Page 28

Dark Romeo Complete Trilogy Box Set Page 28

by Sienna Blake

Roman took out his phone and dialed someone. “Yeah, I know it’s late. I need help.” There was a pause. Then he rattled off the address of this warehouse before ending the call.

“Who is that?”

“Someone I trust.” That seemed to be the end of it. “You should make a report in the morning. Let your father and your partner know that two men attacked you. They’ll be able to protect you better than I ever could.” I could hear a touch of bitterness in his voice.

“You did a fine job of doing that tonight,” I said quietly.

He looked sideways at me. “I can’t always be there…”

“Why did you help me?”

“I wasn’t going to stand by and let them…” Roman’s face twisted as he spoke. “In the warehouse, with my knife in his throat, all I could think was what if he had succeeded in taking you? What if he put his hands on you and I hadn’t been there? What if he’d beaten you, raped you? It took everything I had not to kill him.”

I swallowed. “But you didn’t.”

“I wanted to. I wanted to slide the blade back into his brain and twist it.”

Roman just admitted he wanted to kill a man. I should be fleeing from him. But underneath my instinctive fear, my body vibrated, my flesh felt raw and sensitive, the blood rushing hot around my veins. I couldn’t deny it. I was turned on.

Turned on? What the hell was wrong with me?

“Aren’t you going to arrest me, detective?” Roman stared at me with black fire in his eyes, a confrontational edge to his voice. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was deliberately pushing me.


“You should. Kidnapping, assault, you could even get me on attempted murder. You could use me to bring down my whole family.”

He was baiting me. Testing me. Whose side I would choose?

My father flashed into my mind. This was everything that he needed to put Roman Tyrell away. I could see it now, that rare flash of pride on his face, that’s my girl, when I locked Roman Tyrell in a cell and single-handedly brought down the rest of the Tyrell empire. It would make my career in a heartbeat. I’d be promoted. Gain the respect I had wanted for so long…

None of that seemed to matter. When I thought of doing that to Roman, my heart ached so hard I thought it might break. I couldn’t bring him down. Even to put away the Tyrells, I couldn’t sacrifice Roman.

Are you listening to yourself, Julianna? Roman almost killed a man.

But he didn’t, I argued with myself. Everything he did tonight was for me.

“You saved my life,” I said to him. “I owe you. I won’t turn you in. This can be…our little secret.” My list of secrets was growing rapidly. Where would it end…?

Roman leaned into me, his lip curling up into a scowl. Every cell in my body told me to back up. But I forced myself to remain where I stood. “You don’t seem to have any instinct to protect yourself around me. It’ll get you killed.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. Was he disappointed that I wouldn’t arrest him? Did he think I was weak? “You seem to want to push me into either running away from you or arresting you.”

“It’s just easier if we remember which side we’re on.”

I flinched. I knew what he was referencing. I’d pulled a gun on him after he’d broken into my apartment to talk to me. So much had changed since then. “I don’t think we’re on different sides,” I admitted quietly.

I saw a flash of what I took as hope in his eyes. He stepped closer, his body turning towards me. I mirrored him without thinking. He was beautiful, even with flecks of blood across his face. Even in the pale light coming from the open warehouse door, I could feel his dark, hooded stare burning into me. He pushed back a wayward strand of hair behind my ears, his touch searing into my soul. “Jules…”

“You’re hurt,” I cried, noticing his busted bloody knuckles. I reached for his hand.

The sound of tires crunching on gravel tore us apart. A black Ford Taurus pulled up in front of us. Friend or foe? I glanced over to Roman but he looked as impassive as ever. My heartbeat climbed in my chest as the driver’s door opened.

Mercutio stepped out. His eyes widened as he took me in, torn clothes, scrapes, his gaze lingering on my jaw. The pain had faded during Eddie’s interrogation, the stress and adrenaline pushing it to the background. Now it returned with an aching throb.

Mercutio narrowed his eyes at Roman. “You didn’t tell me the cops were involved.”

“They’re not,” Roman said. “She is here as a victim. Someone tried to kidnap her tonight.”

Mercutio opened his mouth, then shut it. He eyed me suspiciously but remained tight-lipped.

“Take her home,” Roman said. “Make sure you’re not followed. Make sure her apartment is cleared before you leave. I owe you one.” Without even a goodbye, he turned to go back inside the warehouse.

“Wait.” I grabbed his arm. His thick bicep tensed underneath my hand. “Where are you going?” I could feel Mercutio’s eyes on us.

Roman didn’t pull his arm away but he didn’t move any closer, his face and voice just as impassive as his actions. “To finish what I started.”

I didn’t want to go without him. I didn’t want to leave his side. Somehow in the last few hours he’d become a safe place for me.

Roman lowered his voice. “Don’t worry. I trust Mercutio. He’ll get you home safely.”

It wasn’t that… How did I even explain? But I couldn’t. Not without sounding like a fool. I forced myself to release my grip from him.

Roman looked back to Mercutio. Something seemed to pass unspoken between them. Then he was gone inside the darkness of the warehouse.




