Chapter 5: Those Clear Blue Eyes

Four months later
Harper kept her pregnancy a secret for as long as she could, but she did start showing. Her dad did not take it well. She shuddered as she remembered the angry words he yelled at her, promising to kill the father when he found him. He’d told her to abort it but like hell would she give up her child, even if that did mean she had to raise them alone. During that time, she got closer to the Martinson boys, Caden especially. Once he found out about the pregnancy, he was a little hurt. He’d made it no secret that he liked her. Harper simply didn’t return the feelings as much as she wished she could. Now she sat here on the front porch waiting for the return of her brother. He didn’t know about the pregnancy; she could have written to him but this was something she had to tell him face to face. She knew he’d be angry at whoever did this but at the end of the day would support her.
She was drawn out of her thoughts when an Uber pulled up and Harvey stepped out. Harper’s face lit up and she stood up. The smile on Harvey’s face vanished as he took her in and he slowly walked over, “Harp, tell me this is a joke.” She rubbed her hand over her round belly, “Nope, you’re gonna be an uncle.” “Who?” was all he asked and Harper knew he was asking who impregnated her. “It was at a party six months ago. I didn’t get his contact information.” Harvey ran a hand through his hair with a rough sigh. Harper watched as anger flashed through his eyes but as quickly as it came, it was replaced with empathy. He gave her a small smile, “You know I’ll make a good uncle.” Harper smiled, “Thank you.” He hugged her, “I’ll always support you. Where’s dad?” “At work.” “Let me guess, he didn’t take the news so well?” Harper shook her head, “He barely speaks to me anymore.” “I’ll talk to him.” “Would you?” He gave her another hug, “Anything for my sister.”
Cole collapsed onto the couch. He’d first stopped at his parents’ house and they’d been elated to have him back, but they’d kept him for too long. He was extremely tired and the only thing he wanted was sleep. His brothers seemed to sense that and only gave him a quick welcome back back-slap. It didn’t take him long to drift off to sleep to dreams of Harper.
The next morning he woke up onto the floor. Guess he rolled off the couch. He stretched and sat up. Caden was in the kitchen making breakfast. He walked over, “I didn’t know you cooked.” “I don’t normally but Harper’s coming over for breakfast.” “Harper?” “Yeah, she goes to our school.” He slowly nodded. Conner came in, “And he’s in love with her.” Caden shot him a glare but didn’t deny the statement. “Caden, in love? No way,” Cole said. “That’s what I thought too but nope, he’s whipped.” Cole chuckled, “I’ve been gone for too long.” “You can say that again,” Caden said. The doorbell rang. “I’ll get it!” Chase called. A few moments later he stepped into the kitchen followed by Harper-the Harper he slept with and wanted to sleep with again, and she was hella pregnant. “Harper?” he said.
Harper couldn’t conceal the shock on her face when she heard that husky voice and looked into those clear blue eyes. Standing right in front of her was the father of her unborn child. She couldn’t speak. Caden looked between them, “You two know each other?” “Uh...she’s my best friend’s sister.” the man said. Caden slowly nodded. Harper gulped: this was Harvey’s best friend? If Harvey found out his best friend impregnated his sister, he wouldn’t have a best friend any longer. “You look a little pale Harp; are you okay?” Caden asked. She shook her head, “I need some water.” Conner filled her a glass and handed it to her. She gulped it down and it helped ease some of her nerves. She smiled at Caden, “I’m fine now-just a little dehydrated.”
Cole was trained in sniffing out lies when interrogating people. He could smell Harper’s lie from a mile away. She wasn’t dehydrated, she was nervous about something else. The way she kept glancing at him, it had to do with him. But why? Did she remember him from that night months ago? He wouldn’t expect her to since she’d been pretty drunk then, but maybe she did. And maybe she wanted a repeat just like he did. His eyes found their way to her rounded belly. Then there was this. Was it Caden’s? From what he could glean from his brother’s body language, he liked her; besides, Conner said so. Was she pregnant with his brother’s baby and he was over here wanting to have sex with her? But if Caden had gotten a girl pregnant, wouldn’t he have been told in a letter by his parents or one of his other brothers? So many questions were swirling around in his head that he’d missed the question asked him. Everyone was looking at him. “Huh? I was thinking, sorry. What did you say?” “I just introduced you to Harper,” Caden said. “Oh, yeah, hi. I’m the fourth and oldest Martinson brother, Cole.” Harper gave him a small smile, “Nice to meet you. I’m Harper Turner. You’re the Cole Harvey has mentioned before.” Cole nodded, “Yeah. We’re both in the army.” Her eyes widened, “Really?” “Yup.” “That’s nice.” He nodded and turned to Caden, “Is the food ready? I’ve been eating rations for God knows how long.” Caden chuckled, it will be ready in a minute.”
Harper forgot how to function while she was there. Every time Cole was near her, her heart started beating faster and she stumbled over her words. If any of the brothers noticed, they had to decency not to mention it. After an embarrassing time there, she went home. As soon as she got home, she found her brother’s phone. Harvey was bad with passwords so he didn’t lock his phone. She went through his contacts and found Cole’s number. Once she was safely in her room, she pulled out her phone and texted him.