Page 40

Dangerous to Know & Love Page 40

by Jane Harvey-Berrick

He pulled his shaving kit out of his bag and tugged his t-shirt over his head, smiling to himself as her eyes followed the material’s route up his body. He headed for the bathroom.

When he looked into the mirror, he saw Lisanne standing behind him.

“Let me do it.”


“I want to shave you.”

He stared at her.

“Don’t you trust me?”

“I just don’t want to look like I’ve gotten into a fight – anymore than I already do.”

“Hey,” she said, slapping his arm. “I have a very steady hand.”

“Mmm,” he said, nuzzling her neck, “I like your hands.”

She pushed his shoulder to make him look at her.

“So you’ll let me?”

He sighed theatrically. “Fine, but I’ve already got one six inch cut, baby doll, so be careful, okay?”

He settled himself on the stool she placed in front of the mirror, and watched her root around pulling out his shaving foam and razor.

The bathroom began to fill with the same tension that they’d experienced in the car. Daniel’s arousal, begun in the driveway, and increased in the bedroom, was now becoming really fucking uncomfortable. He shifted on the stool as his eyes were on a level with Lisanne’s breasts.

She shook the can then pressed the nozzle, watching the foam bloom onto the palm of her hand. She spread it across each cheek, his chin, the patch of skin above his full lips, and down over his throat.

He stared up at her, his hazel eyes wide and trusting.

Picking up his razor, she stepped nearer so she was standing between his legs. She rested her left hand on his shoulder and he stretched his neck upwards.

Lisanne leaned forward and tilted Daniel’s head to the side. Moving with precision, she placed the razor at the base of his sideburn, less than an inch from the incision behind his ear, and with slow, careful strokes, he felt her draw the razor down his left cheek. A long, smooth sliver of skin was revealed. His bare chest rose and fell evenly and his eyes followed hers. When she moved to his upper lip, he pulled it down; when she moved to his right side, he tilted his head for her.

She rinsed off the razor in the sink and her eyes traced the path of a drop of water that rolled down his chest, glistening for a moment before disappearing into the waistband of his jeans.

With great focus, she moved around him, shaving him cleanly, finishing with an upwards stroke from his throat to his chin.

She wiped a final swirl of foam from his right cheek and gently patted his face with a towel.

“All done,” she said, her voice husky.

He took the razor from her hand and lay it carefully at the side of the wash basin, watching as the water ran down the plughole.

He glanced at himself in the mirror and ran his fingers over his smooth face. “Nice job.” He turned and looked into her eyes for several seconds before he spoke again. “Can I take you to bed now?”

“I started taking the pill.”

Her abrupt announcement halted him. “You did?”


“Okay.” He wasn’t sure what she wanted him to do with that piece of information.

“So you don’t have to, you know… you don’t have to use a condom.”

He stared and her face reddened.

“I thought it was what you wanted!” she snapped at him.

He blinked in surprise, as much at the anger on her face as the actual words.

“No, I didn’t mean… baby doll, I wasn’t… I mean, that’s great. I know I’m clean because I get tested regularly – and I had to have blood work done before the op. You just surprised me – I’ve never gone unwrapped before.”

“Oh, okay.” Lisanne nodded. She looked up at him boldly. “I want you to make love to me, Daniel.”

Once again, her words made him pause and he suddenly felt uncertain. He knew sex. He knew fucking. He knew how to make a woman come so hard she saw stars, the galaxy, and the whole damn Milky Way. But making love? Was that what it was? Was that why it was different with her?

He licked his lips as her hand rose to take his, leading him back to her bedroom.

He watched the roll and sway of her hips as he walked behind her, and his cock wept with happiness.

“Put the chair against the door,” she said, “just in case.”

Daniel lifted her desk chair and wedged it under the door handle, then pulled off his boots and socks.

“You don’t usually wear a belt with your jeans,” she said, suddenly.

