Page 20

Dirty Like Me Page 20

by Jaine Diamond

At the first swipe of his tongue I sucked in a breath and collapsed back on the bed. My arms were shaking; I couldn’t even hold myself up if I tried. All thought of resistance ground to a halt.

All thought ground to a halt.

The man kissed me there the same way he kissed my face.

Like he was starving for it.

He pinned my thighs to the bed, keeping me spread wide as he lavished me with his tongue. He sucked on my clit, caressed my opening and fucked his tongue into me as I writhed and gasped. He was panting as he did it, like this was driving him crazy with desire, and I totally couldn’t take it. I wanted his hard dick inside me so bad, but I wasn’t gonna last.

I squirmed, fighting the pleasure that was rising like a tsunami. “Fuck… Jesse…” Then he wrapped his warm lips around my pulsing clit and sucked and it was all over. I gasped. His gaze lifted, locking on mine. He licked my clit, slowly, and the wave crashed through me. I threw my head back and cried out as I started to come.

His hand reached up and covered my mouth, because the tour bus wasn’t even moving yet and the guys were on the other side of a very thin door, talking, yelling, still drinking, and probably overhearing at least some of this. I wasn’t known for being quiet when I came. Maybe I should’ve warned him?

Instead I bit down on the finger he shoved in my mouth, sucked on it and tried not to scream as the pleasure tore through me. I gripped his hair and kind of rode his face and just tried not to writhe all over the place like a lunatic. “Oh, God… oh… God…” I heard myself say a couple of times.

He licked me softly as I came down, the scattered fragments of my mind, which he’d just blown all over the place, gradually drifting back together again.

When my sanity had just about returned, he slipped a finger inside me. I was so sensitive that I bucked against him, moaning. I couldn’t find words. He pushed another finger inside me and started stroking me in an aggressive rhythm to match what his tongue was still doing to me. I came again before I could even get a hold of what was happening. This time I grabbed his hand and smushed it over my mouth. The bus was finally moving, so at least it would be harder for everyone on the bus, and like two miles over, to hear me getting off.

This time as I drifted more or less back to my senses Jesse was stripping off his jeans. He reached for one of his travel bags and dug through it, tossing things around. Then he turned back to me, condom in hand, and sheathed his big dick so fast I bit my lip. He came to me and I spread my legs to take him, my entire body flushed with heat, desire still throbbing in my core.

He lowered himself over me until his eyes were inches from mine. His lips parted in a silent breath; I could feel the tension in his body as he struggled to go slow. He kissed me softly and I felt the head of his cock caress my clit, then nudge my opening.

“Fuck, I want to savor this…” He watched me bite my lip as he thrust into me, slowly. A wave of heat rushed through my body as he filled me. Then he thrust deeper, so deep it almost hurt, but it felt so fucking good at the same time.

I closed my eyes. I tried to relax, to calm the fuck down, to not go over again so fucking fast.

I was supposed to be resisting this…

Why, again? No idea.

Fuck. Jesse was fucking me.


“You okay?” he whispered, and kissed me again.

My eyes popped open and I nodded. I was more than okay. But I had told the guy that I hadn’t done this in two years; he probably wanted to make sure he wasn’t hurting me. I grabbed his ass and squeezed. “Don’t stop,” I urged him.

He fucked me slowly, grinding hard against me. Warm waves of pleasure rolled through my body. My clit hummed, the pleasure quickly coiling tighter like a spring about to release. My nipples were tight and hard and I couldn’t believe how fast he was about to make me come again. Every drag and thrust of his dick was bringing me closer. I tried to fight it, to hold on, to last a little longer, but I couldn’t.

“Fuck… Jesse… I’m gonna come again,” I managed to whisper between thrusts as I fought to hold on. Which only made him fuck me harder, speeding up until I crashed over the edge.

