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Dark Celebration 17 Page 25

by Christine Feehan

«Come here, pequena. I have waited too long for your body.» He held out his hand to her.

She always felt so mesmerized by him, so willing to do whatever he asked of her. She loved the feel of his hands on her far too much. «I think I'm obsessed with you.» She put her hand in his and he jerked her to him, spinning her around, pushing her back against the wall and trapping her between his body and the hard surface.

«It is good for you to be obsessed.» His fingers trailed down her face, across her neck to her throat. The pads of his fingers teased her bare skin, sending little flames dancing through her body. Without warning, he yanked the coat from her body, exposing the soft creamy flesh beneath. «You always wear too many clothes.»

Her heart began to pound in response to his intensity. He could always do that to her, take away her balance when it came to their sexual encounters. «Would you like me to go naked in front of all of our company?»

He growled low in his throat, bared his teeth, then leaned forward and gently bit down on her nipple, dragging his teeth back and forth until she moaned. «If I had my way, I would choose a time in history when I could simply lock you up, keep you safe and to myself, never share you.» He pinned her wrists together above her head. «I would keep you in shackles, chained to my bed, completely naked waiting for me, always wanting me.»

His hands cupped her breasts and lifted them as he bent his head to feast. His mouth was already hot, his tongue lapping wickedly, his teeth scraping and teasing, his mouth suckling strongly. Most of the time, he took great care to pay attention to every nuance of her mind, ensuring everything he did was exactly the way she liked, but sometimes, when his demons and petty jealousies were riding him just a little too hard, he allowed himself the freedom of

taking her body the way he wanted. Fast and hard and rough.

Excitement always coursed through her mind-and maybe a little fear. He would never hurt her, but he always demanded submission-he always pushed her sexually. He was greedy for her. He wanted to know she would love him no matter what, that she would give him everything, that she would hold nothing back. But in the end, nothing mattered to him so much as her pleasure and he always-always-gave that to her tenfold.

Rafael dropped to his knees, hands pushing her thighs apart and dragging her hips forward so his mouth could devour her. His tongue stabbed deep, drew out cream, and he began licking and sucking while her hips bucked against his mouth and her hands tangled in his hair. She screamed as the first wave rushed over her. The almost desperate sounds he made drove her right over the edge. Spasm after spasm rocked her.

He tumbled her to the bed, following her down, skin to skin, thrusting his knee between her thighs to keep her open to him. He surged forward with one hard stroke, burying himself deep, driving through the soft velvet folds until he hit her womb. He tilted her hips, pushing deeper, forcing her to take all of him. He swore softly as her body, so tight and hot, grasped his, squeezing and milking and sending fire racing down his spine. Lightning sizzled in his bloodstream and whipped through his body. He began to piston, driving with his hips, sinking deep into the refuge of her body, reveling in the way her muscles tightened like a fist, holding him to her.

He thrust hard, over and over, ignoring her helpless pleas as he took her higher and higher, building the pleasure until she was whimpering for release, pleading with him to take her over the edge. She began to throw her head back and forth, struggling against the terrible sexual tension, but he held her still, plunging his body into hers, taking them both to a fever pitch of need. Then she was screaming, as her body shattered around his, as jet after jet of heat filled her and her womb convulsed with shocking pleasure. It spread through her like a tornado, taking her body by surprise, ripping through her vaginal walls, down her thighs and up into her stomach.

She lay gasping for breath, staring up at the man she loved above all else in the world– the man who loved and accepted her for who she was. Bloodlines or not, Rafael loved her and that was enough for her. She could feel confident in herself no matter what because he loved her unconditionally.

Chapter 13

The wind began to pick up in strength, blowing snow around even as more began to fall in earnest. Mikhail hesitated just outside the large house. Traian Trigovise had designed and built the house for, not only his lifemate Joie, but to share with her brother Jubal and sister Gabrielle. Now that the vampire who had taken Traian's blood was dead, Traian felt he could once more live in the company of other Carpathians without endangering them all.

You re being such a chicken, Raven teased.

Traian's in-laws are visiting. And Gabrielle has risen. There are going to be questions I would rather not have to answer at this time.

Because she is in love with Gary Jansen.

Not exactly. Mikhail knew he was hedging. He didn't want Gabrielle and Gary to be in love. As humans it was perfectly fine, but now that Gabrielle had been converted, he knew there would be tremendous problems. And with Gabrielle's parents there to celebrate Christmas, there would be more questions than normal. I think I will skip this visit.

Mikhail Dubrinsky! You knock on that door. As the prince, it is your duty to welcome Joie's parents. And Gabrielle needs your support as well.

My duties as prince seem to be getting larger and more complicated as time goes on. Maybe I should pass this duty along to my second in command.

Raven laughed softly. Don't you dare.

Mikhail heaved a tortured sigh and knocked on the door. It swung open immediately and a woman with bright eyes and a ready smile greeted him.

«Please come in. I'm Marissa Sanders, Joie, Jubal and Gabrielle's mother.»

