Page 17

Creed (VLG Book 8) Page 17

by Laurann Dohner

She leaned in closer. “You meet and exceed them.” She brushed her lips over his. “Trust me.”

He stroked her cheek. “You are everything to me.”

“I love you too.”

She closed her eyes, deepening the kiss. He kissed her back. He was a fast learner in this regard, as well. He pulled her closer, his big hands roaming her body. He used his elbow to shove the pillows out of the way, dragging her down with him to lie flat. She pushed the sheets away to reach more of his skin, doing some touching of her own.

Creed broke the kiss. “Blood.”

It took her a second to cool her desire enough to let what he’d said sink in and make sense. “Now? Later.”


“You have the worst timing.” She slapped his chest. “I wanted to ride you.”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t.” Amusement sparked in his eyes. “I want to feed you first.”

“You already did. You fed me elk steak and whatever that white stuff was. I couldn’t decide if it was mashed rice or potato. It was good though. The green stuff in it kind of confused my taste buds.”

He rolled, pinning her under him. “You need to take my blood on a full stomach. Otherwise your digestive system won’t accept it as easily. This is the time.”

She stuck out her lower lip and pouted. “You’re so mean. All I want to do is ride you like a pony.”

He smiled. “I’m a stallion, baby.” He lifted off her, getting off the bed.

Angel laughed. Her normally stony GarLycan was playing with her. “Come back to bed. I can drink it later.”

He crossed the room and left the bedroom. She sat up after he was gone, liking it when he walked away from her. He did have the nicest ass.

He was determined to strengthen their bond. His timing did suck but he was the sensible one. Her digestive system would reject blood on an empty stomach. She’d throw it back up.

He returned with a tray. Angel frowned.

He sat on the edge of the bed and set it down. There was a silver, thin, fluted champagne glass and a dagger. Her eyebrows arched. “What’s this?”

He picked up the dagger. “I cut and bleed into the goblet. You drink from it.”

She grabbed his wrist, halting the sharp weapon. “Are you serious?”

“It’s customary.”

“Your people are so formal.”

He just stared at her.

“Give me the dagger.” She held out her other hand. “Let’s do this in a more fun way.”

“I’m worried to see what that is.”

“You heal fast and you know I’d never hurt you. Trust me.”

He hesitated, and then handed over the dagger to her handle first. “I do.”

“Get rid of the glass and tray.”

He stood, taking them around the bed to the table. She pointed at the bed and he climbed on. She was careful with the sharp-tipped dagger as she crawled closer to him.

“Flat on your back.”

He did it but frowned. “What is your plan?”

She set the dagger down and bent over him, brushing kisses on his stomach. He hissed out when she trailed them lower, going toward his groin.

“Don’t slice me there.”

She laughed. “No. Never, ever there. Only my mouth is going to touch the good parts.”

He reached up, caressing her breast. “I appreciate that.”

She licked the hollow of his hip, staring at his cock. He was getting hard. She moved closer and nibbled on his lower stomach. “It’s about to get a lot better.”

She lifted her leg, throwing it over one of his. He spread his thighs to give her more room. She gripped the shaft of his cock and opened her mouth, flicking her tongue over the tip. She looked up at him, meeting his gaze. His eyes were swirling silver but some blue still showed. It was almost neon. He had the sexiest eyes and responses to oral sex. He pinched her nipple and it caused her to jerk. It didn’t hurt, but she knew he’d done it to get her attention. She liked it.

She took him inside her mouth, sucking lightly. His fangs extended and she hoped he didn’t sprout wings flat on his back. She wasn’t even sure if he could or if it would hurt. She took him deeper, watching his eyes narrow. Soft noises came from the back of his throat. His chest rumbled. She slowly released him and lifted her chest, climbing up his body. She positioned his shaft at the angle she wanted when she straddled his hips and sat, taking him deep inside her pussy. He grabbed her hips.

“Angel,” he moaned.

“Definitely not a pony.” She rose up a little, slamming back down.

He tightened his hold, pleasure showing on his features. “Blood later.”

She leaned over, grabbing the dagger. “No. Now. Give me your hand.”

He shook off some of the lust and sat up a little. He only hesitated for a second before giving her his hand. She gripped it.

“Remember what I was just doing to you with my mouth?”


“Close your eyes and just feel. Think about my mouth on you.”

She hated to cut him. She moved her hips, slowly riding his cock. It felt amazing to her, and she hoped the pleasure distracted him. He fell back flat on the bed. His other hand gripped her hip, kneading her skin there.

She used the tip of the dagger to slice his thumb deep. He didn’t even flinch. Red blood welled up.

She tossed the dagger off the bed and lifted his hand, wrapping her mouth around his digit, sucking. The taste of his blood filled her mouth and she swallowed. She did to his thumb what she’d done to his cock earlier as she slowly moved, riding him.

He grew harder inside her, felt bigger. She moaned against his thumb, feeling secure that it was working the way she’d wanted it to. Taking blood was going to be fun for both of them.

Her body started to heat up and sweat broke over her. It was probably from taking his blood. It happened with Lycans, and she remembered his mother had been one. She moved faster, frantically. She was close to coming. Her clit throbbed and she reached down with her other hand, rubbing her fingertip against it. She sucked on his thumb harder.