“Fuck, yeah,” he said as I cried out. He held me tight as I writhed beneath him, thrusting his tongue in my mouth to muffle my cries. He kissed me until I caught my breath, then lifted up, shifted one of my legs down between his and proceeded to fuck me like that. The pressure of my thighs pretty much closed around his dick as he fucked me, tight, was too crazy much. His hard body moving over mine…

“Fuck… Jesse… I can’t… oh my God… yeah… ah… fuck me like that…” A whole string of nonsense was coming out of my mouth, and he was loving it. Every time I begged him to fuck me harder, he groaned or panted or kissed me deeper. When I panted, “You’re so fucking big. You feel so fucking good…” I felt his cock strain inside me. He was sweating all over me. I had no idea how he was able to hold on for so long, but the man had stamina, that was for damn sure.

And just the thought of him trying not to come made me come again, the white-hot pleasure peaking through my body, a lightning bolt ripping through me. I clung to him as he kept on fucking me. But I honestly didn’t think I could take any more. As much as I wanted him to just fuck me all night, every which way, I wanted him to come, hard. I wanted him to let go… to lose control.

His thrusts sped up, and it felt so good and so raw and so intense, he had me gasping again.

“Oh, God. Come, Jesse.”

“Yeah? You want it, Katie?” His voice was all thick and husky and his entire body was hardening. He was riding the edge, and I wanted to yank him over to where I was. I wanted him to spin out of control and come crashing down with me.

“Yeah… please… give it to me…”

“Fuck… I want you.” He kissed me, plunging his tongue into my mouth as he fucked me harder.

You have me.

I sucked on his tongue and drove my fingernails into his ass. The tension rolled through his body in a wave and his hips snapped against me. He groaned into my mouth and I held him tight, my thighs wrapped around him as he came. I felt him pulse deep inside me and it was so fucking hot I wanted to come again.

He collapsed against me, burying his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around his back, my legs going limp around his ass. I wanted to hold him like this for-fucking-ever as he breathed against me. His warm weight on top of me. His smooth, slippery skin against mine. His salt-and-cinnamon taste in my mouth.

He kissed my throat and I kind of hoped he was about to start pawing me again as he propped himself up on a shaky elbow and looked at me.

“Condom…” he panted, “… bathroom.”

Then he slipped himself out of me, flopped off the bed and stumbled to the bathroom to clean up.

And I lay there just feeling kind of stunned. Because oh my God. That was sex?

Uh-uh. I’d had sex. Lots of sex. With Josh. And it was never like that.

What the fuck was this man doing to me?

He’d just made me come, repeatedly, while sucking me and fingering me and fucking me, and I’d done pretty much nothing in return… except come all over him.

I lay there on my back, staring at the ceiling as the bus rolled along, swaying and bumping gently over the road, just trying to get my breathing under control.

It had all happened so fast.

My pulse pounded in my temples like my skull was about to explode. My clit throbbed. I was still fucking horny.

I kinda felt bad that he only got to have one orgasm.

He came back from the bathroom and tossed himself on the bed beside me, still breathing heavy. He lay there looking at me for a moment, then reached over and skimmed a finger down my throat, pausing briefly to feel my racing pulse. Then he dragged his fingertip down to one nipple and circled it. I twitched as the nipple peaked, ticklish in my overly-sensitized state. His eyes darkened dangerously.

Then he moved on down the bed. He spread my thi
ghs and leaned in to go down on me again.

Oh, God…

Someone banged on the door, which made the entire doorframe shake. Jesse’s mouth hovered an inch from my clit.

“Jesse! Jesse and Katie! Get your naked asses out here and have a shot with us.”

It was a drunken Raf.

“It’s my motherfucking birthday motherfuckers!” chimed in Pepper.

Jesse grinned at me. I grinned back. “The man has a point,” he said. Then he feathered a fingertip over my clit.

“Uh-huh,” I whispered, squirming at his touch.

“So what do you say we go get you that drink?” He gave my throbbing pussy a slow, thorough lick, making me groan, then his dark, hooded eyes met mine. “Then we’ll come back here so I can fuck you some more.”



I woke to the tune of Foxy Lady. At least I thought that’s what it was.