I could feel Mercutio’s disapproving glances at me as we rode in his car towards my apartment. It made my skin feel itchy. That, the adrenaline crash, the stress of almost being kidnapped, my confusion about Roman, the lateness of the hour, all conspired to put me in a foul mood. “If you have something to say, spit it out,” I snapped.

Mercutio focused back on the road. “And have you arrest me for speaking my mind? No, thanks.”

I’d gotten this kind of animosity from civilians before. “For this car ride, pretend I’m not a cop.”

“Yeah, right. I don’t trust cops.”

I let out a sigh and tucked my head against the glass. “Suit yourself.”

Mercutio said nothing. Several minutes went by, the street lights brightening up the skin behind my closed lids in a series of flashes. I felt my body grow heavy, sleep lapping at the edges of my consciousness.

“Why is he helping you?”

I opened my eyes at Mercutio’s question. Why indeed? I looked out the window at the familiar city streets flashing past. We were still several minutes away from my apartment. There was no way to avoid this conversation. “I don’t know,” I admitted. “I’ve asked him. He won’t tell me.”

“You’re putting him in danger.”

I rubbed my face. The last thing I needed right now was a lecture. I needed sleep. And an aspirin. And for Roman to stop confusing the shit out of me. “He’s a danger to himself.”

Mercutio gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles went pale. “You don’t understand what his father would do to him if he found out that he helped a cop.”

I straightened up in my seat. “Don’t you think I know that? I told him he shouldn’t be doing all of,” I waved my hand around uselessly, “…this for me.”

“You have something on him. That’s why he’s helping you.”

I wanted to punch something. Nothing I was saying was getting through to Mercutio. But I was quickly losing the strength to argue. I let out a sigh and leaned against the cool glass again, letting it soothe my jaw. “Believe what you want.”

Mercifully, Mercutio didn’t say another word until we came to my apartment. He parked in the tow away zone in front of my building. I almost said something about
illegal parking, then clamped my mouth shut. He wouldn’t be staying long. I halted when he followed me out of the car.

“I’m coming in with you,” he said, his tone making it clear that it was the last thing he wanted to do.

“I’m fine.”

“No,” Mercutio said firmly. “Roman asked me to check your apartment before I left. That’s what I’m going to do.”

I folded my arms across my chest. “You’ll have to get through me to get into my apartment.”

Mercutio gave me a small smile. “No offense, but I’m more scared of him than you.”

I let out a sigh. The quicker I let him in, the faster he’d be gone. “Fine, but wipe your feet on the mat before you come in.”

In my apartment, Mercutio checked each room including the closets. His phone rang and he answered. “Yeah, we’re here at her apartment.”

It was Roman. It had to be. My ears prickled.

“I’m just doing that now but it all looks clear.” There was a pause where Mercutio’s eyes darted over to me. Did Roman want to speak to me? “Yeah, no worries.” Mercutio hung up.

I frowned as a wave of disappointment rolled over me, making me uneasy. I wanted to hear his voice in my ear even just for a few seconds. Why did he call Mercutio and not me?

Because Mercutio’s his best friend and you’re just a girl who is turning into a problem for him.

“Was that Roman?” I asked, trying for casual and failing. My voice sounded too tight and unnaturally high.


“Is…is he okay?”

Mercutio froze, then shot me a look before he opened my linen closet; no monsters in there. “He’s fine.”

Fine? I wanted to know where he was. Was he okay? What was he doing? What happened to Eddie? Fine was not enough. It appeared “fine” was all I was getting. I held my tongue as Mercutio finished checking my apartment.

“See? No boogeymen,” I said, holding the door open for him. “You can go now.”

Mercutio paused just outside my front door and turned to me. “Do you care what happens to Roman?” Mercutio’s eyes, sharp and intelligent, were studying me.

There was no use denying it. “Of course,” I said quietly.

“Then stay away from him.”




I jolted awake when a floorboard creaked, grabbing for my gun that I’d slid under my pillow after Mercutio had left.

“It’s just me.” Roman’s voice made my whole body sag with relief.

I spotted his huge frame silhouetted against my open bedroom window. An overwhelming sense of safety fell over me like a blanket.

“What the hell are you doing leaving your bedroom window unlocked?”

“I hoped you’d come…” I trailed off. My sleepiness was making me too honest.

He stiffened. “What if it hadn’t been me, huh? What if they sent someone else to finish what they failed earlier tonight?”

I sat up in bed. The sheet dropped off my torso, revealing the red silk nightie I’d slipped on earlier. I thought I heard Roman’s breath hitch. I felt his eyes roaming over me and I flushed. The nightie had been an unwanted birthday gift from Nora. I’d never worn it before tonight. I was glad I did. I pulled the weapon I was still clutching into view. “I have a gun.”

There was a pause. Roman let out a soft snort as he shook his head. “Unbelievable.”

I moved the gun to the bedside table. Suddenly my hands were too empty, so I gripped the edges of my sheet, my fingers playing with the hem. “What are you doing here?”

“Just wanted to make sure you were okay. I wasn’t going to come in. Then I found your window unlocked.”

There was an awkward pause. There was so much I wanted to say, to ask, but all of it seemed…inappropriate. My unasked questions hung in the air like pale moths.