Creed snarled and bucked under her, ramming his cock inside her. He almost unseated her but his hand gripping her hip helped avoid that. She cried out, climaxing hard.

She rode him and he sat up suddenly, wrapping his arm around her waist. He tore his thumb from her mouth, holding her with that arm too. She was crushed against him. He threw them to the side on the bed, his hips pumping furiously as he came. He clung to her as he shook from the force of his climax.

Chapter Fourteen

Creed adjusted a little so he wasn’t squeezing Angel so tightly. It took him time to recover. “Did I hurt you?”

“Let’s do that again.”

He couldn’t resist laughing. She made him feel so many emotions. It was getting easier to stop stifling them with her in his arms. She was life and light. Pleasure and…pain. It stabbed at his chest at the mere thought of losing her.

He would never allow that to happen. She was his mate.

He brushed her hair back and lifted his head, looking at her face. She was pure splendor, all contained within one small body with fragile bones. Her blue eyes stared back at him and he saw the teasing light in them. “I liked your plan much better than mine.”

“And here I was worried I would have to chain you down and seduce you just to get sex if you weren’t in the ravage thing. I’m so glad I was wrong.”

She humbled him. She wanted him despite not knowing much about of his kind. Not once had she shown a sliver of regret that he’d mated her. He hadn’t even asked her permission. “You are remarkable.”

“So are you.”

“I need you to make me a promise, one you will always keep. Your honor.” He worried about her.


He tried to find the right words. It was difficult. “Tell me if I sadden you or begin to crush your spirit. I’ll do anything to avoid that.”

She sobered. “I will, but that’s never going to happen.”

He wasn’t so sure. He would try to be more open with her and show her how much she meant to him. He silently made that pledge.

She wrapped her arms more firmly around him. “I’m nothing like your mother.”

It shouldn’t have surprised him that she’d guess where his thoughts lay. Angel seemed to know him too well.

“You’re nothing like your father, either.” She stroked his hair. “I met him, remember?”

He closed his eyes and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. “I hope I’m not.”

“Creed, listen to me.” She kept running her fingers through his hair, rubbing his skin near his shoulder with her other hand. “You make me happy. I wouldn’t let you shut me out. I’d get in your face to yell, or drop to my knees if you ever grew cold. Try to ignore me while you’re getting a blow job. Good luck with that.”

He barked out a laugh. He could imagine her doing something that outlandish. His Angel wasn’t timid.

“See? You’re laughing. Your dick is currently hardening inside me just thinking about it. Oh yeah. We’re naked in bed together, still connected intimately, hugging each other. I can guarantee your father was never in this position with your mother. Not to gross you out by mentioning your parents had to have sex for you to be here, but you know what I mean. You’re nothing like him.”

She had a point. “He chained her every time. He never allowed her to touch him when they bred.”

“I’m not surprised. You aren’t him, Creed. You always say you’re more Gargoyle than Lycan, but I think he told you that because it’s what he wanted to see. You do have a heart. You also have passion and kindness. Those are things he’ll never be accused of possessing. You take after your mother.”

He hoped that was true.

“You held it all in because it was expected of you. Well, I’m telling you to let it all out. You can. It’s safe here with me.”

He wished it were that simple. “It’s weakness.”

“No. It’s strength. There’s nothing more frightening than laying your emotions bare to someone else. You risk being hurt. I’m never going to cause you heartache. I love you.”

He held her tighter. “I’ve hurt you before.”

She was quiet for long seconds. “I can’t say you haven’t. You broke my heart when you stopped talking to me. I never stopped loving you though. That’s the only way you could hurt me. Don’t shut me out again.”

“Never,” he swore.

“Then we’re good.”

“I won’t always know the right words to say or I may react to things in a way that disappoints you.”

“That’s okay. I’m not shy about telling you how I feel and I can be demanding. I’ll let you know if you drop the ball.”

“What if I do something you can’t forgive?”

She seemed to take her time thinking that over. “Don’t cheat on me. I know you’d never hit me. Those are the only two things that are deal breakers. I might be pissed if you forget my birthday but that just means you’ll have to buy me a better gift.”

“You know I’d never be unfaithful or strike you.”

“I do know. That’s the point.”

He lifted his head, holding her gaze. “I can’t ever lose you. I don’t believe I could survive.”

“I love you too, Creed. You won’t.”

“If I had a heart, you would be it.”

She slid one of her hands down to his chest. “Then I’m right here. You do have a heart. You’ll say the words one day. I can wait.”

“It hurts you.” He disappointed her already.

“No.” She smiled. “You might stumble over the L word but you show me how you feel with the things you say and in the way you touch me. I hear it and feel it.”

“I would do anything for you.”

“See? That’s love.”

“I’m already failing you as a mate.”