I cracked one eye open to find Jesse sitting next to me on the bed playing one of his acoustic guitars. His tattooed forearm was in my line of sight, the whole mattress rocking to the rhythm of his ardent strumming. My gaze traveled down to the bare thigh the guitar was resting on.

My other eye popped open. He was naked. Like buck-ass naked. When he sang the first line of the song, I recognized the lyrics. Definitely Foxy Lady.

The bus was rolling along, faint morning light leaking in around the blinds. And Jesse’s sexy, slightly raspy morning voice made every tiny hair on my body stand on end.


His gaze met mine and he kept singing. I just lay there and enjoyed, snuggled in under the covers. After a while I closed my eyes, because listening to Jesse Mayes play an intimate serenade, in bed with me, was just as beautiful as watching him do it. Though some of the lyrics made me giggle.

When the song started to fade out, I opened my eyes and struggled to sit up. “What’s going on?” I croaked, my voice rough from too many nights in concert venues and bars, and too many shots of bourbon with the guys late last night, after Jesse and I had mad, rabid sex… and before we did it again.

And again.

We’d probably barely gotten an hour of sleep.

“Your naked show.” He ended the song with a flourish. “You won the bet.”

I rubbed my eyes. Obviously I was adjusting to life on the road with a bunch of rock ’n’ roll lunatics, because I barely felt drunk, much less hungover. “This wasn’t what we bet.” The sheet slipped down and Jesse’s gaze went with it. I was naked too.

“You said I had to play my next show naked.”

“Very clever. But not what I had in mind.” If this was the only naked show I was gonna get though, I was milking it for every drop. Which meant I was getting dressed, now, to make his nakedness as conspicuous as possible.

I got out of bed, taking the corner of the sheet with me. I held it against my chest with one arm, barely managing to keep my ass covered as I dug out some clothes.

Jesse tilted his head sideways, following the sheet with his gaze as it rode up over my ass cheek.

“So, you’re saying… my performance left you unsatisfied?” he asked, his words dripping with innuendo.

I blushed as the sensations of last night came flooding back. I bit my lip, recalling the way he’d hooked my leg over his arm, spreading my thighs as he drove himself deep… God, I had never been fucked like that. So… intensely. Every time I thought I couldn’t take any more, he gave more, which only made me want more. The man made me insatiable. I lost count of the orgasms somewhere in the double digits. At that point, it pretty much became a blur of bourbon and pleasure until I passed out from raw exhaustion and happiness.

“Your performance was, um... perfectly adequate,” I said, refusing to give a more enthusiastic review of either last night or Foxy Lady. His ego didn’t need it.

“Adequate.” He grinned. “Sounds... underwhelming.”

“Yeah. That,” I muttered, pulling on my clothes. Clearly, he didn’t believe me. If the orgasms didn’t tell him otherwise, maybe all the filthy things I’d whispered in his ear while he was giving them to me did the job.

Apparently bourbon loosened my tongue, much like every other type of alcohol I’d ever met.

I flopped onto the bed as he started into a new song, one I didn’t recognize. I lay back on the pillows to listen as he started to sing. “Katie I’m sorry for being a dick… can you forgive me for being a prick…?”

I grinned.

“That’s all I’ve got so far,” he said, ending on a final strum.

“What’re you sorry for?”

“For snooping in your sketchbook the other night while you were in the shower.”

“Oh. That.” I kicked his knee, gently, with my big toe. “You should be sorry.”

“I’m not sorry for getting jealous.”

Jealous? Jesse Mayes? Of some random dude in a bar?

A random dude I wasn’t even interested in?

“You're in there too, you know,” I said, nodding at the sketchbook, which was lying on the floor.

He eyed the sketchbook, then dove for it about a millisecond before I did. He snatched it up and settled back onto the bed, ditching the guitar. I tried to wrestle the sketchbook from him, never mind the fact that I was wrestling a very large and muscular, not to mention naked, man. A naked man who had me on my back in two seconds flat, pinned down by his large, muscular body, his cock stiffening against my thigh in the process. “Show me,” he said, his voice all gravelly with lust.

“I thought you snooped.”