He shrugged. “Stops my pants falling down.”

“You haven’t been eating, have you?”

“You really want to have this conversation now, baby doll, because I just want to put my dick inside you, where it’s been fucking begging to be for the last half hour, and then feel you tighten around it when you come, yelling my name.”



Daniel laid down on her bed, grinning up at her. “Want to make out?”

“I want to do a lot more than that,” she said, confidently.

Lisanne scrambled up the bed until she was straddling his thighs. She leaned down and kissed his chest, tugging gently on first one, then the other nipple ring.

Daniel breathed deeply, feeling waves of desire flame through him. She had no idea how fucking sexy she looked doing that, taking control. His arms lay at his sides as she continued to taste every inch of bare skin that she could find.

When she cupped him over his jeans, he groaned.

She slipped her hand inside and her mouth dropped open with surprise.

“You’re not wearing any underwear.”

He grinned. “Didn’t get around to doing any laundry.”

Her hand squeezed around him and he sighed with the overture of gratification.

“Fuck, that feels good, baby doll.”

She unbuckled his belt and popped the button on his jeans before yanking down the zipper.

Daniel yelped.

“Oh, sorry,” she gasped.

“Fuck, Lis, I’ve been damaged enough this week. Be careful with my dick – he needs some loving.”

“Oh, poor little thing,” she smirked. “Do you want me to kiss it better?”

Daniel’s intention to deny that his ‘thing’ was ‘little’ died in his throat as she pulled his cock free and started to place small, sweet kisses all over it.

She sucked the end tentatively, her serious eyes peering up at him.

She released him long enough to ask, “Is this okay?”

“Yup,” he managed to cough out, as coherence exited the building.

She smiled and went back to inexpertly licking, sucking, and generally working out what movements got the best reactions. It was sort of like a science experiment but with pornographic surround sound, as Daniel moaned, groaned, and gasped.

When he felt his balls and stomach tighten, he pushed her shoulders.


“Yes?” she said, bemused as he bucked beneath her.

“I’m going to come, baby doll, if you keep doing that.”

She frowned. “Isn’t that the point?”

He managed to smile at her confused expression as he propped himself on his elbows to see her face better.

“Well, yeah, but then it’ll be over too quick. Gotta pace myself.”

“Is that what you do – pace yourself – with me?”

She looked slightly hurt.

Daniel tried to explain, while his dick cursed him. “It depends. Sometimes I just want to fuck, hard and fast, right?”

She swallowed and felt her insides tighten in response.

“But sometimes,” he continued, “sometimes I want to make it last – like right now. I want to touch you, I want to taste you, I want to see your face when you come, I want you screaming because you don’t want it to stop – and because you do. I want to make it good for you, baby, real good.”

bsp; He looked down at his cock, that was almost purple with urgency.

“And then I’m going to fuck you hard and fast. How does that sound?”

“Um, okay.”

He grinned at her. “Good. Come here.”

While she crawled back up the bed, he shoved his unhappy and painfully rigid dick back in his jeans, then unfastened the buttons on her shirt one by one.

“I know it’s dumb,” she said, quietly, “but I feel sort of nervous. You know, because we haven’t done this for a while.”

“Tell me about it. I’ve got fucking blue balls, and your hymen has probably grown back by now.”

“What?” said Lisanne, looking panicked.

Daniel chuckled. “Kidding! Jeez!”

“I knew that,” she muttered.

He pulled open her shirt and saw the brilliant jade green Victoria’s Secret bra that he’d caught a glimpse of when she’d been drunk. The night she’d slapped him and thrown him out of her room. It looked sensational against her pale skin. He might even have groaned out loud: he didn’t know.

He buried his face in her breasts while she ran her hands over the bunched muscles of his biceps, following the swirling lines of his tattoos.

“I’ve missed this,” she sighed, even though Daniel couldn’t hear her.

With one hand, he unhooked her bra and slid it from her small shoulders.