“Shut up.” She lifted her hand and pressed it over his mouth. “Just listen. I love you exactly how you are. I don’t expect you to be some flowery poet type or to be perfect. I don’t want that. I want you. You’re grumpy and moody a lot. Hell, you piss me off. Like now. That’s okay. I still love you. You aren’t going to convince me it was a mistake to mate you. I’m not sorry in the least. I’m happy. Well, right now I’m irritated but you know what I mean. Stop obsessing about what you think you’re going to do in the future. You are nothing like that walking misery, as you called him. I’m not like your mother, either. She allowed him to hurt her until she lost the will to live. That’s what you said. Can you ever see me suffering in silence? I never shut up.” She released his mouth. “Got it?”

He grinned. “Yes.”

She smiled back. “Get the rocks out of your head, GarLycan. You’re stuck with me for centuries.”

“Gargoyles can live for millennia. I do physically take after them.”

Her eyes widened. “Even their mates?”

“You’ll live as long as I do. My blood will assure that.”

“Wow. That shocks me but I admit I don’t hate the idea of being able to live thousands of years with you. Then we have plenty of time to make sure our relationship works.”

He nodded. “We will.”

“Don’t worry so much. I appreciate it and it shows you’re concerned about me. See? Those aren’t actions of a man who is cold. You care too much, and that proves you’re nothing like your father.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

She yawned. “Do you know what I need?”


She nodded. “In your bed. With you. I want you to hold me. Is that going to be too weird? I know you’re used to being alone. If so, I’ll wait until you’re sleeping and just curl into you.”

“I think I can handle it.” He maneuvered out of her arms and separated their bodies. “I’m going to take the dishes into the kitchen. I’ll be right back.”

“Hurry.” She stretched, and he loved seeing her body that way. She didn’t try to hide it from him.

He picked up the dagger so she didn’t step on it if she got up during the night and collected their plates. He hurried into the kitchen, rinsing them. He’d do dishes later. He wanted to get back to her.

A light tap on the door distracted him, and he frowned. He walked over to the door though and unbolted it, keeping most of his body hidden when he peered out. He’d kill his father if it was him.

Kelzeb stood there. “You’re up. I didn’t want to pound in case you had already retired.”

“I had. I was out of bed for a moment.”

“May I come in?”

Creed sighed. “I’m nude.”

Kelzeb chuckled. “If you have something I haven’t seen before, I’m curious enough to want a peek.” He glanced both ways, his humor vanishing. “It’s important. I would have tried to reach you again at dawn but didn’t want to let this sit for that long.”

“Give me ten seconds before you enter.”

Creed spun, walked into the living room and glanced around. He bent, picking up one of the carpet runners and just wrapping it around his waist. He put his body between the front door and the hallway to the bedroom, hoping that Angel wouldn’t seek him out.

The front door opened wider and Kelzeb stepped inside, closing it behind him.

“I apologize. You’re strengthening your bond but this couldn’t wait.”

“What is wrong? Is it my father?”

“How did you know?”

“We had a confrontation. He came to see me here. What has he done?”

“Kado made a formal written request to go before Aveoth. He’s outraged that you broke the law and aren’t being lashed and encased. He petitioned for your mate to be enslaved and requested that, since he’s your father, he get to be the first to use her body as a breeding vessel. The prick feels it’s his right to have first crack at it since he’s lost a son over her.”

; Creed started to shell. Rage poured through him. His skin hardened and he couldn’t breathe. He knew his father wasn’t pleased but the petition was one he’d never seen coming.

“Easy,” Kelzeb ordered. “It won’t happen. Aveoth is almost as angry as you must be. Hell, so am I. It’s your right as her mate to be informed of what’s going on, so you can be there to represent her and yourself.”

That helped. He got air into his lungs and some of the rage died down. He relaxed his body, trying to regain control.

“I don’t know what his next move will be, but first thing in the morning he’s going to go before Aveoth, and he’ll be denied on all counts. Seven o’clock sharp if you plan to attend. I never saw this coming, and it’s my job to think of ways we might have any problems with our clan. I can’t even wrap my head around him coming up with this scheme. It’s like one of those messed-up talk shows on television or a soap opera. Perhaps he’s watched too many of them in his down time. He’s trying to make you your half-brother’s stepfather.”

Creed scowled.

“You don’t watch those? I probably shouldn’t either.” He glanced around. “I don’t even see a television. You’re barely here, so you probably didn’t take the time to get one.” He held Creed’s gaze. “Your mate’s rights would be stripped from that baby if she were a breeding vessel, so you wouldn’t technically be the child’s stepfather, but if your father was the younglings father then it would make you the half-brother. See where I’m going with this?”


“Never mind. Just watch that bastard father of yours and don’t leave your mate unprotected.”

“Thank you. I won’t.”

Kelzeb sighed. “I’ll text you a copy of that video of Aveoth stripping him of his rank. It might keep you from hunting him down tomorrow after the audience with Aveoth.”


“Contact me if you do decide to defend his formal request. Aveoth is going to deny it, so you don’t have to be there.”

“I don’t need to think about it. I want to face him when he speaks to Lord Aveoth.”

“I’ll send someone to guard your mate at that time. She’s not supposed to leave your lair. She won’t be allowed to join you. You also don’t want to fight your father anywhere near her. I’ve learned that two of your brothers are with him now. I’ve had a few enforcers watching them since the formal request came in. They are probably plotting their next move.”