“I just looked at the last sketch. The one of that dilhole from the bar.” He ran his nose up the side of my neck, his hot breath caressing my throat. “Then everything turned red and I forgot to keep snooping.”

“Amateur,” I muttered, but clearly I was the amateur, because I was already starting to pant as his teeth nipped my neck, followed by his lips. “I forgive you,” I said with a swallow. “As long as you don’t do it again.”

His lips grazed my earlobe. “Show me the one you did of me and we’ll call it even.”

I laughed. “What ‘even’? I didn’t do anything.”

“You flirted with the dilhole.”

I wriggled beneath him as his lips worked their way back down my neck. “I told you that was unintentional. We were just talking. I didn’t even think I was flirting.” My breath caught as he licked the little hollow at the base of my throat. “I, uh… wasn’t interested in him.”

“Katie.” He moved lower, his mouth skimming my collarbone as he spoke. “You talk to a dude in a bar and let him buy you a drink, he thinks you’re flirting.” His stubble rasped against my skin, making my nipples harden. “You breathe in a guy’s general direction and he’s gonna hope like hell you’re flirting.”

“Well, that’s his problem,” I said, breathless.

“No, it’s my problem.”

I wriggled in his grasp again, but he pinned my wrists to the bed. “Um, can you let me up? I’m gonna pass out if I don’t eat something before you have your way with me again.”

A slow smile spread across his gorgeous face. “Not until you say we’re even.”

“We’re even.”

His dark eyes narrowed. But he eased off my wrists and rolled slightly to the side so I could sit up.

“Don’t snoop,” I said, righting my clothes, which were all askew.

“Show me the drawing of me.”


His eyes narrowed further.

“And you want me to trust you, you don’t snoop. Even though you know there are sketches of you in this book.” I stressed the plural on sketches, picking up the sketchbook and flipping through it in a leisurely manner, but at an angle that he couldn’t see anything.

“Fine.” He looked like a dejected kid who’d been deprived of ice cream as he flopped back on the bed. “Katie, in all seriousness. It’s really fucking good. You should be doing something with it.” He tried to get a look in the boo
k, but I shut it and hugged it to my chest.

“Tried. Didn’t work out.”

“So what? You’re just gonna let that stop you?”

I shrugged. I was in no mood to discuss my professional ambitions, or lack thereof, this early in the morning, on incredibly little sleep, while suffering a major sex hangover. I was hungry, thirsty, and achy in all the right places, and thanks to Jesse, I was now horny again.

“Where do you think I’d be if I stopped in my tracks every time something didn’t go exactly how I wanted it? Do you think I just woke up one morning and the fucking music fairy left a record deal under my pillow?”

“Maybe. Did you sleep with her?”

“Har har. Trust me, it wasn’t that easy.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t.”

“So?” He sat up and stared me down, waiting.

“So what?”

“So whatcha gonna do about it, babe?”

“About what?”

He tapped my shoulder, softly, with his fist. “About your mad talent, girl.”

“I dunno.”

“Katie. What the fuck.”

“Can we not have this conversation while you’re naked?”

“Why?” He slid his bent knee a little closer to me, spreading his thighs. “Too distracting?”

“No.” I held up a hand, blocking my view of his semi. “But it’s hard to, you know, take you seriously when you’re naked.” That wasn’t it, exactly. More like it was hard to keep my mind on anything but his smooth, golden skin, his hard pecs, his sculpted thighs, and whatever was going on behind my raised hand.

“Fine. Let’s smoke a joint and hash it out.” He bounced off the bed.

“I don’t want to hash it out, Jesse. I wanna go back to sleep, like a sane person.”

But he was already stepping into his jeans, drawing them up over his sculpted ass as he headed for the door, completely ignoring my protests.




Half an hour later, Katie was devouring a giant breakfast sandwich with two fried eggs and triple cheese. I’d already wolfed mine down. Raf had smoked us up while the other guys grabbed our breakfast and we were on the road again. We were about half an hour from our destination, which meant I had about fifteen minutes to get Katie to tell me what the fuck was going on with her art, and fifteen for a quickie.