«Mikhail Dubrinsky.» He identified himself, and sent Raven the image of him throttling her. I'd rather face a vampire than a mother-in-law. Her answering laughter wasn't in the least sympathetic. I am going to have to explain to you the finer points of lifemates. You seem to be missing them.

«Oh! The prince.» Mrs. Sanders stepped back to wave him inside. «Lovely to meet you. I have so many questions.»

He bowed slightly. «I will try to answer what I can for you.»

She stopped in the hall so abruptly he nearly ran into her. «Prince of what? Are you in exile? Everyone just refers to you as the prince, but they never say of which country. I imagine there are quite a few princes thrown out on their royal…» She brought herself up short, and swung back to continue walking down the hall.

Mikhail nearly groaned out loud, but managed to suppress it. Traian! He issued the summons sharply, and in that moment he didn't give a damn whether the entire population of Carpathians heard the panic in his voice or not. He was not answering this woman's questions.

She showed him into the large living room, and immediately took the chair opposite his and leaned forward eagerly. «I've just come from Sara's. You'll be happy to know the seamstresses are on track.»

«Seamstresses?» he echoed faintly. What seamstresses, Raven?

I have no idea. Ask her.

Mikhail nodded, trying to look wise. «That is good, Mrs. Sanders. Uh-er-which seamstresses would that be?»

Her eyebrow shot up. «You obviously dropped the ball on that one. Good thing I was here to pick it up. The children needed costumes for the pageant.»

«Costumes?» He seemed to be repeating her words, but he couldn't help it. He ran a finger around the neckline of his shirt. Traian, get in here before I do something like send an earthquake rippling through this house.

«Did you expect to simply produce the outfits out of thin air?»

«I suppose I was, yes.»

Mikhail! Raven's voice reprimanded him sharply before he could speak. Don't you dare say another word and I mean it. That poor woman has two daughters who are now Carpathian. She deserves a little respect.

Mikhail closed his eyes briefly. Of course she deserved respect, but he shouldn't have to deal with her. Where is my second in command? It's your job to protect me at all times and dist
ance me from these unpleasant tasks.

Gregori gave a derisive snort. I think you are capable of handling one little woman. I have my hands full at the moment with your daughter.

Mikhail struggled between self-preservation and prank, and the prank won. He was not going to pull out his son-in-law card. He could handle this woman no matter what she threw at him. It would be well worth it to see Gregori prancing around in a Santa Claus outfit.

«Just like a man. You order a huge celebration and then expect it all to get done on its own.» Mrs. Sanders crossed her arms over her chest and regarded him with a stern eye. «Just what has been going on with my daughter Gabrielle? Joie and Traian said she was with you. I certainly hope you aren't the kind of prince who believes in harems because, and let's get this straight…» She leaned forward to look him in the eye, bent on intimidating him. «I'm not the mother to stand for it.»

Mikhail choked. Coughed. Traian! I'm commanding you to get into this room immediately.

Sorry, Mikhail. I am on the way. Joie and I were just a little bit occupied.

Mikhail heard Raven's soft laughter at the admission. They don't need to be enjoying themselves while I'm stuck with this woman.

Maybe they re making a baby. Do you really want to disturb them? Raven breathed in his ear, teasing his senses and stirring his body.

Yes! And stop that. I need my brain to actually function around this woman.

We are occupied with Gabrielle, Joie hastily added, clearly embarrassed.

Mikhail sighed. Forgive me. I should have known you would be with your sister. It wouldn't be easy for Gabrielle to rise and know she needed blood to survive. Newly converted Carpathians always seemed to have difficulty with the concept. He could never understand the big deal. Carpathians weren't flesh eaters like humans and they didn't kill like the vampire, yet they were reviled for their need of blood.

«I won't have my daughter regulated to the status of a-a-concubine. I won't allow it. I know you're married, so don't bother to deny it. You don't even have a country that I can see.»

Mikhail let his breath out and reached for the woman's mind, uncaring if it was impolite. He could make her forget all this nonsense and simply go into the kitchen.

Her mind collided with his, as if she were reaching for him at the exact same time. Thunder rolled. Lightning sizzled in the sky and the clouds roiled impressively. The two minds impacted, slamming against one another, hitting hastily erected barriers. Mrs. Sanders jumped to her feet, her face pale, both hands clutching her head in pain.

Puzzled, Mikhail rose as well. He bowed slightly. «Forgive me, Mrs. Sanders.» It took a moment to recognize the unfamiliar brain patterns. It was no wonder her children were so gifted and such phenomenal psychics-all three of them. «You have the undiluted blood of the jaguar.»

«And you are Carpathian.» She looked around the house, took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. «Of course. That explains a lot. Traian is Carpathian, isn't he?»

Mikhail felt the flicker of another's presence. Her husband stood silently in the doorway, his mind trying to assimilate what was being said. It was obvious that Mrs. Sanders was capable of telepathic communication. Her psychic abilities were very strong, and she had called her husband to her in her distress. Mikhail continued the conversation as if there were only the two of them present. «It is essential for Carpathians to pass as humans at all times.»

