just think girl, girl, girl,” Wes says to Dean, and I have to bite my lip to keep from giggling.

They both want a girl so bad they can’t stand it. It’s the reason we’re trying for baby number six. They said they’d keep me pregnant as much as possible and they were true to their word. We’ve got a big family full of boys that’s loud, smelly, and always climbing on stuff. But I wouldn’t change a thing. I love all of my boys more than anything, and though life is chaotic, it’s fun and I’m so in love I can hardly breathe.

“You’re not helping!” Dean growls.

I feel Wes’s lips at my back and I can tell he’s trying to smother a laugh, too. The three of us agreed they’d take turns filling me up and Wes got his this morning before the game. Dean said he wanted to do it after, but he’s so keyed up that he’s not going to last long.

“Do you want to cum and then cum again?” I ask, leaning down and kissing his neck.

“Yes!” Dean roars as he cums inside me right that second.

“Fuck,” I hear Wes say as his cock pulses in my ass and he cums, too. “Shit, him getting off made me do it, too,” he says, trying to catch his breath.

“What about me?” I fake a whine and poke my lower lip out.

“Little one, do you actually think we’re going to leave you hanging?” Dean says, thrusting up and still rock hard inside me.

“Have we ever let you wobble out of bed without us taking care of you?” Wes asks as he grabs my ass.

“What am I going to do with the two of you?” I say, rocking between the two of them.

“We’ve got nothing but time on our hands to find out,” Dean replies, plucking at my nipples.

Now that they’re retired, we can do whatever we want. Which means I’m going to be spending a lot more time in bed. I moan and reach back, rubbing Wes’s legs. They’re so strong and thick and I grip them as my men thrust into me.

Dean grips my hips and I smile. I’m surprised they haven’t noticed by now. I’ve had five babies so my body isn’t exactly like it was the day we met. I’ve gained some pounds that I can’t seem to keep off, and weight has moved around to my hips and ass. My husbands say it makes me even more beautiful, but it also masks the fact that I’m pregnant right now and they have no idea.

It’s still early, but I snuck off to the obstetrician last week for an early ultrasound and found out that I’m giving them their baby girl. Everyone is going to be so excited and it’s going to be the best retirement present ever.

I’ve got a cake with pink bows all over it being delivered by room service in an hour. I even ordered five dozen pink balloons to be delivered, so it should be fun to see how they’re going to get them in here.

It’s been the hardest secret to keep, but it’s going to be so thrilling to watch their faces. I love them so much and I want to give them everything, just like they’ve given it to me. I never imagined my life would turn out like this. Full of love and laughter with more smiles than I can count. I’m protected and needed; isn’t that all a woman truly wants?

My body tightens as my men play me like an instrument. They know exactly what I like and which way I like it, never letting me forget who is in charge.

This time when they cum, it’s after me. It’s so earth shattering that I collapse onto Dean while Wes kisses me up and down my back while he cleans us up.

“I love you,”
I mumble to the both of them.

“I love you, too, little one,” Dean says, kissing the top of my head.

“I love you, baby,” Wes says and spanks my ass. “It’s my turn now, so roll on over.”

I giggle as Wes puts me on my back and moves between my legs. I could tell them that they’ve already got what they want. But what’s the fun in that?




the complete bundle


Alexa Riley

The Cortez brothers have found the one, and they’ll do anything to own her…including buying her.

Their obsession has driven them to the point of deceit, but they didn’t get to where they are today without getting their hands dirty to get what they wanted, and they’ll do anything to have her.

Stella is desperate, and selling her virginity is her only option to save the family land. The Mistress Auction is her last hope, but when she sees the two men who buy her, she’s worried her heart won’t make it through the thirty days.

Warning: This ménage has two consumed brothers, a virgin selling her body, a Vegas casino, and a reality TV star trying to cause a scene.

Author note: Totally responsible for turning you on.

Copyright © 2016 by Alexa Riley. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]

Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

Edited by Aquila Editing

To Vegas… For bringing us together and inspiring these stories. You’re a dirty bitch and we’ll never quit you.


Chapter 1


“No, try the white or cream nightie and tone down the makeup. She looks more like a showgirl than an innocent virgin.” The woman named Samantha is barking orders at the girl who is getting me ready. The assistant hops to and races off to find the right outfit, her long, curly red hair bouncing behind her.

I cringe inwardly at the comment. I'm not sure I want to look like a showgirl or an innocent virgin, but what choice do I really have? I’ll do whatever will get me the most money at this point. I've made my bed and now I have to lie in it. Figuratively and literally. Maybe it wasn’t me exactly who made the bed, but I sure helped tuck myself right into it. If I’m doing this, I might as well get all I can out of it. If switching out a nightie and playing up my virginity will do that, then that’s what I’m going to do.

“She's right.” At her words, I look over to the woman standing at the station next to me. She most definitely looks like a showgirl, but I'm pretty sure that's what she's going for. “Innocent virgin will get you a whole lot more money.” She winks at me and starts applying more lipstick to her already very red, plump lips. The lipstick makes her big blue eyes pop, and I can’t help but be envious of how utterly gorgeous she is. It’s like she stepped right off the pages of Maxim magazine. She has to be at least five feet nine, and if she wears the heels she has sitting on the ground next to her, she’ll be well over six feet and almost all legs. Her shoes look like they cost a couple thousand dollars, making me wonder why she’s even here if she can afford shoes like that.