Her nipples were already standing proud, but using his tongue and teeth, he teased them into tight little fists.

“Mmm, strawberry,” he said to himself.

Lisanne flushed, the heat traveling from the centre of her body to every furthest inch.

She rolled onto her back and Daniel tugged off her jeans. She shivered slightly and he looked up.



Smiling, he worked her panties down until they were tangled around her ankles.

He eased a couple of fingers inside her and watched with pleasure as she stretched out her body and shuddered softly.

“Have you made yourself come without me, baby doll?”

She mumbled something but Daniel couldn’t read what she’d said.

“Say again, baby.”

“Um, yes. Once,” she muttered.

“Way to go, Lis,” he said, trying not to laugh at her mortified expression. “Did it feel good?”

“It was okay. It’s better when you do it.”

Daniel grinned – he wasn’t going to argue with that. “Do you like it when I do this?”

Lisanne gasped.

“Or this?”

Her hips bucked off the bed.

“Or this?”

She screamed out and clutched the sheets with stiff fingers.

Smiling to himself, Daniel couldn’t resist licking her. Damn, she tasted good. He wondered if he could make her come again with just his mouth.

Five minutes later, he had his answer.

Lisanne was a sweaty mess, lying flat on her back, utterly open and exposed, glowing from a second, stunning orgasm. Daniel was happy his girl was satisfied, but the granite in his pants was giving him some serious grief. He kicked off his jeans, with a feeling of relief, and she opened one eye.

“I can’t move,” she gasped.

“You don’t have to, baby,” he said. “I’ll do all the work. Just… enjoy the ride!” He reached for his jacket and the packet of condoms, before he remembered that she’d said they weren’t necessary. He hesitated for a moment. He’d done a lot of shit with a lot of women, but he’d never gone bare before. He was more than happy for Lisanne to be his first. The thought made him smile.

Gently, he rolled her onto her right hip and lay down behind her so they were spooning. He pushed up her knees with his own, wrapped one arm underneath her, pulling her tightly into him, then rubbed his straining tip against her, feeling her warmth and wetness.

He pushed into her faster than he’d meant to, but she didn’t stop him. Feeling her skin to skin, her satiny walls clenching all around him, Daniel almost came on the spot.

“Fuck, that feels so… baby doll…”

As it was, he was having trouble holding on. She pushed her ass back against him, and he was a lost man. He pounded into her hard and exploded in a rush of heat, pulsing into her, emptying himself into her.

Fuck, that was intense. He was almost embarrassed that he’d come so quickly – that hadn’t happened in a long time.

He pulled out and saw with fascination that his cum was running down the back of her thigh. Goddamn it but that was sexy.

Lisanne squirmed in his arms until she was facing him.

“Hi,” she said shyly.

He kissed her soft lips. “You are so fucking amazing, you know that, right?”

She giggled. “So are you. I’ve missed having, um, orgasms with you.”

“You sure have a way with words, baby doll.”

She pretended to pout and he laughed.

“I’ve missed all of this,” she said, lifting her hand to stroke his cheek.

“Me, too,” he sighed, planting a soft kiss on the tip of her nose.

“Ugh!” she sat up suddenly.

“What’s the matter?”

Daniel’s eyes darted to the window. Maybe she’d heard her parents coming back?

“I’m… oh God, this is so embarrassing!”

Daniel stared at her with worried eyes. As Lisanne started to get out of bed, he laid a restraining hand on her arm.

“What is it, Lis? You’re freaking me out here.”

“Oh, God. Just… nothing. Wait here.”


“Oh for God’s sake, Daniel! I’m dripping, okay? I’ll be back in a minute.”

She heard Daniel’s loud laughter all the way to the bathroom.

Muttering inaudibly, Lisanne cleaned herself up. Nobody had mentioned that side effect of taking the pill. She suddenly wished they’d used condoms. It had felt amazing, not having any barrier between them but even so, condoms were so much less messy.