“I should—”

“I’m sorry,” I blurted out at the same time.

“What for?” he asked.

“For ever judging you incorrectly.”

He let out a curt laugh. “You didn’t get it all wrong. I’m still a bastard.”

I gave him a small smile. “Not where it counts.”

Roman’s stance softened and his chin dropped. At that moment, he seemed almost…shy. “Thanks.”

“What for?”

“For looking closer than anyone ever has.”

Our eyes met. The air snapped with tension. All at once I felt like I might suddenly take flight, my chest and stomach both fluttering like frantic doves. And yet, I felt like I was drowning, a liquid heat rushing up to swallow me whole.

“Sleep, Julianna,” he said, his voice croaking on my name. He turned, his wide frame blocking my view of the open window. My stomach lurched. No, please, don’t go.


He paused.

I cleared my throat. My heart was thudding around in my throat, making it hard to find my voice. I wiped my clammy palms on the sheet. What the hell was I doing? What was I asking?

“Will you stay? Here. With me.”

He didn’t move. I wasn’t sure he was breathing. Or was that just me?

“I don’t want to be alone tonight,” I admitted.

In the dim he nodded, once. He moved quietly, almost hesitantly towards me, every inch he closed between us seemed to pressurize. The bed dipped when he sat beside me. I sucked in a breath as my head spun. You just let Roman Tyrell into your bed. You practically begged him to stay. Have you lost your damn mind?

He rolled me so I was lying facing away from him. Then tucked himself around me, the front of his strong thighs pressing against the backs of mine, one arm slung over my waist. Dear God. I’ve missed him.

Before I knew what I had done, I’d turned around to face him like a sunflower reaching for the sun, half-mad with the need to be closer to him. I could have cried when the front of my body melded against his. He stiffened against me, let out a muttered curse. But he didn’t push me away. There we lay, our bodies pressed against each other.

I shouldn’t have turned around.

I shouldn’t have asked him to stay.

I shouldn’t have left my window open for him.

“Roman,” I whispered against his shoulder as I drowned in the nearness of him. “What happens next?”

I lifted my head to look up at him. His eyes were furrowed with pain, his beautiful lips pressed thin as he gazed at me. “Sleep,” he managed to croak out.

There was nothing left. Only unanswered questions.

What if…

If only…

The answers were ones that we didn’t want to face. At least not right now.

I closed my eyes. In the complete darkness behind my eyelids, I gained the courage to press further into him. His body burned hotter than anyone I’ve ever met. It seared me to my bones and yet the heat was like a balm to my aching soul. I inhaled his scent of cedar and man, letting it fill my lungs.

I was in the arms of a man who basically admitted to stalking me, a man who threatened to cut someone to pieces with a knife, a man whose presence beside me put me in grave danger from his family, and yet I felt safe. Safer than I’d felt in a long time. I couldn’t reconcile these conflicting thoughts, so I just let them go. I needed him here with me tonight. Everything else I could deal with tomorrow.

I didn’t know how but I soon drifted off to sleep.




I was lying in bed with Julianna Capulet. And we weren’t naked.

Well…this was new.

I could do this. I could just lie here with her and not—

She shifted her leg over mine, her thigh now pressing right against my dick. I stiffened, the awareness flooding down my body. Fuck, I missed her honey skin and soft, warm curves. I reached for her, halting just before I touched her.

Don’t be a dick, Roman. She was attacked tonight. The last thing she needs is for you to attack
her too, you horny bastard.

But she asked you to stay. That’s practically an invitation to—

Keep your damn hands to yourself, you selfish fucker.

I gritted my teeth against the feral desire that gripped me, threatening to break my control. She wasn’t making this easy. What the hell did you even do with a woman in bed if you weren’t fucking her?

Cuddles. I seem to remember one of the women I dated complaining that she wanted to cuddle in bed. How was I supposed to “cuddle” her without crushing her? I carefully placed my arm around Jules. She tucked herself further into the crook of my arm, her soft hair nestled against my chest, smelling like some kind of tropical flower. She sighed, a soft, happy sound. For some reason it made my chest cavity puff up. Damn. This was nice. Real nice. I could get used to this.

* * *

I woke up with a start.

My eyes took a second to adjust to the dim, the touch of dawn only just lightening the window. The strange window. This wasn’t my bedroom.

I became aware of the soft body beside me. Julianna. I was in her bedroom.

Shit. I hadn’t meant to fall asleep, but she’d been so warm and perfect. I stared down at the sleeping beauty. Her face was soft and completely relaxed.

I realized with a start, this was the first time I’d ever slept beside a woman without fucking her. What the hell did that mean?

Nothing. It means nothing. Now stop thinking and get the hell out of here before she wakes up.

I slid myself slowly out of the tangle that was our bodies. She let out a soft moan as she shifted. I froze. Thankfully, she kept sleeping as I crept out her window.

The city was already awake below me. It was already too light. I was too exposed up here. Anyone could see me looking like a criminal slipping out of her window and onto the fire escape. Anyone. I took a risk going to her apartment last night. I took an even bigger risk in staying.

No more risks, I told myself. Stop being so fucking weak over her. She’s not worth it.