Slipping off the topaz dress, I examine the white nightie the redhead brought back.

“How much more?” I ask, unable to help myself. I need a hundred grand for this to actually be worth it. That’s the amount that will keep my father from losing our land, which he so easily gambled away. A piece of land that my mom fought to keep alive, gone after one poker game my father should’ve never been in. How could he be so stupid? Or does he just not care? I wonder what he’d think if he knew what I was doing to get the money back. I’m sure he’ll find out soon enough, when I’m not home in the morning. Come tomorrow, I’ll be owned by some random man and I’ll no longer be a virgin.

“Hmm.” She stops applying her lipstick, giving me a full once over. “Virgin, right?”

I nod my head, wondering if it’s that easy to spot a virgin. Is there, like, a sign on my forehead that I’m not seeing?

She gives me a wicked smile. “They always go to the highest bidder, and you’ve got the whole ‘innocent’ thing going too. Men eat that shit up. I'd say at least two hundred thousand.”

I'm sure my eyes bug out, because she laughs at my response.

“I'm Kim.” She reaches her hand out and shakes mine. She’s got such soft skin and her nails are perfectly polished. I look her over. She’s so put together she looks like she’s not entirely real.

“Stella,” I reply.

“I gather that, as you’re a virgin, this is your first time at the Mistress Auction?” She arches an eyebrow at me, a half-smile playing across her red lips.

“All around virgin you could say.” I try to joke to help with some of the fear snaking up my spine. It’s an eerie feeling, knowing there is a group of men not far away, waiting to buy my body. Waiting to buy me.

“This is my fourth. The same guy just keeps buying me. When our contract is up, I always come back, and each time I go up he buys me again.”

I can't tell by her tone if she likes that or not. “Sounds kinda sweet in a weird kind of way. Why not just go ahead and extend your contract with him?”

Each person who is bought as a mistress is locked into thirty-day contract. You get half your money up front and the other half when the thirty days are over. The buyer has to pay an additional ten percent to the house so the mistress isn’t responsible for fees. That’s what I gathered from the mountains of paperwork, non-disclosures, and extensive medical exams I had to endure to enter into the Mistress Auction. If it wasn't for all of that, I’m not sure I would be doing it. Everything seems to be done to protect everyone, and though I’m desperate, I’m not willing to risk my life. When your contract is up, you can enter into a longer Mistress agreement at a newly negotiated price with your current buyer, but if it wasn't a good fit you’re able to enter the Mistress Auction again if you like. I didn't want to be anyone’s mistress, though the perks do seem rather nice. Your every need will be met, and your only requirement is to be ready and willing when your buyer comes knocking on the door of wherever he’s put you. I want to be more than someone’s property, so I know this will be my one and only auction. When the contract’s up, I’ll be going my own way.

“Got to keep him on his toes,” Kim says, breaking into my thoughts. She gives me a wink like I should know what that means. It all seems a little silly to me, but now I know how she afforded the expensive shoes.

“What if he doesn’t bid on you?” She seems so confident, but I guess if I looked like she did I would be too.

“Oh, he will. Men love a good chase, and I love being chased. I think it’s just part of our game now, and Samantha doesn't seem to care. She keeps getting her ten percent, and we keep having a good time.” It’s then I see something like a twinkle in her eyes.

“And if someone else outbids him and wins you?”

“One thing I can tell you about the men out there is Samantha knows what she’s doing. She makes sure the girls being auctioned off are high quality, and ensures bidders are of an equally high standard”

The word ‘quality’ makes my stomach turn. It’s almost like I’m at a cattle auction or something. If the men out there are such great catches, what are they doing here?

“If these men a
re so good why can’t they find women on their own? I know why I’m doing this; I need the money. But I’m sure if they’re rich enough to spend fifty thousand dollars on a mistress for a month, they could easily find a woman on their own who wouldn’t cost them so much.”

“You really are quite innocent aren't you?” The way she says it doesn't seem mean or hateful, more like she’s come to a realization. “Likely most men would end up paying the same price either way. Gifts, dinners, and trying to get a woman into bed, it adds up. Here, things are simple and to the point and wrapped up rather nicely. They don’t have to worry about missing a date with you or calling you every day. They can come and go as they please, and we aren’t supposed to question that. Everyone here knows what they’re getting, and this isn't necessarily about finding love. You’re about to be bid on by some the richest and most powerful men in the world. They like discreet, and Samantha makes sure they get that.”

Adjusting the straps of the white nightie, I look into the full-length mirror. I Not something I ever really think when I look at myself. I’m more a jeans, shirt, and cowboy boots kind of girl. I like functional and comfortable.

My black hair hangs in waves down my back, almost to my ass. I actually forgot how long it really was because I always keep it in a ponytail and out of my face. The eye make-up Red put on me makes my silver eyes seem to shine, and whatever she put on my lips makes them look plump and full. Maybe they’re that way on their own and the lipstick makes them more noticeable. I see myself in the mirror but it doesn't feel like me.