She wondered if she had time for a shower and decided it was an absolute necessity. Then a thought occurred to her – maybe they could have a shower together. Kirsty had given a rather too vivid description of when she and Vin had done exactly that in his private bathroom at the frat house. Lisanne thought it sounded rather dangerous, what with all the slipping and sliding around on tiles, but now she had the chance, Lisanne found she rather wanted to try it for herself.

She wrapped a bath towel under her arms and brought a spare one for Daniel.

He wasn’t lying on the bed anymore, but leaning out of her window, giving Lisanne a very fine view of his very fine ass. She hoped he wasn’t smoking: her dad had a nose like a bloodhound when it came to things like that.

But he wasn’t smoking and now Lisanne thought about it, she hadn’t seen him have a cigarette since she’d picked him up at the bus station.

But before she had a chance to ask him about it, he turned around and jumped when he saw her.

“Fuck, Lis! You nearly gave me a heart attack – I thought your folks had come back early.”

She smiled smugly, glad that he was the one on the wrong foot for a change. Her eyes traveled up and down his body. He’d definitely lost weight but otherwise there was nothing to suggest he’d been through an invasive surgery – nothing except the gauze on the side of his head.

“I’m going to have a shower. Do you want to have one with me?”

Daniel’s eyes lit up but then he frowned.

“Yeah, but I have to keep this dry,” he said, pointing to his ear.

“Okay, I’ll be gentle with you,” she said.

He raised his eyebrows, then chased her into the bathroom.

Chapter 21

Lisanne made a mental note to put shower sex at the top of her list of favorite things to do with – and to – Daniel. Whether it had been the steam, his slick soapy hands, hot water, and hotter sex, the combination had been an alchemist’s dream, creating a w
onderful golden, molten moment.

She glowed, and Daniel looked very pleased with himself. Unfortunately and perhaps inevitably, his dressing had been completely soaked.

Lisanne was shocked again when she saw the long scar and shaved skin, although his hair was beginning to grow back, creating a soft, peachy fuzz.

Hiding how she felt as she looked at the ugly scar, guilty by association, she still insisted that they couldn’t risk going back to bed. Either Harry or her parents would be home soon.

“Five more minutes,” begged Daniel, pressing her naked body up against the bedroom door.

“No!” she said insistently. “Put your damn pants back on. Anyway, we need to fix your head.”

“Many women have tried,” he said solemnly.

“Hardy ha ha! Now get dressed.”

It didn’t take Daniel long: one pair of pants, one t-shirt, and he was done. Lisanne’s reassembly took a little longer and she wanted to blow-dry her hair, thus avoiding anyone asking why she had soaking wet hair just after her boyfriend had arrived to visit.

Daniel lay back on her bed watching her, a small smile on his face.

“What?” she said, once she’d finished.

He shrugged. “This – I like it.”

“What, watching me dry my hair?”

He smiled, although his eyes looked a little sad.

“Yeah, but not just that. All of it: you, me, spending time, nowhere special to be, no pressure, you know. No roommate.”

“I know what you mean. But Kirsty’s not so bad. You two get along now, don’t you?”

“Yeah, she’s okay I guess. I just meant… ah fuck it. I don’t know what I’m talking about.”

“We could maybe go to your place sometimes?”

Daniel shook his head. “No, baby doll. I wouldn’t do that to you. Besides, I’m moving out. I’m going to get a room somewhere. I’ve seen a couple of places…”

“But… what about Zef? Isn’t it your house, too?”

“It’s not really working out anymore – things have gotten kind of intense. I just need to find my own place. Hey, I forgot to tell you, I got a job.”

Lisanne’s face fell. “What about school? What about your degree?”

“I’ll only be doing 15 or 20 hours a week, that’s all. It means I’ll have to work weekends, but I’ll still go to school. I might have to drop one class – I’ll try it first.”