She sank into a chair. «I have never heard that a human can become Carpathian, but Joie is, isn't she? That's why she looks different-a subtle difference, but it is there. And you really were going to make the costumes out of thin air.»

To Mikhail's alarm, she looked as if she might cry. «I am very sorry, Mrs. Sanders. You can understand why Traian couldn't simply give you this information. It is necessary to protect our species at all times.» He studied her averted face. «You haven't revealed your

lineage to your children. They have no idea, do they?»

She shook her head. «I didn't want them to know. I was afraid for them. My husband knows, but he's very protective of me. When I need to let the cat out, he goes with me and I run in the hills. He stands by to make certain no accidents happen.»

«Can any of them shapeshift?»

She shook her head. «I never taught them. I've seen them all grow restless and moody at times, but I didn't want them to carry that burden. I don't know if I did the right thing or not. But having a son and trying to raise him right is a big responsibility when he is jaguar. His instincts…»

«Jubal is a fine man. He's very protective of his sisters.» Mikhail reached out a hand and touched her.

Immediately she calmed, blinking the tears back, regaining the control she thought lost. «Jaguar males are very dangerous.»

«I am centuries old, Mrs. Sanders. I will admit I did not have a lot of contact with your species as we resided in separate parts of the world, but I remember many of the males were wonderful people. Need and fear often cause people to do things they would not ordinarily do. Jubal was born a good man, and will remain so throughout his lifetime. Should he be forced into extreme circumstances, I believe he will rise to the occasion with his mind and strength and the gifts given to him, not fall back on primitive means.»

She took a deep breath. «Thank you for that. It's my worst fear.»

He had glimpsed that small piece of information clearly, as it had been in the forefront of her mind before she had slammed the barrier down. «You have remarkable children, Mrs. Sanders. Joie is a treasure we all seek to protect. Jubal has been helping with vital research –as has Gabrielle.»

«Gabrielle met a young man, Gary Jansen. She says she has been working with him on a huge research project. Is he Carpathian too?»

The half smile faded from Mikhail's face. «Gary is human-a friend and protected by all Carpathians. Always.» If there was one human in the world the Carpathians would go to war for-it was Gary Jansen. But now…

«What is wrong with Gabrielle?» Mrs. Sanders asked. «I know there is something, but even Joie and Jubal have refused to discuss it with me.» She shook her head. «My family has too many secrets, yet you seem to know them all. Gabrielle is alive, isn't she?»

Mikhail rubbed his hand over his face, hating to be put in such a position. This woman deserved answers-deserved the truth about her daughters. «Just as Joie was converted to our species because unless she was she would have died, so was Gabrielle converted.»

Mrs. Sanders made a small sound of despair and turned her head to meet her husband's gaze. He stood in the doorway, tall and straight, his face an expressionless mask. «Rory. Oh, honey. I'm so sorry. This is my fault. All my fault.»

He hurried to her side, dropping down on one knee to take both of her hands in his. «Don't do that to yourself. You've done nothing wrong.»

«Is it so difficult for you to know your children are Carpathian?» Mikhail asked. «They will always be treasured. Always be protected.»

«Joie, yes, but what of Gabrielle? She's different, not adventurous in the same way Joie is. She has a love of research and home. This life isn't for her.»

«It is life, Mrs. Sanders. She would have died and we gave her the choice. It is what she wanted. Our healers are with her now and they will assist her in her new life. She is tied to a lifemated Carpathian, Vikirnoff Von Shrieder, and to me. We will always see to her happiness and safety.»

Mrs. Sanders took a deep breath and gripped her husband's hand. «At least I do not have to worry that a jaguar male will get their hands on either of my daughters. That has been a huge worry, especially with Joie traveling so much.» She attempted a small smile for her husband. «I don't mind Carpathian or human, but no jaguar blood.»

«I thought there were very few,» Mikhail said.

«Purebloods, but of course, there are many descendents and I don't want either of my daughters near a male jaguar.»

Mikhail didn't point out that Jubal was a male jaguar, or that he didn't tolerate prejudice towar
d any race or species. The woman feared the male jaguars and with good cause. He had impressions of a past she kept locked away. Mikhail held out his hand to her husband and introduced himself just as Traian and Joie rushed in. Mikhail had relayed the conversation to the couple, urging them to come quickly to ease Mrs. Sanders's tears.

«Mom!» Joie said. «I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about Gabrielle. I wanted to. I didn't know how.»

Mrs. Sanders hugged her daughter tightly. «Have you seen her? Is she all right?»

Joie bit her lip and sent a quick glance to Traian. «She is apprehensive. And it isn't as easy for her. I had Traian to guide me. And when I need to feed, he provides for me and it isn't so horrible. But Gabrielle is in love with someone who isn't Carpathian and he can't give her the things she needs.»